お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・笑い飯・千鳥・南海キャンディーズ・アジアン・とろサーモン・ネゴシックス JAN 4571106708528 品 番 YRBR00165 出 演 笑い飯/千鳥/南海キャンディーズ/アジアン/とろサーモン/ネゴシックス 制作年、時間 2007年 111分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 YOSHIMOTORandC ジャンル お笑い/コント/漫才 【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2023-10-18】”111分+15分?/片面2層?/カラー?/4:3音声:1:ドルビーデジタル/ステレオ販売元:コロムビアミュージックエンタテインメント”※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・笑い飯・千鳥・南海キャンディーズ・アジアン・とろサーモン・ネゴシックス
JAN 4571106708528 品 番 YRBR00165 出 演 笑い飯/千鳥/南海キャンディーズ/アジアン/とろサーモン/ネゴシックス 制作年、時間 2007年 111分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 YOSHIMOTORandC ジャンル お笑い/コント/漫才 【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2023-10-18】”111分+15分?/片面2層?/カラー?/4:3音声:1:ドルビーデジタル/ステレオ販売元:コロムビアミュージックエンタテインメント”※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・田中敦子・阪脩・大塚明夫・山寺宏一・仲野裕・大川透・小野塚貴志・山口太郎・玉川紗己子 JAN 4934569700452 品 番 BCDR0045 出 演 田中敦子(草薙素子)/阪脩(荒巻大輔)/大塚明夫(バトー)/山寺宏一(トグサ)/仲野裕(イシカワ)/大川透(サイトー)/小野塚貴志(パズ)/山口太郎(ボーマ)/玉川紗己子(タチコマ) 原 作 士郎正宗 監 督 神山健治 制作年、時間 2002年 62分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 バンダイビジュアル ジャンル アニメ/SF/ロボット/アクション/ヒーロー カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-06-02】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・田中敦子・阪脩・大塚明夫・山寺宏一・仲野裕・大川透・小野塚貴志・山口太郎・玉川紗己子
JAN 4934569700452 品 番 BCDR0045 出 演 田中敦子(草薙素子)/阪脩(荒巻大輔)/大塚明夫(バトー)/山寺宏一(トグサ)/仲野裕(イシカワ)/大川透(サイトー)/小野塚貴志(パズ)/山口太郎(ボーマ)/玉川紗己子(タチコマ) 原 作 士郎正宗 監 督 神山健治 制作年、時間 2002年 62分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 バンダイビジュアル ジャンル アニメ/SF/ロボット/アクション/ヒーロー カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-06-02】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・イライジャ・ウッド・ブリタニー・マーフィ・ヒュー・ジャックマン・ニコール・キッドマン・ヒューゴ・ウィーヴィング・ロビン・ウィリアムズ・カル JAN 4988135703132 品 番 DLRY14542 出 演 イライジャ・ウッド(マンブル)/ブリタニー・マーフィ(グローリア)/ヒュー・ジャックマン(メンフィス)/ニコール・キッドマン(ノーマ・ジーン)/ヒューゴ・ウィーヴィング(長老ノア)/ロビン・ウィリアムズ(ラモン/ラブレイス)/カルロス・アラズラキ(ネスター)/ジョニー・A・サンチェス(ロンバルド)/ジェフ・ガルシア(リナルド) 監 督 ジョージ・ミラー 制作年、時間 2007年 108分 製作国 オーストラリア/アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナーホームビデオ ジャンル アニメ/アドベンチャー/ファミリー カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-06-14】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・イライジャ・ウッド・ブリタニー・マーフィ・ヒュー・ジャックマン・ニコール・キッドマン・ヒューゴ・ウィーヴィング・ロビン・ウィリアムズ・カル
JAN 4988135703132 品 番 DLRY14542 出 演 イライジャ・ウッド(マンブル)/ブリタニー・マーフィ(グローリア)/ヒュー・ジャックマン(メンフィス)/ニコール・キッドマン(ノーマ・ジーン)/ヒューゴ・ウィーヴィング(長老ノア)/ロビン・ウィリアムズ(ラモン/ラブレイス)/カルロス・アラズラキ(ネスター)/ジョニー・A・サンチェス(ロンバルド)/ジェフ・ガルシア(リナルド) 監 督 ジョージ・ミラー 制作年、時間 2007年 108分 製作国 オーストラリア/アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナーホームビデオ ジャンル アニメ/アドベンチャー/ファミリー カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-06-14】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・ジャスティン・ロング・エミー・ロッサム・エリック・ウィンター・ケイラ・セルヴィ JAN 4571345432734 品 番 CSVR0215 出 演 ジャスティン・ロング(デル)/エミー・ロッサム(キンバリー)/エリック・ウィンター/ケイラ・セルヴィ 監 督 サム・エスメイル 制作年、時間 2014年 91分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 キュリオスコープ ジャンル 洋画/ラブストーリ/ファンタジー カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-05-11】【あらすじ】映像作家の新鋭、サム・エスメイル監督によるラブロマンス。
洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・ジャスティン・ロング・エミー・ロッサム・エリック・ウィンター・ケイラ・セルヴィ
JAN 4571345432734 品 番 CSVR0215 出 演 ジャスティン・ロング(デル)/エミー・ロッサム(キンバリー)/エリック・ウィンター/ケイラ・セルヴィ 監 督 サム・エスメイル 制作年、時間 2014年 91分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 キュリオスコープ ジャンル 洋画/ラブストーリ/ファンタジー カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-05-11】【あらすじ】映像作家の新鋭、サム・エスメイル監督によるラブロマンス。
お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・山崎弘也・バカリズム・若林正恭 JAN 4527427655157 品 番 ASBX5515 出 演 山崎弘也/バカリズム/若林正恭 制作年、時間 2012年 85分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 アミューズソフト ジャンル お笑い/その他 【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-12-29】【あらすじ】月曜日からの仕事や学校を控え、ちょっぴり憂鬱な気分になっている日曜日の夜をポジティブに変えようというコンセプトのもと、山崎弘也・若林正恭・バカリズムの3人が、ゲストのすすめるポジティブになれるものを一緒に体験する。
お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・山崎弘也・バカリズム・若林正恭
JAN 4527427655157 品 番 ASBX5515 出 演 山崎弘也/バカリズム/若林正恭 制作年、時間 2012年 85分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 アミューズソフト ジャンル お笑い/その他 【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-12-29】【あらすじ】月曜日からの仕事や学校を控え、ちょっぴり憂鬱な気分になっている日曜日の夜をポジティブに変えようというコンセプトのもと、山崎弘也・若林正恭・バカリズムの3人が、ゲストのすすめるポジティブになれるものを一緒に体験する。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・永澤俊矢・木村栄・中倉健太郎・なべおさみ・SUEKICHI・新藤栄作・堀田眞三・加勢大周 JAN 4571211597918 品 番 DMSM7791SET2 出 演 永澤俊矢/木村栄/中倉健太郎/なべおさみ/SUEKICHI/新藤栄作/堀田眞三/加勢大周 監 督 金澤克次 制作年、時間 2008年 157分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ミュージアムソフト ジャンル 邦画/任侠、極道/アクション/ドラマ 【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー DVDセット【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2023-09-29】【あらすじ】平成12年12月、一人の男が覚せい剤取締法違反で懲役十八年の実刑に処された。
侠たちの命を懸けた駆け引きが、今始まる※出演などの商品説明は「実録 闇のシンジケート 豊田登」の内容です【収納タイトル】■実録 闇のシンジケート 豊田登■実録 闇のシンジケート 豊田登 完結篇※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・永澤俊矢・木村栄・中倉健太郎・なべおさみ・SUEKICHI・新藤栄作・堀田眞三・加勢大周
JAN 4571211597918 品 番 DMSM7791SET2 出 演 永澤俊矢/木村栄/中倉健太郎/なべおさみ/SUEKICHI/新藤栄作/堀田眞三/加勢大周 監 督 金澤克次 制作年、時間 2008年 157分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ミュージアムソフト ジャンル 邦画/任侠、極道/アクション/ドラマ 【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー DVDセット【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2023-09-29】【あらすじ】平成12年12月、一人の男が覚せい剤取締法違反で懲役十八年の実刑に処された。
侠たちの命を懸けた駆け引きが、今始まる※出演などの商品説明は「実録 闇のシンジケート 豊田登」の内容です【収納タイトル】■実録 闇のシンジケート 豊田登■実録 闇のシンジケート 豊田登 完結篇※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・岩田剛典・高畑充希・阿部丈二・今井華・谷澤恵里香・竹内寿・松原剛志・池田ヒトシ・松山愛里 JAN 4988105804807 品 番 SHBR9426 出 演 岩田剛典(日下部樹)/高畑充希(河野やさか)/阿部丈二(竹沢陽平)/今井華(野上ユリエ)/谷澤恵里香(玉井千秋)/竹内寿/松原剛志/池田ヒトシ/松山愛里 原 作 有川浩 監 督 三木康一郎 制作年、時間 2016年 112分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 松竹 ジャンル 邦画/恋愛/ドラマ 【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー ブルーレイ【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2024-12-31】【あらすじ】ごく普通のOL・さやかは、ある日、マンションの前で行き倒れていた青年・樹と出会う。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・岩田剛典・高畑充希・阿部丈二・今井華・谷澤恵里香・竹内寿・松原剛志・池田ヒトシ・松山愛里
JAN 4988105804807 品 番 SHBR9426 出 演 岩田剛典(日下部樹)/高畑充希(河野やさか)/阿部丈二(竹沢陽平)/今井華(野上ユリエ)/谷澤恵里香(玉井千秋)/竹内寿/松原剛志/池田ヒトシ/松山愛里 原 作 有川浩 監 督 三木康一郎 制作年、時間 2016年 112分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 松竹 ジャンル 邦画/恋愛/ドラマ 【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー ブルーレイ【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2024-12-31】【あらすじ】ごく普通のOL・さやかは、ある日、マンションの前で行き倒れていた青年・樹と出会う。
お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・千原ジュニア(千原浩史)・ケンドーコバヤシ JAN 4571366495718 品 番 YRBR90840SET2 出 演 千原ジュニア(千原浩史)/ケンドーコバヤシ 制作年、時間 2013年 269分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 よしもとアール・アンド・シー ジャンル お笑い/コント/漫才 【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVDセット【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-04-24】【あらすじ】決まりごともなければ、打ち合わせ、台本もなし。
完全に自由な空間を与えられたジュニア×ケンコバがどんな‘化学反応’を起こすのか!?お笑い界の次世代最強タッグの無限の可能性を秘めた爆笑ステージをお見逃しなく!【収納タイトル】■にけつッ!! Vol.18 1■にけつッ!! Vol.18 2※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・千原ジュニア(千原浩史)・ケンドーコバヤシ
JAN 4571366495718 品 番 YRBR90840SET2 出 演 千原ジュニア(千原浩史)/ケンドーコバヤシ 制作年、時間 2013年 269分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 よしもとアール・アンド・シー ジャンル お笑い/コント/漫才 【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVDセット【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-04-24】【あらすじ】決まりごともなければ、打ち合わせ、台本もなし。
完全に自由な空間を与えられたジュニア×ケンコバがどんな‘化学反応’を起こすのか!?お笑い界の次世代最強タッグの無限の可能性を秘めた爆笑ステージをお見逃しなく!【収納タイトル】■にけつッ!! Vol.18 1■にけつッ!! Vol.18 2※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・島崎遥香・足立梨花・高田里穂・小久保寿人・芹沢礼多・土村芳・広岡由里子・ヨシダ朝・瀬川亮 JAN 4907953058057 品 番 80DRJ30377 出 演 島崎遥香(水樹沙羅)/足立梨花(野村香織)/高田里穂(篠原葵)/小久保寿人/芹沢礼多/土村芳/広岡由里子/ヨシダ朝/瀬川亮 監 督 中田秀夫 制作年、時間 2015年 99分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ハピネット・ピクチャーズ ジャンル 邦画/ホラー 【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2024-12-04】【あらすじ】未だ芽の出ない若手女優、水樹沙羅は、気鋭の演出家・錦野豪太が実在の女貴族エリザベートの生涯を描く新作舞台に端役で出演することに。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・島崎遥香・足立梨花・高田里穂・小久保寿人・芹沢礼多・土村芳・広岡由里子・ヨシダ朝・瀬川亮
JAN 4907953058057 品 番 80DRJ30377 出 演 島崎遥香(水樹沙羅)/足立梨花(野村香織)/高田里穂(篠原葵)/小久保寿人/芹沢礼多/土村芳/広岡由里子/ヨシダ朝/瀬川亮 監 督 中田秀夫 制作年、時間 2015年 99分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ハピネット・ピクチャーズ ジャンル 邦画/ホラー 【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2024-12-04】【あらすじ】未だ芽の出ない若手女優、水樹沙羅は、気鋭の演出家・錦野豪太が実在の女貴族エリザベートの生涯を描く新作舞台に端役で出演することに。
洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・ジャネット・ガン・ジャック・スカリア・レジナルド・ヴェルジョンソン・スコット・テラ・ジョージ・オブライエン・エディ・ドリスコル・マーティン・ JAN 4524824000382 品 番 PWAD0236 出 演 ジャネット・ガン/ジャック・スカリア/レジナルド・ヴェルジョンソン/スコット・テラ/ジョージ・オブライエン/エディ・ドリスコル/マーティン・ヒューイット 監 督 リチャード・フリードマン 制作年、時間 2000年 97分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 プライムウェーブ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/パニック カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-04-27】【あらすじ】ロサンゼルス周辺で不可解な地震が頻発。
洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・ジャネット・ガン・ジャック・スカリア・レジナルド・ヴェルジョンソン・スコット・テラ・ジョージ・オブライエン・エディ・ドリスコル・マーティン・
JAN 4524824000382 品 番 PWAD0236 出 演 ジャネット・ガン/ジャック・スカリア/レジナルド・ヴェルジョンソン/スコット・テラ/ジョージ・オブライエン/エディ・ドリスコル/マーティン・ヒューイット 監 督 リチャード・フリードマン 制作年、時間 2000年 97分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 プライムウェーブ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/パニック カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-04-27】【あらすじ】ロサンゼルス周辺で不可解な地震が頻発。
洋画 ・ノア・ワイリー・ムーン・ブラッドグッド・ドリュー・ロイ・マキシム・ナイト・セイチェル・ガブリエル・ピーター・シンコダ・エムポー・クワホー・サラ・サンガン・カーター・ JAN 4548967000535 品 番 1000412009SET 出 演 ノア・ワイリー(トム・メイソン)/ムーン・ブラッドグッド(アン・グラス)/ドリュー・ロイ(ハル・メイソン)/マキシム・ナイト(マット・メイソン)/セイチェル・ガブリエル(ローデス)/ピーター・シンコダ(ダイ)/エムポー・クワホー(アンソニー)/サラ・サンガン・カーター(マギー)/コリン・カニンガム(ジョン・ポープ) 監 督 グレッグ・ビーマン/マイケル・ケイトルマン/ミゲル・サポチニク/ジョン・ダール/ホリー・デイル 制作年、時間 2012年 420分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/SF カテゴリー DVDセット 入荷日 【2024-10-07】【あらすじ】人類の未来を賭けた壮絶な闘いを描いた、巨匠スティーヴン・スピルバーグ総指揮によるSFサバイバル・アクションの第2シーズン。
洋画 ・ノア・ワイリー・ムーン・ブラッドグッド・ドリュー・ロイ・マキシム・ナイト・セイチェル・ガブリエル・ピーター・シンコダ・エムポー・クワホー・サラ・サンガン・カーター・
JAN 4548967000535 品 番 1000412009SET 出 演 ノア・ワイリー(トム・メイソン)/ムーン・ブラッドグッド(アン・グラス)/ドリュー・ロイ(ハル・メイソン)/マキシム・ナイト(マット・メイソン)/セイチェル・ガブリエル(ローデス)/ピーター・シンコダ(ダイ)/エムポー・クワホー(アンソニー)/サラ・サンガン・カーター(マギー)/コリン・カニンガム(ジョン・ポープ) 監 督 グレッグ・ビーマン/マイケル・ケイトルマン/ミゲル・サポチニク/ジョン・ダール/ホリー・デイル 制作年、時間 2012年 420分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/SF カテゴリー DVDセット 入荷日 【2024-10-07】【あらすじ】人類の未来を賭けた壮絶な闘いを描いた、巨匠スティーヴン・スピルバーグ総指揮によるSFサバイバル・アクションの第2シーズン。
洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・ユアン・マクレガー・ヘイリー・アトウェル・ブロンテ・カーマイケル・マーク・ゲイティス・ジム・カミングス・ニック・モハメッド・ブラッド・ギャレ JAN 4959241773296 品 番 VWDP6773 出 演 ユアン・マクレガー(クリストファー・ロビン)/ヘイリー・アトウェル(イヴリン・ロビン)/ブロンテ・カーマイケル(マデリン・ロビン)/マーク・ゲイティス(ジャイルズ・ウィンズロウ)/ジム・カミングス(プー/ティガー)/ニック・モハメッド(ピグレット)/ブラッド・ギャレット(イーヨー)/ソフィー・オコネドー(カンガ)/ピーター・キャパルディ(ラビット) 監 督 マーク・フォースター 制作年、時間 2018年 104分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン ジャンル 洋画/ドラマ/ファンタジー/感動/動物 【泣ける 号泣】 カテゴリー DVD【泣ける 号泣】 入荷日 【2024-12-02】【あらすじ】かつて「100歳になっても、きみのことは絶対に忘れない」と約束を交わしてプーと別れた少年クリストファー・ロビン。
洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・ユアン・マクレガー・ヘイリー・アトウェル・ブロンテ・カーマイケル・マーク・ゲイティス・ジム・カミングス・ニック・モハメッド・ブラッド・ギャレ
JAN 4959241773296 品 番 VWDP6773 出 演 ユアン・マクレガー(クリストファー・ロビン)/ヘイリー・アトウェル(イヴリン・ロビン)/ブロンテ・カーマイケル(マデリン・ロビン)/マーク・ゲイティス(ジャイルズ・ウィンズロウ)/ジム・カミングス(プー/ティガー)/ニック・モハメッド(ピグレット)/ブラッド・ギャレット(イーヨー)/ソフィー・オコネドー(カンガ)/ピーター・キャパルディ(ラビット) 監 督 マーク・フォースター 制作年、時間 2018年 104分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン ジャンル 洋画/ドラマ/ファンタジー/感動/動物 【泣ける 号泣】 カテゴリー DVD【泣ける 号泣】 入荷日 【2024-12-02】【あらすじ】かつて「100歳になっても、きみのことは絶対に忘れない」と約束を交わしてプーと別れた少年クリストファー・ロビン。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・大泉洋・山寺宏一・大塚明夫・坂本真綾・佐藤祐四 JAN 4988126905378 品 番 ACBR10537 出 演 大泉洋(ペペ・ベネンヘリ)/山寺宏一(ジャン・ルイージ・チョッチ)/大塚明夫(マルコ・ロンダニーニ)/坂本真綾(豊城ひかる)/佐藤祐四(ギルモア) 原 作 黒田硫黄 監 督 高坂希太郎 制作年、時間 2007年 54分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 角川エンタテイメント ジャンル アニメ/ドラマ/スポーツ カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-02-10】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・大泉洋・山寺宏一・大塚明夫・坂本真綾・佐藤祐四
JAN 4988126905378 品 番 ACBR10537 出 演 大泉洋(ペペ・ベネンヘリ)/山寺宏一(ジャン・ルイージ・チョッチ)/大塚明夫(マルコ・ロンダニーニ)/坂本真綾(豊城ひかる)/佐藤祐四(ギルモア) 原 作 黒田硫黄 監 督 高坂希太郎 制作年、時間 2007年 54分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 角川エンタテイメント ジャンル アニメ/ドラマ/スポーツ カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-02-10】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>A.T. Mahan's 'From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life' is a gripping memoir that provides an insightful look into the transition from traditional sailing vessels to the modern steam-powered navy. Mahan, a renowned naval historian, expertly recounts his personal experiences serving in both eras, offering a unique blend of historical narrative and personal anecdotes. His detailed descriptions of naval tactics and technologies shed light on the evolution of naval warfare during his time. Written in a clear and authoritative style, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in naval history and the development of seafaring technology. Mahan's firsthand accounts bring a sense of authenticity to the narrative, making it an engaging and informative read. Readers will appreciate the depth of knowledge and experience that Mahan brings to his storytelling, making 'From Sail to Steam' a must-read for naval enthusiasts and history buffs alike.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
<p>A.T. Mahan's 'From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life' is a gripping memoir that provides an insightful look into the transition from traditional sailing vessels to the modern steam-powered navy. Mahan, a renowned naval historian, expertly recounts his personal experiences serving in both eras, offering a unique blend of historical narrative and personal anecdotes. His detailed descriptions of naval tactics and technologies shed light on the evolution of naval warfare during his time. Written in a clear and authoritative style, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in naval history and the development of seafaring technology. Mahan's firsthand accounts bring a sense of authenticity to the narrative, making it an engaging and informative read. Readers will appreciate the depth of knowledge and experience that Mahan brings to his storytelling, making 'From Sail to Steam' a must-read for naval enthusiasts and history buffs alike.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・小野大輔・石塚運昇・三宅健太・平川大輔・小松史法・子安武人 JAN 4548967092820 品 番 KWBA1412R 出 演 小野大輔(空条承太郎)/石塚運昇(ジョセフ・ジョースター)/三宅健太(モハメド・アヴドゥル)/平川大輔(花京院典明)/小松史法(ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ)/子安武人(DIO) 原 作 荒木飛呂彦 制作年、時間 2014年 47分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 クロックワークス ジャンル アニメ/TVアニメ/アクション/ヒーロー/アドベンチャー/ファンタジー/コミック カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-08-04】【あらすじ】荒木飛呂彦原作による人気コミック「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」シリーズの第3部。
アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・小野大輔・石塚運昇・三宅健太・平川大輔・小松史法・子安武人
JAN 4548967092820 品 番 KWBA1412R 出 演 小野大輔(空条承太郎)/石塚運昇(ジョセフ・ジョースター)/三宅健太(モハメド・アヴドゥル)/平川大輔(花京院典明)/小松史法(ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ)/子安武人(DIO) 原 作 荒木飛呂彦 制作年、時間 2014年 47分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 クロックワークス ジャンル アニメ/TVアニメ/アクション/ヒーロー/アドベンチャー/ファンタジー/コミック カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-08-04】【あらすじ】荒木飛呂彦原作による人気コミック「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」シリーズの第3部。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・本宮泰風・山口祥行・大沢樹生・松田一三・北代高士・小柳心・飛鳥凛・藤原喜明・樋口隆則 JAN 4571211633593 品 番 DALI11359 出 演 本宮泰風/山口祥行/大沢樹生/松田一三/北代高士/小柳心/飛鳥凛/藤原喜明/樋口隆則 監 督 辻裕之 制作年、時間 2018年 86分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 オールイン エンタテインメント ジャンル 邦画/アクション/ドラマ/任侠、極道 【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー DVD【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2024-11-28】【あらすじ】本宮泰風、山口祥行主演の任侠大作第29弾。
邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・本宮泰風・山口祥行・大沢樹生・松田一三・北代高士・小柳心・飛鳥凛・藤原喜明・樋口隆則
JAN 4571211633593 品 番 DALI11359 出 演 本宮泰風/山口祥行/大沢樹生/松田一三/北代高士/小柳心/飛鳥凛/藤原喜明/樋口隆則 監 督 辻裕之 制作年、時間 2018年 86分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 オールイン エンタテインメント ジャンル 邦画/アクション/ドラマ/任侠、極道 【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー DVD【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2024-11-28】【あらすじ】本宮泰風、山口祥行主演の任侠大作第29弾。
