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[本・音楽] ALABAMAの商品検索結果

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアA la bama Drei Perspektiven【電子書籍】[ Oliver Marco ]
    A la bama Drei Perspektiven【電子書籍】[ Oliver Marco ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Alabama 2020. Der Arbeitsvertrag des deutschen Expats Sascha l?uft aus. Nur zu gerne w?rde er in den USA bleiben und am besten eine seiner unz?hligen hiesigen Flammen heiraten. Das Problem: Er ist einst mit seiner Frau Mandy in die Staaten gekommen. Die L?sung: Er will sie unter allen Umst?nden loswerden - am besten f?r immer. Mittels eines reichen Redneck-Ranchers engagiert er einen Killer, der sich um das Ableben seiner Frau k?mmern soll. Um diesen bezahlen zu k?nnen, muss Sascha etwas erledigen, etwas von nationaler Tragweite. Der Killer, ein zugezogener, namenloser Kerl, der noch nicht lange in den Diensten des Ranchers t?tig ist, beginnt nach dem Okay sein Handeln. Doch ihn umtreibt noch mehr, viel mehr: Rache. Das potenzielle Mordopfer wei? noch nichts von seinem Pech und leidet unter der Trennung ihres Mannes in einem fremden Land, der aktuellen Weltlage und ihren pers?nlichen Problemen. Als Mandys neuer Freund Opfer einer Entf?hrung wird und ihr die Schuld gibt, verl?sst sie der Lebenswille und sie landet in ihrer ganz eigenen Sackgasse. A LA BAMA erz?hlt in drei Perspektiven die spannende und brutale Entwicklung eines geplanten Mordes: Aus der Sicht des Auftraggebers, des Kerls und des Opfers. Schauplatz ist eine kleine Stadt im Norden Alabamas in Zeiten des Coronavirus' und dem Aufschwung der christlichen Konservativen im Bible Belt kurz vor der US-Pr?sidentenwahl 2020. Der Autor hat selbst einige Jahre in Alabama verbracht.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    <p>Alabama 2020. Der Arbeitsvertrag des deutschen Expats Sascha l?uft aus. Nur zu gerne w?rde er in den USA bleiben und am besten eine seiner unz?hligen hiesigen Flammen heiraten. Das Problem: Er ist einst mit seiner Frau Mandy in die Staaten gekommen. Die L?sung: Er will sie unter allen Umst?nden loswerden - am besten f?r immer. Mittels eines reichen Redneck-Ranchers engagiert er einen Killer, der sich um das Ableben seiner Frau k?mmern soll. Um diesen bezahlen zu k?nnen, muss Sascha etwas erledigen, etwas von nationaler Tragweite. Der Killer, ein zugezogener, namenloser Kerl, der noch nicht lange in den Diensten des Ranchers t?tig ist, beginnt nach dem Okay sein Handeln. Doch ihn umtreibt noch mehr, viel mehr: Rache. Das potenzielle Mordopfer wei? noch nichts von seinem Pech und leidet unter der Trennung ihres Mannes in einem fremden Land, der aktuellen Weltlage und ihren pers?nlichen Problemen. Als Mandys neuer Freund Opfer einer Entf?hrung wird und ihr die Schuld gibt, verl?sst sie der Lebenswille und sie landet in ihrer ganz eigenen Sackgasse. A LA BAMA erz?hlt in drei Perspektiven die spannende und brutale Entwicklung eines geplanten Mordes: Aus der Sicht des Auftraggebers, des Kerls und des Opfers. Schauplatz ist eine kleine Stadt im Norden Alabamas in Zeiten des Coronavirus' und dem Aufschwung der christlichen Konservativen im Bible Belt kurz vor der US-Pr?sidentenwahl 2020. Der Autor hat selbst einige Jahre in Alabama verbracht.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFort Toulouse The French Outpost at the Alabamas on the Coosa【電子書籍】[ Daniel H Thomas ]
    Fort Toulouse The French Outpost at the Alabamas on the Coosa【電子書籍】[ Daniel H Thomas ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Situated at the head of the Alabama River systemーat the juncture of the Coosa and Tallapoosa riversーFort Toulouse in 1717 was planned to keep the local Indians neutral, if not loyal, to the French and contain the British in their southernmost Atlantic colonies. Unlike the usual frontier settlements, Fort Toulouse was both a diplomatic post, since its officers acted as resident ministers, and a military post. Because it was located in a friendly territory adjoining an area under a rival (British) influence, the post participated in psychological warfare rather than in blood-letting. It used trade and aid, and was familiar with spies and double-agentsーwelcoming and debriefing British defectors; no cannon was discharged in anger at Toulouse.</p> <p>The most eminent figure to have been connected directly with Fort Toulouse was General Andrew Jackson, who established a military post there during the War of 1812 after his victory over the Indians at Horseshoe Bend. The outpost was named Fort Jackson in his honor and played a key role in the treaty negotiations and eventual settlement of the Indian land by Americans.</p> <p>In addition to discussing geopolitical and military affairs and diplomatic relations with Indian chiefs, Thomas describes daily life at the post and the variety of interactions between residents and visitors. Waselkov's introduction places the original 1960 book within the context of the existing scholarship of that time and adds an extensive and enlightening review of the most recent archaeological and historical research to Thomas' pioneering work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    <p>Situated at the head of the Alabama River systemーat the juncture of the Coosa and Tallapoosa riversーFort Toulouse in 1717 was planned to keep the local Indians neutral, if not loyal, to the French and contain the British in their southernmost Atlantic colonies. Unlike the usual frontier settlements, Fort Toulouse was both a diplomatic post, since its officers acted as resident ministers, and a military post. Because it was located in a friendly territory adjoining an area under a rival (British) influence, the post participated in psychological warfare rather than in blood-letting. It used trade and aid, and was familiar with spies and double-agentsーwelcoming and debriefing British defectors; no cannon was discharged in anger at Toulouse.