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  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)BIGBANG JAPAN DOME TOUR 2017 -LAST DANCE-:THE FINAL(スマプラ対応) [DVD]
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    種別:DVD 音楽洋楽ポップス 発売日:2018/08/17 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2018/06/25 BIGBANG BIGBANG関連映像作品 特典:豪華特典応募シリアルアクセスコード(期限有)/メンバー別ソロカード/スマプラ(有効期間2年間)(以上3点、初回生産分のみ特典) 内容:-OPENING MOVIE-/HANDS UP/SOBER -KR Ver.-/-MC 1-/WE LIKE 2 PARTY -KR Ver.-/FXXK IT -KR Ver.-/LOSER/-MC 2-/BAD BOY/-BAND JAM-/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 1-/WAKE ME UP -KR Ver.-/DARLING -KR Ver.-/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 2-/SUPER STAR -KR Ver.-/-MC 3-/Untitled,2014 -KR Ver.-/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 3-/D-Day/-MC 4-/あ・ぜ・ちょ!/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 4-/アイなんていらない[COME TO MY]/I KNOW/-MC 5-/ナルバキスン(Look at me, Gwisun)/GOOD BOY/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 5-/IF YOU/HaruHaru -Japanese Version-/-MC 6-/FANTASTIC BABY/BANG BANG BANG/MY HEAVEN<ENCORE>/声をきかせて<ENCORE>/FEELING<ENCORE>/BAE BAE -KR Ver.-<ENCORE>/-PERFORMER INTRODUCTION-<ENCORE>/-MC 7-

    種別:DVD 音楽洋楽ポップス 発売日:2018/08/17 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2018/06/25 BIGBANG BIGBANG関連映像作品 特典:豪華特典応募シリアルアクセスコード(期限有)/メンバー別ソロカード/スマプラ(有効期間2年間)(以上3点、初回生産分のみ特典) 内容:-OPENING MOVIE-/HANDS UP/SOBER -KR Ver.-/-MC 1-/WE LIKE 2 PARTY -KR Ver.-/FXXK IT -KR Ver.-/LOSER/-MC 2-/BAD BOY/-BAND JAM-/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 1-/WAKE ME UP -KR Ver.-/DARLING -KR Ver.-/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 2-/SUPER STAR -KR Ver.-/-MC 3-/Untitled,2014 -KR Ver.-/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 3-/D-Day/-MC 4-/あ・ぜ・ちょ!/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 4-/アイなんていらない[COME TO MY]/I KNOW/-MC 5-/ナルバキスン(Look at me, Gwisun)/GOOD BOY/-INTERLUDE MOVIE 5-/IF YOU/HaruHaru -Japanese Version-/-MC 6-/FANTASTIC BABY/BANG BANG BANG/MY HEAVEN<ENCORE>/声をきかせて<ENCORE>/FEELING<ENCORE>/BAE BAE -KR Ver.-<ENCORE>/-PERFORMER INTRODUCTION-<ENCORE>/-MC 7-

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)輸入盤 TRAIN / GREATEST HITS [2LP]
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    種別:2LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2024/10/18 登録日:2024/09/27 トレイン グレイテスト・ヒッツ トレイン CD 内容:[LP1 : Side A]1. Meet Virginia2. Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)3. Calling All Angels4. Get to Me[LP1 : Side B]1. When I Look to the Sky2. Cab3. Hey Soul Sister4. If It’s Love5. Marry Me[LP2 : Side A]1. Save Me San Francisco2. Drive By3. 50 Ways to Say Goodbye4. Bruises(feat. Ashley Monroe)[LP2 : Side B]1. Angel in Blue Jeans2. Play That Song3. Call Me Sir(feat. Cam and Travie McCoy)4. Careless Whisper(feat. Kenny G)

    種別:2LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2024/10/18 登録日:2024/09/27 トレイン グレイテスト・ヒッツ トレイン CD 内容:[LP1 : Side A]1. Meet Virginia2. Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)3. Calling All Angels4. Get to Me[LP1 : Side B]1. When I Look to the Sky2. Cab3. Hey Soul Sister4. If It’s Love5. Marry Me[LP2 : Side A]1. Save Me San Francisco2. Drive By3. 50 Ways to Say Goodbye4. Bruises(feat. Ashley Monroe)[LP2 : Side B]1. Angel in Blue Jeans2. Play That Song3. Call Me Sir(feat. Cam and Travie McCoy)4. Careless Whisper(feat. Kenny G)