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Raised to a life of relentless hard work as one of seven children of a single mother, Julie Waterman was married and having her own first child by the time she was 17. At 23 she was running her own cleaning company, making such a success of it that she was soon employing 400 people. But at 35 she gave it all up to buy a second-hand yacht and embarked on the biggest adventure of all an attempt to sail single-handed round the world. There were parties in every port, along with a string of romances, some hilarious adventures and several narrow escapes from a watery grave. But Julie stuck to her plan - until a tropical storm left her shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific, where she lived for three glorious years, falling in love with a handsome young French diplomat. Unfortunately her new paramour turned out not to be all he seemed - and Julie’s round-the-world adventure was far from over. Shipwrecked in Paradise is Julie Waterman’s story of her colourful life, complete with the laughs, the loves, the maritime mishaps and the parties and pink gins.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
<p>Raised to a life of relentless hard work as one of seven children of a single mother, Julie Waterman was married and having her own first child by the time she was 17. At 23 she was running her own cleaning company, making such a success of it that she was soon employing 400 people. But at 35 she gave it all up to buy a second-hand yacht and embarked on the biggest adventure of all an attempt to sail single-handed round the world. There were parties in every port, along with a string of romances, some hilarious adventures and several narrow escapes from a watery grave. But Julie stuck to her plan - until a tropical storm left her shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific, where she lived for three glorious years, falling in love with a handsome young French diplomat. Unfortunately her new paramour turned out not to be all he seemed - and Julie’s round-the-world adventure was far from over. Shipwrecked in Paradise is Julie Waterman’s story of her colourful life, complete with the laughs, the loves, the maritime mishaps and the parties and pink gins.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
洋画 ・エレン・ポンピオ・パトリック・デンプシー・サンドラ・オー・ジャスティン・チェンバース・チャンドラ・ウィルソン・ジェームズ・ピッケンズ・Jr・エリック・デイン・サラ JAN 4959241024220 品 番 VWDP2422SET11 出 演 エレン・ポンピオ(メレディス・グレイ)/パトリック・デンプシー(デレク・シェパード)/サンドラ・オー(クリスティーナ・ヤン)/ジャスティン・チェンバース(アレックス・カレフ)/チャンドラ・ウィルソン(ミランダ・ベイリー)/ジェームズ・ピッケンズ・Jr(リチャード・ウェーバー)/エリック・デイン(マーク・スローン)/サラ・ラミレス(カリー・トーレス)/カイラー・リー(レクシー・グレイ) 監 督 ロブ・コーン/トム・ヴェリカ/マイケル・プレスマン/エドワード・オルネラス/チャンドラ・ウィルソン 制作年、時間 2010年 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ・ホーム・エンターテイメント ジャンル 洋画/海外TV/人間ドラマ/ラブストーリ カテゴリー DVDセット 入荷日 【2024-10-05】【あらすじ】乱射事件で多くを失った医師たち。
■vol.4【dirt/ダート:セレブが恐れる女 第1話】特別収録■vol.8【キャッスル シーズン1 第1話】特別収録■vol.11【Dirty Sexy Money ダーティー・セクシー・マネー 第1話】特別収録※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
洋画 ・エレン・ポンピオ・パトリック・デンプシー・サンドラ・オー・ジャスティン・チェンバース・チャンドラ・ウィルソン・ジェームズ・ピッケンズ・Jr・エリック・デイン・サラ
JAN 4959241024220 品 番 VWDP2422SET11 出 演 エレン・ポンピオ(メレディス・グレイ)/パトリック・デンプシー(デレク・シェパード)/サンドラ・オー(クリスティーナ・ヤン)/ジャスティン・チェンバース(アレックス・カレフ)/チャンドラ・ウィルソン(ミランダ・ベイリー)/ジェームズ・ピッケンズ・Jr(リチャード・ウェーバー)/エリック・デイン(マーク・スローン)/サラ・ラミレス(カリー・トーレス)/カイラー・リー(レクシー・グレイ) 監 督 ロブ・コーン/トム・ヴェリカ/マイケル・プレスマン/エドワード・オルネラス/チャンドラ・ウィルソン 制作年、時間 2010年 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ・ホーム・エンターテイメント ジャンル 洋画/海外TV/人間ドラマ/ラブストーリ カテゴリー DVDセット 入荷日 【2024-10-05】【あらすじ】乱射事件で多くを失った医師たち。
■vol.4【dirt/ダート:セレブが恐れる女 第1話】特別収録■vol.8【キャッスル シーズン1 第1話】特別収録■vol.11【Dirty Sexy Money ダーティー・セクシー・マネー 第1話】特別収録※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This book about sailing begins with an account of the author's and his collaborator's separate early experiences and the problems they encountered. In one case, ignorance was not bliss - it resulted in property damage. The other case, despite life-threatening conditions at sea, luckily had a happy conclusion. Fortunately, both boys grew up, and became very "salty" sailors. In this book, they share lessons learned and wisdom gleaned through almost ten decades of cruising and racing sizeable cabin cruisers in many different bodies of water. They have compressed their combined years of experience on the water into a sensible, practical, and highly readable guide for sailors at all skill and experience levels. What's the main theme of the book? To make clear that prospective long-distance cruising sailors need clear thinking and realistic plans as they make purchasing decisions. To help make that happen, the authors present accounts of a few (of several) joyful experiences, some mixed experiences, and some ugly ones - and much more. Their rich and engaging narrative about sailing also portrays picturesque villages on the shores of Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River, the Long Island Sound, and Chesapeake Bay. Up-close sightings of gorgeous sea birds, playful dolphins, a large leaping manta ray, scores of huge basking whales in the Long Island Sound, and even a near collision with a swimming buck deer during a night-time race brought much joy, as did awesome sun rises and sunsets. An encounter with flying blood suckers on Lake Ontario, and a miserable anchorage on a rainy night with mosquitos in the Florida Keys brought only pain. Between them, the two men purchased nine cruisers, and chartered several others over six decades. Based on their various experiences with these vessels they offer practical, hard-won advice to readers on how to buy one, and how to avoid common mistakes. They do this by posing thought questions for shoppers to answer prior to spending money on either new or used boats. Buying a cruising size sailboat isn't as easy as it may seem, especially to someone new to sailing. Scary design and manufacturing defects, and mistakes by dealers to be avoided are identified. Both skippers had to deal with serious below water line leaks in harrowing conditions. Their bad experiences can make yours better. The authors' practical lessons on developing and leading race crews for cruisers are important elements in the book. Both men bring much experience with team building to this essential part of racing from their separate professional and racing careers. Rosen provides a team excellence model, and both men contribute to a list of more than thirty mistakes that race crew members are prone to commit. Most of the mistakes cause boat speed loss. Some can result in injury or worse. Readers will learn how to prevent or recover from these mistakes under racing conditions. While "The Upside-Down Spinnaker" is not a technical book, a glossary is included for less experienced readers, plus numerous photos and illustrations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
<p>This book about sailing begins with an account of the author's and his collaborator's separate early experiences and the problems they encountered. In one case, ignorance was not bliss - it resulted in property damage. The other case, despite life-threatening conditions at sea, luckily had a happy conclusion. Fortunately, both boys grew up, and became very "salty" sailors. In this book, they share lessons learned and wisdom gleaned through almost ten decades of cruising and racing sizeable cabin cruisers in many different bodies of water. They have compressed their combined years of experience on the water into a sensible, practical, and highly readable guide for sailors at all skill and experience levels. What's the main theme of the book? To make clear that prospective long-distance cruising sailors need clear thinking and realistic plans as they make purchasing decisions. To help make that happen, the authors present accounts of a few (of several) joyful experiences, some mixed experiences, and some ugly ones - and much more. Their rich and engaging narrative about sailing also portrays picturesque villages on the shores of Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River, the Long Island Sound, and Chesapeake Bay. Up-close sightings of gorgeous sea birds, playful dolphins, a large leaping manta ray, scores of huge basking whales in the Long Island Sound, and even a near collision with a swimming buck deer during a night-time race brought much joy, as did awesome sun rises and sunsets. An encounter with flying blood suckers on Lake Ontario, and a miserable anchorage on a rainy night with mosquitos in the Florida Keys brought only pain. Between them, the two men purchased nine cruisers, and chartered several others over