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[本・音楽] セールの商品検索結果

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼東京オンリーピック GREEN レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼東京オンリーピック GREEN レンタル落ち

    趣味、実用 追跡可能メール便発送可・中川翔子 JAN 4988102568122 品 番 GNBR8239 出 演 中川翔子 監 督 真島理一郎 制作年、時間 2008年 77分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ジェネオン ジャンル 趣味、実用/その他 カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2022-10-12】【あらすじ】「スキージャンプ・ペア」シリーズの真島理一郎監督が手掛けた‘東京2008オンリーピック’のGREEN編。

    趣味、実用 追跡可能メール便発送可・中川翔子

     JAN 4988102568122 品 番 GNBR8239 出 演 中川翔子 監 督 真島理一郎 制作年、時間 2008年 77分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ジェネオン ジャンル 趣味、実用/その他 カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2022-10-12】【あらすじ】「スキージャンプ・ペア」シリーズの真島理一郎監督が手掛けた‘東京2008オンリーピック’のGREEN編。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼バルカン超特急

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・マーガレット・ロックウッド・マイケル・レッドグレーヴ・ポール・ルーカス・グーギー・ウィザース・リンデン・トラヴァース・メイ・ウィッティ JAN 4937629018207 品 番 VCDD83 出 演 マーガレット・ロックウッド/マイケル・レッドグレーヴ/ポール・ルーカス/グーギー・ウィザース/リンデン・トラヴァース/メイ・ウィッティ 原 作 エセル・リナ・ホワイト 監 督 アルフレッド・ヒッチコック 制作年、時間 1938年 98分 製作国 イギリス メーカー等 VIDEO CINEMA ジャンル 洋画/サスペンス/ミステリー  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2023-05-30】【あらすじ】列車の中でミス・フロイという一人の老婦人が消え失せた。

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・マーガレット・ロックウッド・マイケル・レッドグレーヴ・ポール・ルーカス・グーギー・ウィザース・リンデン・トラヴァース・メイ・ウィッティ

     JAN 4937629018207 品 番 VCDD83 出 演 マーガレット・ロックウッド/マイケル・レッドグレーヴ/ポール・ルーカス/グーギー・ウィザース/リンデン・トラヴァース/メイ・ウィッティ 原 作 エセル・リナ・ホワイト 監 督 アルフレッド・ヒッチコック 制作年、時間 1938年 98分 製作国 イギリス メーカー等 VIDEO CINEMA ジャンル 洋画/サスペンス/ミステリー  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2023-05-30】【あらすじ】列車の中でミス・フロイという一人の老婦人が消え失せた。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼シューテム アップ レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼シューテム アップ レンタル落ち

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・クライヴ・オーウェン・ポール・ジアマッティ・モニカ・ベルッチ・スティーヴン・マクハティ・グレッグ・ブリック JAN 4988135710222 品 番 DLRF3523 出 演 クライヴ・オーウェン(スミス)/ポール・ジアマッティ(ハーツ)/モニカ・ベルッチ(ドンナ)/スティーヴン・マクハティ/グレッグ・ブリック 監 督 マイケル・デイヴィス 制作年、時間 2007年 87分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナーホームビデオ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/ギャング/バイオレンス カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-07-30】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・クライヴ・オーウェン・ポール・ジアマッティ・モニカ・ベルッチ・スティーヴン・マクハティ・グレッグ・ブリック

     JAN 4988135710222 品 番 DLRF3523 出 演 クライヴ・オーウェン(スミス)/ポール・ジアマッティ(ハーツ)/モニカ・ベルッチ(ドンナ)/スティーヴン・マクハティ/グレッグ・ブリック 監 督 マイケル・デイヴィス 制作年、時間 2007年 87分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナーホームビデオ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/ギャング/バイオレンス カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2024-07-30】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼ダウト 嘘つきオトコは誰? レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼ダウト 嘘つきオトコは誰? レンタル落ち

    邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・堀田茜・稲葉友・西銘駿・岩永徹也・佐伯大地・三津谷亮・藤田富・水石亜飛夢・牧田哲也 JAN 4988021232883 品 番 VPBT23288 出 演 堀田茜(桜井香菜)/稲葉友(唯川至)/西銘駿(玄野梓)/岩永徹也(間宮春一)/佐伯大地(片桐桂馬)/三津谷亮(樫冬也)/藤田富(松木蹴人)/水石亜飛夢(志賀颯太郎)/牧田哲也(矢澤丈) 原 作 ボルテージ 監 督 永江二朗 制作年、時間 2019年 97分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 バップ ジャンル 邦画/ドラマ/恋愛  【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー DVD【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2024-04-03】【あらすじ】結婚を考えていた恋人に裏切られてしまった25歳の桜井香菜。

    邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・堀田茜・稲葉友・西銘駿・岩永徹也・佐伯大地・三津谷亮・藤田富・水石亜飛夢・牧田哲也

