) / 【本の説明】176ページ 107*173mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 118g ISBN:9780197542422 / 【本の内容】A thoughtful look at immigration anti-immigration sentiments and the motivations and experiences of the migrants themselves this updated book offers a compact but wide-ranging look at one of America's persistent hot-button issues. An updated penetrating and balanced analysis of one of the most contentious issues in America today offering a historically informed portrait of immigration.Americans have come from every corner of the globe and they have been brought together by a variety of historical processes?conquest colonialism the slave trade territorial acquisition and voluntary immigration. In this Very Short Introduction historian David A. Gerber captures the histories of dozens of Ameri
) / 【本の説明】176ページ 107*173mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 118g ISBN:9780197542422 / 【本の内容】A thoughtful look at immigration anti-immigration sentiments and the motivations and experiences of the migrants themselves this updated book offers a compact but wide-ranging look at one of America's persistent hot-button issues. An updated penetrating and balanced analysis of one of the most contentious issues in America today offering a historically informed portrait of immigration.Americans have come from every corner of the globe and they have been brought together by a variety of historical processes?conquest colonialism the slave trade territorial acquisition and voluntary immigration. In this Very Short Introduction historian David A. Gerber captures the histories of dozens of Ameri
) / 【本の説明】168ページ 109*173mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 136g ISBN:9780190944346 / 【本の内容】City planning is a practice and a profession. It is also a set of goals and?sometimes utopian?aspirations. Formal thought about the shaping of cities as physical spaces and social environments calls on the same range of disciplines and approaches that we use for understanding cities themselves from art and literature through the social and natural sciences. Surrounding the core profession of city planning also known as urban or town planning are related fields of architecture landscape design engineering geography political science and policy sociology and social work. Carl Abbott's addition to Oxford's long-running Very Short Introduction series is a brief but concentrated look at past dec
) / 【本の説明】168ページ 109*173mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 136g ISBN:9780190944346 / 【本の内容】City planning is a practice and a profession. It is also a set of goals and?sometimes utopian?aspirations. Formal thought about the shaping of cities as physical spaces and social environments calls on the same range of disciplines and approaches that we use for understanding cities themselves from art and literature through the social and natural sciences. Surrounding the core profession of city planning also known as urban or town planning are related fields of architecture landscape design engineering geography political science and policy sociology and social work. Carl Abbott's addition to Oxford's long-running Very Short Introduction series is a brief but concentrated look at past dec
) / 【本の説明】398ページ 127*188mm 言語:English 502g ISBN:9781613838600 対象年齢:18歳以上 / 【本の内容】In the tradition of Mark Kurlansky's Cod and Salt this endlessly revealing book reminds us that the fiber we think of as ordinary is the world's most powerful cash crop and that it has shaped the destiny of nations. Ranging from its domestication 5500 years ago to its influence in creating Calvin Klein's empire and the Gap Stephen Yafa's Cotton gives us an intimate look at the plant that fooled Columbus into thinking he'd reached India that helped start the Industrial Revolution as well as the American Civil War and that made at least one bug the boll weevil world famous. A sweeping chronicle of ingenuity greed conflict and opportunism Cotton offers "a barrage of fascinating informati
) / 【本の説明】398ページ 127*188mm 言語:English 502g ISBN:9781613838600 対象年齢:18歳以上 / 【本の内容】In the tradition of Mark Kurlansky's Cod and Salt this endlessly revealing book reminds us that the fiber we think of as ordinary is the world's most powerful cash crop and that it has shaped the destiny of nations. Ranging from its domestication 5500 years ago to its influence in creating Calvin Klein's empire and the Gap Stephen Yafa's Cotton gives us an intimate look at the plant that fooled Columbus into thinking he'd reached India that helped start the Industrial Revolution as well as the American Civil War and that made at least one bug the boll weevil world famous. A sweeping chronicle of ingenuity greed conflict and opportunism Cotton offers "a barrage of fascinating informati