six decades. Based on their various experiences with these vessels they offer practical, hard-won advice to readers on how to buy one, and how to avoid common mistakes. They do this by posing thought questions for shoppers to answer prior to spending money on either new or used boats. Buying a cruising size sailboat isn't as easy as it may seem, especially to someone new to sailing. Scary design and manufacturing defects, and mistakes by dealers to be avoided are identified. Both skippers had to deal with serious below water line leaks in harrowing conditions. Their bad experiences can make yours better. The authors' practical lessons on developing and leading race crews for cruisers are important elements in the book. Both men bring much experience with team building to this essential part of racing from their separate professional and racing careers. Rosen provides a team excellence model, and both men contribute to a list of more than thirty mistakes that race crew members are prone to commit. Most of the mistakes cause boat speed loss. Some can result in injury or worse. Readers will learn how to prevent or recover from these mistakes under racing conditions. While "The Upside-Down Spinnaker" is not a technical book, a glossary is included for less experienced readers, plus numerous photos and illustrations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>When young sailor Felix Diamond receives a letter from his estranged uncle begging for help, he returns home to Blackrabbit Island for the first time in ten years. There he discovers his uncle missing and his aunt positioning herself as the new head of the notorious Diamond family. With nowhere else to turn, Felix must enlist the help of former crime lord and current Watch Commander, Vince Knightーa man he trusts less than anyone alive. He'll also have to contend with his opium-addicted cousin and a handsome apprentice horologist with secrets of his own.</p> <p>With time running out, Felix must race to uncover the truth behind his uncle's disappearance while keeping his delinquent family's claws off his childhood homeーthe run-down playhouse named The Star We Sail By.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>When young sailor Felix Diamond receives a letter from his estranged uncle begging for help, he returns home to Blackrabbit Island for the first time in ten years. There he discovers his uncle missing and his aunt positioning herself as the new head of the notorious Diamond family. With nowhere else to turn, Felix must enlist the help of former crime lord and current Watch Commander, Vince Knightーa man he trusts less than anyone alive. He'll also have to contend with his opium-addicted cousin and a handsome apprentice horologist with secrets of his own.</p> <p>With time running out, Felix must race to uncover the truth behind his uncle's disappearance while keeping his delinquent family's claws off his childhood homeーthe run-down playhouse named The Star We Sail By.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Sail Tales is about the adventures a humble sailboat owner had over the years. So where does one start writing about these adventures? You start at the beginning. That beginning was in 1967 when I was helping a friend of mine, Frank, re-build an old wooden boat that he had bought. Frank took the whole boat apart and then rebuilt it from the frames up. It was a sleek little craft and I found myself involved in his project. Frank found a similar craft and with his promise of help, I bought it. I spent the whole winter and most of the spring doing the things that had to be done to the boat to get it ready for the summer of 69. I knew nothing about about sailing. But how hard could it be to learn? I soon found out. My sailing adventures started that summer. I learned quickly that unlike a power boat, a sailboat is not a craft that you get aboard, turn a key and then drive it like a car. You have to sail the boat. You have to do what the wind lets you do. You cant go directly where you want to go because the wind wont allow it. You have to finesse, you have be diplomatic, you have to learn to tweak a sail rather than over trim. Well, I learned to get that sailboat from point to point. I also learned that time on a sailboat is not the same as time on land and I learned this on my very first trip on my first sailboat. That three hour trip ended up taking thirteen hours. Read about it. The time of a sailboat trip can not be predicted. If you need to get to a certain place at a certain time take a bus not a sailboat. An afternoon trip has more than once become a late nighter. Leave your watches ashore. Thats what I tell everyone before they step foot aboard. I dont know what time well be back but Im certain that we will be back. My very first sailboat trip was not a late nighter but rather an early morning return. Speaking of time, How long does it take you to hang a calender on your wall? You get a stick pin and put it through a hole in the calender and stick the pin in the cork board. Thirty seconds? It took me the better part of three hours to hang a calender on the boat. First I had to get the tape from the old calender off the wall. For this project I had to find the razor blade scrapper. Then I had to run to the hardware store to get new blades for it. The scrapper got the top layer of the tape off the wall but the sticky part of the tape just rolled up into little balls. I had to go back to the hardware store for some solvent to get the sticky balls off the wall. Then and only then was I able to re-tape the new calender to the wall. I have since put the scrapper in its place so I can find it next time. I hope I remember that place. Imagine what a project it is to install a new pedestal steering system or an new diesel engine. Imagine the time it takes to make an old boat a safe craft, a boat ready to sail, and the keyword is safe. It took me the better part of four years to make my Morgan 38 the boat I wanted it to be. And notice Im not saying anything about the cost. Thats another story. And these are some of the stories I tell. This is the third boat I have redone. But it is the last boat that I will redo. Im getting too old for this rebuilding stuff. Parts of Sail Tales tells about projects such as what I have just described. But the majority of the stories are about sailing trips where something happens. If you are a sailor or if you own a sailboat, sit back and try to remember trips that were dull and boring. They dont pop into your mind. But what does pop are the adventures, the thrill of the wind that is blowing just a bit harder than you would like. You remember the trips where the rail is in the water for most of the day and how you were able to keep the boat under control. You remember the trips where there was no wind and the day became a motor day. You remember entering an anchorage and finding someone there from your marina or someo</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Sail Tales is about the adventures a humble sailboat owner had over the years. So where does one start writing about these adventures? You start at the beginning. That beginning was in 1967 when I was helping a friend of mine, Frank, re-build an old wooden boat that he had bought. Frank took the whole boat apart and then rebuilt it from the frames up. It was a sleek little craft and I found myself involved in his project. Frank found a similar craft and with his promise of help, I bought it. I spent the whole winter and most of the spring doing the things that had to be done to the boat to get it ready for the summer of 69. I knew nothing about about sailing. But how hard could it be to learn? I soon found out. My sailing adventures started that summer. I learned quickly that unlike a power boat, a sailboat is not a craft that you get aboard, turn a key and then drive it like a car. You have to sail the boat. You have to do what the wind lets you do. You cant go directly where you want to go because the wind wont allow it. You have to finesse, you have be diplomatic, you have to learn to tweak a sail rather than over trim. Well, I learned to get that sailboat from point to point. I also learned