</p> <p>The most eminent figure to have been connected directly with Fort Toulouse was General Andrew Jackson, who established a military post there during the War of 1812 after his victory over the Indians at Horseshoe Bend. The outpost was named Fort Jackson in his honor and played a key role in the treaty negotiations and eventual settlement of the Indian land by Americans.</p> <p>In addition to discussing geopolitical and military affairs and diplomatic relations with Indian chiefs, Thomas describes daily life at the post and the variety of interactions between residents and visitors. Waselkov's introduction places the original 1960 book within the context of the existing scholarship of that time and adds an extensive and enlightening review of the most recent archaeological and historical research to Thomas' pioneering work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアIn the Path of the Storms Bayou La Batre, Coden, and the Alabama Coast【電子書籍】[ Frye Gaillard ]
    In the Path of the Storms Bayou La Batre, Coden, and the Alabama Coast【電子書籍】[ Frye Gaillard ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The Gulf Coast villages of Bayou La Batre and Coden are two of Alabama’s most distinctive, with roots going back to the French settlements of the 18th century. For generations, the proud inhabitants of these communities have extracted their modest livings from the sea, sustained by a lesson handed down over timeー that providing for the needs of one’s family is the only true measure of success. But the world has changed drastically for them. A global economy of higher gas prices and cheap imported seafood has threatened the lifeblood of the area. And in recent years a rash of hurricanes, culminating with Hurricane Katrina, has battered the hopes and dreams of these Bayou towns.</p> <p>But they have known hard times and massive changes before. In the 1970s, refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos flooded into the area and within a few years made up a third of the local population. Three Buddhist temples soon took their places among the Catholic, Baptist, and Pentecostal churches that predominated, and for a time the different ethnic groups coexisted in a kind of uneasy peace. But now they are learning to pull together in an uncertain struggle to rebuild their communities.</p> <p><em>In the Path of the Storms</em> is a powerful portrait in words and photographs of a unique and unforgettable place. It is a story of tradition, and forces of change, and the epic struggle of these Gulf Coast communities to survive and thrive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    <p>The Gulf Coast villages of Bayou La Batre and Coden are two of Alabama’s most distinctive, with roots going back to the French settlements of the 18th century. For generations, the proud inhabitants of these communities have extracted their modest livings from the sea, sustained by a lesson handed down over timeー that providing for the needs of one’s family is the only true measure of success. But the world has changed drastically for them. A global economy of higher gas prices and cheap imported seafood has threatened the lifeblood of the area. And in recent years a rash of hurricanes, culminating with Hurricane Katrina, has battered the hopes and dreams of these Bayou towns.</p> <p>But they have known hard times and massive changes before. In the 1970s, refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos flooded into the area and within a few years made up a third of the local population. Three Buddhist temples soon took their places among the Catholic, Baptist, and Pentecostal churches that predominated, and for a time the different ethnic groups coexisted in a kind of uneasy peace. But now they are learning to pull together in an uncertain struggle to rebuild their communities.</p> <p><em>In the Path of the Storms</em> is a powerful portrait in words and photographs of a unique and unforgettable place. It is a story of tradition, and forces of change, and the epic struggle of these Gulf Coast communities to survive and thrive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアBourbon Democracy in Alabama, 1874?1890【電子書籍】[ Allen Johnston Going ]
    Bourbon Democracy in Alabama, 1874?1890【電子書籍】[ Allen Johnston Going ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Analyzes and describes the state government of Alabama during the Bourbon Period as it operated under the Democratic and Conservative party</strong></p> <p>Hailed as the definitive study of the subject when it appeared in 1951, <em>Bourbon Democracy in Alabama</em> analyzes and describes the state government of Alabama during the Bourbon Period as it operated under the Democratic and Conservative party. For this edition, the author has prepared a new foreword in which he surveys recent scholarship. The term Bourbon originated during the Reconstruction Era and was used by the Radicals to label their Democratic opponents as anti-progressive and ultraconservative. The term has been adopted generally to describe the period following the overthrow of Radical Reconstruction.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    <p><strong>Analyzes and describes the state government of Alabama during the Bourbon Period as it operated under the Democratic and Conservative party</strong></p> <p>Hailed as the definitive study of the subject when it appeared in 1951, <em>Bourbon Democracy in Alabama</em> analyzes and describes the state government of Alabama during the Bourbon Period as it operated under the Democratic and Conservative party. For this edition, the author has prepared a new foreword in which he surveys recent scholarship. The term Bourbon originated during the Reconstruction Era and was used by the Radicals to label their Democratic opponents as anti-progressive and ultraconservative. The term has been adopted generally to describe the period following the overthrow of Radical Reconstruction.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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