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)E.G.POWER 2019 〜POWER to the DOME〜 [Blu-ray]
    E.G.POWER 2019 〜POWER to the DOME〜 [Blu-ray]
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2019/07/24 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2019/07/29 E-girls E-girls映像作品 特典:特典ディスク(Blu-ray) 内容:EG-ENERGY/Keep on/Anniversary!!/LOVE/Let’s Feel High feat.MIGHTY CROWN & PKCZ(R)/Show Time/LOOK AT ME NOW/OH BOY/ハピゴラ!/TEN MADE TOBASO/トライ・エヴリシング/Good Goodbye/はやく逢いたい/紅のドレス/白雪姫/やさしさで溢れるように/好きですか?/かなしみから始まる物語/POWER GIRLS/GOLD/NO MORE!/Sexy Young Beautiful/Love ☆ Queen/Follow Me/HARAJUKU TIME BOMB/Making Life!/Y.M.C.A./I Should Be So Lucky/うれしい!たのしい!大好き!/ヒマワリ 解説:2019年2月から全国各地で開催された「E.G.POWER 2019 〜POWER to the DOME〜」より、E-girls、Dream Ami、Dream Shizuka、Happiness、Flower、スダンナユズユリーが総出演した3月28日開催の東京公演の模様を完全収録!

    種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2019/07/24 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2019/07/29 E-girls E-girls映像作品 特典:特典ディスク(Blu-ray) 内容:EG-ENERGY/Keep on/Anniversary!!/LOVE/Let’s Feel High feat.MIGHTY CROWN & PKCZ(R)/Show Time/LOOK AT ME NOW/OH BOY/ハピゴラ!/TEN MADE TOBASO/トライ・エヴリシング/Good Goodbye/はやく逢いたい/紅のドレス/白雪姫/やさしさで溢れるように/好きですか?/かなしみから始まる物語/POWER GIRLS/GOLD/NO MORE!/Sexy Young Beautiful/Love ☆ Queen/Follow Me/HARAJUKU TIME BOMB/Making Life!/Y.M.C.A./I Should Be So Lucky/うれしい!たのしい!大好き!/ヒマワリ 解説:2019年2月から全国各地で開催された「E.G.POWER 2019 〜POWER to the DOME〜」より、E-girls、Dream Ami、Dream Shizuka、Happiness、Flower、スダンナユズユリーが総出演した3月28日開催の東京公演の模様を完全収録!

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)平原綾香/平原綾香 THE LIVE 2020 CONCERT TOUR 2019 〜 幸せのありか 〜 & DOCUMENT 2020 A-ya in Myanmar『MOSHIMO』の軌跡 【Blu-ray....
    平原綾香/平原綾香 THE LIVE 2020 CONCERT TOUR 2019 〜 幸せのありか 〜 & DOCUMENT 2020 A-ya in Myanmar『MOSHIMO』の軌跡 【Blu-ray....
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)


    ■収録:Disc.1/01.幸せのありか(4:27)/02.スマイル スマイル(3:41)/03.マスカット(5:57)/04.5つの魔法(4:12)/05.私 結婚します(3:44)/06.Look With Your Heart 〜こころでみつめて〜 / Love Never Dies 〜愛は死なず#あなたの心で見てほしい#Love Never Dies 〜愛は死なず(7:00)/07.星つむぎの歌(4:46)/08.メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ メドレー#想像できる?#ロイヤルドルトン・ミュージックホール#本は表紙じゃわからない#幸せのありか(10:42)/09.アランフェス協奏曲〜Spain(6:12)/10.Radio Radio(5:54)/11.HAPPY(4:24)/12.はじめまして(6:12)/13.おひさま〜大切なあなたへ(5:23)/14.ノクターン/カンパニュラの恋#ノクターン#カンパニュラの恋(5:04)/15.明日(4:59)/16.Jupiter(7:39)/17.空一面の -Encore-(5:28)/18.THAT’S THE WAY IT IS -Enco....