) / 【本の説明】144ページ 109*170mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 136g ISBN:9780199670543 / 【本の内容】There has been an explosion of interest in entrepreneurs in the popular media as well as in business policy and education. But what do entrepreneurs do and why is what they do important? Paul Westhead and Mike Wright weave a pathway through the debates about entrepreneurship providing aguide to the entrepreneurial process. They look at how the actions of entrepreneurs are shaped by the external environment and availability of resources consider the types of organizations in which they can be found and look at the diversity in their backgrounds experience and how they think and learn. Lastly they consider the impact that entrepreneurs have on modern market economies and look at the future of
) / 【本の説明】144ページ 109*170mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 136g ISBN:9780199670543 / 【本の内容】There has been an explosion of interest in entrepreneurs in the popular media as well as in business policy and education. But what do entrepreneurs do and why is what they do important? Paul Westhead and Mike Wright weave a pathway through the debates about entrepreneurship providing aguide to the entrepreneurial process. They look at how the actions of entrepreneurs are shaped by the external environment and availability of resources consider the types of organizations in which they can be found and look at the diversity in their backgrounds experience and how they think and learn. Lastly they consider the impact that entrepreneurs have on modern market economies and look at the future of
) / 【本の説明】160ページ 109*173mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 113g ISBN:9780195367805 / 【本の内容】The award-winning Lincoln authority Allen C. Guelzo offers here a penetrating look into the mind of one of our greatest presidents. The author takes us on a wide-ranging exploration of seven problems that faced Lincoln setting these problems and Lincoln's responses against the larger world of trans-Atlantic liberal democracy in the 19th century comparing Lincoln not just to Andrew Jackson or John Calhoun but to British thinkers such as Cobden Bentham and Bright and to French observers de Tocqueville and Guizot. Beneath the surface of the apparently untutored and deceptively frank Abraham Lincoln ran private tunnels of self-taught study a restless philosophical curiosity and a profound grasp
) / 【本の説明】160ページ 109*173mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 113g ISBN:9780195367805 / 【本の内容】The award-winning Lincoln authority Allen C. Guelzo offers here a penetrating look into the mind of one of our greatest presidents. The author takes us on a wide-ranging exploration of seven problems that faced Lincoln setting these problems and Lincoln's responses against the larger world of trans-Atlantic liberal democracy in the 19th century comparing Lincoln not just to Andrew Jackson or John Calhoun but to British thinkers such as Cobden Bentham and Bright and to French observers de Tocqueville and Guizot. Beneath the surface of the apparently untutored and deceptively frank Abraham Lincoln ran private tunnels of self-taught study a restless philosophical curiosity and a profound grasp
) / 【本の説明】160ページ 273*279mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 286g ISBN:9781484767733 / 【本の内容】Minnie Mouse embodies a constant reminder to girls of all ages-including grown-ups!-to live confidently and express themselves. In The Art of Minnie Mouse Disney artists designers illustrators and animators from around the world reimagine their favorite Minnie styles and portray them in a variety of mediums. Minnie's earliest incarnation her classic red polka-dot look and trendy modern styles are all newly incarnated in water color pastel oil paint colored pencil mixed media and computer graphics pieces that range from the traditional to the unconventional. The book also features a never-before-published comprehensive filmography of Minnie's animated appearances as well as a visual timeline
) / 【本の説明】160ページ 273*279mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 286g ISBN:9781484767733 / 【本の内容】Minnie Mouse embodies a constant reminder to girls of all ages-including grown-ups!-to live confidently and express themselves. In The Art of Minnie Mouse Disney artists designers illustrators and animators from around the world reimagine their favorite Minnie styles and portray them in a variety of mediums. Minnie's earliest incarnation her classic red polka-dot look and trendy modern styles are all newly incarnated in water color pastel oil paint colored pencil mixed media and computer graphics pieces that range from the traditional to the unconventional. The book also features a never-before-published comprehensive filmography of Minnie's animated appearances as well as a visual timeline
) / 【本の説明】144ページ 197*222mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 658g ISBN:9781906417161 / 【本の内容】The shabby-chic Bohemian look known as vintage has both charm and plenty of practicality. It is the perfect alternative for modern white interiors ideal for family living?as extra scuffs won’t ruin the look?and low maintenance as well as relatively inexpensive. For home designers looking to develop a new style from old looks this essential resource provides information on how to shop and search creatively as well as how to identify and avoid fakes. Tips are also included on mixing various vintage objects creatively in order to create welcoming and eclectic interiors in any room.