that time on a sailboat is not the same as time on land and I learned this on my very first trip on my first sailboat. That three hour trip ended up taking thirteen hours. Read about it. The time of a sailboat trip can not be predicted. If you need to get to a certain place at a certain time take a bus not a sailboat. An afternoon trip has more than once become a late nighter. Leave your watches ashore. Thats what I tell everyone before they step foot aboard. I dont know what time well be back but Im certain that we will be back. My very first sailboat trip was not a late nighter but rather an early morning return. Speaking of time, How long does it take you to hang a calender on your wall? You get a stick pin and put it through a hole in the calender and stick the pin in the cork board. Thirty seconds? It took me the better part of three hours to hang a calender on the boat. First I had to get the tape from the old calender off the wall. For this project I had to find the razor blade scrapper. Then I had to run to the hardware store to get new blades for it. The scrapper got the top layer of the tape off the wall but the sticky part of the tape just rolled up into little balls. I had to go back to the hardware store for some solvent to get the sticky balls off the wall. Then and only then was I able to re-tape the new calender to the wall. I have since put the scrapper in its place so I can find it next time. I hope I remember that place. Imagine what a project it is to install a new pedestal steering system or an new diesel engine. Imagine the time it takes to make an old boat a safe craft, a boat ready to sail, and the keyword is safe. It took me the better part of four years to make my Morgan 38 the boat I wanted it to be. And notice Im not saying anything about the cost. Thats another story. And these are some of the stories I tell. This is the third boat I have redone. But it is the last boat that I will redo. Im getting too old for this rebuilding stuff. Parts of Sail Tales tells about projects such as what I have just described. But the majority of the stories are about sailing trips where something happens. If you are a sailor or if you own a sailboat, sit back and try to remember trips that were dull and boring. They dont pop into your mind. But what does pop are the adventures, the thrill of the wind that is blowing just a bit harder than you would like. You remember the trips where the rail is in the water for most of the day and how you were able to keep the boat under control. You remember the trips where there was no wind and the day became a motor day. You remember entering an anchorage and finding someone there from your marina or someo</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The Observer newspaper once wrote of Dudley Pope that he was ‘an author who really knows Nelson's navy’, whilst the Guardian maintained he had an 'expert knowledge of naval history'. Imagine, therefore, his heightened emotions and sense of history as he sailed his yacht past Cape Trafalgar one moonlit night. Moreover, standing beside him was his wife Kay; friend, constant companion and much loved, whose support and encouragement he relied upon. Dudley Pope later encapsulated the moment in a doubly romantic dedication in his book Ramage’s Challenge, the fourteenth in the acclaimed series:</p> <p>‘For Kay who crossed a rubicon with me and sailed past Cabo Trafalgar in the moonlight.’</p> <p>In her book Kay Pope goes beyond a simple description of her life as the wife and confidant of a famous author sailor, and manages to capture for herself and her readers the atmosphere and idiosyncrasies of the places they visited and lived awhile, along with the humanity of the many people who crossed their paths. It is a gripping tale from a ‘first mate’ whose powers of observation and description will delight her audience, whether or not they are familiar with Dudley Pope’s works. Kay Pope shows herself to be an accomplished author in her own right, with a revealing story of real interest to impart.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>The Observer newspaper once wrote of Dudley Pope that he was ‘an author who really knows Nelson's navy’, whilst the Guardian maintained he had an 'expert knowledge of naval history'. Imagine, therefore, his heightened emotions and sense of history as he sailed his yacht past Cape Trafalgar one moonlit night. Moreover, standing beside him was his wife Kay; friend, constant companion and much loved, whose support and encouragement he relied upon. Dudley Pope later encapsulated the moment in a doubly romantic dedication in his book Ramage’s Challenge, the fourteenth in the acclaimed series:</p> <p>‘For Kay who crossed a rubicon with me and sailed past Cabo Trafalgar in the moonlight.’</p> <p>In her book Kay Pope goes beyond a simple description of her life as the wife and confidant of a famous author sailor, and manages to capture for herself and her readers the atmosphere and idiosyncrasies of the places they visited and lived awhile, along with the humanity of the many people who crossed their paths. It is a gripping tale from a ‘first mate’ whose powers of observation and description will delight her audience, whether or not they are familiar with Dudley Pope’s works. Kay Pope shows herself to be an accomplished author in her own right, with a revealing story of real interest to impart.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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声楽(クラシック)ジャンル:クラシック出版社:International弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:8日-31日作曲者:Henry Purcell/ヘンリー・パーセル編成:高声/ピアノ解説:イギリスの劇作家、詩人のトマス・ダーフィー(1653年〜1723年)の作詞により、1688年にパーセルが作曲したエピローグとプロローグ付きの劇付随音楽「愚か者の出世、またはダンスタブルの3人の公爵」からの曲です。
ジャンル:クラシック出版社:International弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:8日-31日作曲者:Henry Purcell/ヘンリー・パーセル編成:高声/ピアノ解説:イギリスの劇作家、詩人のトマス・ダーフィー(1653年〜1723年)の作詞により、1688年にパーセルが作曲したエピローグとプロローグ付きの劇付随音楽「愚か者の出世、またはダンスタブルの3人の公爵」からの曲です。
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In <em>Casting Off</em> we met Emma Bamford. Stressed out and fed up with London life, working 80-hour weeks and with no hint of a love life, Emma suddenly decided to quit her job, pack up her life and go and live with a man she's never met, and his cat, on a yacht in Borneo. In <em>Casting Off</em> we followed Emma on her amazing adventures as she sailed the globe in search of something more. We laughed, we cried and we 'aaahhhh'ed.</p> <p><em>Untie the Lines</em> picks up where <em>Casting Off</em> left off. There's love in the air in the form of Guy, the handsome sailor Emma met in <em>Casting Off</em>. Will they sail off happily into the sunset together? And there's an abundance of sailing adventure to be had in the USA and Caribbean too. But there are also difficult times, as we follow Emma's journey through more heartache and anguish, as she is forced to return to London, to her old, crippling life. Things spiral out of control until one day Emma, exhausted and suffering from anxiety attacks, just can't take a step further along the same path any more and she is forced to seek help and admit that it's time to change things once and for all.</p> <p><em>Untie the Lines</em> is another thrilling, funny and absorbing installment of Emma's life. It's also deeply moving and will ring true with anyone affected by the stresses and fast pace of modern life and the battle between head and heart.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>In <em>Casting Off</em> we met Emma Bamford. Stressed out and fed up with London life, working 80-hour weeks and with no hint of a love life, Emma suddenly decided to quit her job, pack up her life and go and live with a man she's never met, and his cat, on a yacht in Borneo. In <em>Casting Off</em> we followed Emma on her amazing adventures as she sailed the globe in search of something more. We laughed, we cried and we 'aaahhhh'ed.