関連words:Music Sales/Hello ハロー/Roll with It ロール・ウィズ・イット/Wonderwall ワンダーウォール/Don't Look Back in Anger ドント・ルック・バック・イン・アンガー/Cast No Shadow キャスト・ノー・シャドウ/Hey Now ヘイ・ナウ/The Swamp Song ザ・スワンプ・ソング/Some Might Say サム・マイト・セイ/She's Electric シーズ・エレクトリック/The Swamp Song ザ・スワンプ・ソング/Morning Glory モーニング・グローリー/Champagne Supernova シャンペン・スーパーノヴァ
関連words:Music Sales/Hello ハロー/Roll with It ロール・ウィズ・イット/Wonderwall ワンダーウォール/Don't Look Back in Anger ドント・ルック・バック・イン・アンガー/Cast No Shadow キャスト・ノー・シャドウ/Hey Now ヘイ・ナウ/The Swamp Song ザ・スワンプ・ソング/Some Might Say サム・マイト・セイ/She's Electric シーズ・エレクトリック/The Swamp Song ザ・スワンプ・ソング/Morning Glory モーニング・グローリー/Champagne Supernova シャンペン・スーパーノヴァ
アークティック・モンキーズ (アークティックモンキーズ あーくてぃっくもんきーず)
2023年1月20日 発売
1.the view from the afternoon
2.i bet you look good on the dancefloor
3.fake tales of san francisco
4.dancing shoes
5.you probably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring straight at me
6.still take you home
7.riot van
8.red light indicates doors are secured
9.mardy bum
10.perhaps vampires is a bit strong but...
11.when the sun goes down
12.from the ritz to the rubble
13.a certain romance
アークティック・モンキーズ (アークティックモンキーズ あーくてぃっくもんきーず)
2023年1月20日 発売
1.the view from the afternoon
2.i bet you look good on the dancefloor
3.fake tales of san francisco
4.dancing shoes
5.you probably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring straight at me
6.still take you home
7.riot van
8.red light indicates doors are secured
9.mardy bum
10.perhaps vampires is a bit strong but...
11.when the sun goes down
12.from the ritz to the rubble
13.a certain romance
種別:Blu-ray/ブルーレイ発売日:2017/03/22収録曲: / Unlock / I’m On Fire / Right Now / FEVER / Look what you did / Neon Dive / Daydream / MAKE US DO / Dance Number / Delete My Memories / 4am / The Answer / Two Hearts / ふれあうだけで 〜Always with you〜 / PL
種別:Blu-ray/ブルーレイ発売日:2017/03/22収録曲: / Unlock / I’m On Fire / Right Now / FEVER / Look what you did / Neon Dive / Daydream / MAKE US DO / Dance Number / Delete My Memories / 4am / The Answer / Two Hearts / ふれあうだけで 〜Always with you〜 / PL
