パーカーポイント:93 限定品※法律により20歳未満の酒類の購入や飲酒は禁止されております。
・名称:ドンペリニヨン ミレジメ 2003 ・内容量:750ml ・アルコール度数:12.5度 ・ぶどう品種:シャルドネ & ピノ・ノワール ・タイプ:Brut ブリュット 辛口 ・保存方法:ワインセーラー パーカーポイント:93点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2033 The 2003 Dom Perignon is maturing very gracefully in bottle, wafting from the glass with aromas of smoke, bread dough, waxy lemon rind and confit citrus. On the palate, the wine is ample, vinous and full-bodied but retains excellent definition, and it's structured around chewy dry extract from mature skins, which compensates for its comparative lack of acidity. It will be interesting to follow its evolution over the coming decade. (March 2019 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 15th Mar 2019) すべての創造のプロセスには約束事がありますが、ドン ペリニヨンにおけるそれはヴィンテージであり、すなわちドン ペリニヨンは単一年に収穫された葡萄からのみ造られます。
そして、ドン ペリニヨンの諸要素の中で柱となる一つが「時間」-シャンパーニュがボトルのなかで澱とともに能動的に熟成するためのプロセス-です。
どの年のドン ペリニヨン ロゼ ヴィンテージも暗がりのセラーで、ほぼ10年は必要とされる変容をゆっくりと遂げていきます。
ロバート パーカー氏は2019年のテイスティング時に「非常に優雅に熟成している。
ドン・ペリニヨンのブランドメッセージである「The Power of Creation(想像する力)」とリンチ監督のものづくりに対する信念が共通しあい実現しました。
オールド ヴィンテージ ワインについて ワイン(シャンパーニュ)の熟成過程によって液面の低下及びエチケットやネックフィルム、コルクなどの経年劣化があります。
パーカーポイント:93 限定品
・名称:ドンペリニヨン ミレジメ 2003 ・内容量:750ml ・アルコール度数:12.5度 ・ぶどう品種:シャルドネ & ピノ・ノワール ・タイプ:Brut ブリュット 辛口 ・保存方法:ワインセーラー パーカーポイント:93点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2033 The 2003 Dom Perignon is maturing very gracefully in bottle, wafting from the glass with aromas of smoke, bread dough, waxy lemon rind and confit citrus. On the palate, the wine is ample, vinous and full-bodied but retains excellent definition, and it's structured around chewy dry extract from mature skins, which compensates for its comparative lack of acidity. It will be interesting to follow its evolution over the coming decade. (March 2019 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 15th Mar 2019) すべての創造のプロセスには約束事がありますが、ドン ペリニヨンにおけるそれはヴィンテージであり、すなわちドン ペリニヨンは単一年に収穫された葡萄からのみ造られます。
そして、ドン ペリニヨンの諸要素の中で柱となる一つが「時間」-シャンパーニュがボトルのなかで澱とともに能動的に熟成するためのプロセス-です。
どの年のドン ペリニヨン ロゼ ヴィンテージも暗がりのセラーで、ほぼ10年は必要とされる変容をゆっくりと遂げていきます。
ロバート パーカー氏は2019年のテイスティング時に「非常に優雅に熟成している。
ドン・ペリニヨンのブランドメッセージである「The Power of Creation(想像する力)」とリンチ監督のものづくりに対する信念が共通しあい実現しました。
オールド ヴィンテージ ワインについて ワイン(シャンパーニュ)の熟成過程によって液面の低下及びエチケットやネックフィルム、コルクなどの経年劣化があります。
.Gevrey-Chambertin les cherbaudes VV Fourrier 2006 / ジュヴレ シャンベルタン レ シェルボード VV フーリエ 2006 . Jean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 92/10075cl 1
Gevrey-Chambertin les cherbaudes VV Fourrier 2006 / ジュヴレ シャンベルタン レ シェルボード VV フーリエ 2006 . Jean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 92/10075cl 1
神奈川県/群馬県/埼玉県限定発送 イチローズモルト 秩父 YOKOHAMA GRAND 2023 700ml 60% ウイスキー 未開栓 戸塚店商品説明この商品は神奈川県/群馬県/埼玉県内への発送、または直接のお引取ができる方のみご購入いただけます。
(直接引取の住所は、神奈川県 横浜市となります。
メーカー:イチローズモルト商品名:秩父 YOKOHAMA GRAND 容量:700mlアルコール度数:60%付属品は、元箱です。
お引渡しは弊社指定の住所(神奈川県横浜市戸塚区東俣野町975-1 になりますのでご了承下さい。
タイトルの中古ー未使用について 通常の新品販売と異なるルートから仕入れた新品や、一度販売されたものの、未開封のまま一度も利用されずに再販する商品となります 北海道・沖縄県・離島への配送について 一部の商品に関しまして、北海道・沖縄県・離島への配送をお受けできない場合がございます。
神奈川県/群馬県/埼玉県限定発送 イチローズモルト 秩父 YOKOHAMA GRAND 2023 700ml 60% ウイスキー 未開栓 戸塚店商品説明この商品は神奈川県/群馬県/埼玉県内への発送、または直接のお引取ができる方のみご購入いただけます。
(直接引取の住所は、神奈川県 横浜市となります。
メーカー:イチローズモルト商品名:秩父 YOKOHAMA GRAND 容量:700mlアルコール度数:60%付属品は、元箱です。
お引渡しは弊社指定の住所(神奈川県横浜市戸塚区東俣野町975-1 になりますのでご了承下さい。
タイトルの中古ー未使用について 通常の新品販売と異なるルートから仕入れた新品や、一度販売されたものの、未開封のまま一度も利用されずに再販する商品となります 北海道・沖縄県・離島への配送について 一部の商品に関しまして、北海道・沖縄県・離島への配送をお受けできない場合がございます。
.Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2018 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2018 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2018 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2018 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
.Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2019 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2019 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2019 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2019 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
.Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2020 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2020 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2020 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2020 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2013 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2013 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2013 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2013 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Gevrey-Chambertin les cherbaudes VV Fourrier 2004 / ジュヴレ シャンベルタン レ シェルボード VV フーリエ 2004 . Jean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 92/10075cl 1
Gevrey-Chambertin les cherbaudes VV Fourrier 2004 / ジュヴレ シャンベルタン レ シェルボード VV フーリエ 2004 . Jean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 92/10075cl 1
.Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2016 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2016 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2016 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2016 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
.Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2017 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2017 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2017 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2017 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2018 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2018 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2018 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2018 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Gevrey-Chambertin les cherbaudes VV Fourrier 2005 / ジュヴレ シャンベルタン レ シェルボード VV フーリエ 2005 . Jean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 92/10075cl 1
Gevrey-Chambertin les cherbaudes VV Fourrier 2005 / ジュヴレ シャンベルタン レ シェルボード VV フーリエ 2005 . Jean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 92/10075cl 1
パーカーポイント:95 希少なヴィンテージ※法律により20歳未満の酒類の購入や飲酒は禁止されております。
・名称:ドンペリニヨン ロゼ 1995 ・内容量:750ml ・アルコール度数:12.5度 ・ぶどう品種:シャルドネ & ピノ・ノワール ・タイプ:Brut Rose ブリュット ロゼ 辛口 ・保存方法:ワインセーラー パーカーポイント: 95+点 予想される飲み頃:2007 - 2017 The Dom Perignon Rose often does not perform well until around ten years of age, and the 1995 is revealing a bold, medium pink salmon color followed by broad berry notes intermixed with a smoky/earthy character. Rich, full-bodied, backward, and tannic, it should hit its peak in 2-3 years, and last for a decade thereafter. Readers should remember that the 1971 Dom Perignon Rose is still drinking exquisitely. I recently had the 1969 and 1970 Dom Perignons (from magnum), and both were drinking brilliantly. It makes one realize just how long-lived these wines can be. Production is confidential, but there must be hundreds of thousands of cases of Dom Perignon since it available in most of the world’s luxury hotels and restaurants. (162, The Wine Advocate, 26th Dec 2005) すべての創造のプロセスには約束事がありますが、ドン ペリニヨンにおけるそれはヴィンテージであり、すなわちドン ペリニヨンは単一年に収穫された葡萄からのみ造られます。
そして、ドン ペリニヨンの諸要素の中で柱となる一つが「時間」-シャンパーニュがボトルのなかで澱とともに能動的に熟成するためのプロセス-です。
どの年のドン ペリニヨン ロゼ ヴィンテージも暗がりのセラーで、ほぼ10年は必要とされる変容をゆっくりと遂げていきます。
ドン ペリニヨン ロゼの核心、ピノ・ノワールの神秘 ドン ペリニヨン ロゼはピノ・ノワールに捧げる敬意そのものであり、予測が難しく、活き活きとして、遊び心とスピリチュアルな部分を併せ持つこの葡萄の性格を完璧に表現しています。
ピノ・ノワールの本質を捉えようとするドン ペリニヨンの真摯な取り組みが、かつてないほどピノ・ノワールの表現を可能にしました。
醸造最高責任者であるヴァンサン・シャプロンは、既成概念の枠を越えドン ペリニヨンの伝統的なテリトリーの外へ拡げる必要があったと話しています。
この域に達することを可能にする唯一の手段、それはアサンブラージュによってピノ・ノワールの赤と、ドン ペリニヨンの特徴の間に緊張を創り出すことでした。
これはドン ペリニヨンの常識とは矛盾する逆説的な手法です。
ドン ペリニヨンがこの原則を適用したのは、ピノ・ノワールが存分に声をあげる、まさに響き渡るトーンで謳歌させるためです。
オールド ヴィンテージ ワインについて ワイン(シャンパーニュ)の熟成過程によって液面の低下及びエチケットやネックフィルム、コルクなどの経年劣化があります。
パーカーポイント:95 希少なヴィンテージ
