) / 【本の説明】32ページ 218*282mm 言語:English 376g ISBN:9781534535862 対象年齢:9~11歳 / 【本の内容】How many cells are in the human body? Questions like this are answered in this engaging look at cells. Readers learn that they are the building blocks of the human body. They'll go on an adventure with Dr. Seymour Skinless who travels under the skin to investigate how our bodies work. Dr. Seymour Skinless explains how cells function the structure of cells and many useful facts on this essential science curriculum topic. Stimulating fact boxes a thorough glossary eye-catching illustrations and diagrams and full-color photographs add to this exciting trip inside the human body.
) / 【本の説明】32ページ 218*282mm 言語:English 376g ISBN:9781534535862 対象年齢:9~11歳 / 【本の内容】How many cells are in the human body? Questions like this are answered in this engaging look at cells. Readers learn that they are the building blocks of the human body. They'll go on an adventure with Dr. Seymour Skinless who travels under the skin to investigate how our bodies work. Dr. Seymour Skinless explains how cells function the structure of cells and many useful facts on this essential science curriculum topic. Stimulating fact boxes a thorough glossary eye-catching illustrations and diagrams and full-color photographs add to this exciting trip inside the human body.
種別:DVD 音楽洋楽ポップス 発売日:2014/10/22 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2014/09/19 D-LITE(from BIGBANG) ディライト ディライトドライブニセンジュウヨンインジャパンディスラブ BIGBANG関連映像作品 特典:シリアルアクセスコード(初回生産分のみ特典)/CD2枚/豪華ブックレット/3DジャケットSPECIAL BOX 内容:-OPENING-/陽のあたる坂道/-MC 1-/全力少年/I LOVE YOU/アイ/-MC 2-/Rainy Rainy/醒めて、眠れ/-MC 3-/古い日記/-BAND JAM-/WINGS/逢いたくていま/ウソボンダ(Try Smiling)/-MC 4-/夢の蕾/BABY DON’T CRY/-MC 5-/じょいふる/Hello/“DLive 2014 GOODS”INTERLUDE MOVIE/ナルバキスン(Look at me, Gwisun)/-MC 6-/FANTASTIC BABY/-MC 7-/SHUT UP/ナルバキスン/FANTASTIC BABY/-MC 8-/歌うたいのバラッド/DOCUMENTARY OF“D-LITE DLive 2014 in Japan 〜D’slove〜”/D-LITE DLive 2014 in Japan 〜D’slove〜[SPECIAL FEATURES]/D-LITE DLive 2014 in Japan 〜D’slove〜[COLLECTION OF BEST MOMENTS] 解説:全8都市15公演17
種別:DVD 音楽洋楽ポップス 発売日:2014/10/22 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2014/09/19 D-LITE(from BIGBANG) ディライト ディライトドライブニセンジュウヨンインジャパンディスラブ BIGBANG関連映像作品 特典:シリアルアクセスコード(初回生産分のみ特典)/CD2枚/豪華ブックレット/3DジャケットSPECIAL BOX 内容:-OPENING-/陽のあたる坂道/-MC 1-/全力少年/I LOVE YOU/アイ/-MC 2-/Rainy Rainy/醒めて、眠れ/-MC 3-/古い日記/-BAND JAM-/WINGS/逢いたくていま/ウソボンダ(Try Smiling)/-MC 4-/夢の蕾/BABY DON’T CRY/-MC 5-/じょいふる/Hello/“DLive 2014 GOODS”INTERLUDE MOVIE/ナルバキスン(Look at me, Gwisun)/-MC 6-/FANTASTIC BABY/-MC 7-/SHUT UP/ナルバキスン/FANTASTIC BABY/-MC 8-/歌うたいのバラッド/DOCUMENTARY OF“D-LITE DLive 2014 in Japan 〜D’slove〜”/D-LITE DLive 2014 in Japan 〜D’slove〜[SPECIAL FEATURES]/D-LITE DLive 2014 in Japan 〜D’slove〜[COLLECTION OF BEST MOMENTS] 解説:全8都市15公演17
2023/8/25 発売
2023/8/25 発売
) / 【本の説明】304ページ 159*235mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 590g ISBN:9780273713326 / 【本の内容】Clear information shows clear thinking and clear thinking informs influences and impresses.How often do you stare at uninviting and confusing presentations notes reports and information packs and get nothing out of them?It doesn't have to be like this. We could all produce amazingly clear work that has incredible impact - if only we knew how.This book shows you how. It is full of ideas tips and principles that are simple and easy to implement yet brilliantly effective.You will never look at a business document in the same way again.And your work will impress the people that matter. and get the results you want. It guides you through the most effective ways of using all forms of presenting i
) / 【本の説明】304ページ 159*235mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 590g ISBN:9780273713326 / 【本の内容】Clear information shows clear thinking and clear thinking informs influences and impresses.How often do you stare at uninviting and confusing presentations notes reports and information packs and get nothing out of them?It doesn't have to be like this. We could all produce amazingly clear work that has incredible impact - if only we knew how.This book shows you how. It is full of ideas tips and principles that are simple and easy to implement yet brilliantly effective.You will never look at a business document in the same way again.And your work will impress the people that matter. and get the results you want. It guides you through the most effective ways of using all forms of presenting i