     JAN 4988021232883 品 番 VPBT23288 出 演 堀田茜(桜井香菜)/稲葉友(唯川至)/西銘駿(玄野梓)/岩永徹也(間宮春一)/佐伯大地(片桐桂馬)/三津谷亮(樫冬也)/藤田富(松木蹴人)/水石亜飛夢(志賀颯太郎)/牧田哲也(矢澤丈) 原 作 ボルテージ 監 督 永江二朗 制作年、時間 2019年 97分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 バップ ジャンル 邦画/ドラマ/恋愛  【熱血 青春】 カテゴリー DVD【熱血 青春】 入荷日 【2024-04-03】【あらすじ】結婚を考えていた恋人に裏切られてしまった25歳の桜井香菜。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】Blu-ray▼ブルー 2 トロピカル・アドベンチャー ブルーレイディスク レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】Blu-ray▼ブルー 2 トロピカル・アドベンチャー ブルーレイディスク レンタル落ち

    アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ・アン・ハサウェイ・レイチェル・クロウ・ピアース・ガニォン・アマンドラ・ステンバーグ・ジェイミー・フォックス・ウィ JAN 4988142092212 品 番 FXXB55562 出 演 ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ(ブルー)/アン・ハサウェイ(ジュエル)/レイチェル・クロウ(カーラ)/ピアース・ガニォン(チアゴ)/アマンドラ・ステンバーグ(ビア)/ジェイミー・フォックス(ニコ)/ウィル・アイ・アム(ペドロ)/ジョージ・ロペス(ラファエル)/ジェマイン・クレメント(ナイジェル) 監 督 カルロス・サルダーニャ 制作年、時間 2014年 102分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 フォックス ジャンル アニメ/アドベンチャー/ファンタジー/キャラクター カテゴリー ブルーレイ 入荷日 【2023-06-30】【あらすじ】リオデジャネイロでのんびりとくらしていたアオコンゴウインコのブルーは、野生の仲間を求めて一家でアマゾンヘ旅立つが…。
    ■日本語吹替え付き※こちらはBlu-ray Disc専用ソフトです。

    アニメ 追跡可能メール便発送可・ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ・アン・ハサウェイ・レイチェル・クロウ・ピアース・ガニォン・アマンドラ・ステンバーグ・ジェイミー・フォックス・ウィ

     JAN 4988142092212 品 番 FXXB55562 出 演 ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ(ブルー)/アン・ハサウェイ(ジュエル)/レイチェル・クロウ(カーラ)/ピアース・ガニォン(チアゴ)/アマンドラ・ステンバーグ(ビア)/ジェイミー・フォックス(ニコ)/ウィル・アイ・アム(ペドロ)/ジョージ・ロペス(ラファエル)/ジェマイン・クレメント(ナイジェル) 監 督 カルロス・サルダーニャ 制作年、時間 2014年 102分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 フォックス ジャンル アニメ/アドベンチャー/ファンタジー/キャラクター カテゴリー ブルーレイ 入荷日 【2023-06-30】【あらすじ】リオデジャネイロでのんびりとくらしていたアオコンゴウインコのブルーは、野生の仲間を求めて一家でアマゾンヘ旅立つが…。
    ■日本語吹替え付き※こちらはBlu-ray Disc専用ソフトです。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼セイクレッド・プラネット 生きている地球 レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼セイクレッド・プラネット 生きている地球 レンタル落ち

    その他、ドキュメンタリー 追跡可能メール便発送可 JAN 4959241844613 品 番 VWDR4461 監 督 ジョン・ロング 制作年、時間 2004年 47分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ・ホーム・エンターテイメント ジャンル その他、ドキュメンタリー/感動/その他  【泣ける 号泣】 カテゴリー DVD【泣ける 号泣】 入荷日 【2023-03-08】【あらすじ】地球の環境問題をテーマに、美しい自然の映像と名優ロバート・レッド・フォードの語りで綴る、ウォルト・ディズニー・ピクチャーズ製作ドキュメンタリー映画。

    その他、ドキュメンタリー 追跡可能メール便発送可

     JAN 4959241844613 品 番 VWDR4461 監 督 ジョン・ロング 制作年、時間 2004年 47分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ・ホーム・エンターテイメント ジャンル その他、ドキュメンタリー/感動/その他  【泣ける 号泣】 カテゴリー DVD【泣ける 号泣】 入荷日 【2023-03-08】【あらすじ】地球の環境問題をテーマに、美しい自然の映像と名優ロバート・レッド・フォードの語りで綴る、ウォルト・ディズニー・ピクチャーズ製作ドキュメンタリー映画。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFrom Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life【電子書籍】[ Alfred Thayer Mahan ]
    From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life【電子書籍】[ Alfred Thayer Mahan ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Classic work of history. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History, 1660-1783, published in 1890."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Classic work of history. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History, 1660-1783, published in 1890."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】Blu-ray▼トランスポーター イグニション ブルーレイディスク レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】Blu-ray▼トランスポーター イグニション ブルーレイディスク レンタル落ち