</p> <p><em>Untie the Lines</em> picks up where <em>Casting Off</em> left off. There's love in the air in the form of Guy, the handsome sailor Emma met in <em>Casting Off</em>. Will they sail off happily into the sunset together? And there's an abundance of sailing adventure to be had in the USA and Caribbean too. But there are also difficult times, as we follow Emma's journey through more heartache and anguish, as she is forced to return to London, to her old, crippling life. Things spiral out of control until one day Emma, exhausted and suffering from anxiety attacks, just can't take a step further along the same path any more and she is forced to seek help and admit that it's time to change things once and for all.</p> <p><em>Untie the Lines</em> is another thrilling, funny and absorbing installment of Emma's life. It's also deeply moving and will ring true with anyone affected by the stresses and fast pace of modern life and the battle between head and heart.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This classic guide for the first-time sailor centers on the small sailboat. The author, who assumes no prior knowledge on the part of the reader, begins with the selection of a first boat and conveys enough information to enable anyone to take out a small boat and bring her in safely. 111 black-and-white figures.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>This classic guide for the first-time sailor centers on the small sailboat. The author, who assumes no prior knowledge on the part of the reader, begins with the selection of a first boat and conveys enough information to enable anyone to take out a small boat and bring her in safely. 111 black-and-white figures.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This chronicle of coastal shipping in the western United States forms an important but hitherto neglected part of the history of transportation in America. From the beginning the seaways were a vital link among the developing West Coast settlements, and even after the completion of a north-south rail line sturdy steamers continued to serve as the major carriers of freight and passengers along the Pacific Coast and as the chief economic and cultural contact of this region with the rest of America.</p> <p>Here, Giles T. Brown surveys this transportation system at the height of its activity and in particular he traces the history of the Admiral Line which dominated West Coast shipping during the early decades of the twentieth centuryーand whose decline mirrored that of the industry.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>This chronicle of coastal shipping in the western United States forms an important but hitherto neglected part of the history of transportation in America. From the beginning the seaways were a vital link among the developing West Coast settlements, and even after the completion of a north-south rail line sturdy steamers continued to serve as the major carriers of freight and passengers along the Pacific Coast and as the chief economic and cultural contact of this region with the rest of America.</p> <p>Here, Giles T. Brown surveys this transportation system at the height of its activity and in particular he traces the history of the Admiral Line which dominated West Coast shipping during the early decades of the twentieth centuryーand whose decline mirrored that of the industry.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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グッバイ フォーセール11CD発売日2004/9/22詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認くださいジャンル邦楽J-POP アーティストザ・グッバイ収録時間64分37秒組枚数1商品説明ザ・グッバイ / 4 SALE+11フォーセール111983年にデビューした、元たのきんトリオのヨッちゃんこと野村義男、曽我泰久、加賀八郎、衛藤浩一の4人で結成されたアイドル・バンド、The Good-Byeのボーナス・トラックを収録したデジタルリマスター作品(全9タイトル)の`NOT 4 SALE`編。
(C)RSリマスター音源+ボーナストラック収録関連キーワードザ・グッバイ 収録曲目101.歌謡METAL劇場(3:29)02.LET’S GET TOGETHER(3:06)03.とLOVEるジェネレーション(2:30)04.ホーボー・ブルース (HOBO’S BLUES)(3:04)05.It’s…(4:41)06.気分モヤモヤ サラサラ チクチク(2:53)07.コーチャンの世直し数え唄(3:03)08.Summer 1963(3:32)09.やさしく溶かしてDon’t You Know(3:30)10.死ぬまで Rock’n’Roll (Rock’n’Roll Till I Die) 〜 BIG EN(2:51)11.TWO NIGHTS (トゥナイト) (and The BONUS Track!!)(3:11)12.GOOD,NIGHT (Hark,the Angels’come) (and The BONUS T(2:18)13.YES!YES!!YES!!! (and The BONUS Track!!)(4:00)14.ペパーミント・パティ Telephone (and The BONUS Track!!)(2:54)15.哀愁TWO NIGHTS (and The BONUS Track!!)(3:23)16.原宿TWO NIGHTS (and The BONUS Track!!)(3:08)17.とLOVEるジェネレーション <Version I> (and The BONUS Track!!)(2:53)18.NOT 4 SALEのテーマ (and The BONUS Track!!)(1:14)19.Good-Byeのテーマ <Version III> (and The BONUS Track!!)(4:10)20.とLOVEるジェネレーション <DEMO> (previously unreleased track(2:12)21.とLOVEるジェネレーション <Alternative Version> (previously u(2:35)商品スペック 種別 CD JAN 4988002463640 製作年 2004 販売元 ビクターエンタテインメント登録日2006/10/20
グッバイ フォーセール11CD発売日2004/9/22詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認くださいジャンル邦楽J-POP アーティストザ・グッバイ収録時間64分37秒組枚数1商品説明ザ・グッバイ / 4 SALE+11フォーセール111983年にデビューした、元たのきんトリオのヨッちゃんこと野村義男、曽我泰久、加賀八郎、衛藤浩一の4人で結成されたアイドル・バンド、The Good-Byeのボーナス・トラックを収録したデジタルリマスター作品(全9タイトル)の`NOT 4 SALE`編。
(C)RSリマスター音源+ボーナストラック収録関連キーワードザ・グッバイ 収録曲目101.歌謡METAL劇場(3:29)02.LET’S GET TOGETHER(3:06)03.とLOVEるジェネレーション(2:30)04.ホーボー・ブルース (HOBO’S BLUES)(3:04)05.It’s…(4:41)06.気分モヤモヤ サラサラ チクチク(2:53)07.コーチャンの世直し数え唄(3:03)08.Summer 1963(3:32)09.やさしく溶かしてDon’t You Know(3:30)10.死ぬまで Rock’n’Roll (Rock’n’Roll Till I Die) 〜 BIG EN(2:51)11.TWO NIGHTS (トゥナイト) (and The BONUS Track!!)(3:11)12.GOOD,NIGHT (Hark,the Angels’come) (and The BONUS T(2:18)13.YES!YES!!YES!!! (and The BONUS Track!!)(4:00)14.ペパーミント・パティ Telephone (and The BONUS Track!!)(2:54)15.哀愁TWO NIGHTS (and The BONUS Track!!)(3:23)16.原宿TWO NIGHTS (and The BONUS Track!!)(3:08)17.とLOVEるジェネレーション <Version I> (and The BONUS Track!!)(2:53)18.NOT 4 SALEのテーマ (and The BONUS Track!!)(1:14)19.Good-Byeのテーマ <Version III> (and The BONUS Track!!)(4:10)20.とLOVEるジェネレーション <DEMO> (previously unreleased track(2:12)21.とLOVEるジェネレーション <Alternative Version> (previously u(2:35)商品スペック 種別 CD JAN 4988002463640 製作年 2004 販売元 ビクターエンタテインメント登録日2006/10/20
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Boatspeed is not enough ? a good understanding of tactics is crucial if you want to win races. This book is a comprehensive programme to make you a tactical genius on the water. Individual chapters take you around the racecourse, from before you get on the water, through the pre-start, start, and various legs. Each section contains detailed advice for the beginner, intermediate and advanced sailor. Ideal for dinghy sailors, there is also a wealth of advice that will benefit yachtsmen. More than a hundred diagrams allow lessons to be learned at a glance and make this a useful aide-memoire as well as a tactical textbook. This is a practical way to improve your racing results, whether starting out, moving up the club circuit or competing at national level and beyond.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Boatspeed is not enough ? a good understanding of tactics is crucial if you want to win races. This book is a comprehensive programme to make you a tactical genius on the water. Individual chapters take you around the racecourse, from before you get on the water, through the pre-start, start, and various legs. Each section contains detailed advice for the beginner, intermediate and advanced sailor. Ideal for dinghy sailors, there is also a wealth of advice that will benefit yachtsmen. More than a hundred diagrams allow lessons to be learned at a glance and make this a useful aide-memoire as well as a tactical textbook. This is a practical way to improve your racing results, whether starting out, moving up the club circuit or competing at national level and beyond.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Gloucester on the Wind is an engaging history of this town, with never before seen historical photographs.</strong></p> <p>Since the development of photography in the mid-nineteenth century, the camera has been used as a tool of both discovery and preservation. Photographs bring alive our image of the past, and can open a floodgate of memories and nostalgia or inspire curiosity and a sense of history. Originally founded by a fishing company from Dorchester, England, in 1623, Gloucester has always been linked to fishing and the sea. By 1870 Gloucester was the leading fishing port in the Western Hemisphere, and its great fleet of fast, white-winged schooners ranged deep into the heart of the Atlantic in search of cod, haddock, halibut, and mackerel. These stunningly beautiful ships and the hardy men who sailed them made "Gloucester" an evocation of courage, perseverance, and seamanship unique in America's maritime heritage.