) / 【本の説明】576ページ 183*231mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 794g ISBN:9781111344382 / 【本の内容】LINGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE: AN INTRODUCTION Second Edition connects the study of linguistics to the language you use every day. The text is very user-friendly: casual writing style logical presentation of material balance of theoretical and practical entertaining information and lots of ideas and activities to put what you learn to use right away. The first chapter gives you the basics such as how to define language new ways to look at grammar your innate knowledge about language. Later chapters address core linguistics areas in depth (phonetics and phonology morphology syntax and semantics). Many innovative and varied activities help you review and practice the content and apply the knowledg
) / 【本の説明】576ページ 183*231mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 794g ISBN:9781111344382 / 【本の内容】LINGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE: AN INTRODUCTION Second Edition connects the study of linguistics to the language you use every day. The text is very user-friendly: casual writing style logical presentation of material balance of theoretical and practical entertaining information and lots of ideas and activities to put what you learn to use right away. The first chapter gives you the basics such as how to define language new ways to look at grammar your innate knowledge about language. Later chapters address core linguistics areas in depth (phonetics and phonology morphology syntax and semantics). Many innovative and varied activities help you review and practice the content and apply the knowledg
) / 【本の説明】671ページ 218*277mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1393g ISBN:9781259010170 / 【本の内容】Retailing is a high tech global growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities for college graduates. This book and its corresponding tools and exercises were written to expose students to the excitement of retailing and prepare them for a career in retailing and related fields. Known for its strategic look at retailing and current coverage this new '7th edition' continues to be organized around a model of strategic decision-making. One of the major advantages of the Levy/Weitz approach is the text's readability organization and its emphasis on how students can come to grips with real retailing issues and be able to solve problems. This text's logical organiza
) / 【本の説明】671ページ 218*277mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1393g ISBN:9781259010170 / 【本の内容】Retailing is a high tech global growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities for college graduates. This book and its corresponding tools and exercises were written to expose students to the excitement of retailing and prepare them for a career in retailing and related fields. Known for its strategic look at retailing and current coverage this new '7th edition' continues to be organized around a model of strategic decision-making. One of the major advantages of the Levy/Weitz approach is the text's readability organization and its emphasis on how students can come to grips with real retailing issues and be able to solve problems. This text's logical organiza
) / 【本の説明】251ページ 216*279mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 671g ISBN:9780205406104 / 【本の内容】The second edition of this widely popular CD-ROM with manual can be used to either teach or to review essential social work skills using the latest technology available.Designed as a practical guide to teaching basic counseling skills the CD-ROM contains video segments demonstrating four different culturally diverse social worker-client interactions. Students can view the video stop the action and respond to questions look up references or obtain more in-depth information about each skill segment. Common pitfalls for each skill set are noted as well as examples of appropriate and inappropriate uses of skills and outcomes.Social work values ??are discussed in the CD-ROM as well as communic
) / 【本の説明】251ページ 216*279mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 671g ISBN:9780205406104 / 【本の内容】The second edition of this widely popular CD-ROM with manual can be used to either teach or to review essential social work skills using the latest technology available.Designed as a practical guide to teaching basic counseling skills the CD-ROM contains video segments demonstrating four different culturally diverse social worker-client interactions. Students can view the video stop the action and respond to questions look up references or obtain more in-depth information about each skill segment. Common pitfalls for each skill set are noted as well as examples of appropriate and inappropriate uses of skills and outcomes.Social work values ??are discussed in the CD-ROM as well as communic