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・エド・スクレイン・レイ・スティーヴンソン・ロアン・シャバノル・ガブリエラ・ライト・タティアナ・パイコヴィッチ JAN 4548967246018 品 番 1000592644 出 演 エド・スクレイン(フランク・マーティン)/レイ・スティーヴンソン(フランク・シニア)/ロアン・シャバノル(アンナ)/ガブリエラ・ライト(ジーナ)/タティアナ・パイコヴィッチ(マリア) 監 督 カミーユ・ドゥラマーレ 制作年、時間 2015年 96分 製作国 フランス/中国 メーカー等 ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/カー カテゴリー ブルーレイ 入荷日 【2023-11-04】【あらすじ】プロの運び屋・フランクは、妖艶な美女・アンナから依頼を受ける。
    ※こちらはBlu-ray Disc専用ソフトです。

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・エド・スクレイン・レイ・スティーヴンソン・ロアン・シャバノル・ガブリエラ・ライト・タティアナ・パイコヴィッチ

     JAN 4548967246018 品 番 1000592644 出 演 エド・スクレイン(フランク・マーティン)/レイ・スティーヴンソン(フランク・シニア)/ロアン・シャバノル(アンナ)/ガブリエラ・ライト(ジーナ)/タティアナ・パイコヴィッチ(マリア) 監 督 カミーユ・ドゥラマーレ 制作年、時間 2015年 96分 製作国 フランス/中国 メーカー等 ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ ジャンル 洋画/アクション/カー カテゴリー ブルーレイ 入荷日 【2023-11-04】【あらすじ】プロの運び屋・フランクは、妖艶な美女・アンナから依頼を受ける。
    ※こちらはBlu-ray Disc専用ソフトです。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼OUT アウト レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼OUT アウト レンタル落ち

    邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・原田美枝子・倍賞美津子・室井滋・西田尚美・大森南朋・香川照之・間寛平・千石規子 JAN 4988142097088 品 番 FXBR24879 出 演 原田美枝子(香取雅子)/倍賞美津子(吾妻ヨシエ)/室井滋(城之内邦子)/西田尚美(山本弥生)/大森南朋(山本健司)/香川照之(十文字彬)/間寛平(佐竹光義)/千石規子(吾妻千代子) 原 作 桐野夏生 監 督 平山秀幸 制作年、時間 2002年 119分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 フォックス ジャンル 邦画/ドラマ/サスペンス  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2024-05-23】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。

    邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可・原田美枝子・倍賞美津子・室井滋・西田尚美・大森南朋・香川照之・間寛平・千石規子

     JAN 4988142097088 品 番 FXBR24879 出 演 原田美枝子(香取雅子)/倍賞美津子(吾妻ヨシエ)/室井滋(城之内邦子)/西田尚美(山本弥生)/大森南朋(山本健司)/香川照之(十文字彬)/間寛平(佐竹光義)/千石規子(吾妻千代子) 原 作 桐野夏生 監 督 平山秀幸 制作年、時間 2002年 119分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 フォックス ジャンル 邦画/ドラマ/サスペンス  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2024-05-23】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼渋谷の女子高生たちが語った‘呪いのリスト’ 2 レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼渋谷の女子高生たちが語った‘呪いのリスト’ 2 レンタル落ち

    邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可 JAN 4571153231833 品 番 AMAD120 監 督 吉川久岳/古賀奏一郎 制作年、時間 2008年 60分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 アムモ ジャンル 邦画/ホラー/オカルト  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2024-01-08】【あらすじ】学校で話題になっている心霊現象の話を、女子高生たちの証言と投稿映像を元に再現ドラマ化したシリーズ第2巻。

