【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>O que faz da Amazon a empresa recordista em crescimento e lucratividade? Seu sistema de gest?o. Neste livro, voc? aprender? que tamb?m pode adot?-lo, n?o interessa o tamanho do seu neg?cio ou a sua posi??o dentro de uma empresa. O autor best-seller Ram Charan e a coautora Julia Yang mostram que, a partir de seis fundamentos b?sicos, voc? pode aplicar o Sistema Amazon, o m?todo definitivo que gera valores extraordin?rios tanto para clientes quanto para investidores: 1. Construa um modelo de neg?cios obcecado pelo cliente. 2. Desenvolva os talentos dos funcion?rios. 3. Invista num sistema movido por dados e m?tricas gerados por IA. 4. Construa uma m?quina de inven??es inovadoras. 5. Tome decis?es r?pidas e de alta qualidade. 6. Cultive a cultura do eterno Dia 1. Desde sua t?cnica de tomada de decis?es r?pidas at? suas pr?ticas de contrata??o de talentos, conhe?a os segredos por tr?s do sucesso da Amazon, agora dispon?veis para qualquer um. Seja voc? um CEO estabelecido ou um profissional rec?m-formado, este livro conciso e pr?tico ajudar? sua empresa a vencer em um mundo de inova??o ininterrupta.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>O que faz da Amazon a empresa recordista em crescimento e lucratividade? Seu sistema de gest?o. Neste livro, voc? aprender? que tamb?m pode adot?-lo, n?o interessa o tamanho do seu neg?cio ou a sua posi??o dentro de uma empresa. O autor best-seller Ram Charan e a coautora Julia Yang mostram que, a partir de seis fundamentos b?sicos, voc? pode aplicar o Sistema Amazon, o m?todo definitivo que gera valores extraordin?rios tanto para clientes quanto para investidores: 1. Construa um modelo de neg?cios obcecado pelo cliente. 2. Desenvolva os talentos dos funcion?rios. 3. Invista num sistema movido por dados e m?tricas gerados por IA. 4. Construa uma m?quina de inven??es inovadoras. 5. Tome decis?es r?pidas e de alta qualidade. 6. Cultive a cultura do eterno Dia 1. Desde sua t?cnica de tomada de decis?es r?pidas at? suas pr?ticas de contrata??o de talentos, conhe?a os segredos por tr?s do sucesso da Amazon, agora dispon?veis para qualquer um. Seja voc? um CEO estabelecido ou um profissional rec?m-formado, este livro conciso e pr?tico ajudar? sua empresa a vencer em um mundo de inova??o ininterrupta.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em>Po?mes d’amour</em> offre une symphonie d’?motions ? travers chaque vers, exprimant ainsi les sentiments les plus profonds envers un ?tre cher. Chacun peut s’approprier ces ?p?tres, les fa?onnant ? sa mani?re pour mieux communiquer les ressentis parfois trop silencieux. Explorez ce romantisme inspirant qui donne vie ? la passion.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>William Camp</strong> utilise la po?sie pour donner forme ? ses ?motions, en mettant l’accent sur l’amour. ? travers cet ouvrage, il transforme ses sentiments en mots afin de d?voiler son profond attachement envers une personne qui lui est pr?cieuse.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><em>Po?mes d’amour</em> offre une symphonie d’?motions ? travers chaque vers, exprimant ainsi les sentiments les plus profonds envers un ?tre cher. Chacun peut s’approprier ces ?p?tres, les fa?onnant ? sa mani?re pour mieux communiquer les ressentis parfois trop silencieux. Explorez ce romantisme inspirant qui donne vie ? la passion.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>William Camp</strong> utilise la po?sie pour donner forme ? ses ?motions, en mettant l’accent sur l’amour. ? travers cet ouvrage, il transforme ses sentiments en mots afin de d?voiler son profond attachement envers une personne qui lui est pr?cieuse.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>L'oeuf d'Enderdragon au centre de Lanniel a disparu ! On a aussi d?rob? celui de la collection de la Fuze Corp ! Et quelqu'un a cambriol? la maison de Siphano pour s'emparer du sien ! Qui est le voleur ? N'?coutant que leur courage, Frigiel et Fluffy, Fuze et Didier, Siphano et Pandarou traversent chacun une porte tridimensionnelle qui les r?unit pour la toute premi?re fois.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>L'oeuf d'Enderdragon au centre de Lanniel a disparu ! On a aussi d?rob? celui de la collection de la Fuze Corp ! Et quelqu'un a cambriol? la maison de Siphano pour s'emparer du sien ! Qui est le voleur ? N'?coutant que leur courage, Frigiel et Fluffy, Fuze et Didier, Siphano et Pandarou traversent chacun une porte tridimensionnelle qui les r?unit pour la toute premi?re fois.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In a near future where it never stops raining, a young adolescent runs wild. With only the cantankerous Gammy and a band of terrified and broken villagers for company, this story explores coming of age when society - and all its cues - has been washed away. For the few survivors, questions of identity, nature, love, and fear are explored through the eyes of a child, against a backdrop of encroaching water.