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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアLook Up, Albany! A Walking Tour of Albany, New York【電子書籍】[ Doug Gelbert ]
    Look Up, Albany! A Walking Tour of Albany, New York【電子書籍】[ Doug Gelbert ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>There is no better way to see America than on foot. And there is no better way to appreciate what you are looking at than with a walking tour. Whether you are preparing for a road trip or just out to look at your own town in a new way, a downloadable walking tour is ready to explore when you are.</p> <p>Each walking tour describes historical and architectural landmarks and provides pictures to help out when those pesky street addresses are missing. Every tour also includes a quick primer on identifying architectural styles seen on American streets.</p> <p>English explorer Henry Hudson, sailing for the Dutch East India Company on the Half Moon, reached this area in 1609, the furthest point north that he led his expedition. The Dutch settlement that followed was strictly about commerce - mostly beaver furs shipped out of the trading post of Fort Orange that would wind up on trendy European heads. The beaver was so all-important that when it came time to name the village that grew on a small plateau by the Hudson it became Beverwijck, the Dutch name for the luxuriously pelted rodent. When the British took over New Netherlands in 1664 the name Beverwijck was changed to honor of the Duke of Albany. In 1686 Albany was formally chartered as a municipality by provincial Governor Thomas Dongan and is today the longest continually chartered city in the country.</p> <p>From the beginning Albany has been a center for transportation. During the revolutionary War it was such a prize that on February 28, 1777 Lt. General John Burgoyne submitted a plan to the British ministry called 'Thoughts for Conducting the War from the Side of Canada." The ultimate goal was to sever the American states along the Hudson River by moving on Albany. It became the basis for British military strategy, a plan that was blown up by the American victory in the Battle of Saratoga that October, one of history's most influential battles.</p> <p>After rotating among several towns Albany was made the permanent capital in 1797 and when America's first super highway - the Erie Canal - opened up the country's interior in 1825 Lock #1 was located north of Colonie Street. At the time of the next census, Albany was the 9th largest city in the United States. Furs and lumber and iron and cattle all flowed through Albany's port in great abundance. In 1831, some 15,000 canal boats tied up at city wharves. By 1865, there were almost 4,000 saw mills in the Albany area and the Albany Lumber District was the largest lumber market in the nation. There was beer, too, brewed by descendants of the Dutch settlers. Beverwyck Brewery, originally known as Quinn and Nolan was the last remaining brewer from that time when it closed in 1972. And books. Other than Boston no other city produced as many books in the 19th century as Albany. Industry would eventually scatter away from the city and today's economy is driven by the government machine.</p> <p>Albany has a rich architectural heritage with representative buildings from nearly every period of America design - beginning with Dutch Colonial looks from the early 1700s. The city grew up the slope from the Hudson River and we'll start our walking tour at the top, in the midst of a complex of modern American buildings that did not arrive without a whiff of controversy...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>There is no better way to see America than on foot. And there is no better way to appreciate what you are looking at than with a walking tour. Whether you are preparing for a road trip or just out to look at your own town in a new way, a downloadable walking tour is ready to explore when you are.</p> <p>Each walking tour describes historical and architectural landmarks and provides pictures to help out when those pesky street addresses are missing. Every tour also includes a quick primer on identifying architectural styles seen on American streets.</p> <p>English explorer Henry Hudson, sailing for the Dutch East India Company on the Half Moon, reached this area in 1609, the furthest point north that he led his expedition. The Dutch settlement that followed was strictly about commerce - mostly beaver furs shipped out of the trading post of Fort Orange that would wind up on trendy European heads. The beaver was so all-important that when it came time to name the village that grew on a small plateau by the Hudson it became Beverwijck, the Dutch name for the luxuriously pelted rodent. When the British took over New Netherlands in 1664 the name Beverwijck was changed to honor of the Duke of Albany. In 1686 Albany was formally chartered as a municipality by provincial Governor Thomas Dongan and is today the longest continually chartered city in the country.</p> <p>From the beginning Albany has been a center for transportation. During the revolutionary War it was such a prize that on February 28, 1777 Lt. General John Burgoyne submitted a plan to the British ministry called 'Thoughts for Conducting the War from the Side of Canada." The ultimate goal was to sever the American states along the Hudson River by moving on Albany. It became the basis for British military strategy, a plan that was blown up by the American victory in the Battle of Saratoga that October, one of history's most influential battles.