    邦画 追跡可能メール便発送可

     JAN 4571153231833 品 番 AMAD120 監 督 吉川久岳/古賀奏一郎 制作年、時間 2008年 60分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 アムモ ジャンル 邦画/ホラー/オカルト  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVD【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2024-01-08】【あらすじ】学校で話題になっている心霊現象の話を、女子高生たちの証言と投稿映像を元に再現ドラマ化したシリーズ第2巻。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアSail On... Examining the
    Sail On... Examining the "Ships" of the Christian Life【電子書籍】[ Roger D. Mardis ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Sail On Examining the "ships" of the Christian life. In many ways the life of a Christ follower is like a journey on the water. There are days when the sailing is smooth and easy - enjoyable! There are other days when the wind and waves seem to be working against you.</p> <p>It should come as no surprise that many of the traits, activities, and events of the Christian are called a "ship." In fact, it seems that faith has a fleet of its own. Some of these include:</p> <p>? Discipleship ? Lordship ? Stewardship ? Battleship ? Hardship</p> <p>? Fellowship ? Membership ? Workmanship ??? Worship ??? Citizenship</p> <p>These ideas, and so many more, are featured in the book, Sail On. Every chapter is a life lesson with some aids for your navigation.</p> <p>Wherever you are in your life's journey, you are sure to profit from these very applicable words. Read them and reap!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Sail On Examining the "ships" of the Christian life. In many ways the life of a Christ follower is like a journey on the water. There are days when the sailing is smooth and easy - enjoyable! There are other days when the wind and waves seem to be working against you.</p> <p>It should come as no surprise that many of the traits, activities, and events of the Christian are called a "ship." In fact, it seems that faith has a fleet of its own. Some of these include:</p> <p>? Discipleship ? Lordship ? Stewardship ? Battleship ? Hardship</p> <p>? Fellowship ? Membership ? Workmanship ??? Worship ??? Citizenship</p> <p>These ideas, and so many more, are featured in the book, Sail On. Every chapter is a life lesson with some aids for your navigation.</p> <p>Wherever you are in your life's journey, you are sure to profit from these very applicable words. Read them and reap!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ekorea\SALE/<即日発送>【 EXO ブックマーク 】エクソ BOOKMARK SMTOWN MUSEUM SUM ミュージアム 公式グッズ【代引不可】(ネコポス便)
    \SALE/<即日発送>【 EXO ブックマーク 】エクソ BOOKMARK SMTOWN MUSEUM SUM ミュージアム 公式グッズ【代引不可】(ネコポス便)

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアLife of Bailey Bailey Learns to Sail【電子書籍】[ Sensei Paul David ]
    Life of Bailey Bailey Learns to Sail【電子書籍】[ Sensei Paul David ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Share Your FREE LoB eBook Now at lifeofbailey.com</strong></p> <p>A Puppy Adventure for the Ages! Bailey is a growing puppy who spends his life learning new things, visiting exciting places, and meeting different people! After finishing his training as a service dog, Bailey's Daddy decides to take him to some exciting places and teach him how to do new activities! <strong>In this story, Bailey visits a sailing club with his Daddy and learns how to sail on a big catamaran! At first, he is very nervous about the deep open water and the rocking boat, but after an adventure to the dog circus and the park, and a few surprises along the way, Bailey begins to feel much more comfortable by the water. Will Bailey be able to sail properly with his family or will he be too scared to jump from the dock into the boat?</strong></p> <p>Get your family's copy of 'Bailey Learns to Sail' online today to follow the ongoing adventures of your favorite service dog and his Daddy and Mommy! Sensei Paul has created this series of children's books to help kids learn important lessons to help them grow up with wisdom to guide them through life. Everyone's invited to be part of the publishing process & creative journey by following on Instagram/Facebook @senseipublishing or by joining our newsletter. Just enter your email address on the pop-up form at www.senseipublishing.com -It's a great day to be alive!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Share Your FREE LoB eBook Now at lifeofbailey.com</strong></p> <p>A Puppy Adventure for the Ages! Bailey is a growing puppy who spends his life learning new things, visiting exciting places, and meeting different people! After finishing his training as a service dog, Bailey's Daddy decides to take him to some exciting places and teach him how to do new activities! <strong>In this story, Bailey visits a sailing club with his Daddy and learns how to sail on a big catamaran! At first, he is very nervous about the deep open water and the rocking boat, but after an adventure to the dog circus and the park, and a few surprises along the way, Bailey begins to feel much more comfortable by the water. Will Bailey be able to sail properly with his family or will he be too scared to jump from the dock into the boat?</strong></p> <p>Get your family's copy of 'Bailey Learns to Sail' online today to follow the ongoing adventures of your favorite service dog and his Daddy and Mommy! Sensei Paul has created this series of children's books to help kids learn important lessons to help them grow up with wisdom to guide them through life. Everyone's invited to be part of the publishing process & creative journey by following on Instagram/Facebook @senseipublishing or by joining our newsletter. Just enter your email address on the pop-up form at www.senseipublishing.com -It's a great day to be alive!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアSet Sail and Live Your Dreams Follow a Young Family Sailing Over the Horizon on the Adventure of a Lifetime【電子書籍】[ April Winship ]
    Set Sail and Live Your Dreams Follow a Young Family Sailing Over the Horizon on the Adventure of a Lifetime【電子書籍】[ April Winship ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Bruce and April Winship were young and newly married when they decided to go looking for a little adventure. With little to no experience they hopped on a sailboat bound for Tahiti, and after two years of crewing on different sailboats throughout the South Pacific, Central and South America, they returned home with a burning passion to rediscover paradise on their own boat… this time as a family.</p> <p>“Set Sail and Live Your Dreams” is the story of how Bruce and April overcame adversity, financial hurdles, and a steep learning curve to create the adventure of a lifetime for themselves and their two young daughters. Their voyage of discovery exposes the hardships of almost losing their boat on a reef, the challenges of homeschooling, to the joyous moments spent anchored at uninhabited islands for months at a time.</p> <p>We hope “Set Sail and Live Your Dreams” will inspire you to launch an adventure of your own, whether big or small, by land or sea… to drift off the beaten path, even for just a little while.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Bruce and April Winship were young and newly married when they decided to go looking for a little adventure. With little to no experience they hopped on a sailboat bound for Tahiti, and after two years of crewing on different sailboats throughout the South Pacific, Central and South America, they returned home with a burning passion to rediscover paradise on their own boat… this time as a family.</p> <p>“Set Sail and Live Your Dreams” is the story of how Bruce and April overcame adversity, financial hurdles, and a steep learning curve to create the adventure of a lifetime for themselves and their two young daughters. Their voyage of discovery exposes the hardships of almost losing their boat on a reef, the challenges of homeschooling, to the joyous moments spent anchored at uninhabited islands for months at a time.</p> <p>We hope “Set Sail and Live Your Dreams” will inspire you to launch an adventure of your own, whether big or small, by land or sea… to drift off the beaten path, even for just a little while.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】【中古】DVD▼内村さまぁ〜ず 70 レンタル落ち
    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼内村さまぁ〜ず 70 レンタル落ち