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>In a near future where it never stops raining, a young adolescent runs wild. With only the cantankerous Gammy and a band of terrified and broken villagers for company, this story explores coming of age when society - and all its cues - has been washed away. For the few survivors, questions of identity, nature, love, and fear are explored through the eyes of a child, against a backdrop of encroaching water.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>O presente livro busca entender a constru??o da obra do linguista e ativista pol?tico Noam Chomsky, enquanto autor que transita entre diversos campos do conhecimento. Intenta-se aqui compreender os meios pelos quais se constroem determinadas imagens de autor para Chomsky, que fazem emergir dois autores poss?veis: um autor "duplo" e um autor "?nico". Discutimos, assim, os modos que permeiam a cria??o das imagens de um "duplo Chomsky", que tomam caminhos distintos conforme os espa?os em que circulam seus textos, ora privilegiando a face do "Chomsky linguista", ora do "Chomsky ativista pol?tico", opondo-as numa disputa de gest?o editorial ou unindo-as sob o s?mbolo de uma mesma publica??o, sustentada numa esp?cie de "unidade parat?pica" dos seus textos. Todavia, a constru??o de imagens de autor para Chomsky vai al?m de uma divis?o estanque de suas faces, produzindo muitas vezes um sentido de "todo", de uma teleologia que perpassa integralmente a sua obra: haveria um racionalismo e um universalismo presentes em seus textos lingu?sticos que dariam sustenta??o argumentativa para se mobilizar o ethos do "engajamento intelectual" nos seus livros de cr?tica pol?tica, criando-se a imagem de um "Chomsky linguista-ativista". Dessa forma, todas as muta??es, rupturas e desconstru??es que circundam o universo da escrita nos fazem repensar Chomsky pelo prisma da an?lise do discurso, o que nos leva a um olhar mais aprofundado sobre a pr?pria no??o de autoria.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>O presente livro busca entender a constru??o da obra do linguista e ativista pol?tico Noam Chomsky, enquanto autor que transita entre diversos campos do conhecimento. Intenta-se aqui compreender os meios pelos quais se constroem determinadas imagens de autor para Chomsky, que fazem emergir dois autores poss?veis: um autor "duplo" e um autor "?nico". Discutimos, assim, os modos que permeiam a cria??o das imagens de um "duplo Chomsky", que tomam caminhos distintos conforme os espa?os em que circulam seus textos, ora privilegiando a face do "Chomsky linguista", ora do "Chomsky ativista pol?tico", opondo-as numa disputa de gest?o editorial ou unindo-as sob o s?mbolo de uma mesma publica??o, sustentada numa esp?cie de "unidade parat?pica" dos seus textos. Todavia, a constru??o de imagens de autor para Chomsky vai al?m de uma divis?o estanque de suas faces, produzindo muitas vezes um sentido de "todo", de uma teleologia que perpassa integralmente a sua obra: haveria um racionalismo e um universalismo presentes em seus textos lingu?sticos que dariam sustenta??o argumentativa para se mobilizar o ethos do "engajamento intelectual" nos seus livros de cr?tica pol?tica, criando-se a imagem de um "Chomsky linguista-ativista". Dessa forma, todas as muta??es, rupturas e desconstru??es que circundam o universo da escrita nos fazem repensar Chomsky pelo prisma da an?lise do discurso, o que nos leva a um olhar mais aprofundado sobre a pr?pria no??o de autoria.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>A expans?o do modelo produtivo do agroneg?cio tem reconfigurado a quest?o agr?ria brasileira e implicado em novas formas de uso, posse e propriedade da terra, de modo a ocasionar e intensificar os conflitos sociais, ambientais e territoriais. Isso ocorre mediante ? territorializa??o de grandes corpora??es hegem?nicas do agroneg?cio, que disp?em de diversas estrat?gias para se apropriar de extensas parcelas de terras, exercendo o controle direto sobre os territ?rios camponeses e agravando os processos de latifundiariza??o e concentra??o fundi?ria. Este livro revela como "as firmas tomaram conta de tudo", o que possibilitou identificar as estrat?gias de territorializa??o das corpora??es do agroneg?cio voltadas ao controle e ? apropria??o da terra, resultando num cen?rio marcado pelo redimensionamento da quest?o agr?ria e da din?mica territorial. Procura-se, assim, desvelar e denunciar os impactos do agroneg?cio, que tem se apropriado de terras e territ?rios camponeses ? medida que expande a monocultura e o latif?ndio.