■収録:Disc.1/01.NATSU☆しようぜ!/02.Viva! Fantastic Life!!!!!!!/03.Perfection Gimmick/04.RESTART POiNTER/05.SILVER SKY/06.永遠性理論/07.Poisonous Gangster/08.LOOK AT.../09.願いはShine On The Sea/10.DIAMOND FUSION/11.In the meantime/12.miss you.../13.月明かりイルミネイト/14.ZONE OF OVERLAP/15.GOOD NIGHT AWESOME/16.THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVERYTHING!/17.Happy Days Creation!/18.星屑マジック/19.NO DOUBT/20.DAYBREAK INTERLUDE/21.Crescent rise/22.Leopard Eyes/23.ナナツイロ REALiZE/24.MEMORiES MELODiES/25.WiSH VOYAGE/26.MONSTER GENERATiON/27.Wonderful Octave [ENCORE]/28.PARTY TIME TOGETHER [ENCORE]/29.Welcome, Future Wor....
■収録:Disc.1/01.NATSU☆しようぜ!/02.Viva! Fantastic Life!!!!!!!/03.Perfection Gimmick/04.RESTART POiNTER/05.SILVER SKY/06.永遠性理論/07.Poisonous Gangster/08.LOOK AT.../09.願いはShine On The Sea/10.DIAMOND FUSION/11.In the meantime/12.miss you.../13.月明かりイルミネイト/14.ZONE OF OVERLAP/15.GOOD NIGHT AWESOME/16.THANK YOU FOR YOUR EVERYTHING!/17.Happy Days Creation!/18.星屑マジック/19.NO DOUBT/20.DAYBREAK INTERLUDE/21.Crescent rise/22.Leopard Eyes/23.ナナツイロ REALiZE/24.MEMORiES MELODiES/25.WiSH VOYAGE/26.MONSTER GENERATiON/27.Wonderful Octave [ENCORE]/28.PARTY TIME TOGETHER [ENCORE]/29.Welcome, Future Wor....
) / 【本の説明】176ページ 217*243mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 499g ISBN:9780300068771 / 【本の内容】"One can build a concrete highway anywhere. . . . But the Merritt parkway is different. More than any 'futurama' at the World's Fair . . . it shows what the highway of the future really should look like? a highway where the eye is filled with beauty and the mind with peace."?Bridgeport Post 1938The Merritt Parkway which connects Connecticut's Fairfield County with New York State was built in the 1930s one of the earliest attempts to cope with America's new obsession with the automobile. This book traces the history of the Merritt Parkway from the proposals for its construction and design in the early 1920s to its triumphant completion in 1940. Filled with vintage and recent photographs hist
) / 【本の説明】176ページ 217*243mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 499g ISBN:9780300068771 / 【本の内容】"One can build a concrete highway anywhere. . . . But the Merritt parkway is different. More than any 'futurama' at the World's Fair . . . it shows what the highway of the future really should look like? a highway where the eye is filled with beauty and the mind with peace."?Bridgeport Post 1938The Merritt Parkway which connects Connecticut's Fairfield County with New York State was built in the 1930s one of the earliest attempts to cope with America's new obsession with the automobile. This book traces the history of the Merritt Parkway from the proposals for its construction and design in the early 1920s to its triumphant completion in 1940. Filled with vintage and recent photographs hist
種別:Blu-ray/ブルーレイ発売日:2018/12/05収録曲: / Hero / Hide & Seek / Do Me More / Mint / Baby Don’t Cry / GIRL TALK / NEW LOOK / WHAT A FEELING / Showtime / Just You and I / Break It / Say the word / Love Story / SWEET 19 BLUES / TRY ME 〜私を信じて〜
種別:Blu-ray/ブルーレイ発売日:2018/12/05収録曲: / Hero / Hide & Seek / Do Me More / Mint / Baby Don’t Cry / GIRL TALK / NEW LOOK / WHAT A FEELING / Showtime / Just You and I / Break It / Say the word / Love Story / SWEET 19 BLUES / TRY ME 〜私を信じて〜
) / 【本の説明】180ページ 173*241mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 640g ISBN:9781683960492 対象年齢:16歳以上 / 【本の内容】This graphic novel tells unforgettable stories about Afro-Brazilian slaves who rebelled against oppression.Run For It — a stunning graphic novel by internationally acclaimed illustrator Marcelo d'Salete — is one of the first literary and artistic efforts to face up to Brazil's hidden history of slavery. Originally published in Brazil — where it was nominated for three of the country’s most prestigious comics awards — Run For It has received rave reviews worldwide including in the U.S. The Huffington Post. These intense tales offer a tragic and gripping portrait of one of history’s darkest corners. It’s hard to look away. Black & white illustrations throughout.