    お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・内村光良・さまぁ〜ず・東貴博(Take2)・鳥居みゆき・スピードワゴン JAN 4517331038658 品 番 KXBR4 出 演 内村光良/さまぁ〜ず/東貴博(Take2)/鳥居みゆき/スピードワゴン 制作年、時間 2014年 183分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ソニーミュージック ジャンル お笑い/その他  【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-08-09】【あらすじ】内村光良&さまぁ〜ずが、ゲスト芸人仕切りのあらゆる企画に対してほどよく頑張る!3人ならではの独特な世界観によって笑いを生み出していく番組です。

    お笑い 追跡可能メール便発送可・内村光良・さまぁ〜ず・東貴博(Take2)・鳥居みゆき・スピードワゴン

     JAN 4517331038658 品 番 KXBR4 出 演 内村光良/さまぁ〜ず/東貴博(Take2)/鳥居みゆき/スピードワゴン 制作年、時間 2014年 183分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 ソニーミュージック ジャンル お笑い/その他  【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-08-09】【あらすじ】内村光良&さまぁ〜ずが、ゲスト芸人仕切りのあらゆる企画に対してほどよく頑張る!3人ならではの独特な世界観によって笑いを生み出していく番組です。

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    【SALE】【中古】DVD▼新 幽幻道士 キョンシーズ 立体奇兵 レンタル落ち

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・リー・イーチェン・キン・トー JAN 4529264116211 品 番 ATVD11621 出 演 リー・イーチェン/キン・トー 監 督 チン・チュンリャン 制作年、時間 1989年 93分 製作国 台湾 メーカー等 アットエンタテイメント ジャンル 洋画/アジア/その他SF/ホラー/コメディ  【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-07-24】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。

    洋画 追跡可能メール便発送可・リー・イーチェン・キン・トー

     JAN 4529264116211 品 番 ATVD11621 出 演 リー・イーチェン/キン・トー 監 督 チン・チュンリャン 制作年、時間 1989年 93分 製作国 台湾 メーカー等 アットエンタテイメント ジャンル 洋画/アジア/その他SF/ホラー/コメディ  【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 入荷日 【2024-07-24】※レンタル店で使用したレンタル落ちの中古品です。

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    \SALE/【即日発送】【 EXO-CBX / 4×6写真セット HEY MAMA ver. 】SMTOWN SUM 公式グッズ エクソ チェンベクシ チェン ベッキョン シウミン フォトセット 公式グッズ【代引不可】(ネコポス便)

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    ★SALE/送料無料★【即日発送】【 SHINee レンヤード 】 LANYARD ネックストラップ シャイニー 公式グッズ SMTOWN 【代引不可/ネコポス便】

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    【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。

  • 楽天ミュージックストア<SALE>【即日発送】【 ハソンウン フォトポストカードセット 】 HA SUNGWOON PHOTO POSTCARD SET 1st Concert 'Dive in Color' コンサート 公式グッズ 【キャンセル不可】
    <SALE>【即日発送】【 ハソンウン フォトポストカードセット 】 HA SUNGWOON PHOTO POSTCARD SET 1st Concert 'Dive in Color' コンサート 公式グッズ 【キャンセル不可】