    ■収録:Disc.1/01.幸せのありか(4:27)/02.スマイル スマイル(3:41)/03.マスカット(5:57)/04.5つの魔法(4:12)/05.私 結婚します(3:44)/06.Look With Your Heart 〜こころでみつめて〜 / Love Never Dies 〜愛は死なず#あなたの心で見てほしい#Love Never Dies 〜愛は死なず(7:00)/07.星つむぎの歌(4:46)/08.メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ メドレー#想像できる?#ロイヤルドルトン・ミュージックホール#本は表紙じゃわからない#幸せのありか(10:42)/09.アランフェス協奏曲〜Spain(6:12)/10.Radio Radio(5:54)/11.HAPPY(4:24)/12.はじめまして(6:12)/13.おひさま〜大切なあなたへ(5:23)/14.ノクターン/カンパニュラの恋#ノクターン#カンパニュラの恋(5:04)/15.明日(4:59)/16.Jupiter(7:39)/17.空一面の -Encore-(5:28)/18.THAT’S THE WAY IT IS -Enco....


  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)D-LITE from BIGBANG / D’slove(初回生産限定盤/CD+DVD) [CD]
    D-LITE from BIGBANG / D’slove(初回生産限定盤/CD+DVD) [CD]
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2014/07/16 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2014/02/18 D-LITE from BIGBANG ディライトフロムビッグバン ディスラブ D-LITE from BIGBANG CD 特典:シリアルアクセスコード封入(初回生産分のみ特典)/豪華フォトブック/D君ビーチサンダル付 内容:Rainy Rainy/想い募って/SHUT UP/二人?一人!!/Dress/ウソボンダ (Try Smiling)/醒めて、眠れ/世界が終わっても/ナルバキスン (Look at me, Gwisun)/I LOVE YOU/Rainy Rainy (Music Video)/I LOV解説:海外アーティスト史上初となる日本6大ドーム・ツアーが大盛況だったBIGBANG。

    種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2014/07/16 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2014/02/18 D-LITE from BIGBANG ディライトフロムビッグバン ディスラブ D-LITE from BIGBANG CD 特典:シリアルアクセスコード封入(初回生産分のみ特典)/豪華フォトブック/D君ビーチサンダル付 内容:Rainy Rainy/想い募って/SHUT UP/二人?一人!!/Dress/ウソボンダ (Try Smiling)/醒めて、眠れ/世界が終わっても/ナルバキスン (Look at me, Gwisun)/I LOVE YOU/Rainy Rainy (Music Video)/I LOV解説:海外アーティスト史上初となる日本6大ドーム・ツアーが大盛況だったBIGBANG。

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Curtains and Blinds
    Curtains and Blinds
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】144ページ 237*242 言語:English 762g ISBN:9781841723280 / 【本の内容】A complete guide to contemporary window treatments for all styles of home. Choosing curtains and blinds for your home can be a daunting task. Which fabrics will create the look that you want? What shape or style will suit your space? If you are making the curtains yourself the thought of all that fabric all that sewing can be overwhelming. In this beautiful book soft-furnishings guru Lucinda Ganderton joins forces with style writer Ali Watkinson to provide myriad solutions for the modern homeowner offering plenty of inspiration plus step-by-step projects to tempt rather than to terrify.

    ) / 【本の説明】144ページ 237*242 言語:English 762g ISBN:9781841723280 / 【本の内容】A complete guide to contemporary window treatments for all styles of home. Choosing curtains and blinds for your home can be a daunting task. Which fabrics will create the look that you want? What shape or style will suit your space? If you are making the curtains yourself the thought of all that fabric all that sewing can be overwhelming. In this beautiful book soft-furnishings guru Lucinda Ganderton joins forces with style writer Ali Watkinson to provide myriad solutions for the modern homeowner offering plenty of inspiration plus step-by-step projects to tempt rather than to terrify.

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Dressed to Perfection: The Art of Dressing for Your Red Carpet Moments (Paperback)
    Dressed to Perfection: The Art of Dressing for Your Red Carpet Moments (Paperback)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】175ページ 211*298mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 912g ISBN:9780847836147 / 【本の内容】The quintessential American designer and fashion industry darling reveals his insights into what to wear on your big nights out and how to look your very best. Carmen Marc Valvo has been dressing leading ladies and It girls for more than thirty years including such notable stars as Kate Winslet Catherine Zeta-Jones Beyonc? Katie Couric Eva Longoria Parker Queen Latifah and Mary J. Blige. Whether it’s his expert manipulation of folds of silk chiffon for an inspired Grecian draped gown or the sparkles that pop from a fabulous minidress Carmen’s eveningwear and cocktail dresses have become a trusted favorite among women who look and feel beautiful in his clothing. With tips for dressing acc