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>A expans?o do modelo produtivo do agroneg?cio tem reconfigurado a quest?o agr?ria brasileira e implicado em novas formas de uso, posse e propriedade da terra, de modo a ocasionar e intensificar os conflitos sociais, ambientais e territoriais. Isso ocorre mediante ? territorializa??o de grandes corpora??es hegem?nicas do agroneg?cio, que disp?em de diversas estrat?gias para se apropriar de extensas parcelas de terras, exercendo o controle direto sobre os territ?rios camponeses e agravando os processos de latifundiariza??o e concentra??o fundi?ria. Este livro revela como "as firmas tomaram conta de tudo", o que possibilitou identificar as estrat?gias de territorializa??o das corpora??es do agroneg?cio voltadas ao controle e ? apropria??o da terra, resultando num cen?rio marcado pelo redimensionamento da quest?o agr?ria e da din?mica territorial. Procura-se, assim, desvelar e denunciar os impactos do agroneg?cio, que tem se apropriado de terras e territ?rios camponeses ? medida que expande a monocultura e o latif?ndio.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>A passenger airliner plummets into the Korean DMZ, killing every person on board but one: Susan Chin, a sixteen-year-old Singaporean girl with Down syndrome. The authorities are quick to dismiss the crash as an accident, but the insurers aren't convinced, not over the girl's questionable account. Claims investigator Jean Wan is called upon to challenge the ruling. She befriends Susan and uncovers an eccentric version of her story laced with magic mushrooms, a dead girl and the unusual bond between Susan and her father. Confronted by the stench of conspiracy, Jean realises she must strike at the heart of it allーthe innocence of Susan Chin.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>A passenger airliner plummets into the Korean DMZ, killing every person on board but one: Susan Chin, a sixteen-year-old Singaporean girl with Down syndrome. The authorities are quick to dismiss the crash as an accident, but the insurers aren't convinced, not over the girl's questionable account. Claims investigator Jean Wan is called upon to challenge the ruling. She befriends Susan and uncovers an eccentric version of her story laced with magic mushrooms, a dead girl and the unusual bond between Susan and her father. Confronted by the stench of conspiracy, Jean realises she must strike at the heart of it allーthe innocence of Susan Chin.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>William Cazavechia, neste livro, A Educa??o na Sociedade do Espet?culo, analisou o pensamento de Guy Debord (1931-1994), especialmente sua concep??o de "sociedade do espet?culo", relacionando a educa??o e o processo de desumaniza??o na contemporaneidade capitalista. Para isso, estruturou seu livro de modo a tratar sobre pontos incontorn?veis para entender as contradi??es e suas consequ?ncias sociais. Primeiramente, Cazavechia trata sobre a educa??o na sociedade de classes e o processo de uniformiza??o e reprodu??o capitalista. Em seguida, o autor aborda a cr?tica e a est?tica de Guy Debord da representa??o capitalista, sem deixar de tratar do papel do movimento estudantil franc?s nas jornadas contestat?rias de Maio de 1968. Por derradeiro, Cazavechia, com desvelo, examina o seminal livro de Guy Debord, A Sociedade do Espet?culo, publicado originalmente em franc?s em 1967, perscrutando o sentido de educa??o e os fen?menos do fetichismo e da aliena??o. Apresenta??o ? Prof? Dr. Mario Luiz Neves de Azevedo [...] o que esse texto me ensinou e com certeza vai ensinar aos que passarem os olhos pelas suas p?ginas ser? uma vis?o mais ampla sobre a educa??o, assim como da sociedade em que esta se integra. Pref?cio ? Prof? Dra? Angela Mara de Barros Lara</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>William Cazavechia, neste livro, A Educa??o na Sociedade do Espet?culo, analisou o pensamento de Guy Debord (1931-1994), especialmente sua concep??o de "sociedade do espet?culo", relacionando a educa??o e o processo de desumaniza??o na contemporaneidade capitalista. Para isso, estruturou seu livro de modo a tratar sobre pontos incontorn?veis para entender as contradi??es e suas consequ?ncias sociais. Primeiramente, Cazavechia trata sobre a educa??o na sociedade de classes e o processo de uniformiza??o e reprodu??o capitalista. Em seguida, o autor aborda a cr?tica e a est?tica de Guy Debord da representa??o capitalista, sem deixar de tratar do papel do movimento estudantil franc?s nas jornadas contestat?rias de Maio de 1968. Por derradeiro, Cazavechia, com desvelo, examina o seminal livro de Guy Debord, A Sociedade do Espet?culo, publicado originalmente em franc?s em 1967, perscrutando o sentido de educa??o e os fen?menos do fetichismo e da aliena??o. Apresenta??o ? Prof? Dr. Mario Luiz Neves de Azevedo [...] o que esse texto me ensinou e com certeza vai ensinar aos que passarem os olhos pelas suas p?ginas ser? uma vis?o mais ampla sobre a educa??o, assim como da sociedade em que esta se integra. Pref?cio ? Prof? Dra? Angela Mara de Barros Lara</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Billy ? um garoto que, desde muito jovem, foi levado para um orfanato distante de qualquer civiliza??o, onde viveu sua vida ao lado de seus amigos e de Madame Berta, uma simp?tica senhora que usa um broche estranho preso em sua roupa. Billy s? n?o contava que a sua vida iria mudar t?o drasticamente ap?s a visita de uma mulher misteriosa chamada Eva Florence. Ao se mudar para a tecnol?gica cidade de MistCity, que ? atravessada por uma n?voa suspeita, Billy tamb?m descobre a exist?ncia de ani-humanos, androides e outras criaturas que vivem naquele lugar, e ao lado de seus novos amigos, Billy ir? descobrir suas verdadeiras habilidades e os motivos que o levaram at? ali.