種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2023/07/01 販売元:ソニー・ミュージックソリューションズ 登録日:2023/04/24 中森明菜 ナカモリアキナ クロス マイ パーム コンプリート ボックス 中森明菜 CD なかもりあきな なかもり あきな 特典:解説付/歌詩カード/「Cross My Palm」輸入盤トールボックス・ジャケットポスター(折りたたみ仕様・サイズ 360 mm×163.5 mm) 内容:CROSS MY PALM/POLITICAL MOVES/SLAVE FOR LOVE/EASY RIDER/MODERN WOMAN (FEMME D’AUJOURD’HUI)/THE LOOK THAT KILLS/SOFT TOUCH/MY POSITION/THE TOUCH OF A HEARTACHE/HOUSE OF LOVE/NO MORE/HE解説:11thオリジナル・アルバム『Cross My Palm』(ラッカーマスターサウンド&オリジナル・カラオケ付)に、同作品の映像作品『Cross My Palm』の初Blu−ray化作品を同梱した完全生産限定盤COMPLETE BOX!外国人作家提供による全曲英語詞ヴォーカル・アルバム。
種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2023/07/01 販売元:ソニー・ミュージックソリューションズ 登録日:2023/04/24 中森明菜 ナカモリアキナ クロス マイ パーム コンプリート ボックス 中森明菜 CD なかもりあきな なかもり あきな 特典:解説付/歌詩カード/「Cross My Palm」輸入盤トールボックス・ジャケットポスター(折りたたみ仕様・サイズ 360 mm×163.5 mm) 内容:CROSS MY PALM/POLITICAL MOVES/SLAVE FOR LOVE/EASY RIDER/MODERN WOMAN (FEMME D’AUJOURD’HUI)/THE LOOK THAT KILLS/SOFT TOUCH/MY POSITION/THE TOUCH OF A HEARTACHE/HOUSE OF LOVE/NO MORE/HE解説:11thオリジナル・アルバム『Cross My Palm』(ラッカーマスターサウンド&オリジナル・カラオケ付)に、同作品の映像作品『Cross My Palm』の初Blu−ray化作品を同梱した完全生産限定盤COMPLETE BOX!外国人作家提供による全曲英語詞ヴォーカル・アルバム。
■収録:Disc.1/01.歌うたいのバラッド/02.アイ/03.-MC 1-/04.陽のあたる坂道/05.全力少年/06.WINGS/07.-MC 2-/08.やさしさで溢れるように/09.逢いたくていま/10.-MC 3-/11.夢の蕾/12.ウソボンダ(TRY SMILING)/13.-MC 4-/14.未来予想図II/15.-BAND INTERLUDE-/16.粉雪/17.BABY DON’T CRY/18.-MC 5-/19.じょいふる/20.そばかす/21.Hello/22.テバギヤ(A BIG HIT!)〜ナルバキスン(LOOK AT ME,GWISUN) <ENCORE>#テバギヤ(A BIG HIT!)#ナルバキスン(LOOK AT ME,GWISUN)/23.-MC 6- <ENCORE>/24.WINGS <ENCORE>/25.-MC 7- <ENCORE>/26.じょいふる <ENCORE>/27.-CURTAIN CALL- <ENCORE>/28.ナルバキスン(LOOK AT ME,GWISUN) <DOUBLE ENCORE>/Disc.2/01.DOCUMENTARY OF D-LITE D’scover Tour 2013 in Japan 〜DLive〜/02.歌....
■収録:Disc.1/01.歌うたいのバラッド/02.アイ/03.-MC 1-/04.陽のあたる坂道/05.全力少年/06.WINGS/07.-MC 2-/08.やさしさで溢れるように/09.逢いたくていま/10.-MC 3-/11.夢の蕾/12.ウソボンダ(TRY SMILING)/13.-MC 4-/14.未来予想図II/15.-BAND INTERLUDE-/16.粉雪/17.BABY DON’T CRY/18.-MC 5-/19.じょいふる/20.そばかす/21.Hello/22.テバギヤ(A BIG HIT!)〜ナルバキスン(LOOK AT ME,GWISUN) <ENCORE>#テバギヤ(A BIG HIT!)#ナルバキスン(LOOK AT ME,GWISUN)/23.-MC 6- <ENCORE>/24.WINGS <ENCORE>/25.-MC 7- <ENCORE>/26.じょいふる <ENCORE>/27.-CURTAIN CALL- <ENCORE>/28.ナルバキスン(LOOK AT ME,GWISUN) <DOUBLE ENCORE>/Disc.2/01.DOCUMENTARY OF D-LITE D’scover Tour 2013 in Japan 〜DLive〜/02.歌....
