) / 【本の説明】144ページ 216*254mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 553g ISBN:9781907563959 / 【本の内容】The French look reflects all tastes from the cultivated grandeur of the chateau to the simplicity of rural living and can be adapted to every home. In this book the look is divided into 'Chateau' 'Country' 'Provencial' & 'Parisian style' & applied to living room kitchen & dining room bedroom & bathroom & to living space in the garden.< br>
) / 【本の説明】144ページ 216*254mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 553g ISBN:9781907563959 / 【本の内容】The French look reflects all tastes from the cultivated grandeur of the chateau to the simplicity of rural living and can be adapted to every home. In this book the look is divided into 'Chateau' 'Country' 'Provencial' & 'Parisian style' & applied to living room kitchen & dining room bedroom & bathroom & to living space in the garden.< br>
種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2019/11/20 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2019/09/19 kolme DO YOU KNOW KOLME? 特典:撮り下ろしミニ生写真(全4種のうち1枚をランダム封入)(初回生産分のみ特典) 内容:Intro/Gotta look/Get your control/Remind me.../Interlude 1/Repeat/I live in hope/Brand new days/Wonderland/Why, Mr.?/Deep breath/Same mistakes/Up all night/Interlude 2/Wherever I go 解説:前作から10ヶ月。
早くも4th アルバムが完成!全楽曲の作詞、作曲をセルフプロデュースしてきた中、前回より外部クリエイターを招いての楽曲も収録!また進化したkolmeを感じられる作品。
種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2019/11/20 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2019/09/19 kolme DO YOU KNOW KOLME? 特典:撮り下ろしミニ生写真(全4種のうち1枚をランダム封入)(初回生産分のみ特典) 内容:Intro/Gotta look/Get your control/Remind me.../Interlude 1/Repeat/I live in hope/Brand new days/Wonderland/Why, Mr.?/Deep breath/Same mistakes/Up all night/Interlude 2/Wherever I go 解説:前作から10ヶ月。
早くも4th アルバムが完成!全楽曲の作詞、作曲をセルフプロデュースしてきた中、前回より外部クリエイターを招いての楽曲も収録!また進化したkolmeを感じられる作品。
種別:CD/アルバム発売日:2015/08/12収録曲: / It’s Our Time / Never look back / IROIRO / I’m Scarlet / Eclipse / Fight Back / cocoon / ICE CANDY / WATASHINOSUBETE / BF / Hello,shooting-star / 「moumoon FULLMOON LIVE TOUR 2015 SPRING〜OFUTARISAMA
種別:CD/アルバム発売日:2015/08/12収録曲: / It’s Our Time / Never look back / IROIRO / I’m Scarlet / Eclipse / Fight Back / cocoon / ICE CANDY / WATASHINOSUBETE / BF / Hello,shooting-star / 「moumoon FULLMOON LIVE TOUR 2015 SPRING〜OFUTARISAMA
種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2019/01/16 販売元:ビクターエンタテインメント 登録日:2018/10/22 藤原さくら フジワラサクラ ヤガイオンガクカイ2018ライブアットヒビヤヤガイダイオンガクドウ20180715 藤原さくら映像作品 内容:Opening/Dance/Walking on the clouds/Sunny Day/I wanna go out/maybe maybe/How do I look?/赤/Just one girl/グルグル/Soup(acoustic)/1995(acoustic)/Ellie(acoustic)/BABY(acoustic)/Someday/NEW DAY/We are You are/「かわいい」/お月さま/The Moon -Encore-/bye bye -Encore- 解説:シンガーソングライター、女優として活躍している”藤原さくら”。
2015年、日本テレビ系ドラマ『学校のカイダン』の挿入歌として「Just one girl」が起用され、同年3月にミニアルバム『a la carte』でメジャーデビューを果たす。
種別:Blu-ray 音楽Jポップ 発売日:2019/01/16 販売元:ビクターエンタテインメント 登録日:2018/10/22 藤原さくら フジワラサクラ ヤガイオンガクカイ2018ライブアットヒビヤヤガイダイオンガクドウ20180715 藤原さくら映像作品 内容:Opening/Dance/Walking on the clouds/Sunny Day/I wanna go out/maybe maybe/How do I look?/赤/Just one girl/グルグル/Soup(acoustic)/1995(acoustic)/Ellie(acoustic)/BABY(acoustic)/Someday/NEW DAY/We are You are/「かわいい」/お月さま/The Moon -Encore-/bye bye -Encore- 解説:シンガーソングライター、女優として活躍している”藤原さくら”。
2015年、日本テレビ系ドラマ『学校のカイダン』の挿入歌として「Just one girl」が起用され、同年3月にミニアルバム『a la carte』でメジャーデビューを果たす。
FREAK (フリーク ふりーく)
2017年2月22日 発売