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Billy ? um garoto que, desde muito jovem, foi levado para um orfanato distante de qualquer civiliza??o, onde viveu sua vida ao lado de seus amigos e de Madame Berta, uma simp?tica senhora que usa um broche estranho preso em sua roupa. Billy s? n?o contava que a sua vida iria mudar t?o drasticamente ap?s a visita de uma mulher misteriosa chamada Eva Florence. Ao se mudar para a tecnol?gica cidade de MistCity, que ? atravessada por uma n?voa suspeita, Billy tamb?m descobre a exist?ncia de ani-humanos, androides e outras criaturas que vivem naquele lugar, e ao lado de seus novos amigos, Billy ir? descobrir suas verdadeiras habilidades e os motivos que o levaram at? ali.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>O escopo central do presente trabalho foi o estudo da organiza??o criminosa, sobretudo a partir da Lei n? 12.850/13, em perspectiva com outras figuras delituosas de modelo associativo previstas no direito penal brasileiro. O problema que instiga a pesquisa realizada ? identificado a partir da constata??o de in?meras esp?cies de associa??es delitivas atualmente tipificadas no ordenamento jur?dico p?trio, entre as quais a organiza??o criminosa ocupa posi??o de destaque, vinculada a peculiares mecanismos de investiga??o e obten??o de provas que denotam o tratamento especial conferido ? criminalidade dita "organizada". O modelo penal garantista, orientado pelos princ?pios que decorrem da estrita legalidade, ? tomado como referencial te?rico porque fornece as bases necess?rias para evidenciar diversos problemas relativos aos tipos penais associativos, m?xime encontrados na figura da organiza??o criminosa. O tema vem sendo objeto de debates n?o apenas no ?mbito doutrin?rio, mas tamb?m na pr?tica judicial, haja vista a coexist?ncia dos tipos penais de organiza??o criminosa e associa??o criminosa, a suscitar rotineiras diverg?ncias de interpreta??o e aplica??o da lei penal. Esperamos que esta obra possa contribuir para a elucida??o de aspectos criminol?gicos e dogm?ticos importantes sobre as organiza??es criminosas, e que, em cotejo com outras figuras delituosas de tipo associativo, propicie aos estudiosos e operadores do direito uma perspectiva cr?tica e fundamentada sobre o assunto.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>O escopo central do presente trabalho foi o estudo da organiza??o criminosa, sobretudo a partir da Lei n? 12.850/13, em perspectiva com outras figuras delituosas de modelo associativo previstas no direito penal brasileiro. O problema que instiga a pesquisa realizada ? identificado a partir da constata??o de in?meras esp?cies de associa??es delitivas atualmente tipificadas no ordenamento jur?dico p?trio, entre as quais a organiza??o criminosa ocupa posi??o de destaque, vinculada a peculiares mecanismos de investiga??o e obten??o de provas que denotam o tratamento especial conferido ? criminalidade dita "organizada". O modelo penal garantista, orientado pelos princ?pios que decorrem da estrita legalidade, ? tomado como referencial te?rico porque fornece as bases necess?rias para evidenciar diversos problemas relativos aos tipos penais associativos, m?xime encontrados na figura da organiza??o criminosa. O tema vem sendo objeto de debates n?o apenas no ?mbito doutrin?rio, mas tamb?m na pr?tica judicial, haja vista a coexist?ncia dos tipos penais de organiza??o criminosa e associa??o criminosa, a suscitar rotineiras diverg?ncias de interpreta??o e aplica??o da lei penal. Esperamos que esta obra possa contribuir para a elucida??o de aspectos criminol?gicos e dogm?ticos importantes sobre as organiza??es criminosas, e que, em cotejo com outras figuras delituosas de tipo associativo, propicie aos estudiosos e operadores do direito uma perspectiva cr?tica e fundamentada sobre o assunto.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Wo die Wildg?nse fliegen, wartet dein Gl?ck</strong></p> <p>Zwanzig Jahre nach dem traumatischen Verlust ihrer Mutter bei einem Flugzeugungl?ck an der kanadischen Ostk?ste kehrt Helena Stern zum ersten Mal an die Absturzstelle zur?ck. Ausgerechnet in der N?he eines Gedenksteins am Rande des malerischen Fischerdorfs Wildberry Bay st?rzt sie bei einem Unwetter in die st?rmische See und wird von einem Fremden gerettet. Zwischen Helena und Luke prickelt es sofort. Doch dann finden sie heraus, dass sie sich schon viel l?nger kennen, als ihnen klar war. Trotzdem begreift Helena nicht, warum Luke sich ihr gegen?ber pl?tzlich so merkw?rdig verh?lt. Sie ahnt nicht, dass er ein Geheimnis h?tet, das ihre Gef?hle f?r ihn schon bald zunichtemachen k?nnte.