) / 【本の説明】144ページ 197*222mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 658g ISBN:9781906417161 / 【本の内容】The shabby-chic Bohemian look known as vintage has both charm and plenty of practicality. It is the perfect alternative for modern white interiors ideal for family living?as extra scuffs won’t ruin the look?and low maintenance as well as relatively inexpensive. For home designers looking to develop a new style from old looks this essential resource provides information on how to shop and search creatively as well as how to identify and avoid fakes. Tips are also included on mixing various vintage objects creatively in order to create welcoming and eclectic interiors in any room.
種別:CD 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2016/06/10 登録日:2016/06/28 ムーンランド ムーンランド 内容:1. Heaven Is to Be Close to You2. Open Your Heart3. Crime of Love4. Poison Angel5. When Love Is Gone6. Out of Reach7. Live and Let Go8. Cold as Ice9. Over Me10. Heart Made of Steel11. Look at Us Now12. Another Day in Paradise
種別:CD 【輸入盤】 洋楽ロック 発売日:2016/06/10 登録日:2016/06/28 ムーンランド ムーンランド 内容:1. Heaven Is to Be Close to You2. Open Your Heart3. Crime of Love4. Poison Angel5. When Love Is Gone6. Out of Reach7. Live and Let Go8. Cold as Ice9. Over Me10. Heart Made of Steel11. Look at Us Now12. Another Day in Paradise
種別:CD 【輸入盤】 洋楽アジアンポップス 発売日:2017/09/03 登録日:2017/08/22 イ・ギガン 1STミニ・アルバム:ワン K-POP 輸入盤 一覧はコチラ 内容:1. What You Like2. One3. Misunderstand4. Dream (Feat. Luizy)5. Look at Me Now6. Trick (Feat. Lil Boy)7. Only8. What is you 解説:”ソロアーティスト””AJ””として作品を発表して以来約8年振りとなる、ファン待望のソロ作!!”
種別:CD 【輸入盤】 洋楽アジアンポップス 発売日:2017/09/03 登録日:2017/08/22 イ・ギガン 1STミニ・アルバム:ワン K-POP 輸入盤 一覧はコチラ 内容:1. What You Like2. One3. Misunderstand4. Dream (Feat. Luizy)5. Look at Me Now6. Trick (Feat. Lil Boy)7. Only8. What is you 解説:”ソロアーティスト””AJ””として作品を発表して以来約8年振りとなる、ファン待望のソロ作!!”
The ピーズ (ピーズ ぴーず)
2003年2月5日 発売
1997年に活動を休止し、2002年7月に千葉LOOKで唐突にライヴを行った、大木温之率いるThe ピーズのアルバム。
The ピーズ (ピーズ ぴーず)
2003年2月5日 発売
1997年に活動を休止し、2002年7月に千葉LOOKで唐突にライヴを行った、大木温之率いるThe ピーズのアルバム。
アニメ (いとうかなこ、Curriculu Machine、木村世治、VERTUEUX、Sadie、美郷あき、Curriculu Machine feat.W.K.(ワタナベカズヒロ))
2012年5月9日 発売
原作であるPCゲーム『咎狗の血』主題歌を担当していた、いとうかなこ、Curriculu Machineに加え、木村世治(hurdy gurdy / Pale Green)、VERTUEUX、Sadie、美郷あき、Curriculu Machine feat.W.K.(ワタナベカズヒロ)、OLDCODEX、喜多修平など豪華アーティストが集結。
1.no moral
2.bright lights
3.Don't Stare Me
5.once more again
6.Requiem Blue
7.crossing fate
9.Honed Moon-咎レタ月-
10.Don't look away
11.STILL(Anime Ver.)