  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアA Century of Sail and Steam on the Niagara River【電子書籍】[ Barlow Cumberland ]
    A Century of Sail and Steam on the Niagara River【電子書籍】[ Barlow Cumberland ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This narrative is not, nor does it purport to be one of general navigation upon Lake Ontario, but solely of the vessels and steamers which plyed during its century to the ports of the Niagara River, and particularly of the rise of the Niagara Navigation Co., to which it is largely devoted. Considerable detail has, however been given to the history of the steamers "Frontenac" and "Ontario" because the latter has hitherto been reported to have been the first to be launched, and the credit of being the first to introduce steam navigation upon Lake Ontario has erroneously been given to the American shipping. Successive eras of trading on the River tell of strenuous competitions. Sail is overpassed by steam. The new method of propulsion wins for this water route the supremacy of passenger travel, rising to a splendid climax when the application of steam to transportation on land and the introduction of railways brought such decadence to the River that all its steamers but one had disappeared</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>This narrative is not, nor does it purport to be one of general navigation upon Lake Ontario, but solely of the vessels and steamers which plyed during its century to the ports of the Niagara River, and particularly of the rise of the Niagara Navigation Co., to which it is largely devoted. Considerable detail has, however been given to the history of the steamers "Frontenac" and "Ontario" because the latter has hitherto been reported to have been the first to be launched, and the credit of being the first to introduce steam navigation upon Lake Ontario has erroneously been given to the American shipping. Successive eras of trading on the River tell of strenuous competitions. Sail is overpassed by steam. The new method of propulsion wins for this water route the supremacy of passenger travel, rising to a splendid climax when the application of steam to transportation on land and the introduction of railways brought such decadence to the River that all its steamers but one had disappeared</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアSail Away【電子書籍】[ Lee Rowan ]
    Sail Away【電子書籍】[ Lee Rowan ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em><strong>Sequel to Home is the Sailor<br /> Royal Navy Series: Book Four</strong></em></p> <p>Sail away once again with Will Marshall and Davy Archer in this collection of missing moments from their saga. Meet some of the background players from their story as they take center stage in tales of their own. Enjoy a journey through the family album of the Royal Navy series universe in the following stories:</p> <p><em>Captain’s Courtship</em> is the tale of Cynthia Lancaster and newly promoted Commander Paul Smith as they face revolution in both the Lancaster household and the colonies, unwilling to let anything stand in the way of their love.</p> <p>While fleeing an angry mob who takes exception to a despised Aristo courting a French girl, David Archer's cousin Christopher St. John and his fiancee wind up on the <em>HMS Calypso</em> in <em>See Paris and Live</em>.</p> <p>The relationship between Will Marshall and David Archer has moved beyond friendship into love worth risking death forーeven though neither young man has spoken his feelings. But when a storm leaves them <em>Castaway</em> on a deserted island, their fantasy is within reach… if they dare to take the chance.</p> <p>After the harrowing events in <em>Ransom</em>, David Archer is given the chance to take the test that will promote him to Lieutenant, and secure the first step in his career. But when Will Marshall realizes the vast difference between their social standing in their <em>Voyage to London</em>, he wonders whether there will be room in Davy's life for him, after all.</p> <p>Finally, enjoy six short Royal Navy stories that show a glimpse of Will and Davy at the holidaysーHalloween, Christmas, Valentine's day, shore leave… and a special nit-picking vignette from Charlie Cochrane.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><em><strong>Sequel to Home is the Sailor<br /> Royal Navy Series: Book Four</strong></em></p> <p>Sail away once again with Will Marshall and Davy Archer in this collection of missing moments from their saga. Meet some of the background players from their story as they take center stage in tales of their own. Enjoy a journey through the family album of the Royal Navy series universe in the following stories:</p> <p><em>Captain’s Courtship</em> is the tale of Cynthia Lancaster and newly promoted Commander Paul Smith as they face revolution in both the Lancaster household and the colonies, unwilling to let anything stand in the way of their love.</p> <p>While fleeing an angry mob who takes exception to a despised Aristo courting a French girl, David Archer's cousin Christopher St. John and his fiancee wind up on the <em>HMS Calypso</em> in <em>See Paris and Live</em>.</p> <p>The relationship between Will Marshall and David Archer has moved beyond friendship into love worth risking death forーeven though neither young man has spoken his feelings. But when a storm leaves them <em>Castaway</em> on a deserted island, their fantasy is within reach… if they dare to take the chance.</p> <p>After the harrowing events in <em>Ransom</em>, David Archer is given the chance to take the test that will promote him to Lieutenant, and secure the first step in his career. But when Will Marshall realizes the vast difference between their social standing in their <em>Voyage to London</em>, he wonders whether there will be room in Davy's life for him, after all.</p> <p>Finally, enjoy six short Royal Navy stories that show a glimpse of Will and Davy at the holidaysーHalloween, Christmas, Valentine's day, shore leave… and a special nit-picking vignette from Charlie Cochrane.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe New Crew's Pocketbook A pocket guide for newcomers to cruising: from your first sail to becoming a key crew member【電子書籍】[ Tim Davison ]
    The New Crew's Pocketbook A pocket guide for newcomers to cruising: from your first sail to becoming a key crew member【電子書籍】[ Tim Davison ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Going aboard a sailing yacht for the first time is an exciting experience, but it can be a bit daunting. It introduces you to many unknowns: terra firma is left behind, the boat is propelled by something you can't see (the wind), there are ropes everywhere and a whole new vocabulary opens up! Your skipper will brief you on the key things you need to know, but this book is a great opportunity to learn a bit beforehand which will give you the basic knowledge to work the boat, be safe, have fun… and be asked back for more! Written in a friendly and approachable way, it assumes no nautical knowledge and uses diagrams and photographs to demystify the art of sailing. Devised to be read by new crew before they arrive at the boat, it is also great to keep on board as a quick and easy reference guide. Ideal for skippers to give to anyone joining them on board for the first time. As soon as a person steps aboard they are crewing: drawn into casting off, hoisting sails, winching and even steering. It's impossible to cover everything in your briefing, so any knowledge they can gain beforehand is a blessing and will make your yacht a happier, safer place for everyone. Additional chapters covering spinnaker handling are available online and in the eBook.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Going aboard a sailing yacht for the first time is an exciting experience, but it can be a bit daunting. It introduces you to many unknowns: terra firma is left behind, the boat is propelled by something you can't see (the wind), there are ropes everywhere and a whole new vocabulary opens up! Your skipper will brief you on the key things you need to know, but this book is a great opportunity to learn a bit beforehand which will give you the basic knowledge to work the boat, be safe, have fun… and be asked back for more! Written in a friendly and approachable way, it assumes no nautical knowledge and uses diagrams and photographs to demystify the art of sailing. Devised to be read by new crew before they arrive at the boat, it is also great to keep on board as a quick and easy reference guide. Ideal for skippers to give to anyone joining them on board for the first time. As soon as a person steps aboard they are crewing: drawn into casting off, hoisting sails, winching and even steering. It's impossible to cover everything in your briefing, so any knowledge they can gain beforehand is a blessing and will make your yacht a happier, safer place for everyone. Additional chapters covering spinnaker handling are available online and in the eBook.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天ブックスTrim Sets Sail TRIM SETS SAIL (Adventures of Trim) [ Deborah Hopkinson ]
    Trim Sets Sail TRIM SETS SAIL (Adventures of Trim) [ Deborah Hopkinson ]