) / 【本の説明】180ページ 173*241mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 640g ISBN:9781683960492 対象年齢:16歳以上 / 【本の内容】This graphic novel tells unforgettable stories about Afro-Brazilian slaves who rebelled against oppression.Run For It — a stunning graphic novel by internationally acclaimed illustrator Marcelo d'Salete — is one of the first literary and artistic efforts to face up to Brazil's hidden history of slavery. Originally published in Brazil — where it was nominated for three of the country’s most prestigious comics awards — Run For It has received rave reviews worldwide including in the U.S. The Huffington Post. These intense tales offer a tragic and gripping portrait of one of history’s darkest corners. It’s hard to look away. Black & white illustrations throughout.
) / 【本の説明】616ページ 191*248mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 1198g ISBN:9780273716167 / 【本の内容】A comprehensive look at the fascinating and complex subject of ethics in business that is both theoretically rich and engaging.Fisher and Lovell focus on developing ethical awareness and give as much importance to individual conscience at work as they do to socially responsible behavior at the corporate level. and within the global business world. Business Ethics and Values ??is suitable for any Business related Ethics Sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility course at an upper level undergraduate or Masters level.
) / 【本の説明】616ページ 191*248mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 1198g ISBN:9780273716167 / 【本の内容】A comprehensive look at the fascinating and complex subject of ethics in business that is both theoretically rich and engaging.Fisher and Lovell focus on developing ethical awareness and give as much importance to individual conscience at work as they do to socially responsible behavior at the corporate level. and within the global business world. Business Ethics and Values ??is suitable for any Business related Ethics Sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility course at an upper level undergraduate or Masters level.
) / 【本の説明】320ページ 178*251mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 612g ISBN:9780691167657 / 【本の内容】The essential textbook for learning game theory strategiesGame Theory in Action is a textbook about using game theory across a range of real-life scenarios. From traffic accidents to the sex lives of lizards Stephen Schecter and Herbert Gintis show students how game theory can be applied in diverse areas including animal behavior political science and economics.The book's examples and problems look at such fascinating topics as crime-control strategies climate-change negotiations and the power of the Oracle at Delphi. The text includes a substantial treatment of evolutionary game theory where strategies are not chosen through rational analysis but emerge by virtue of being successful. This
) / 【本の説明】320ページ 178*251mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 612g ISBN:9780691167657 / 【本の内容】The essential textbook for learning game theory strategiesGame Theory in Action is a textbook about using game theory across a range of real-life scenarios. From traffic accidents to the sex lives of lizards Stephen Schecter and Herbert Gintis show students how game theory can be applied in diverse areas including animal behavior political science and economics.The book's examples and problems look at such fascinating topics as crime-control strategies climate-change negotiations and the power of the Oracle at Delphi. The text includes a substantial treatment of evolutionary game theory where strategies are not chosen through rational analysis but emerge by virtue of being successful. This
) / 【本の説明】392ページ 184*241mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 885g ISBN:9780199289783 / 【本の内容】Completely revised and updated to address changes that have taken place since 9/11 the second edition of this compelling collection takes a sophisticated look at the role of military power in the contemporary world.In this essential resource the authors analyzed recent conflicts from Afghanistan to the Iraq War considering the ongoing debates on the lessons that can be learned from these wars. In addition they examine the controversy surrounding the recent revolution in military affairs--a transformation that has been brought about in response to the phenomenal pace of innovation in electronics and computer systems.
) / 【本の説明】392ページ 184*241mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 885g ISBN:9780199289783 / 【本の内容】Completely revised and updated to address changes that have taken place since 9/11 the second edition of this compelling collection takes a sophisticated look at the role of military power in the contemporary world.In this essential resource the authors analyzed recent conflicts from Afghanistan to the Iraq War considering the ongoing debates on the lessons that can be learned from these wars. In addition they examine the controversy surrounding the recent revolution in military affairs--a transformation that has been brought about in response to the phenomenal pace of innovation in electronics and computer systems.