12.GRIND"style GR"
アニメ (いとうかなこ、Curriculu Machine、木村世治、VERTUEUX、Sadie、美郷あき、Curriculu Machine feat.W.K.(ワタナベカズヒロ))
2012年5月9日 発売
原作であるPCゲーム『咎狗の血』主題歌を担当していた、いとうかなこ、Curriculu Machineに加え、木村世治(hurdy gurdy / Pale Green)、VERTUEUX、Sadie、美郷あき、Curriculu Machine feat.W.K.(ワタナベカズヒロ)、OLDCODEX、喜多修平など豪華アーティストが集結。
1.no moral
2.bright lights
3.Don't Stare Me
5.once more again
6.Requiem Blue
7.crossing fate
9.Honed Moon-咎レタ月-
10.Don't look away
11.STILL(Anime Ver.)
12.GRIND"style GR"
アニメ2006年8月30日 発売
CTC系アニメ「BLACK LAGOON」のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。
オープニング・テーマ、MELLの「Red fraction」他を収録。
1.Red fraction(Opening version)
2.Tear Drops to Earth
3.Asian Comfort
4.Don't Stop!
5.Samara Samanda
6.A Cold Wind in My Mind
7.Make A Bet
8.El Sol se Recuesta
9.Seasonal Wind
10.66 steps
11.The World of Midnight
12.Dark Side of the Moon
13.Tadpole Dance
14.Let Me Know Your Name
15.After the Rain
16.It's an Easy Afternoon
17.Behind the Clouds
19.Melting Brain
20.The Way to Last Night
21.Peach Headz Addiction
22.Don't Look Behind(requiem version)
23.Father's Chest
24.Don't Let Me Join Now
25.Foxy Doll
26.Rock the Carnival
27.Mad Club
28.Don't Stop!(Guitar version)
29.Don't Look Behind(Ending version)
アニメ2006年8月30日 発売
CTC系アニメ「BLACK LAGOON」のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。
オープニング・テーマ、MELLの「Red fraction」他を収録。
1.Red fraction(Opening version)
2.Tear Drops to Earth
3.Asian Comfort
4.Don't Stop!
5.Samara Samanda
6.A Cold Wind in My Mind
7.Make A Bet
8.El Sol se Recuesta
9.Seasonal Wind
10.66 steps
11.The World of Midnight
12.Dark Side of the Moon
13.Tadpole Dance
14.Let Me Know Your Name
15.After the Rain
16.It's an Easy Afternoon
17.Behind the Clouds
19.Melting Brain
20.The Way to Last Night
21.Peach Headz Addiction
22.Don't Look Behind(requiem version)
23.Father's Chest
24.Don't Let Me Join Now
25.Foxy Doll
26.Rock the Carnival
27.Mad Club
28.Don't Stop!(Guitar version)
29.Don't Look Behind(Ending version)
近藤房之助 (コンドウフサノスケ こんどうふさのすけ)
2013年11月27日 発売
今作では、2013年の”FUJI ROCK”やツアーを重ねて成熟された「1968バンド」が、そして、1968年当時17歳だった近藤が感じたBLUESをどこまで表現できるかに挑戦。
1.Hard Hearted Woman
2.Rocks In My Bed
3.Hellhound On My Trail
4.People Junction -Take 2-
5.Little Boy Blue
6.Be Careful With A Fool
7.Sloppy Drunk Blues
8.Love That Woman
9.Mama,Talk To Your Daughter
10.Take A Look Behind
12.Come On In This House
13.Telephone Blues
近藤房之助 (コンドウフサノスケ こんどうふさのすけ)
2013年11月27日 発売
今作では、2013年の”FUJI ROCK”やツアーを重ねて成熟された「1968バンド」が、そして、1968年当時17歳だった近藤が感じたBLUESをどこまで表現できるかに挑戦。
1.Hard Hearted Woman
2.Rocks In My Bed
3.Hellhound On My Trail
4.People Junction -Take 2-
5.Little Boy Blue
6.Be Careful With A Fool
7.Sloppy Drunk Blues
8.Love That Woman
9.Mama,Talk To Your Daughter
10.Take A Look Behind
12.Come On In This House
13.Telephone Blues
◆品 番:UCCU-40146◆発売日:2020年09月02日発売◆出荷目安:2〜5日◆生産限定盤/MQA-CD/UHQCD◆ホエンアイルックインユアアイズ/WHEN I LOOK IN YOUR EYES
◆品 番:UCCU-40146◆発売日:2020年09月02日発売◆出荷目安:2〜5日◆生産限定盤/MQA-CD/UHQCD◆ホエンアイルックインユアアイズ/WHEN I LOOK IN YOUR EYES
製造国 : US リリース年 : 1995 レーベル : RUTHLESS RECORDS 品番 : 88561-1534-1 US Org!! '95人気アルバム"Smile Now, Die Later"からのシングルカット!! A.L.T.を迎えDiane嬢サビが美しい人気Mellow"G"のA-1!更にb/wもA.L.T.とDiane嬢をfeatしたシリアス路線B-1を収録!またミューラルがLow Riderを描いたジャケも美しくそれだけでも買う価値あります!