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Wo die Wildg?nse fliegen, wartet dein Gl?ck</strong></p> <p>Zwanzig Jahre nach dem traumatischen Verlust ihrer Mutter bei einem Flugzeugungl?ck an der kanadischen Ostk?ste kehrt Helena Stern zum ersten Mal an die Absturzstelle zur?ck. Ausgerechnet in der N?he eines Gedenksteins am Rande des malerischen Fischerdorfs Wildberry Bay st?rzt sie bei einem Unwetter in die st?rmische See und wird von einem Fremden gerettet. Zwischen Helena und Luke prickelt es sofort. Doch dann finden sie heraus, dass sie sich schon viel l?nger kennen, als ihnen klar war. Trotzdem begreift Helena nicht, warum Luke sich ihr gegen?ber pl?tzlich so merkw?rdig verh?lt. Sie ahnt nicht, dass er ein Geheimnis h?tet, das ihre Gef?hle f?r ihn schon bald zunichtemachen k?nnte.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em><strong>It's all aboard for a Campbell Clan Christmas! Lexy swaps cinnamon lattes for boiled sprouts when the Last Ditch crew travel from California to an idyllic Scottish village for the holidays, but something very unmerry is lurking below the surface . . .</strong></em></p> <p>Lexy Campbell is long overdue a trip to Scotland to see her parents, and an unexpected death in the extended Last Ditch Motel family makes Christmas in a bungalow in Dundee with nine others seem almost irresistible.<br /> But when Lexy and the Last Ditch crew hop across the Atlantic, there's a change of plan and they're whisked off to Mistletoe Hall in the pretty village of Yule, where the surprises continue. The news that a man disappeared from the crumbling pile sixty years ago, along with an unsettling discovery in the bricked-up basement, means that Todd, Kathi and Lexy - Trinity for Trouble - must solve another murder.</p> <p>Deadly secrets, snow, berry rustlers, ornithology, skeletons and Christmas Eve in the booze aisle at Tesco: the Last Ditch crew won't forget their Scottish holiday in a hurry!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><em><strong>It's all aboard for a Campbell Clan Christmas! Lexy swaps cinnamon lattes for boiled sprouts when the Last Ditch crew travel from California to an idyllic Scottish village for the holidays, but something very unmerry is lurking below the surface . . .</strong></em></p> <p>Lexy Campbell is long overdue a trip to Scotland to see her parents, and an unexpected death in the extended Last Ditch Motel family makes Christmas in a bungalow in Dundee with nine others seem almost irresistible.<br /> But when Lexy and the Last Ditch crew hop across the Atlantic, there's a change of plan and they're whisked off to Mistletoe Hall in the pretty village of Yule, where the surprises continue. The news that a man disappeared from the crumbling pile sixty years ago, along with an unsettling discovery in the bricked-up basement, means that Todd, Kathi and Lexy - Trinity for Trouble - must solve another murder.</p> <p>Deadly secrets, snow, berry rustlers, ornithology, skeletons and Christmas Eve in the booze aisle at Tesco: the Last Ditch crew won't forget their Scottish holiday in a hurry!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>This <em>New York Times</em> bestseller shares the rich history of the White House grounds, revealing how the story of the garden is also the story of America.</strong></p> <p>The 18-acres surrounding the White House have been an unwitting witness to historyーkings and queens have dined there, bills and treaties have been signed, and presidents have landed and retreated. Throughout it all, the grounds have remained not only beautiful, but also a powerful reflection of American trends. In <em>All the Presidents' Gardens</em> bestselling author Marta McDowell tells the untold history of the White House grounds with historical and contemporary photographs, vintage seeds catalogs, and rare glimpses into Presidential pastimes. History buffs will revel in the fascinating tidbits about Lincoln’s goats, Ike's putting green, Jackie's iconic roses, Amy Carter's tree house, and Trump's controversial renovations. Gardeners will enjoy the information on the plants whose favor has come and gone over the years and the gardeners who have been responsible for it all. As one head gardener put it, “What’s great about the job is that our trees, our plants, our shrubs, know nothing about politics.”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>This <em>New York Times</em> bestseller shares the rich history of the White House grounds, revealing how the story of the garden is also the story of America.