) / 【本の説明】604ページ 210*254mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1293g ISBN:9780131961838 / 【本の内容】The authors draw from more than 40 years of both academic and professional military experience to present a comprehensive look at the history current activity and future implications of Terrorism worldwide. This newly revised edition brings the latest developments to life through practical examples detailed maps and terrorism briefs to help readers visualize the locations and the players involved in terrorism and counterterrorism. Defines Terrorism and associated legal issues. Covers the complex history and motives behind the behavior. Discusses different types of terrorists ranging from poorly organized groups of fanatics or dissidents with conflicting goals to the more highly organized
) / 【本の説明】604ページ 210*254mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1293g ISBN:9780131961838 / 【本の内容】The authors draw from more than 40 years of both academic and professional military experience to present a comprehensive look at the history current activity and future implications of Terrorism worldwide. This newly revised edition brings the latest developments to life through practical examples detailed maps and terrorism briefs to help readers visualize the locations and the players involved in terrorism and counterterrorism. Defines Terrorism and associated legal issues. Covers the complex history and motives behind the behavior. Discusses different types of terrorists ranging from poorly organized groups of fanatics or dissidents with conflicting goals to the more highly organized
種別:LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2024/07/12 登録日:2024/05/31 マーク・アーモンド アイム・ノット・エニワン 内容:[Side A]1. I’m the Light2. Reflections of My Life3. Gone With the Wind (Is My Love)4. I Talk To the Wind (feat. Ian Anderson)5. Elusive Butterfly6. I’m Not Anyone[Side B]1. Smokey Day (with Bryan Chambers)2. Trouble of the World (with Bryan Chambers)3. Look To Your Soul (with Louise Marshall)4. Chain Lightning5. Lonely Looking Sky 解説:本作ではサイケ、プログレ、フォーク、ゴスペル、ソウルなど、さまざまなジャンルからインスピレーションを得たという新作では、キング・クリムゾン(King Crimson)、コリン・ブランストーン(Colin Blunstone)、ポール・アンカ(Paul Anka)、マヘリア・ジャクソン(Mahalia Jackson)、ドン・マクリーン(Don McLean)、ブルー・チアー(Blue Cheer)などの楽曲を、プロデューサー兼マルチ・インストゥルメンタリストのマイク・スティーヴンスとともに独自の解釈でリワ
種別:LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2024/07/12 登録日:2024/05/31 マーク・アーモンド アイム・ノット・エニワン 内容:[Side A]1. I’m the Light2. Reflections of My Life3. Gone With the Wind (Is My Love)4. I Talk To the Wind (feat. Ian Anderson)5. Elusive Butterfly6. I’m Not Anyone[Side B]1. Smokey Day (with Bryan Chambers)2. Trouble of the World (with Bryan Chambers)3. Look To Your Soul (with Louise Marshall)4. Chain Lightning5. Lonely Looking Sky 解説:本作ではサイケ、プログレ、フォーク、ゴスペル、ソウルなど、さまざまなジャンルからインスピレーションを得たという新作では、キング・クリムゾン(King Crimson)、コリン・ブランストーン(Colin Blunstone)、ポール・アンカ(Paul Anka)、マヘリア・ジャクソン(Mahalia Jackson)、ドン・マクリーン(Don McLean)、ブルー・チアー(Blue Cheer)などの楽曲を、プロデューサー兼マルチ・インストゥルメンタリストのマイク・スティーヴンスとともに独自の解釈でリワ