) / 【本の説明】256ページ 197*256mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 798g ISBN:9781718214866 / 【本の内容】Over two million people have turned to Strength Training Anatomy for an inside look at how the body performs during exercise. Now with new exercises stretches and exercise variations and with more of Fr?d?ric Delavier's signature art the fourth edition of this classic work sets the standard by which all other strength training resources will be judged. No other resource combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with expert strength training advice. Over 700 anatomical illustrations including muscles 90 new to this edition depict 231 exercises and variations to reveal the primary involved as well as all the relevant surrounding structures including bones ligaments tendons and connectiv
) / 【本の説明】256ページ 197*256mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 798g ISBN:9781718214866 / 【本の内容】Over two million people have turned to Strength Training Anatomy for an inside look at how the body performs during exercise. Now with new exercises stretches and exercise variations and with more of Fr?d?ric Delavier's signature art the fourth edition of this classic work sets the standard by which all other strength training resources will be judged. No other resource combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with expert strength training advice. Over 700 anatomical illustrations including muscles 90 new to this edition depict 231 exercises and variations to reveal the primary involved as well as all the relevant surrounding structures including bones ligaments tendons and connectiv
) / 【本の説明】624ページ 201*254mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 290g ISBN:9781305504875 / 【本の内容】WORLD POLITICS: TREND AND TRANSFORMATION offers analysis of the most up-to-date data research and contemporary events from today's international political stage. Students will understand what is happening today and why. The 2016-2017 Edition incorporates recent challenges to global peace and prosperity and the latest on international organizations advances in military technology a look at the changing nuclear environment in Iran an expanded discussion on human rights an enhanced discussion of global health threats new data from World Development Indicators and more. A partnership with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs provides additional coverage of contemporary issu
) / 【本の説明】624ページ 201*254mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 290g ISBN:9781305504875 / 【本の内容】WORLD POLITICS: TREND AND TRANSFORMATION offers analysis of the most up-to-date data research and contemporary events from today's international political stage. Students will understand what is happening today and why. The 2016-2017 Edition incorporates recent challenges to global peace and prosperity and the latest on international organizations advances in military technology a look at the changing nuclear environment in Iran an expanded discussion on human rights an enhanced discussion of global health threats new data from World Development Indicators and more. A partnership with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs provides additional coverage of contemporary issu
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Pickleball - Fashion Fabric Foam Sun Visor for Women - The Sporty Look - Adjustable to Any Size Head - No Pressure & No Headache! | Palms On Black
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Pickleball Marketplace Fashion Fabric Foam Sun Visor for Women - The Sporty Look - Adjustable to Any Size Head - No Pressure & No Headache! | Leopard, Multi-color, One Size
バービー Barbie LOOK CITY SHOPPER フィギュア 着せ替え 人形 ドレス コレクション 女の子 おもちゃ /MM キッズ
【ブランド】バービー Barbie
【実寸サイズ】タテ 32cm ヨコ 14cm 厚み 6cmm
バービー Barbie LOOK CITY SHOPPER フィギュア 着せ替え 人形 ドレス コレクション 女の子 おもちゃ /MM キッズ
【ブランド】バービー Barbie
【実寸サイズ】タテ 32cm ヨコ 14cm 厚み 6cmm
■収録:Disc.1/01.ペドラーズ(2:21)/02.スキャラバン(3:00)/03.MONSTER ROCK(3:29)/04.ストレンジバード(3:01)/05.君と僕(2:11)/06.ホール イン ワン(3:26)/07.ジャングル ブギ(3:20)/08.Burning Scale (1993 MIX)(3:52)/09.The Look of Love(6:01)/10.ハプニング (2015 MIX)(5:09)/11.インターセプター(4:22)/12.Sweet G(5:28)/13.花ふぶき〜愛だろ、愛っ。
〜(3:37)/14.YOU DON’T KNOW (WHAT SKA IS) -live-(3:29)/15.HURRY UP!!(3:07)/16.Blue Mountain(3:02)/17.愛があるかい?(4:24)/18.Dear My Sister(5:27)/19.ルパン三世 ’78(2:52)/20.火の玉ジャイヴ(3:51)/Disc.2/01.フィルムメイカーズ・ブリード 〜頂上決戦〜(3:45)/02.5 days of TEQUILA(3:48)/03.SKA ME CRAZY -live-(3:06)/04.めくれたオレンジ(5:15)/05.カナリヤ鳴く空(3....