    ) / 【本の説明】175ページ 211*298mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 912g ISBN:9780847836147 / 【本の内容】The quintessential American designer and fashion industry darling reveals his insights into what to wear on your big nights out and how to look your very best. Carmen Marc Valvo has been dressing leading ladies and It girls for more than thirty years including such notable stars as Kate Winslet Catherine Zeta-Jones Beyonc? Katie Couric Eva Longoria Parker Queen Latifah and Mary J. Blige. Whether it’s his expert manipulation of folds of silk chiffon for an inspired Grecian draped gown or the sparkles that pop from a fabulous minidress Carmen’s eveningwear and cocktail dresses have become a trusted favorite among women who look and feel beautiful in his clothing. With tips for dressing acc

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Prairie Style Weddings: Rustic and Romantic Farm Woodland and Garden Celebrations (Hardcover)
    Prairie Style Weddings: Rustic and Romantic Farm Woodland and Garden Celebrations (Hardcover)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】192ページ 249*224mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 907g ISBN:9781452127965 / 【本の内容】Rustic barns and gardens are popular settings for the intimate personalized weddings that are today's top trend. Stylist Fifi O'Neill knows how to transform such venues into gorgeous "prairie style" celebrations that seamlessly blend ruggedness and elegance. This beautifully illustrated look-book with more than 150 photographs is filled with unique ideas for planning the perfect bridal shower rehearsal dinner ceremony and reception. From a cheery garden-shed party to a dinner set amid a lush cornfield Prairie-Style Weddings shows how to achieve an effortless look that is rich in personality and bursting with charm. Ten simple DIY projects add a homespun touch to any wedding event.

    ) / 【本の説明】192ページ 249*224mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 907g ISBN:9781452127965 / 【本の内容】Rustic barns and gardens are popular settings for the intimate personalized weddings that are today's top trend. Stylist Fifi O'Neill knows how to transform such venues into gorgeous "prairie style" celebrations that seamlessly blend ruggedness and elegance. This beautifully illustrated look-book with more than 150 photographs is filled with unique ideas for planning the perfect bridal shower rehearsal dinner ceremony and reception. From a cheery garden-shed party to a dinner set amid a lush cornfield Prairie-Style Weddings shows how to achieve an effortless look that is rich in personality and bursting with charm. Ten simple DIY projects add a homespun touch to any wedding event.

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Vintage Wedding Style: More Than 25 Simple Projects and Endless Inspiration for Designing Your Big Day (Hardcover)
    Vintage Wedding Style: More Than 25 Simple Projects and Endless Inspiration for Designing Your Big Day (Hardcover)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】208ページ 244*224mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1066g ISBN:9781452102092 / 【本の内容】For every bride who dreams of making her special day exactly that--hers--this gorgeous book shows how to mix personal touches with vintage style for a truly meaningful celebration. From flea market chic to Great Gatsby grandeur each chapter from wedding stylist Elizabeth Demos features photographs from real weddings and easy-to-follow instructions for achieving the look. Simple DIY projects make it easy for brides to add their own personal stamp. With 200 photographs 12 inspiring mood boards creative styling ideas and guidance on sourcing accents and materials Vintage Wedding Style bursts with brilliant ways to create an unforgettable wedding with a hint of vintage charm.

    ) / 【本の説明】208ページ 244*224mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1066g ISBN:9781452102092 / 【本の内容】For every bride who dreams of making her special day exactly that--hers--this gorgeous book shows how to mix personal touches with vintage style for a truly meaningful celebration. From flea market chic to Great Gatsby grandeur each chapter from wedding stylist Elizabeth Demos features photographs from real weddings and easy-to-follow instructions for achieving the look. Simple DIY projects make it easy for brides to add their own personal stamp. With 200 photographs 12 inspiring mood boards creative styling ideas and guidance on sourcing accents and materials Vintage Wedding Style bursts with brilliant ways to create an unforgettable wedding with a hint of vintage charm.