</strong></p> <p>The 18-acres surrounding the White House have been an unwitting witness to historyーkings and queens have dined there, bills and treaties have been signed, and presidents have landed and retreated. Throughout it all, the grounds have remained not only beautiful, but also a powerful reflection of American trends. In <em>All the Presidents' Gardens</em> bestselling author Marta McDowell tells the untold history of the White House grounds with historical and contemporary photographs, vintage seeds catalogs, and rare glimpses into Presidential pastimes. History buffs will revel in the fascinating tidbits about Lincoln’s goats, Ike's putting green, Jackie's iconic roses, Amy Carter's tree house, and Trump's controversial renovations. Gardeners will enjoy the information on the plants whose favor has come and gone over the years and the gardeners who have been responsible for it all. As one head gardener put it, “What’s great about the job is that our trees, our plants, our shrubs, know nothing about politics.”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The red brick walls of downtown El Reno have soaked up their fair share of history and sweated out an equal measure of ghosts. The town's thoroughfares carry the fondly remembered clatter of trolley cars and horse-drawn buggies, so long as travelers don't take a wrong turn around Dead Man's Curve or give a lift to the Hunchback of Route 66. The most venerable building in town is the old county jail, where the frontier town's rowdier souls still chafe in captivity. The resident spirit of the Whistle Stop Saloon is considerably more cheerful, even if she overdoes it a bit with the perfume. From the Centre Theatre to the Fort Reno Cemetery, Tanya McCoy and Whitney Wilson catalogue El Reno's most fascinating haunted lore.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>The red brick walls of downtown El Reno have soaked up their fair share of history and sweated out an equal measure of ghosts. The town's thoroughfares carry the fondly remembered clatter of trolley cars and horse-drawn buggies, so long as travelers don't take a wrong turn around Dead Man's Curve or give a lift to the Hunchback of Route 66. The most venerable building in town is the old county jail, where the frontier town's rowdier souls still chafe in captivity. The resident spirit of the Whistle Stop Saloon is considerably more cheerful, even if she overdoes it a bit with the perfume. From the Centre Theatre to the Fort Reno Cemetery, Tanya McCoy and Whitney Wilson catalogue El Reno's most fascinating haunted lore.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>With a nearly three-hundred-year history, Prince William County has its share of haunted tales and scary spots. Ghosts still haunt the battlefield at Manassas, including the Ben Lomond Plantation, site of a Civil War-era hospital. The jailhouse in Brentsville keeps many of its captives in ghostly form. The Weems Botts House, home of George Washington's biographer, Parson Weems, is still haunted by the spirit of one of its owners. Local author and historian Andrew Mills narrates the best and creepiest tales of hauntings throughout the county.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>With a nearly three-hundred-year history, Prince William County has its share of haunted tales and scary spots. Ghosts still haunt the battlefield at Manassas, including the Ben Lomond Plantation, site of a Civil War-era hospital. The jailhouse in Brentsville keeps many of its captives in ghostly form. The Weems Botts House, home of George Washington's biographer, Parson Weems, is still haunted by the spirit of one of its owners. Local author and historian Andrew Mills narrates the best and creepiest tales of hauntings throughout the county.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Home to numerous tribal reservations that survived the land run that swept around them, Shawnee stands at an intersection of worlds. For travelers of the Wild West, crossing over into Oklahoma Territory meant more than crossing a state line. "Stop for twenty minutes and see a man killed," stagecoach drivers warned visitors to Shawnee's treacherous saloons. The oil boom of the 1920s brought a wave of wealth that only encouraged nefarious activity. Shawnee's quiet present may belie its fevered past, but the spirits of former gunslingers, prostitutes and everyday folk still live on. From strange sounds at the old Sacred Heart Mission to specters roaming the halls of the luxurious Aldridge Hotel, Tanya McCoy and Jeff Provine provide an introduction to Shawnee's haunted past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Home to numerous tribal reservations that survived the land run that swept around them, Shawnee stands at an intersection of worlds. For travelers of the Wild West, crossing over into Oklahoma Territory meant more than crossing a state line. "Stop for twenty minutes and see a man killed," stagecoach drivers warned visitors to Shawnee's treacherous saloons. The oil boom of the 1920s brought a wave of wealth that only encouraged