製造国 : US リリース年 : 1995 レーベル : RUTHLESS RECORDS 品番 : 88561-1534-1 US Org!! '95人気アルバム"Smile Now, Die Later"からのシングルカット!! A.L.T.を迎えDiane嬢サビが美しい人気Mellow"G"のA-1!更にb/wもA.L.T.とDiane嬢をfeatしたシリアス路線B-1を収録!またミューラルがLow Riderを描いたジャケも美しくそれだけでも買う価値あります!
製造国 : UK リリース年 : 2003 レーベル : COLUMBIA 品番 : 673479-6A 傑作大ヒットアルバム"God's Son"からの説明不要の大名曲が遂にUKより正規Jacket付きで登場!Pro.はベテランプロデューサーSalaam Remiが担当!! B-Boyには、激定番の大ネタThe Incredible Bongo Band"Apach"使い!! このトラックは何時聴いても鳥肌モンです!! 熱く熱く硬派にNASがラップで盛り上げます!これで踊れなきゃB-Boyじゃない!! b/wには、こちらも人気の"One Mic"のOriginal Versionを収録!しかも、嬉しい33回転のカッコイイジャケ付き!
製造国 : UK リリース年 : 2003 レーベル : COLUMBIA 品番 : 673479-6A 傑作大ヒットアルバム"God's Son"からの説明不要の大名曲が遂にUKより正規Jacket付きで登場!Pro.はベテランプロデューサーSalaam Remiが担当!! B-Boyには、激定番の大ネタThe Incredible Bongo Band"Apach"使い!! このトラックは何時聴いても鳥肌モンです!! 熱く熱く硬派にNASがラップで盛り上げます!これで踊れなきゃB-Boyじゃない!! b/wには、こちらも人気の"One Mic"のOriginal Versionを収録!しかも、嬉しい33回転のカッコイイジャケ付き!
■収録:Disc.1/01.Green Flower Street(4:04)/02.The Nightfly(7:48)/03.New Frontier(5:40)/04.Brite Nitegown(7:35)/05.Band Introduction(2:16)/06.Snowbound(7:40)/07.Home at Last(7:16)/08.Black Cow(6:16)/09.What Can I Do(6:52)/10.The Goodbye Look(8:16)/11.Countermoon(5:14)/Disc.2/01.Misery and the Blues(8:29)/02.Mary Shut the Garden Door(6:54)/03.IGY(6:33)/04.FM(5:46)/05.Pretzel Logic(6:43)/06.Viva Viva Rock ’N’ Rol(2:45)
■説明:3rdソロ・アルバム『Morph the Cat』の発売に合わせて行われた、2006年のキャリア初のソロ・ツアーからのトロント公演を収録!
■収録:Disc.1/01.Green Flower Street(4:04)/02.The Nightfly(7:48)/03.New Frontier(5:40)/04.Brite Nitegown(7:35)/05.Band Introduction(2:16)/06.Snowbound(7:40)/07.Home at Last(7:16)/08.Black Cow(6:16)/09.What Can I Do(6:52)/10.The Goodbye Look(8:16)/11.Countermoon(5:14)/Disc.2/01.Misery and the Blues(8:29)/02.Mary Shut the Garden Door(6:54)/03.IGY(6:33)/04.FM(5:46)/05.Pretzel Logic(6:43)/06.Viva Viva Rock ’N’ Rol(2:45)
■説明:3rdソロ・アルバム『Morph the Cat』の発売に合わせて行われた、2006年のキャリア初のソロ・ツアーからのトロント公演を収録!