</p> <p>After rotating among several towns Albany was made the permanent capital in 1797 and when America's first super highway - the Erie Canal - opened up the country's interior in 1825 Lock #1 was located north of Colonie Street. At the time of the next census, Albany was the 9th largest city in the United States. Furs and lumber and iron and cattle all flowed through Albany's port in great abundance. In 1831, some 15,000 canal boats tied up at city wharves. By 1865, there were almost 4,000 saw mills in the Albany area and the Albany Lumber District was the largest lumber market in the nation. There was beer, too, brewed by descendants of the Dutch settlers. Beverwyck Brewery, originally known as Quinn and Nolan was the last remaining brewer from that time when it closed in 1972. And books. Other than Boston no other city produced as many books in the 19th century as Albany. Industry would eventually scatter away from the city and today's economy is driven by the government machine.</p> <p>Albany has a rich architectural heritage with representative buildings from nearly every period of America design - beginning with Dutch Colonial looks from the early 1700s. The city grew up the slope from the Hudson River and we'll start our walking tour at the top, in the midst of a complex of modern American buildings that did not arrive without a whiff of controversy...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFrom Grief to Love Walking Around England and Wales【電子書籍】[ Laurence Carter ]
    From Grief to Love Walking Around England and Wales【電子書籍】[ Laurence Carter ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In June 2018 Laurence Carter set off on a one-year walk of 4,314 miles around the coast of England and Wales, in honour of his late wife Melitta. He sought to raise awareness that cervical cancer can be eliminated in a generation. Before he left, a stranger told him that the people he met would change him. They did! This inspiring book recounts how those stories enabled the author to move beyond grief to finding love again. A perfect book for anyone recovering from grief, or who enjoys walking, or who relishes quirky stories.</p> <p>"A touching exploration of turning grief into action." - <em><strong>Kirkus Reviews</strong></em></p> <p>"...a beautifully moving and often humorous account of Laurence's incredible journey around the coastlines of England and Wales, battling the inclement British weather in a pair of shorts..." - <em><strong>Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Full Kirkus Review:</strong></em></p> <p>A widower reflects on grief, family, and the power of love in this debut memoir and travelogue.</p> <p>Carter first met Melitta Alevropoulos in the southeastern African nation of Malawi, where they were both working in the 1980s. On their first social outing together with a group of mutual friends, the pair hiked up Mount Mulanje, where the two held hands and fell in love. More than two decades later, married with three children, the couple first heard the devastating diagnosis that Melitta had terminal cervical cancer. In this poignant reflection on loss, Carter writes that he cried not only for the life of his partner but "for the graduations and weddings she would miss, the grandchildren she would never see, our children, and myself." After a year of grieving, the author decided to act on his wife's "simple credo that we should leave the world a better place." Fittingly, given Melitta's love of the outdoors, Carter decided to complete a 4,295-mile walk along the coasts of England and Wales as part of a yearlong awareness and fundraising campaign fighting cervical cancer. "Buttressed by purpose, support from friends and strangers, and CRUK [Cancer Research UK]," he writes, the journey taught him the "salving power of the outdoors" and introduced him to a network of other individuals whose lives had been upended by cervical cancer. Leavening his journey through grief with more lighthearted tales of his walk, he describes one of "the seven marvels of my tasting world": the first sip of beer after a day of physical exertion in the hot sun. An optimist by nature, the author repeatedly reminds readers of the importance of living a full life with those we love. At just under 200 total pages, this accessible book features a conversational, engaging text that is accompanied by maps of the 373-day trek. With all sales proceeds going to Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, this is a moving tribute to a wife, mother, and daughter taken too soon.</p> <p>A touching exploration of turning grief into action.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>In June 2018 Laurence Carter set off on a one-year walk of 4,314 miles around the coast of England and Wales, in honour of his late wife Melitta. He sought to raise awareness that cervical cancer can be eliminated in a generation. Before he left, a stranger told him that the people he met would change him. They did! This inspiring book recounts how those stories enabled the author to move beyond grief to finding love again. A perfect book for anyone recovering from grief, or who enjoys walking, or who relishes quirky stories.</p> <p>"A touching exploration of turning grief into action." - <em><strong>Kirkus Reviews</strong></em></p> <p>"...a beautifully moving and often humorous account of Laurence's incredible journey around the coastlines of England and Wales, battling the inclement British weather in a pair of shorts..." - <em><strong>Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Full Kirkus Review:</strong></em></p> <p>A widower reflects on grief, family, and the power of love in this debut memoir and travelogue.