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)CD/fhana/The Look of Life (CD+Blu-ray) (限定盤/Type-B)
    CD/fhana/The Look of Life (CD+Blu-ray) (限定盤/Type-B)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    fhana (ファナ ふぁな)
    2024年11月20日 発売

    新曲5曲、既発曲「Runaway World、Spiral」「永遠という光」「Turing、Last Pages」「天使たちの歌」を含む全11曲収録予定。

    1.Introduction(life is coming back)
    2.Look of Life
    3.city dream city
    6.Last Pages
    8.Runaway World
    9.Matching Error
    12.waltz for lily
    1.10th Anniversary SPECIAL LIVE "There Is The Light"(LINE CUBE SHIBUYA)

    fhana (ファナ ふぁな)
    2024年11月20日 発売

    新曲5曲、既発曲「Runaway World、Spiral」「永遠という光」「Turing、Last Pages」「天使たちの歌」を含む全11曲収録予定。

    1.Introduction(life is coming back)
    2.Look of Life
    3.city dream city
    6.Last Pages
    8.Runaway World
    9.Matching Error
    12.waltz for lily
    1.10th Anniversary SPECIAL LIVE "There Is The Light"(LINE CUBE SHIBUYA)

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Thinking Volleyball (Paperback)
    Thinking Volleyball (Paperback)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】280ページ 182*253mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 581g ISBN:9781450442626 / 【本の内容】Anyone wishing to be a successful volleyball coach needs to know more than just how to teach the basic skills and implement a plan. In such a fast-paced game not only do you need to outperform your opponent but you must outthink him as well. The author goes beyond the development of motor skills to provide a cerebral look at how athletes learn.

    ) / 【本の説明】280ページ 182*253mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 581g ISBN:9781450442626 / 【本の内容】Anyone wishing to be a successful volleyball coach needs to know more than just how to teach the basic skills and implement a plan. In such a fast-paced game not only do you need to outperform your opponent but you must outthink him as well. The author goes beyond the development of motor skills to provide a cerebral look at how athletes learn.

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)[輸入盤CD]Frankie Valli & Four Seasons / The Motown Years 【★】
    [輸入盤CD]Frankie Valli & Four Seasons / The Motown Years 【★】
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)



    Disc-1: Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
    1. A New Beginning (Prelude)
    2. Sun Country
    3. You're A Song (That I Can't Sing)
    4. The Night
    5. A New Beginning
    6. When the Morning Orders
    7. Poor Fool / Frankie Valli
    8. Touch The Rainchild
    9. Love Isn’t Here (Like It Used To Be) / Frankie Valli
    10. Walk On, Don't Look Back
    11. How Come?
    12. Life And Breath
    13. Hickory
    14. Charisma (unedited version)
    15. Charisma (single version)



    Disc-1: Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
    1. A New Beginning (Prelude)
    2. Sun Country
    3. You're A Song (That I Can't Sing)
    4. The Night
    5. A New Beginning
    6. When the Morning Orders
    7. Poor Fool / Frankie Valli
    8. Touch The Rainchild
    9. Love Isn’t Here (Like It Used To Be) / Frankie Valli
    10. Walk On, Don't Look Back
    11. How Come?
    12. Life And Breath
    13. Hickory
    14. Charisma (unedited version)
    15. Charisma (single version)

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Traqueu Embroidered 60th Birthday Gifts for Women 60 Years Old Gifts for Women It Tooks 60 Years to Look This Good Hat
    Traqueu Embroidered 60th Birthday Gifts for Women 60 Years Old Gifts for Women It Tooks 60 Years to Look This Good Hat
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)



  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Grandparents: A New Look at the Supporting Generation (Paperback)
    Grandparents: A New Look at the Supporting Generation (Paperback)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】320ページ 153*228mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 417g ISBN:9781573929660 / 【本の内容】What image comes to mind when we hear the term grandparents? Too often it is the Norman Rockwell view of innocuous kindly white-haired folk or conversely the negative stereotype of doddering dim-witted burdens confined to nursing homes. Unfortunately such notions shortchange not only older people but younger generations as well who may never realize how much grandparents have to offer. This informative well-researched book aims to add some perspective and depth to the stick-figure images of grandparents promulgated by contemporary culture. Psychotherapist Ursula Falk and sociologist Gerhard Falk provide an illuminating overview of the many facets of being a grandparent in today's society. A