種別:2LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2024/09/06 登録日:2024/08/02 レックス・オレンジ・カウンティ アレキサンダー・テクニック(マーブルド)(カラー)(限定盤) 内容:[LP1 : Side A]1. Alexander2. Guitar Song3. 20084. Therapy[LP1 : Side B]1. 4 In The Morning2. Jealousy3. The Table4. Pure[LP2 : Side A]1. One Of These Days2. Carrera3. Much Too Much4. Sliding Doors[LP2 : Side B]1. Lost For Words2. Look Me In The Eyes (feat. James Blake)3. New Years4. Finally 解説:痛みを乗り越えた先に生まれた最新アルバム『The Alexander Technique』(マーブル・ヴァイナル)。
種別:2LP 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2024/09/06 登録日:2024/08/02 レックス・オレンジ・カウンティ アレキサンダー・テクニック(マーブルド)(カラー)(限定盤) 内容:[LP1 : Side A]1. Alexander2. Guitar Song3. 20084. Therapy[LP1 : Side B]1. 4 In The Morning2. Jealousy3. The Table4. Pure[LP2 : Side A]1. One Of These Days2. Carrera3. Much Too Much4. Sliding Doors[LP2 : Side B]1. Lost For Words2. Look Me In The Eyes (feat. James Blake)3. New Years4. Finally 解説:痛みを乗り越えた先に生まれた最新アルバム『The Alexander Technique』(マーブル・ヴァイナル)。
種別:DVD 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2023/03/15 販売元:ウルトラ・ヴァイヴ 登録日:2023/02/02 ZORN ゾーン ライブアットサイタマスーパーアリーナ ZORN/ゾーン映像作品 内容:Intro/Still Here/I’m A Rapper with KADOKAWA DREAMS/Bars Wars with KADOKAWA DREAMS/Leave Me Alone/Walk This Way feat.AKLO/Have A Good Time feat.AKLO/RGTO(Remix)feat.ZORN/100(Remix)feat.ISH-ONE,ZORN,MARIA & Staxx T/Just A Feeling/パンケーキ/Letter/Lost/My life/My Love with Aroha Imai from KADOKAWA DREAMS/One Mic feat.KREVA/タンポポ feat.ZORN/Love Yourself/Be Proud/隣の芝生は青い/Life Story feat.ILL-BOSSTINO/Don’t Look Back/HUNGRY feat.般若 & SHINGO★西成/2 Da future with 海津信志/家庭の事情 with 海津信志/Do My Thing(Remix)/2 FACE/Shinkoiwa/Rep feat.MACCHO/AREA AREA(Remix)feat.ZORN/Stay Gold/交通公園/渋江公園(Skit)/In The Neighborhood/All My Homies feat.Homies/いたいのとんでけ feat.翔治/GOAT(Remix)feat.Zeebra/拍手の雨 解説:2022年1
種別:DVD 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2023/03/15 販売元:ウルトラ・ヴァイヴ 登録日:2023/02/02 ZORN ゾーン ライブアットサイタマスーパーアリーナ ZORN/ゾーン映像作品 内容:Intro/Still Here/I’m A Rapper with KADOKAWA DREAMS/Bars Wars with KADOKAWA DREAMS/Leave Me Alone/Walk This Way feat.AKLO/Have A Good Time feat.AKLO/RGTO(Remix)feat.ZORN/100(Remix)feat.ISH-ONE,ZORN,MARIA & Staxx T/Just A Feeling/パンケーキ/Letter/Lost/My life/My Love with Aroha Imai from KADOKAWA DREAMS/One Mic feat.KREVA/タンポポ feat.ZORN/Love Yourself/Be Proud/隣の芝生は青い/Life Story feat.ILL-BOSSTINO/Don’t Look Back/HUNGRY feat.般若 & SHINGO★西成/2 Da future with 海津信志/家庭の事情 with 海津信志/Do My Thing(Remix)/2 FACE/Shinkoiwa/Rep feat.MACCHO/AREA AREA(Remix)feat.ZORN/Stay Gold/交通公園/渋江公園(Skit)/In The Neighborhood/All My Homies feat.Homies/いたいのとんでけ feat.翔治/GOAT(Remix)feat.Zeebra/拍手の雨 解説:2022年1
種別:Blu-ray/ブルーレイ発売日:2024/09/04収録曲: / Paradise / Ready? / Time After Time / Distant Look / Deep Dive / Honest / Be Yourself / Keep It Up / Virus / korekara / Let Me Know / モノクロの世界 / 言えない / Just You and Me / Can’t Get Enough / Monday /