・名称:ドンペリニヨン ロゼ 1995 ・内容量:750ml ・アルコール度数:12.5度 ・ぶどう品種:シャルドネ & ピノ・ノワール ・タイプ:Brut Rose ブリュット ロゼ 辛口 ・保存方法:ワインセーラー パーカーポイント: 95+点 予想される飲み頃:2007 - 2017 The Dom Perignon Rose often does not perform well until around ten years of age, and the 1995 is revealing a bold, medium pink salmon color followed by broad berry notes intermixed with a smoky/earthy character. Rich, full-bodied, backward, and tannic, it should hit its peak in 2-3 years, and last for a decade thereafter. Readers should remember that the 1971 Dom Perignon Rose is still drinking exquisitely. I recently had the 1969 and 1970 Dom Perignons (from magnum), and both were drinking brilliantly. It makes one realize just how long-lived these wines can be. Production is confidential, but there must be hundreds of thousands of cases of Dom Perignon since it available in most of the world’s luxury hotels and restaurants. (162, The Wine Advocate, 26th Dec 2005) すべての創造のプロセスには約束事がありますが、ドン ペリニヨンにおけるそれはヴィンテージであり、すなわちドン ペリニヨンは単一年に収穫された葡萄からのみ造られます。
そして、ドン ペリニヨンの諸要素の中で柱となる一つが「時間」-シャンパーニュがボトルのなかで澱とともに能動的に熟成するためのプロセス-です。
どの年のドン ペリニヨン ロゼ ヴィンテージも暗がりのセラーで、ほぼ10年は必要とされる変容をゆっくりと遂げていきます。
ドン ペリニヨン ロゼの核心、ピノ・ノワールの神秘 ドン ペリニヨン ロゼはピノ・ノワールに捧げる敬意そのものであり、予測が難しく、活き活きとして、遊び心とスピリチュアルな部分を併せ持つこの葡萄の性格を完璧に表現しています。
ピノ・ノワールの本質を捉えようとするドン ペリニヨンの真摯な取り組みが、かつてないほどピノ・ノワールの表現を可能にしました。
醸造最高責任者であるヴァンサン・シャプロンは、既成概念の枠を越えドン ペリニヨンの伝統的なテリトリーの外へ拡げる必要があったと話しています。
この域に達することを可能にする唯一の手段、それはアサンブラージュによってピノ・ノワールの赤と、ドン ペリニヨンの特徴の間に緊張を創り出すことでした。
これはドン ペリニヨンの常識とは矛盾する逆説的な手法です。
ドン ペリニヨンがこの原則を適用したのは、ピノ・ノワールが存分に声をあげる、まさに響き渡るトーンで謳歌させるためです。
オールド ヴィンテージ ワインについて ワイン(シャンパーニュ)の熟成過程によって液面の低下及びエチケットやネックフィルム、コルクなどの経年劣化があります。
.Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2015 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2015 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 2015 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 2015 . Etienne Camuzet is known for having been a winemaker but also for having been deputy of the Côte-d'Or, in 1959, it is Jean Méo who takes the reins of the estate and gives it its current name, Méo-Camuzet.His son Jean-Nicolas Méo took over the estate in 1989 after being trained by the legendary Henri Jayer.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 91/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 1988 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 1988 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 1988 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 1988 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2007 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2007 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2007 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2007 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2008 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2008 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2008 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2008 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2015 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2015 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2015 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2015 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2016 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2016 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2016 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2016 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
.Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2017 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2017 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1
Domaine Bruno Clair Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2017 / ドメーヌ ブルーノ クレール シャンベルタン クロ ド ベーズ 2017 . The Clos de Bèze has been known since the year 640, when the monks of the abbey of Beza planted vines. The closed vineyard was then ceded in 1219 to the canons of Langres until 1789. Napoleon drank only the wine of this appellation.Of rare intensity, they are compared to those of Musigny, for their delicate personality, Their structure is less imposing than that of the Chambertin, from which they are also distinguished by a greater finesse. They have an intense and lively color, from dark ruby to black cherry. They offer fruity aromas of raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant, with notes of moss and spices.Varieties : Pinot NoirWine Score : 95/10075cl 1