) / 【本の説明】358ページ 146*222mm 言語:English 499g ISBN:9780918339799 / 【本の内容】In a fictional look at an alternate history of the Cold War the two superpowers collide at the peak of their military strength
) / 【本の説明】358ページ 146*222mm 言語:English 499g ISBN:9780918339799 / 【本の内容】In a fictional look at an alternate history of the Cold War the two superpowers collide at the peak of their military strength
) / 【本の説明】224ページ 147*211mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 317g ISBN:9781509541331 / 【本の内容】How does gender influence social movements? How do social movements deal with gender? In Gender and Social Movements Jo Reger takes a comprehensive look at the ways in which people organize around gender issues and how gender shapes social movements. Here gender is more than an individual quality it is a part of the very foundation of social movements shaping how they recruit mobilize and articulate their strategies tactics and identities. Moving past the gender binary Reger explores how movements can shift understandings of gender and how backlash and countermovements can often follow gendered movement successes. Adopting both an intersectional and global lens the book introduces readers t
) / 【本の説明】224ページ 147*211mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 317g ISBN:9781509541331 / 【本の内容】How does gender influence social movements? How do social movements deal with gender? In Gender and Social Movements Jo Reger takes a comprehensive look at the ways in which people organize around gender issues and how gender shapes social movements. Here gender is more than an individual quality it is a part of the very foundation of social movements shaping how they recruit mobilize and articulate their strategies tactics and identities. Moving past the gender binary Reger explores how movements can shift understandings of gender and how backlash and countermovements can often follow gendered movement successes. Adopting both an intersectional and global lens the book introduces readers t
種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2020/02/05 販売元:Bandai Namco Filmworks 登録日:2019/10/21 Re:vale アイドリッシュセブントリガーリヴァーレズール アイドリッシュセブンセカンドライブリユニオンブルーレイデイ1 アイドリッシュセブン アイドリッシュセブンライブシリーズ IDOLiSH7 アイ7 アイナナ アイ7 リヴァーレ 内容:NATSU☆しようぜ!/Viva! Fantastic Life!!!!!!!/Dancing∞BEAT!!/RESTART POiNTER/激情/永遠性理論/Poisonous Gangster/LOOK AT.../願いはShine On The Sea/DIAMOND FUSION/In the meantime/miss you.../月明かりイルミネイト/ZONE OF OVERLAP/GOOD NIGHT AWESOME/THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVERYTHING!/Happy Days Creation!/星屑マジック/NO DOUBT/DAYBREAK INTERLUDE/Crescent rise/SECRET NIGHT/ナナツイロ REALiZE/MEMORiES MELODiES/WiSH VOYAGE/MONSTER GENERATiON/Wonderful Octave<ENCORE>/PARTY TIME TOGETHER<ENCORE>/Welcome,Future World!!!<ENCORE> 解説:2019年7月6日、7日にメットライフドームで開催された、アイドリッシュセブン 2nd LIVE「REU
種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2020/02/05 販売元:Bandai Namco Filmworks 登録日:2019/10/21 Re:vale アイドリッシュセブントリガーリヴァーレズール アイドリッシュセブンセカンドライブリユニオンブルーレイデイ1 アイドリッシュセブン アイドリッシュセブンライブシリーズ IDOLiSH7 アイ7 アイナナ アイ7 リヴァーレ 内容:NATSU☆しようぜ!/Viva! Fantastic Life!!!!!!!/Dancing∞BEAT!!/RESTART POiNTER/激情/永遠性理論/Poisonous Gangster/LOOK AT.../願いはShine On The Sea/DIAMOND FUSION/In the meantime/miss you.../月明かりイルミネイト/ZONE OF OVERLAP/GOOD NIGHT AWESOME/THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVERYTHING!/Happy Days Creation!/星屑マジック/NO DOUBT/DAYBREAK INTERLUDE/Crescent rise/SECRET NIGHT/ナナツイロ REALiZE/MEMORiES MELODiES/WiSH VOYAGE/MONSTER GENERATiON/Wonderful Octave<ENCORE>/PARTY TIME TOGETHER<ENCORE>/Welcome,Future World!!!<ENCORE> 解説:2019年7月6日、7日にメットライフドームで開催された、アイドリッシュセブン 2nd LIVE「REU
種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2020/02/05 販売元:Bandai Namco Filmworks 登録日:2019/10/21 Re:vale アイドリッシュセブントリガーリヴァーレズール アイドリッシュセブンセカンドライブリユニオンブルーレイデイ2 アイドリッシュセブン アイドリッシュセブンライブシリーズ IDOLiSH7 アイ7 アイナナ アイ7 リヴァーレ 内容:NATSU☆しようぜ!/Viva! Fantastic Life!!!!!!!/Perfection Gimmick/RESTART POiNTER/SILVER SKY/永遠性理論/Poisonous Gangster/LOOK AT.../願いはShine On The Sea/DIAMOND FUSION/In the meantime/miss you.../月明かりイルミネイト/ZONE OF OVERLAP/GOOD NIGHT AWESOME/THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVERYTHING!/Happy Days Creation!/星屑マジック/NO DOUBT/DAYBREAK INTERLUDE/Crescent rise/Leopard Eyes/ナナツイロ REALiZE/MEMORiES MELODiES/WiSH VOYAGE/MONSTER GENERATiON/Wonderful Octave<ENCORE>/PARTY TIME TOGETHER<ENCORE>/Welcome,Future World!!!<ENCORE> 解説:2019年7月6日、7日にメットライフドームで開催された、アイドリッシュセブン 2nd