nefarious activity. Shawnee's quiet present may belie its fevered past, but the spirits of former gunslingers, prostitutes and everyday folk still live on. From strange sounds at the old Sacred Heart Mission to specters roaming the halls of the luxurious Aldridge Hotel, Tanya McCoy and Jeff Provine provide an introduction to Shawnee's haunted past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Founded in 1798, Hamtramck shrank in size even as it grew in population. Stuffing tens of thousands of people in 2.1 square miles is bound to breed conflict, and many of those conflicts boiled over into murder. Sunday, September 7, 1884, was supposed to be a day of joy for Fritz Krum, whose child was being christened. Instead, it ended in a fatal stabbing. The 1930 killing of police officer Barney Roth in a reputed mob hit drew national attention. The murder of Hamtramck teen Bernice Onisko remains an open case today, more than eighty years after it occurred. Gathering cases from the late nineteenth century to more recent times, prolific local historian Greg Kowalski takes readers on a journey through Hamtramck homicide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Founded in 1798, Hamtramck shrank in size even as it grew in population. Stuffing tens of thousands of people in 2.1 square miles is bound to breed conflict, and many of those conflicts boiled over into murder. Sunday, September 7, 1884, was supposed to be a day of joy for Fritz Krum, whose child was being christened. Instead, it ended in a fatal stabbing. The 1930 killing of police officer Barney Roth in a reputed mob hit drew national attention. The murder of Hamtramck teen Bernice Onisko remains an open case today, more than eighty years after it occurred. Gathering cases from the late nineteenth century to more recent times, prolific local historian Greg Kowalski takes readers on a journey through Hamtramck homicide.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Hamtramck's population bulged to 56,000 from a mere 3,500 in the early twentieth century, a sixteen-fold increase that created the perfect environment for crime and corruption to flourish. Post-Prohibition, bars sprang up in quick order, until there were at least two hundred within this wide-open town's 2.1 square miles, giving it more bars per capita than any other city in America; even the Dodge brothers served barrels of beer to their workers. Follow local historian Greg Kowalski through the underbelly of Hamtramck, from the "painted women openly flaunting their tainted charms from undraped windows" to the nefarious plots crafted behind the walls of the International Workers Home on Yemens Street. Welcome to the height of Hamtramck's infamy, where anything could happen--for a price.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Hamtramck's population bulged to 56,000 from a mere 3,500 in the early twentieth century, a sixteen-fold increase that created the perfect environment for crime and corruption to flourish. Post-Prohibition, bars sprang up in quick order, until there were at least two hundred within this wide-open town's 2.1 square miles, giving it more bars per capita than any other city in America; even the Dodge brothers served barrels of beer to their workers. Follow local historian Greg Kowalski through the underbelly of Hamtramck, from the "painted women openly flaunting their tainted charms from undraped windows" to the nefarious plots crafted behind the walls of the International Workers Home on Yemens Street. Welcome to the height of Hamtramck's infamy, where anything could happen--for a price.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Keeping time with the river for which it was named, Canadian County courses with haunted history. The heritage of persecuted tribes, outlawed fugitives and struggling pioneers runs through the region with the strength of desperation. Apparitions walk the shore of Lake Overholser, and disembodied voices echo around Yukon's Stage Door Theatre. Strange presences peer through the broken windows of the abandoned Concho Indian School. From Deadman's Curve to the Chisholm Trail, Tanya McCoy and Whitney Wilson trace the story of Canadian County's spectral past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Keeping time with the river for which it was named, Canadian County courses with haunted history. The heritage of persecuted tribes, outlawed fugitives and struggling pioneers runs through the region with the strength of desperation. Apparitions walk the shore of Lake Overholser, and disembodied voices echo around Yukon's Stage Door Theatre. Strange presences peer through the broken windows of the abandoned Concho Indian School. From Deadman's Curve to the Chisholm Trail, Tanya McCoy and Whitney Wilson trace the story of Canadian County's spectral past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-003 Certification is highly regarded as a performance-based IT certification