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Gloucester on the Wind is an engaging history of this town, with never before seen historical photographs.</strong></p> <p>Since the development of photography in the mid-nineteenth century, the camera has been used as a tool of both discovery and preservation. Photographs bring alive our image of the past, and can open a floodgate of memories and nostalgia or inspire curiosity and a sense of history. Originally founded by a fishing company from Dorchester, England, in 1623, Gloucester has always been linked to fishing and the sea. By 1870 Gloucester was the leading fishing port in the Western Hemisphere, and its great fleet of fast, white-winged schooners ranged deep into the heart of the Atlantic in search of cod, haddock, halibut, and mackerel. These stunningly beautiful ships and the hardy men who sailed them made "Gloucester" an evocation of courage, perseverance, and seamanship unique in America's maritime heritage.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Tasked with destroying as many British merchant ships as possible, German aristocrat Felix von Luckner and his ship the <em>Seeadler</em> succeeded in spectacular fashion.</strong></p> <p>n 1916, a three-masted windjammer bearing Norwegian colours sailed out of a quiet anchorage in Germany, loaded with cargo and apparently bound for Australia. Her true mission was quite different.</p> <p>The ship was, in fact, the SMS <em>Seeadler</em>, commanded by swashbuckling German aristocrat Felix von Luckner. Over an epic voyage, he used cunning and deception to destroy fourteen merchant ships, all the while evading the utterly foxed and infuriated British Admiralty in a daring game of cat and mouse.</p> <p>This rip-roaring World War I story depicts a life of espionage, counterespionage and piracy of the most gentlemanly kind.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Tasked with destroying as many British merchant ships as possible, German aristocrat Felix von Luckner and his ship the <em>Seeadler</em> succeeded in spectacular fashion.</strong></p> <p>n 1916, a three-masted windjammer bearing Norwegian colours sailed out of a quiet anchorage in Germany, loaded with cargo and apparently bound for Australia. Her true mission was quite different.</p> <p>The ship was, in fact, the SMS <em>Seeadler</em>, commanded by swashbuckling German aristocrat Felix von Luckner. Over an epic voyage, he used cunning and deception to destroy fourteen merchant ships, all the while evading the utterly foxed and infuriated British Admiralty in a daring game of cat and mouse.</p> <p>This rip-roaring World War I story depicts a life of espionage, counterespionage and piracy of the most gentlemanly kind.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>"<em>Secrets</em>' is the modern <em>Bowditch</em>, written so clearly that navigation and seamanship will be comprehensible to anyone . . ."<br /> -- <strong>Dave and Jaja Martin</strong>, circumnavigators and authors of <em>Into the Light: A Family's Epic Journey</em></p> <p>"It's a great book. The prose is simple and clear . . ."<br /> --<strong>John Vigor</strong>, author of <em>The Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat</em></p> <p>"The nautical tips and techniques presented are encyclopedic, yet the clear explanations demystify the topics . . ."<br /> -- <strong>Don Launer</strong>, contributing editor for <em>Good Old Boat</em> magazine</p> <p>"It is a fine piece of work and should be read by anyone contemplating coastal cruising or blue water voyages. It definitely deserves a place in the offshore yacht's library . . ."<br /> --<strong>Ted Brewer</strong>, yacht designer, author, and offshore racing and cruising sailor</p> <p><strong>Be a Better Skipper</strong></p> <p>In the night, wind, rain, fog, big seas, strong currents, or congested waters, when there’s no time for textbook seamanship solutions, what you need are shortcuts and techniques that work quickly and reliably every time.</p> <p>Distilled from the vast accumulated lore of seamanship and navigation, here are the absolute essentials--185 techniques that work without fail in the pilothouse or the exposed cockpit or flying bridge of a shorthanded sail- or powerboat. John Jamieson shows you how to:</p> <ul> <li>Set up a clipboard chart table for cockpit use</li> <li>Avoid hazards with danger bearings or a GPS grid highway</li> <li>Estimate current speeds with the 50-90-100 rule</li> <li>Track other boats in poor visibility using radar plots and bearing drift</li> <li>Sail home without a rudder or get your twin-screw boat home on one working engine</li> <li>Dock or anchor under any conditions</li> <li>And much, much more</li> </ul> <p>Even in this age of electronic navigation you need to know how to eyeball your boat through any situation. Each of the techniques in this cut-to-the-chase book has shown itself to be absolutely repeatable. It will work this time, the next time, and the time a er that, in conditions fair or foul.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>"<em>Secrets</em>' is the modern <em>Bowditch</em>, written so clearly that navigation and seamanship will be comprehensible to anyone . . ."<br /> -- <strong>Dave and Jaja Martin</strong>, circumnavigators and authors of <em>Into the Light: A Family's Epic Journey</em></p> <p>"It's a great book. The prose is simple and clear . . ."<br /> --<strong>John Vigor</strong>, author of <em>The Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat</em></p> <p>"The nautical tips and techniques presented are encyclopedic, yet the clear explanations demystify the topics . . ."<br /> -- <strong>Don Launer</strong>, contributing editor for <em>Good Old Boat</em> magazine</p> <p>"It is a fine piece of work and should be read by anyone contemplating coastal cruising or blue water voyages. It definitely deserves a place in the offshore yacht's library . . ."<br /> --<strong>Ted Brewer</strong>, yacht designer, author, and offshore racing and cruising sailor</p> <p><strong>Be a Better Skipper</strong></p> <p>In the night, wind, rain, fog, big seas, strong currents, or congested waters, when there’s no time for textbook seamanship solutions, what you need are shortcuts and techniques that work quickly and reliably every time.</p> <p>Distilled from the vast accumulated lore of seamanship and navigation, here are the absolute essentials--185 techniques that work without fail in the pilothouse or the exposed cockpit or flying bridge of a shorthanded sail- or powerboat. John Jamieson shows you how to:</p> <ul> <li>Set up a clipboard chart table for cockpit use</li> <li>Avoid hazards with danger bearings or a GPS grid highway</li> <li>Estimate current speeds with the 50-90-100 rule</li> <li>Track other boats in poor visibility using radar plots and bearing drift</li> <li>Sail home without a rudder or get your twin-screw boat home on one working engine</li> <li>Dock or anchor under any conditions</li> <li>And much, much more</li> </ul> <p>Even in this age of electronic navigation you need to know how to eyeball your boat through any situation. Each of the techniques in this cut-to-the-chase book has shown itself to be absolutely repeatable. It will work this time, the next time, and the time a er that, in conditions fair or foul.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】SAIL OF STONE Chief Inspector Erik Winter Novels ke Edwardson SIMON & SCHUSTER2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781451608502 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction
SAIL OF STONE Chief Inspector Erik Winter Novels ke Edwardson SIMON & SCHUSTER2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781451608502 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction
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【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】SAIL ME AWAY HOME (SHOW ME A S Show Me a Sign Ann Clare Lezotte SCHOLASTIC2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781338742503 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