種別:Blu-ray/ブルーレイ発売日:2024/09/04収録曲: / Paradise / Ready? / Time After Time / Distant Look / Deep Dive / Honest / Be Yourself / Keep It Up / Virus / korekara / Let Me Know / モノクロの世界 / 言えない / Just You and Me / Can’t Get Enough / Monday /
【品番】 KIBM-781〜2
【JAN】 4988003855826
【発売日】 2019年05月22日
(2)Out On The Run
(3)Longing For Love
(4)When Love Fails
(5)Before Dawn
(6)Easter Sun
(8)Take Me Up
(9)Long Gone
(10)Heart Of Emotion
(11)Future Overture
(12)Take look At The Future
(13)Children's Eyes
(14)In The Ghe
【品番】 KIBM-781〜2
【JAN】 4988003855826
【発売日】 2019年05月22日
(2)Out On The Run
(3)Longing For Love
(4)When Love Fails
(5)Before Dawn
(6)Easter Sun
(8)Take Me Up
(9)Long Gone
(10)Heart Of Emotion
(11)Future Overture
(12)Take look At The Future
(13)Children's Eyes
(14)In The Ghe
バービー バービー人形 HBV36 Barbie Complete Look Patchwork Print Dress Fashion Pack
商品名(自動翻訳):バービー コンプリートルック パッチワークプリントドレス ファッションパック
バービー バービー人形 HBV36 Barbie Complete Look Patchwork Print Dress Fashion Pack
商品名(自動翻訳):バービー コンプリートルック パッチワークプリントドレス ファッションパック
■収録:Disc.1/01.そばにいてよ(4:04)/02.Dear Friends(6:35)/03.あ・ぜ・ちょ!(4:09)/04.違う、そうじゃない(4:09)/05.笑顔の行方(3:49)/06.また逢う日まで(4:23)/07.IT HURTS -KR Ver.- (SPECIAL TRACK)(4:19)/Disc.2/01.あ・ぜ・ちょ! (MUSIC VIDEO)(3:56)/02.違う、そうじゃない (MUSIC VIDEO)(4:06)/03.そばにいてよ (MUSIC VIDEO)(4:00)/04.あ・ぜ・ちょ! (BEHIND THE SCENES)/05.違う、そうじゃない (BEHIND THE SCENES)/06.-OPENING MOVIE- (a-nation 2017)/07.D-Day (a-nation 2017)(3:41)/08.VENUS (a-nation 2017)(3:56)/09.-MC- (a-nation 2017)/10.WINGS (a-nation 2017)(4:08)/11.じょいふる (a-nation 2017)/12.-MC 2- (a-nation 2017)/13.ナルバキスン (Look at me, Gwisun) (a-nation 2017)(3:01)/Disc.3/01.トさんのオフ....
■収録:Disc.1/01.そばにいてよ(4:04)/02.Dear Friends(6:35)/03.あ・ぜ・ちょ!(4:09)/04.違う、そうじゃない(4:09)/05.笑顔の行方(3:49)/06.また逢う日まで(4:23)/07.IT HURTS -KR Ver.- (SPECIAL TRACK)(4:19)/Disc.2/01.あ・ぜ・ちょ! (MUSIC VIDEO)(3:56)/02.違う、そうじゃない (MUSIC VIDEO)(4:06)/03.そばにいてよ (MUSIC VIDEO)(4:00)/04.あ・ぜ・ちょ! (BEHIND THE SCENES)/05.違う、そうじゃない (BEHIND THE SCENES)/06.-OPENING MOVIE- (a-nation 2017)/07.D-Day (a-nation 2017)(3:41)/08.VENUS (a-nation 2017)(3:56)/09.-MC- (a-nation 2017)/10.WINGS (a-nation 2017)(4:08)/11.じょいふる (a-nation 2017)/12.-MC 2- (a-nation 2017)/13.ナルバキスン (Look at me, Gwisun) (a-nation 2017)(3:01)/Disc.3/01.トさんのオフ....
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Closer Look on Details
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バービー バービー人形 着せ替え 衣装 ドレス アウトフィット GRD46 Barbie Doll Clothes Inspired by Jurassic World: Dominion, Complete Look with 2 Accessories, Pink Sleeveless Crop Top with Dinosaur Graphic & Blue Shorts, Fanny Pack & Hat, Gift for Kids 3 to 8 Years
海外サイズ:1 Count (Pack of 1)
バービー バービー人形 着せ替え 衣装 ドレス アウトフィット GRD46 Barbie Doll Clothes Inspired by Jurassic World: Dominion, Complete Look with 2 Accessories, Pink Sleeveless Crop Top with Dinosaur Graphic & Blue Shorts, Fanny Pack & Hat, Gift for Kids 3 to 8 Years
海外サイズ:1 Count (Pack of 1)