2016年5月にリリースされ、人気バラエティ番組『ドォーモ』のエンディングソングにも起用された「I Feel Good!!!!」、iTunes R&B/ソウルチャートにて1位を獲得した「Beautiful Sunday」、そして在福アーティスト3組による異色(?)コラボ曲「Fukuoka Stand Up feat.Natural Radio Station & LinQ」を始め、Black MusicとJ-POPの心地よいポイントを押さえた楽曲を多数ラインナップ。
1.No Half Steppin'
2.Beautiful Sunday
3.Nasty Girl
5.Cry For Me
7.I Feel Good!!!!
8.For Your Smile
9.Look At Me
10.My Everything
11.I Need You
12.Fukuoka Stand Up feat.Natural Radio Station & LinQ
1.You're My Baby Girl(Music Video)
2.I Feel Go
FREAK (フリーク ふりーく)
2017年2月22日 発売
2016年5月にリリースされ、人気バラエティ番組『ドォーモ』のエンディングソングにも起用された「I Feel Good!!!!」、iTunes R&B/ソウルチャートにて1位を獲得した「Beautiful Sunday」、そして在福アーティスト3組による異色(?)コラボ曲「Fukuoka Stand Up feat.Natural Radio Station & LinQ」を始め、Black MusicとJ-POPの心地よいポイントを押さえた楽曲を多数ラインナップ。
1.No Half Steppin'
2.Beautiful Sunday
3.Nasty Girl
5.Cry For Me
7.I Feel Good!!!!
8.For Your Smile
9.Look At Me
10.My Everything
11.I Need You
12.Fukuoka Stand Up feat.Natural Radio Station & LinQ
1.You're My Baby Girl(Music Video)
2.I Feel Go
) / 【本の説明】380ページ 159*229mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 590g ISBN:9780324317039 / 【本の内容】FAMILY BUSINESS provides the next generation of family business owners with the knowledge and skills needed for the successful management and leadership of the family enterprise. The author Ernesto Poza uses both text and cases to explore a diverse set of family firms examining the interrelationships among the owners the family and the management team. Family Business at its core is a practical book that presents the management and family practices that ensure success as well as an honest look at the advantages and challenges facing family enterprises. With an emphasis on leadership and positioning for the future Family Business illustrates how the family enterprise can achieve sustained gr
) / 【本の説明】380ページ 159*229mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 590g ISBN:9780324317039 / 【本の内容】FAMILY BUSINESS provides the next generation of family business owners with the knowledge and skills needed for the successful management and leadership of the family enterprise. The author Ernesto Poza uses both text and cases to explore a diverse set of family firms examining the interrelationships among the owners the family and the management team. Family Business at its core is a practical book that presents the management and family practices that ensure success as well as an honest look at the advantages and challenges facing family enterprises. With an emphasis on leadership and positioning for the future Family Business illustrates how the family enterprise can achieve sustained gr
種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2015/08/12 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2015/05/25 moumoon ムームーン イッツ アワー タイム moumoon CD 内容:It’s Our Time/Never look back/IROIRO/I’m Scarlet/Eclipse/Fight Back/cocoon/ICE CANDY/WATASHINOSUBETE/BF/Hello,shooting-star/「moumoon FULLMOON LIVE TOUR 2015 SPRING〜OFUTARISAM/It’s 解説:2007年にミニアルバム「love me?」でメジャーデビューを果たし、YUKAの女性らしい柔らかなボーカルと、MASAKIの生み出す創造性豊かでポップなメロディが融合した絶妙なハーモニーが魅力の音楽ユニット、moumoon(ムームーン)。
TVドラマ『東京スカーレット〜警視庁NS係』主題歌「I’m Scarlet」、TVドラマ『ディア・シスター』挿入歌「BF」、大人気アニメ『暗殺教室』エンディング・テーマ「Hello,shooting-star」といったタイアップ曲をはじめ、既にライブでも披露されている新曲「It’s Our Time」「Never lo
種別:CD 邦楽J-POP 発売日:2015/08/12 販売元:エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ 登録日:2015/05/25 moumoon ムームーン イッツ アワー タイム moumoon CD 内容:It’s Our Time/Never look back/IROIRO/I’m Scarlet/Eclipse/Fight Back/cocoon/ICE CANDY/WATASHINOSUBETE/BF/Hello,shooting-star/「moumoon FULLMOON LIVE TOUR 2015 SPRING〜OFUTARISAM/It’s 解説:2007年にミニアルバム「love me?」でメジャーデビューを果たし、YUKAの女性らしい柔らかなボーカルと、MASAKIの生み出す創造性豊かでポップなメロディが融合した絶妙なハーモニーが魅力の音楽ユニット、moumoon(ムームーン)。