    【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】TRIM SETS SAIL Adventures of Trim Deborah Hopkinson Kristy Caldwell PEACHTREE PUBL LTD2024 Paperback English ISBN:9781682633816 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction


    TRIM SETS SAIL Adventures of Trim Deborah Hopkinson Kristy Caldwell PEACHTREE PUBL LTD2024 Paperback English ISBN:9781682633816 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFreshwater Heritage A History of Sail on the Great Lakes, 1670-1918【電子書籍】[ Don Bamford ]
    Freshwater Heritage A History of Sail on the Great Lakes, 1670-1918【電子書籍】[ Don Bamford ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Freshwater Heritage: A History of Sail on the Great Lakes, 1670-1918 represents the culmination of a lifelong passion for sailing and for the history of sail as it applies to Canada. Author/sailor/boat builder Don Bamford takes us deep into the psyche of sailing as it applies to historical events on the Great Lakes and to stories of the people and places there at the time.</p> <p>His extensive historical research takes us back to the time of European contact, through the fate of the luckless Griffon and the achievements of the French in the era of sail. From the 1760s through to 1815, Bamford chronicles the glory years of the brigs, the schooners, the snows and the warships that dominated the lakes during the war years, with a particular emphasis on the War of 1812 and the race for naval domination of the Great Lakes.</p> <p>Much deserving attention is given to the shipbuilders and to the challenges of constructing these vessels in the wilderness of the colonies, all supported by carefully researched detail. Bamford also documents the critical role played by sailing vessels in the settlement process as newly arrived immigrants struggled to establish a home in a new land.</p> <p>The commercial role of sail on the Great Lakes is captured through the refinements to the schooners, the place of ships in the fur trade, the early days of fishing the lakes as an industry, the role of the timber droghers, the stone hookers and the first ore carriers of the first part of the 20th century. Never before has the place of sailing vessels in the early history of Canada’s Great Lakes been so inclusive, and made so accessible to the general reader.</p> <p>Richly illustrated with archival visuals and photographs of significant works of art, and supported by a full index and extensive end matter, Freshwater Heritage is a must for both the armchair historian and those who love to sail.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Freshwater Heritage: A History of Sail on the Great Lakes, 1670-1918 represents the culmination of a lifelong passion for sailing and for the history of sail as it applies to Canada. Author/sailor/boat builder Don Bamford takes us deep into the psyche of sailing as it applies to historical events on the Great Lakes and to stories of the people and places there at the time.</p> <p>His extensive historical research takes us back to the time of European contact, through the fate of the luckless Griffon and the achievements of the French in the era of sail. From the 1760s through to 1815, Bamford chronicles the glory years of the brigs, the schooners, the snows and the warships that dominated the lakes during the war years, with a particular emphasis on the War of 1812 and the race for naval domination of the Great Lakes.</p> <p>Much deserving attention is given to the shipbuilders and to the challenges of constructing these vessels in the wilderness of the colonies, all supported by carefully researched detail. Bamford also documents the critical role played by sailing vessels in the settlement process as newly arrived immigrants struggled to establish a home in a new land.</p> <p>The commercial role of sail on the Great Lakes is captured through the refinements to the schooners, the place of ships in the fur trade, the early days of fishing the lakes as an industry, the role of the timber droghers, the stone hookers and the first ore carriers of the first part of the 20th century. Never before has the place of sailing vessels in the early history of Canada’s Great Lakes been so inclusive, and made so accessible to the general reader.</p> <p>Richly illustrated with archival visuals and photographs of significant works of art, and supported by a full index and extensive end matter, Freshwater Heritage is a must for both the armchair historian and those who love to sail.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ekorea★SALE/条件付特典★即日発送【メタルバッチ】 ZEROBASEONE POP UP STORE OFFICIAL MD THE MOVING SEOUL ZB1 ゼベワン ゼロベースワン (キャンセル不可)
    ★SALE/条件付特典★即日発送【メタルバッチ】 ZEROBASEONE POP UP STORE OFFICIAL MD THE MOVING SEOUL ZB1 ゼベワン ゼロベースワン (キャンセル不可)