SAIL ME AWAY HOME (SHOW ME A S Show Me a Sign Ann Clare Lezotte SCHOLASTIC2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781338742503 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>This is book related to Indian Style Haleem. This can be used as meat stew for breakfast and brunch. It is especially prepared in Ramzan. It is very tasty , delicious and healthy recipes.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>This is book related to Indian Style Haleem. This can be used as meat stew for breakfast and brunch. It is especially prepared in Ramzan. It is very tasty , delicious and healthy recipes.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This clear and accessible introduction to coastal navigation outlines most of the techniques of piloting that are still fundamental to safe navigation even with modern electronic aids. Step-by-step, the reader is guided from simple to more complex piloting solutions. In addition to dead-reckoning techniques, the author covers tides and currents and explains how to use LORAN C and GPS. There are numerous illustrations throughout the text and practice problems at the end of each chapter.</p> <p>Key Advantages: fully updated new edition, perfect for sail and power, clear layout and instructions, comprehensive overage of all aspects of coastal navigation, review questions and answers, and suitable for self-study and Coast Guard or other similar courses.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>This clear and accessible introduction to coastal navigation outlines most of the techniques of piloting that are still fundamental to safe navigation even with modern electronic aids. Step-by-step, the reader is guided from simple to more complex piloting solutions. In addition to dead-reckoning techniques, the author covers tides and currents and explains how to use LORAN C and GPS. There are numerous illustrations throughout the text and practice problems at the end of each chapter.</p> <p>Key Advantages: fully updated new edition, perfect for sail and power, clear layout and instructions, comprehensive overage of all aspects of coastal navigation, review questions and answers, and suitable for self-study and Coast Guard or other similar courses.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Instant answers for your boat handling, navigation, and seamanship questions</strong></p> <p><em>The Instant Handbook</em> uses a dynamic new quick-reference format to cover the critical aspects of piloting, seamanship, and boat handling under sail or power more accessibly and effectively than has ever been done before. It puts at your fingertips all the information you need about:</p> <ul> <li>Boat Handling Under Power--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Sail Trim and Rig Tuning--Bill Gladstone</li> <li>Using Nautical Charts--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Using GPS--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Using VHF and SSB Radios--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Rules of the Road and Running Light Patterns--Charlie Wing</li> <li>Knots, Splices, and Line Handling--Charlie Wing</li> <li>Anchoring--Peter Nielsen</li> <li>Onboard Weather Forecasting--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Heavy Weather Sailing--John Rousmaniere</li> <li>Diesel Engine Care and Repair--Nigel Calder</li> <li>Emergencies On Board--John Rousmaniere</li> <li>Emergency First Aid On Board--Richard Clinchy</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Instant answers for your boat handling, navigation, and seamanship questions</strong></p> <p><em>The Instant Handbook</em> uses a dynamic new quick-reference format to cover the critical aspects of piloting, seamanship, and boat handling under sail or power more accessibly and effectively than has ever been done before. It puts at your fingertips all the information you need about:</p> <ul> <li>Boat Handling Under Power--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Sail Trim and Rig Tuning--Bill Gladstone</li> <li>Using Nautical Charts--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Using GPS--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Using VHF and SSB Radios--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Rules of the Road and Running Light Patterns--Charlie Wing</li> <li>Knots, Splices, and Line Handling--Charlie Wing</li> <li>Anchoring--Peter Nielsen</li> <li>Onboard Weather Forecasting--Bob Sweet</li> <li>Heavy Weather Sailing--John Rousmaniere</li> <li>Diesel Engine Care and Repair--Nigel Calder</li> <li>Emergencies On Board--John Rousmaniere</li> <li>Emergency First Aid On Board--Richard Clinchy</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The port city of Liverpool, England, is home to one of the oldest Black communities in Britain. Its members proudly date their history back at least as far as the nineteenth century, with the global wanderings and eventual settlement of colonial African seamen. Jacqueline Nassy Brown analyzes how this worldly origin story supports an avowedly local Black politic and identity--a theme that becomes a window onto British politics of race, place, and nation, and Liverpool's own contentious origin story as a gloriously cosmopolitan port of world-historical import that was nonetheless central to British slave trading and imperialism.</p> <p>This ethnography also examines the rise and consequent dilemmas of Black identity. It captures the contradictions of diaspora in postcolonial Liverpool, where African and Afro-Caribbean heritages and transnational linkages with Black America both contribute to and compete with the local as a basis for authentic racial identity. Crisscrossing historical periods, rhetorical modes, and academic genres, the book focuses singularly on "place," enabling its most radical move: its analysis of Black racial politics as enactments of English cultural premises. The insistent focus on English culture implies a further twist. Just as Blacks are racialized through appeals to their assumed Afro-Caribbean and African cultures, so too has Liverpool--an Irish, working-class city whose expansive port faces the world beyond Britain--long been beyond the pale of dominant notions of authentic Englishness. <em>Dropping Anchor, Setting Sail</em> studies "race" through clashing constructions of "Liverpool."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>The port city of Liverpool, England, is home to one of the oldest Black communities in Britain. Its members proudly date their history back at least as far as the nineteenth century, with the global wanderings and eventual settlement of colonial African seamen. Jacqueline Nassy Brown analyzes how this worldly origin story supports an avowedly local Black politic and identity--a theme that becomes a window onto British politics of race, place, and nation, and Liverpool's own contentious origin story as a gloriously cosmopolitan port of world-historical import that was nonetheless central to British slave trading and imperialism.</p> <p>This ethnography also examines the rise and consequent dilemmas of Black identity. It captures the contradictions of diaspora in postcolonial Liverpool, where African and Afro-Caribbean heritages and transnational linkages with Black America both contribute to and compete with the local as a basis for authentic racial identity. Crisscrossing historical periods, rhetorical modes, and academic genres, the book focuses singularly on "place," enabling its most radical move: its analysis of Black racial politics as enactments of English cultural premises. The insistent focus on English culture implies a further twist. Just as Blacks are racialized through appeals to their assumed Afro-Caribbean and African cultures, so too has Liverpool--an Irish, working-class city whose expansive port faces the world beyond Britain--long been beyond the pale of dominant notions of authentic Englishness. <em>Dropping Anchor, Setting Sail</em> studies "race" through clashing constructions of "Liverpool."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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