TVドラマ『東京スカーレット〜警視庁NS係』主題歌「I’m Scarlet」、TVドラマ『ディア・シスター』挿入歌「BF」、大人気アニメ『暗殺教室』エンディング・テーマ「Hello,shooting-star」といったタイアップ曲をはじめ、既にライブでも披露されている新曲「It’s Our Time」「Never lo
【30日間返品保証】: 商品説明に誤りがある場合は、無条件で弊社送料負担で商品到着後30日間返品を承ります。
【30日間返品保証】: 商品説明に誤りがある場合は、無条件で弊社送料負担で商品到着後30日間返品を承ります。
) / 【本の説明】368ページ 134*197mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 248g ISBN:9780099513476 / 【本の内容】A novel of wit and imagination -- about friendship loss and the effects of war.?Monty and Ada last saw one another on the frontlines of the First World War when Monty was a nurse and Ada an ambulance driver who drove like the devil. Now the two friends have been reunited at crumbling Bleakly Hall where Monty has been hired to look after the grumpy gouty guests who have come to take the Hall's curative waters.?But the end of the Great War has brought changes for everyone at Bleakly and not all of them are good. Monty mourning the death of her beloved Sophia has a score to settle with the elusive Captain Foxley; Ada misses her wartime sense of purpose; the Blackwood brothers must reinvent Ble
) / 【本の説明】368ページ 134*197mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 248g ISBN:9780099513476 / 【本の内容】A novel of wit and imagination -- about friendship loss and the effects of war.?Monty and Ada last saw one another on the frontlines of the First World War when Monty was a nurse and Ada an ambulance driver who drove like the devil. Now the two friends have been reunited at crumbling Bleakly Hall where Monty has been hired to look after the grumpy gouty guests who have come to take the Hall's curative waters.?But the end of the Great War has brought changes for everyone at Bleakly and not all of them are good. Monty mourning the death of her beloved Sophia has a score to settle with the elusive Captain Foxley; Ada misses her wartime sense of purpose; the Blackwood brothers must reinvent Ble
) / 【本の説明】23ページ 99*137mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 386g ISBN:9781401959340 / 【本の内容】World-renowned oracle card expert with over a million decks sold best-selling author and internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher Colette Baron-Reid presents a portable 52-card edition of her best-selling oracle deck. These beautiful goddess oracle cards draw upon the symbolic energy of goddesses from cultures around the world--energy that can be reflected in any individual. Did you know the timeless energy of powerful goddesses rises up and can be expressed through every one of us when we need them ? The goddesses are here to guide us and empower us and if we look closely in our reflection their bright light shines through our eyes reminding us of the truth of our divinity and the power t
) / 【本の説明】23ページ 99*137mm 言語:English 国:アメリカ 386g ISBN:9781401959340 / 【本の内容】World-renowned oracle card expert with over a million decks sold best-selling author and internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher Colette Baron-Reid presents a portable 52-card edition of her best-selling oracle deck. These beautiful goddess oracle cards draw upon the symbolic energy of goddesses from cultures around the world--energy that can be reflected in any individual. Did you know the timeless energy of powerful goddesses rises up and can be expressed through every one of us when we need them ? The goddesses are here to guide us and empower us and if we look closely in our reflection their bright light shines through our eyes reminding us of the truth of our divinity and the power t