種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2020/02/05 販売元:Bandai Namco Filmworks 登録日:2019/10/21 Re:vale アイドリッシュセブントリガーリヴァーレズール アイドリッシュセブンセカンドライブリユニオンブルーレイデイ2 アイドリッシュセブン アイドリッシュセブンライブシリーズ IDOLiSH7 アイ7 アイナナ アイ7 リヴァーレ 内容:NATSU☆しようぜ!/Viva! Fantastic Life!!!!!!!/Perfection Gimmick/RESTART POiNTER/SILVER SKY/永遠性理論/Poisonous Gangster/LOOK AT.../願いはShine On The Sea/DIAMOND FUSION/In the meantime/miss you.../月明かりイルミネイト/ZONE OF OVERLAP/GOOD NIGHT AWESOME/THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVERYTHING!/Happy Days Creation!/星屑マジック/NO DOUBT/DAYBREAK INTERLUDE/Crescent rise/Leopard Eyes/ナナツイロ REALiZE/MEMORiES MELODiES/WiSH VOYAGE/MONSTER GENERATiON/Wonderful Octave<ENCORE>/PARTY TIME TOGETHER<ENCORE>/Welcome,Future World!!!<ENCORE> 解説:2019年7月6日、7日にメットライフドームで開催された、アイドリッシュセブン 2nd
) / 【本の説明】838ページ 202*254mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1479g ISBN:9780071285612 / 【本の内容】"Contemporary Management" by Jones and George distinguishes itself through its authorship comprehensive current contents rich and relevant examples and applications and experiential exercises provided in every single chapter. The cutting-edge 5th edition continues to redefine what principles of management texts should look sound and feel like. As an author team Gareth Jones and Jennifer George are uniquely qualified to write about both the strategic and organizational challenges managers face. “Contemporary Management” is a comprehensive text that surveys the theoretical underpinnings of modern management thought and research. Through a variety of examples from small medium and large com
) / 【本の説明】838ページ 202*254mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1479g ISBN:9780071285612 / 【本の内容】"Contemporary Management" by Jones and George distinguishes itself through its authorship comprehensive current contents rich and relevant examples and applications and experiential exercises provided in every single chapter. The cutting-edge 5th edition continues to redefine what principles of management texts should look sound and feel like. As an author team Gareth Jones and Jennifer George are uniquely qualified to write about both the strategic and organizational challenges managers face. “Contemporary Management” is a comprehensive text that surveys the theoretical underpinnings of modern management thought and research. Through a variety of examples from small medium and large com
) / 【本の説明】374ページ 159*229mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 454g ISBN:9780471743217 / 【本の内容】We all can learn from past mistakes...It's just more fun when they're not your own.Even corporate giants make mistakes. Now you can learn from the best of them with this behind-the-scenes look at some of today's most notable marketing mistakes and successes. With the Tenth Edition of this fascinating casebook you'll learn how to make better decisions implement strategies navigate competitive uncertainties avoid pitfalls and seize opportunities.In a lively conversational style Robert Hartley provides play-by-play Analyzes of actual decisions and practices that led to major marketing wars comebacks crises and triumphs in top corporations. Hand's-on exercises and debates invite you to immerse
) / 【本の説明】374ページ 159*229mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 454g ISBN:9780471743217 / 【本の内容】We all can learn from past mistakes...It's just more fun when they're not your own.Even corporate giants make mistakes. Now you can learn from the best of them with this behind-the-scenes look at some of today's most notable marketing mistakes and successes. With the Tenth Edition of this fascinating casebook you'll learn how to make better decisions implement strategies navigate competitive uncertainties avoid pitfalls and seize opportunities.In a lively conversational style Robert Hartley provides play-by-play Analyzes of actual decisions and practices that led to major marketing wars comebacks crises and triumphs in top corporations. Hand's-on exercises and debates invite you to immerse
) / 【本の説明】480ページ 229*292mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1270g ISBN:9780471438618 / 【本の内容】Principles of Water Resources presents a long-awaited comprehensive look at our most precious resource. With its broad coverage of the history of water availability and use as well as government development management and policy of water usage this text is ideal for students of geography biology environmental studies urban planning geology environmental engineering soils and range sciences watershed science public administration fisheries and wildlife forestry resources hydrology natural resources and ecology. The author has enlivened the text with interesting sidebars policy issues and closer looks at past and present examples of water use.