    ) / 【本の説明】320ページ 153*228mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 417g ISBN:9781573929660 / 【本の内容】What image comes to mind when we hear the term grandparents? Too often it is the Norman Rockwell view of innocuous kindly white-haired folk or conversely the negative stereotype of doddering dim-witted burdens confined to nursing homes. Unfortunately such notions shortchange not only older people but younger generations as well who may never realize how much grandparents have to offer. This informative well-researched book aims to add some perspective and depth to the stick-figure images of grandparents promulgated by contemporary culture. Psychotherapist Ursula Falk and sociologist Gerhard Falk provide an illuminating overview of the many facets of being a grandparent in today's society. A

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)輸入盤 DEAN MARTIN / PLATINUM COLLECTION [3LP]
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    種別:3LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ポップス 発売日:2016/04/23 登録日:2016/03/30 ディーン・マーティン プラチナム・コレクション ディーン・マーティン CD 内容:[LP 1 : Side A]1. That’s Amore2. Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)3. Buona Sera4. You’re Nobody ’til Somebody Loves You5. Return To Me (Ritorna A Me)6. Rio Bravo7. Promise Her Anything (But Give Her Love)8. Kiss[LP 1 : Side B]1. Memories Are Made Of This2. On An Evening In Roma (Sott’er Celo De Roma)3. Sleepy Time Gal4. Pretty Baby5. The Object Of My Affection6. Let Me Go Lover7. Dinah8. Forgetting You[LP 2 : Side A]1. When You’re Smiling2. Ain’t That A Kick In The Head3. Write To Me From Naples4. The Man Who Plays The Mandolino5. You’ve Got Me Crying Again6. For You7. The Look8. Georgia On My Mind[LP 2 : Side B]1. Mambo Italiano2. In Napoli3. Only Forever4. Maybe5. Nevertheless (I’m In Love With You)6. Once In A While7. Way Down Yonder In New Orleans8. Innamorata (S

    種別:3LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ポップス 発売日:2016/04/23 登録日:2016/03/30 ディーン・マーティン プラチナム・コレクション ディーン・マーティン CD 内容:[LP 1 : Side A]1. That’s Amore2. Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)3. Buona Sera4. You’re Nobody ’til Somebody Loves You5. Return To Me (Ritorna A Me)6. Rio Bravo7. Promise Her Anything (But Give Her Love)8. Kiss[LP 1 : Side B]1. Memories Are Made Of This2. On An Evening In Roma (Sott’er Celo De Roma)3. Sleepy Time Gal4. Pretty Baby5. The Object Of My Affection6. Let Me Go Lover7. Dinah8. Forgetting You[LP 2 : Side A]1. When You’re Smiling2. Ain’t That A Kick In The Head3. Write To Me From Naples4. The Man Who Plays The Mandolino5. You’ve Got Me Crying Again6. For You7. The Look8. Georgia On My Mind[LP 2 : Side B]1. Mambo Italiano2. In Napoli3. Only Forever4. Maybe5. Nevertheless (I’m In Love With You)6. Once In A While7. Way Down Yonder In New Orleans8. Innamorata (S

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush Engineer of the American Century (Paperback)
    Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush Engineer of the American Century (Paperback)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ) / 【本の説明】560ページ 150*226mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 617g ISBN:9781501196454 対象年齢:18歳以上 / 【本の内容】A prodigiously researched biography of Vannevar Bush one of America's most awe-inspiring polymaths and the secret force behind the biggest technological breakthroughs of the twentieth century.As the inventor and public entrepreneur who launched the Manhattan Project helped to create the military -industrial complex conceived a permanent system of government support for science and engineering and anticipated both the personal computer and the Internet Vannevar Bush is the twentieth century's Ben Franklin. In this engaging look at one of America's most awe-inspiring polymaths writer G. Pascal Zachary brings to life an American original? a man of his time ours and beyond.

    ) / 【本の説明】560ページ 150*226mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 617g ISBN:9781501196454 対象年齢:18歳以上 / 【本の内容】A prodigiously researched biography of Vannevar Bush one of America's most awe-inspiring polymaths and the secret force behind the biggest technological breakthroughs of the twentieth century.As the inventor and public entrepreneur who launched the Manhattan Project helped to create the military -industrial complex conceived a permanent system of government support for science and engineering and anticipated both the personal computer and the Internet Vannevar Bush is the twentieth century's Ben Franklin. In this engaging look at one of America's most awe-inspiring polymaths writer G. Pascal Zachary brings to life an American original? a man of his time ours and beyond.