■収録:Disc.1/01.ペドラーズ(2:21)/02.スキャラバン(3:00)/03.MONSTER ROCK(3:29)/04.ストレンジバード(3:01)/05.君と僕(2:11)/06.ホール イン ワン(3:26)/07.ジャングル ブギ(3:20)/08.Burning Scale (1993 MIX)(3:52)/09.The Look of Love(6:01)/10.ハプニング (2015 MIX)(5:09)/11.インターセプター(4:22)/12.Sweet G(5:28)/13.花ふぶき〜愛だろ、愛っ。
〜(3:37)/14.YOU DON’T KNOW (WHAT SKA IS) -live-(3:29)/15.HURRY UP!!(3:07)/16.Blue Mountain(3:02)/17.愛があるかい?(4:24)/18.Dear My Sister(5:27)/19.ルパン三世 ’78(2:52)/20.火の玉ジャイヴ(3:51)/Disc.2/01.フィルムメイカーズ・ブリード 〜頂上決戦〜(3:45)/02.5 days of TEQUILA(3:48)/03.SKA ME CRAZY -live-(3:06)/04.めくれたオレンジ(5:15)/05.カナリヤ鳴く空(3....
) / 【本の説明】240ページ 236*284mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1588g ISBN:9781580933742 / 【本の内容】A glorious photographic tour of the public and private gardens of New Jersey?from historic formal gardens of former estates to suburb gardens horticulturists’ havens and fresh takes on front yards. The most densely populated state in the nation and one of the original thirteen home to the largest public iris garden in the country and the glacier-swept endpoint of the last Ice Age?for Nancy Berner and Susan Lowry who look to gardens as an entry to the history and culture of a region New Jersey presents an array of surprising diversity. Its temperate climate makes it possible to grow a wide range of plants while its complex topography?ranging from mountains to rolling hills and flat basi
) / 【本の説明】240ページ 236*284mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 1588g ISBN:9781580933742 / 【本の内容】A glorious photographic tour of the public and private gardens of New Jersey?from historic formal gardens of former estates to suburb gardens horticulturists’ havens and fresh takes on front yards. The most densely populated state in the nation and one of the original thirteen home to the largest public iris garden in the country and the glacier-swept endpoint of the last Ice Age?for Nancy Berner and Susan Lowry who look to gardens as an entry to the history and culture of a region New Jersey presents an array of surprising diversity. Its temperate climate makes it possible to grow a wide range of plants while its complex topography?ranging from mountains to rolling hills and flat basi
) / 【本の説明】256ページ 3*6mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 373g ISBN:9781523510283 / 【本の内容】A celebration of the iconic shoes and superstars who have defined the sport for decades A History of Basketball in 15 Sneakers tells the story of hoops as only shoes can. The ultimate book for both hoops fans and sneaker obsessives A History of Basketball in 15 Sneakers is an exciting and fascinating look at the sport written with authority and experience by former Complex magazine editor Russ Bengtson. From primeval Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars to baroque Reebok Pumps and myth-making Air Jordans to super-high-tech Nike Adapt BBs each chapter breaks down how a specific sneaker defined an era of basketball transformed the culture or changed the game. With full-color sneaker photographs and si