that recognizes the significance of cloud-based infrastructure services. If you aspire to enhance your career prospects in the dynamic field of cloud computing, this certification is well-suited for you. This book is an essential resource that empowers you with the necessary knowledge and abilities to thrive in the rapidly evolving realm of cloud computing. By offering clear and succinct explanations, and practical exercises, the book comprehensively addresses all crucial areas and objectives of the Cloud+ CV0-003 exam. You will develop a profound comprehension of cloud architecture, deployment models, security considerations, troubleshooting techniques, and more. Moreover, this guide surpasses exam preparation by presenting real-world scenarios and industry best practices, enabling readers to effectively apply their knowledge in their professional roles. Upon completing this book, you will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing and its various facets.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-003 Certification is highly regarded as a performance-based IT certification that recognizes the significance of cloud-based infrastructure services. If you aspire to enhance your career prospects in the dynamic field of cloud computing, this certification is well-suited for you. This book is an essential resource that empowers you with the necessary knowledge and abilities to thrive in the rapidly evolving realm of cloud computing. By offering clear and succinct explanations, and practical exercises, the book comprehensively addresses all crucial areas and objectives of the Cloud+ CV0-003 exam. You will develop a profound comprehension of cloud architecture, deployment models, security considerations, troubleshooting techniques, and more. Moreover, this guide surpasses exam preparation by presenting real-world scenarios and industry best practices, enabling readers to effectively apply their knowledge in their professional roles. Upon completing this book, you will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing and its various facets.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明メンバー:Katarina Kochetova - PianoHugo Lof – Double BassMatheus Jardim - DrumsJoander Cruz - Alto Saxophone (Tracks 3,8)Jure Pukl – Alto Saxophone (Track 4,9)2024年作品曲目リストDisc11.Self Portrait/2.NTYTWTATST (Things We Say)/3.UntitEled#4/4.Hemma/5.Holmstock/6.Ballad For Natasha/7.Bass Intro/8.Beyond Motion/9.Eternal Goodbyes/10.Directions (In Time)
出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明メンバー:Katarina Kochetova - PianoHugo Lof – Double BassMatheus Jardim - DrumsJoander Cruz - Alto Saxophone (Tracks 3,8)Jure Pukl – Alto Saxophone (Track 4,9)2024年作品曲目リストDisc11.Self Portrait/2.NTYTWTATST (Things We Say)/3.UntitEled#4/4.Hemma/5.Holmstock/6.Ballad For Natasha/7.Bass Intro/8.Beyond Motion/9.Eternal Goodbyes/10.Directions (In Time)
状態可状態詳細ジャケット:EX、盤:EX、UK-ORIGINAL、SHRINK、w/INNERコメント2017/現行UK JAZZ/GILLES PETERSON中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明(こちらは新品の商品説明となります。
ニーナ・シモンやロバータ・フラックを彷彿とさせる歌唱力で注目を集め、前作『If You Knew Her』収録のジュニア・マーヴィンのジャズ・カヴァー「Police and Thieves」で一気にブレイクを果たしたザラ・マクファーレンが待望の3rdアルバムをリリース!!話題を呼んだマックス・ローチのカバー・シングル「All Africa」から引き続き、ドラマーのモーゼス・ボイドをプロデューサーに迎え、テナー・サックスのビンカー・ゴールディング、ピアノのピーター・エドワーズ、ギターのシャーリー・テテー、トロンボーンのナサニエル・クロス、そしてクラリネットのシャバカ・ハッチングスといった現代UKジャズのキープレイヤーが勢ぞろいした本作はザラ本人のブリティッシュ・ジャマイカンとしての音楽の可能性を探りつつ、現代ロンドンのミュージック・シーンとの融合も試みた意欲作。
ノーラ・ディーンの「Peace Begins Within」のカバーでは、ソウルフルなレゲエ・クラシックにシンコペートなグルーヴの息吹を吹き込み、コンゴスの「Fisherman」のカバーは美しく落ち着いた味わいで、痛切でリリカルな中身を引き出している。
一方で、ザラの新たなオリジナル作品である「Fussin’ and Fightin」や「Freedom Chain」などでは、深く反響するベースサウンドを安定感のあるルーツのリズムに落とし込み、まさにジャズ、ソウル、ダブが三位一体となったサウンドへと昇華された。
(メーカー・インフォメーションより)曲目リストDisc11.Ode to Kumina/2.Pride/3.Fussin’ and Fightin’/4.Peace Begins Within/5.Stoke the Fire/6.Freedom Chain/7.Allies or Enemies/8.In Between Worlds/9.Silhouette (feat. Shabaka Hutchings)/10.Fisherman B5. Ode to Cyril
状態可状態詳細ジャケット:EX、盤:EX、UK-ORIGINAL、SHRINK、w/INNERコメント2017/現行UK JAZZ/GILLES PETERSON中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明(こちらは新品の商品説明となります。
ニーナ・シモンやロバータ・フラックを彷彿とさせる歌唱力で注目を集め、前作『If You Knew Her』収録のジュニア・マーヴィンのジャズ・カヴァー「Police and Thieves」で一気にブレイクを果たしたザラ・マクファーレンが待望の3rdアルバムをリリース!!話題を呼んだマックス・ローチのカバー・シングル「All Africa」から引き続き、ドラマーのモーゼス・ボイドをプロデューサーに迎え、テナー・サックスのビンカー・ゴールディング、ピアノのピーター・エドワーズ、ギターのシャーリー・テテー、トロンボーンのナサニエル・クロス、そしてクラリネットのシャバカ・ハッチングスといった現代UKジャズのキープレイヤーが勢ぞろいした本作はザラ本人のブリティッシュ・ジャマイカンとしての音楽の可能性を探りつつ、現代ロンドンのミュージック・シーンとの融合も試みた意欲作。
ノーラ・ディーンの「Peace Begins Within」のカバーでは、ソウルフルなレゲエ・クラシックにシンコペートなグルーヴの息吹を吹き込み、コンゴスの「Fisherman」のカバーは美しく落ち着いた味わいで、痛切でリリカルな中身を引き出している。
一方で、ザラの新たなオリジナル作品である「Fussin’ and Fightin」や「Freedom Chain」などでは、深く反響するベースサウンドを安定感のあるルーツのリズムに落とし込み、まさにジャズ、ソウル、ダブが三位一体となったサウンドへと昇華された。
(メーカー・インフォメーションより)曲目リストDisc11.Ode to Kumina/2.Pride/3.Fussin’ and Fightin’/4.Peace Begins Within/5.Stoke the Fire/6.Freedom Chain/7.Allies or Enemies/8.In Between Worlds/9.Silhouette (feat. Shabaka Hutchings)/10.Fisherman B5. Ode to Cyril