) / 【本の説明】480ページ 229*292mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1270g ISBN:9780471438618 / 【本の内容】Principles of Water Resources presents a long-awaited comprehensive look at our most precious resource. With its broad coverage of the history of water availability and use as well as government development management and policy of water usage this text is ideal for students of geography biology environmental studies urban planning geology environmental engineering soils and range sciences watershed science public administration fisheries and wildlife forestry resources hydrology natural resources and ecology. The author has enlivened the text with interesting sidebars policy issues and closer looks at past and present examples of water use.
) / 【本の説明】335ページ 189*246mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 699g ISBN:9780199274895 / 【本の内容】The second edition of Percy and Elliott's Strategic Advertising Management continues to deal with advertising from a strategic rather than simply a descriptive standpoint and covers all the main topics on an Advertising Management module.The authors look first at what advertising is meant to do and then go on to provide an understanding of what is necessary in the development of effective advertising and promotion. The text has been fully updated and revised to now include expanded chapter introduction explicit chapter objectives and learning outcomes.The chapters on 'Communication Strategy' and 'Processing the Message' have been significantly expanded as well as the material on Integrated
) / 【本の説明】335ページ 189*246mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 699g ISBN:9780199274895 / 【本の内容】The second edition of Percy and Elliott's Strategic Advertising Management continues to deal with advertising from a strategic rather than simply a descriptive standpoint and covers all the main topics on an Advertising Management module.The authors look first at what advertising is meant to do and then go on to provide an understanding of what is necessary in the development of effective advertising and promotion. The text has been fully updated and revised to now include expanded chapter introduction explicit chapter objectives and learning outcomes.The chapters on 'Communication Strategy' and 'Processing the Message' have been significantly expanded as well as the material on Integrated
) / 【本の説明】215ページ 152*235mm 言語:English 236g ISBN:9780470820575 / 【本の内容】Every point of contact builds the brand 「P」Imagine all communciations reflecting the same deep insight. Imagine all media from TV to packaging from web sites to water wells contributing to the brand 「P」The 360 ??Degree Brand in Asia decribes Ogilvy's proven sucess in helping both Asia-based to achieve greater success through its model of 360 Degree Brand Stewardship. This practical book offers valuable advice by taking a holitic look at communications and applying the necessary guidelines from each discipline to build a stronger and more profitable brand 「P」With 30 years experience in the Asian marketplace between them the authors argee that the old often derided concept of "integration" should b