) / 【本の説明】352ページ 150*210mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 290g ISBN:9781785652837 / 【本の内容】"John Grisham had a better look to his laurels--there's a new writer of legal thrillers in town." Richard A. Lupoff author of The Classic Car KillerAppellate lawyer Janet Moodie is called in to work on a post-conviction investigation on a sordid murder-for-hire case. The client is uncooperative likely schizophrenic although he's never let a psychiatrist near him long enough to get a diagnosis. Convicted of arranging the shooting of a drug dealer under orders from the Aryan Brotherhood Howard Henley is not an easy case and even on death row he doesn't seem to understand the severity of his situation. It is up to Janet to discover just what was done and by whom and to determine whether to ris
) / 【本の説明】352ページ 150*210mm 言語:English 国:イギリス 290g ISBN:9781785652837 / 【本の内容】"John Grisham had a better look to his laurels--there's a new writer of legal thrillers in town." Richard A. Lupoff author of The Classic Car KillerAppellate lawyer Janet Moodie is called in to work on a post-conviction investigation on a sordid murder-for-hire case. The client is uncooperative likely schizophrenic although he's never let a psychiatrist near him long enough to get a diagnosis. Convicted of arranging the shooting of a drug dealer under orders from the Aryan Brotherhood Howard Henley is not an easy case and even on death row he doesn't seem to understand the severity of his situation. It is up to Janet to discover just what was done and by whom and to determine whether to ris
ジャンル:Special Interest-Documentary
コメント:AYN RAND - A SENSE OF LIFE is the first authorized film look at the life and work of the controversial Russian-born author of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged." Narrated by Emmy Award-winning actress Sharon Gless, the documentary offers millions of fans the opportunity
ジャンル:Special Interest-Documentary
コメント:AYN RAND - A SENSE OF LIFE is the first authorized film look at the life and work of the controversial Russian-born author of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged." Narrated by Emmy Award-winning actress Sharon Gless, the documentary offers millions of fans the opportunity
ジャンル:LGBTQ+ Foreign
コメント:Set against the music of Belle and Sebastian, Daniel Ribeiro's coming of age tale, The Way He Looks is a fun and tender story about friendship and the complications of young love. Leo is a blind teenager who's fed up with his overprotective mother and the bullies at school. Look
ジャンル:LGBTQ+ Foreign
コメント:Set against the music of Belle and Sebastian, Daniel Ribeiro's coming of age tale, The Way He Looks is a fun and tender story about friendship and the complications of young love. Leo is a blind teenager who's fed up with his overprotective mother and the bullies at school. Look
発売日: 2023/9/15
レーベル: Inside Out Germany
発売日: 2023/9/15
レーベル: Inside Out Germany
発売日:2018年04月27日/商品ID:4698768/ジャンル:ROCK/POP/フォーマット:CD/構成数:3/レーベル:Hear No Evil/アーティスト:Samson/アーティストカナ:サムソン/タイトル:Look To The Future/Refugee /Ps
発売日:2018年04月27日/商品ID:4698768/ジャンル:ROCK/POP/フォーマット:CD/構成数:3/レーベル:Hear No Evil/アーティスト:Samson/アーティストカナ:サムソン/タイトル:Look To The Future/Refugee /Ps