) / 【本の説明】256ページ 3*6mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 373g ISBN:9781523510283 / 【本の内容】A celebration of the iconic shoes and superstars who have defined the sport for decades A History of Basketball in 15 Sneakers tells the story of hoops as only shoes can. The ultimate book for both hoops fans and sneaker obsessives A History of Basketball in 15 Sneakers is an exciting and fascinating look at the sport written with authority and experience by former Complex magazine editor Russ Bengtson. From primeval Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars to baroque Reebok Pumps and myth-making Air Jordans to super-high-tech Nike Adapt BBs each chapter breaks down how a specific sneaker defined an era of basketball transformed the culture or changed the game. With full-color sneaker photographs and si
種別:Blu-ray GOT7 解説:多国籍メンバー構成の韓国の7人組ボーイズグループ”GOT7(ガットセブン)”。
2014年、韓国でデビューを果たし同年、日本でもシングル「AROUND THE WORLD」でデビューを果たす。
本作は、日本では初となる夏ツアー“Our Loop”より、2019年8月4日に行われた神戸ワールド記念ホール公演を収録した映像作品。
特典:豪華撮りおろしLIVEフォトブック/豪華BOX仕様/特典ディスク【DVD】 内容:Opening/LOVE LOOP/GOT ur LUV/TURN UP/REMEMBER ME/YOUR SPACE/SHINING ON YOU/You Are/ANGEL/I WON’T LET YOU GO/If You Do/Save You/Look/Lullaby/SUPERMAN/FLASH UP/SO LUCKY/MY SWAGGER/Sto... 販売元:ソニー・ミュージックソリューションズ JAN:4547366452068 発売日:2020/09/02 登録日:2020/05/19 音楽洋楽ポップス
種別:Blu-ray GOT7 解説:多国籍メンバー構成の韓国の7人組ボーイズグループ”GOT7(ガットセブン)”。
2014年、韓国でデビューを果たし同年、日本でもシングル「AROUND THE WORLD」でデビューを果たす。
本作は、日本では初となる夏ツアー“Our Loop”より、2019年8月4日に行われた神戸ワールド記念ホール公演を収録した映像作品。
特典:豪華撮りおろしLIVEフォトブック/豪華BOX仕様/特典ディスク【DVD】 内容:Opening/LOVE LOOP/GOT ur LUV/TURN UP/REMEMBER ME/YOUR SPACE/SHINING ON YOU/You Are/ANGEL/I WON’T LET YOU GO/If You Do/Save You/Look/Lullaby/SUPERMAN/FLASH UP/SO LUCKY/MY SWAGGER/Sto... 販売元:ソニー・ミュージックソリューションズ JAN:4547366452068 発売日:2020/09/02 登録日:2020/05/19 音楽洋楽ポップス
) / 【本の説明】224ページ 142*213mm 言語:English 381g ISBN:9780525575603 / 【本の内容】How do you gain an edge in the digital age? In this lively accessible guide Ram Charan bestselling author and advisor to some of the world's top CEOs dissects the changing nature of competitive advantage illustrating what it takes for companies--old and new alike--to compete against digital giants like Amazon Alibaba and Google.In today's business world good strategy isn't just about preserving market share or building moats to ward off competitors. In the digital age the most successful companies look at everything through a single lens: How can we create a better end-to-end consumer experience? As Jeff Bezos says "When given the choice of obsessing over competitors or obsessing over customers we always
) / 【本の説明】224ページ 142*213mm 言語:English 381g ISBN:9780525575603 / 【本の内容】How do you gain an edge in the digital age? In this lively accessible guide Ram Charan bestselling author and advisor to some of the world's top CEOs dissects the changing nature of competitive advantage illustrating what it takes for companies--old and new alike--to compete against digital giants like Amazon Alibaba and Google.In today's business world good strategy isn't just about preserving market share or building moats to ward off competitors. In the digital age the most successful companies look at everything through a single lens: How can we create a better end-to-end consumer experience? As Jeff Bezos says "When given the choice of obsessing over competitors or obsessing over customers we always