) / 【本の説明】215ページ 152*235mm 言語:English 236g ISBN:9780470820575 / 【本の内容】Every point of contact builds the brand 「P」Imagine all communciations reflecting the same deep insight. Imagine all media from TV to packaging from web sites to water wells contributing to the brand 「P」The 360 ??Degree Brand in Asia decribes Ogilvy's proven sucess in helping both Asia-based to achieve greater success through its model of 360 Degree Brand Stewardship. This practical book offers valuable advice by taking a holitic look at communications and applying the necessary guidelines from each discipline to build a stronger and more profitable brand 「P」With 30 years experience in the Asian marketplace between them the authors argee that the old often derided concept of "integration" should b
■収録:Disc.1/01.BODY/02.SUPERSTAR/03.MOVE/04.YOU’RE MY/05.I NEED A GIRL/06.EYES,NOSE,LIPS (JPN Ver.)/07.ONLY LOOK AT ME/08.WEDDING DRESS/09.THIS AIN’T IT/10.RINGA LINGA/11.BREAK DOWN/12.1AM (JPN Ver.)/13.STAY WITH ME/14.LET GO/15.LOVE YOU TO DEATH/16.BAD BOY (acoustic ver.) (JPN Ver.) [Encore]/17.FANTASTIC BABY (JPN Ver.) [Encore]/18.RINGA LINGA [Encore]/19.BODY [Encore]/20.1AM (JPN Ver.) [Encore]/21.EYES,NOSE,LIPS [Encore]/Disc.2/01.MAKING OF SOL JAPAN TOUR RISE 2014/02.STAY WITH ME feat.G-DRAGON (from BIGBANG) <OSAKA-JO HALL 2014.09.04>/03.RINGA LINGA feat.RINGA LINGA BABYS (aaa OSAKA) <OSAKA-JO HALL 2014.09.04>/04.Q&A SELECTION....
■収録:Disc.1/01.BODY/02.SUPERSTAR/03.MOVE/04.YOU’RE MY/05.I NEED A GIRL/06.EYES,NOSE,LIPS (JPN Ver.)/07.ONLY LOOK AT ME/08.WEDDING DRESS/09.THIS AIN’T IT/10.RINGA LINGA/11.BREAK DOWN/12.1AM (JPN Ver.)/13.STAY WITH ME/14.LET GO/15.LOVE YOU TO DEATH/16.BAD BOY (acoustic ver.) (JPN Ver.) [Encore]/17.FANTASTIC BABY (JPN Ver.) [Encore]/18.RINGA LINGA [Encore]/19.BODY [Encore]/20.1AM (JPN Ver.) [Encore]/21.EYES,NOSE,LIPS [Encore]/Disc.2/01.MAKING OF SOL JAPAN TOUR RISE 2014/02.STAY WITH ME feat.G-DRAGON (from BIGBANG) <OSAKA-JO HALL 2014.09.04>/03.RINGA LINGA feat.RINGA LINGA BABYS (aaa OSAKA) <OSAKA-JO HALL 2014.09.04>/04.Q&A SELECTION....
lol (エルオーエル えるおーえる)
2020年3月18日 発売
3rd Albumは、lightningの名の通り稲妻のような衝撃と閃光を表現した作品。
Popteenモデルふみめる、みうきい、なちょころりんカップルが出演し胸キュンが話題の曲にさなりをfeat.した「like that!!
pt.2 feat.さなり」、lolシェアハウスがコンセプトの「#love_xxx」、TOUR、Albumのタイトルとなる「lightning」、lolli-lolliなどlolらしいダンスチューンをあますことなく収録。
2.brave up!! feat.DJ KOO
4.look up!!
5.like that!! pt.2 feat.さなり
7.take me away
8.new life
10.i love(d) u
11.let me let me
1.lightning(lol live tour 2019-lightning-)
2.trigger(lol liv
lol (エルオーエル えるおーえる)
2020年3月18日 発売
3rd Albumは、lightningの名の通り稲妻のような衝撃と閃光を表現した作品。
Popteenモデルふみめる、みうきい、なちょころりんカップルが出演し胸キュンが話題の曲にさなりをfeat.した「like that!!
pt.2 feat.さなり」、lolシェアハウスがコンセプトの「#love_xxx」、TOUR、Albumのタイトルとなる「lightning」、lolli-lolliなどlolらしいダンスチューンをあますことなく収録。
2.brave up!! feat.DJ KOO
4.look up!!
5.like that!! pt.2 feat.さなり
7.take me away
8.new life
10.i love(d) u
11.let me let me
1.lightning(lol live tour 2019-lightning-)
2.trigger(lol liv
2013/10/22 発売
2013/10/22 発売