</p> <p>Carter first met Melitta Alevropoulos in the southeastern African nation of Malawi, where they were both working in the 1980s. On their first social outing together with a group of mutual friends, the pair hiked up Mount Mulanje, where the two held hands and fell in love. More than two decades later, married with three children, the couple first heard the devastating diagnosis that Melitta had terminal cervical cancer. In this poignant reflection on loss, Carter writes that he cried not only for the life of his partner but "for the graduations and weddings she would miss, the grandchildren she would never see, our children, and myself." After a year of grieving, the author decided to act on his wife's "simple credo that we should leave the world a better place." Fittingly, given Melitta's love of the outdoors, Carter decided to complete a 4,295-mile walk along the coasts of England and Wales as part of a yearlong awareness and fundraising campaign fighting cervical cancer. "Buttressed by purpose, support from friends and strangers, and CRUK [Cancer Research UK]," he writes, the journey taught him the "salving power of the outdoors" and introduced him to a network of other individuals whose lives had been upended by cervical cancer. Leavening his journey through grief with more lighthearted tales of his walk, he describes one of "the seven marvels of my tasting world": the first sip of beer after a day of physical exertion in the hot sun. An optimist by nature, the author repeatedly reminds readers of the importance of living a full life with those we love. At just under 200 total pages, this accessible book features a conversational, engaging text that is accompanied by maps of the 373-day trek. With all sales proceeds going to Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, this is a moving tribute to a wife, mother, and daughter taken too soon.</p> <p>A touching exploration of turning grief into action.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアWalking Wolf Road【電子書籍】[ Brandon M. Herbert ]
    Walking Wolf Road【電子書籍】[ Brandon M. Herbert ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>"[<em>Walking Wolf Road</em>] has everything. Ghosts, werewolves, romance, and some beautifully arranged prose. I hope to see more work from author Brandon M. Herbert on our platform soon!"<br /> ーHeather Weid, Kbuuk Reviews "<em>Halloween Weekend Reads</em>"</p> <p><em>Spirit bound to Flesh.</em><br /> <em>Wolf bound to Man.</em><br /> <em>Which road will you walk?</em></p> <p>Uprooted and dumped in a small town at the edge of the Colorado mountains, high school senior Jimmy Walker has always been an outsider. Struggling with grades, hostile classmates, and a stepfather bent on making his life hellー</p> <p><em>ーuntil a collision with fate leaves Jimmy bleeding under a Full Moon…</em></p> <p>Now, Jimmy is torn between worlds. His new friends are not what they seem, a white wolf haunts his dreams, and ravens flutter in the shadows. As Jimmy embraces his new life, the memories of a past he tried to bury are breaking through, and a deadly adversary lurks just out of sight...</p> <p>A new breed of werewolf Urban Fantasy, <em>Walking Wolf Road</em> transcends the boundaries of the Teen/Young Adult genre. The <em>Wolf Road Chronicles</em> debut novel from award-winning author Brandon M. Herbert carries you through love and loss, joy and betrayal, sexuality, shamanism, therianthropy, and the supernatural on Jimmy’s journey to become who he was born to be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>"[<em>Walking Wolf Road</em>] has everything. Ghosts, werewolves, romance, and some beautifully arranged prose. I hope to see more work from author Brandon M. Herbert on our platform soon!"<br /> ーHeather Weid, Kbuuk Reviews "<em>Halloween Weekend Reads</em>"</p> <p><em>Spirit bound to Flesh.</em><br /> <em>Wolf bound to Man.</em><br /> <em>Which road will you walk?</em></p> <p>Uprooted and dumped in a small town at the edge of the Colorado mountains, high school senior Jimmy Walker has always been an outsider. Struggling with grades, hostile classmates, and a stepfather bent on making his life hellー</p> <p><em>ーuntil a collision with fate leaves Jimmy bleeding under a Full Moon…</em></p> <p>Now, Jimmy is torn between worlds. His new friends are not what they seem, a white wolf haunts his dreams, and ravens flutter in the shadows. As Jimmy embraces his new life, the memories of a past he tried to bury are breaking through, and a deadly adversary lurks just out of sight...</p> <p>A new breed of werewolf Urban Fantasy, <em>Walking Wolf Road</em> transcends the boundaries of the Teen/Young Adult genre. The <em>Wolf Road Chronicles</em> debut novel from award-winning author Brandon M. Herbert carries you through love and loss, joy and betrayal, sexuality, shamanism, therianthropy, and the supernatural on Jimmy’s journey to become who he was born to be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアWalking in Victory Why God's Love Can Change Your Life Like Legalism Never Could【電子書籍】[ Dennis McCallum ]
    Walking in Victory Why God's Love Can Change Your Life Like Legalism Never Could【電子書籍】[ Dennis McCallum ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Who are you, and what does your identity have to do with Jesus? These are the questions addressed in Paul's epic discussion of spiritual growth in Romans 5-8. <em>Walking in Victory</em> will help you learn:</p> <ul> <li>Why grace is more motivating than law</li> <li>How doing arises out of being</li> <li>What it means to walk according to the Spirit</li> <li>How God can conform you to Christ's image</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Who are you, and what does your identity have to do with Jesus? These are the questions addressed in Paul's epic discussion of spiritual growth in Romans 5-8. <em>Walking in Victory</em> will help you learn:</p> <ul> <li>Why grace is more motivating than law</li> <li>How doing arises out of being</li> <li>What it means to walk according to the Spirit</li> <li>How God can conform you to Christ's image</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