    SALE!!● 商品詳細 - メタルバッチ 1点 ★条件特典★ ※ZEROBASEONE THE MOVING SEOUL POP UP STORE OFFICIAL MD グッズを 1注文で合計10,000円(税込)以上【送料/代金引換手数料を除く商品代金のみ】ご購入毎に、 公式特典フォトカード:1枚(全18種よりランダム)をプレゼント。
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    ●商品代金9,999円⇒特典なし ●商品代金19,999円⇒特典1枚 ●商品代金20,000円⇒特典2枚 ※こちらの商品は、キャンセル不可商品です。
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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアScurvy How a Surgeon, a Mariner, and a Gentlemen Solved the Greatest Medical Mystery of the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Stephen J. Bown ]
    Scurvy How a Surgeon, a Mariner, and a Gentlemen Solved the Greatest Medical Mystery of the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Stephen J. Bown ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Scurvy took a terrible toll in the Age of Sail, killing more sailors than were lost in all sea battles combined. The threat of the disease kept ships close to home and doomed those vessels that ventured too far from port. The willful ignorance of the royal medical elite, who endorsed ludicrous medical theories based on speculative research while ignoring the life-saving properties of citrus fruit, cost tens of thousands of lives and altered the course of many battles at sea. The cure for scurvy ranks among the greatest of human accomplishments, yet its impact on history has, until now, been largely ignored.</p> <p>From the earliest recorded appearance of the disease in the sixteenth century, to the eighteenth century, where a man had only half a chance of surviving the scourge, to the early nineteenth century, when the British conquered scurvy and successfully blockaded the French and defeated Napoleon, <em>Scurvy</em> is a medical detective story for the ages, the fascinating true story of how James Lind (the surgeon), James Cook (the mariner), and Gilbert Blane (the gentleman) worked separately to eliminate the dreaded affliction.</p> <p><em>Scurvy</em> is an evocative journey back to the era of wooden ships and sails, when the disease infiltrated every aspect of seafaring life: press gangs "recruit" mariners on the way home from a late night at the pub; a terrible voyage in search of riches ends with a hobbled fleet and half the crew heaved overboard; Cook majestically travels the South Seas but suffers an unimaginable fate. Brimming with tales of ships, sailors, and baffling bureaucracy, <em>Scurvy</em> is a rare mix of compelling history and classic adventure story.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Scurvy took a terrible toll in the Age of Sail, killing more sailors than were lost in all sea battles combined. The threat of the disease kept ships close to home and doomed those vessels that ventured too far from port. The willful ignorance of the royal medical elite, who endorsed ludicrous medical theories based on speculative research while ignoring the life-saving properties of citrus fruit, cost tens of thousands of lives and altered the course of many battles at sea. The cure for scurvy ranks among the greatest of human accomplishments, yet its impact on history has, until now, been largely ignored.</p> <p>From the earliest recorded appearance of the disease in the sixteenth century, to the eighteenth century, where a man had only half a chance of surviving the scourge, to the early nineteenth century, when the British conquered scurvy and successfully blockaded the French and defeated Napoleon, <em>Scurvy</em> is a medical detective story for the ages, the fascinating true story of how James Lind (the surgeon), James Cook (the mariner), and Gilbert Blane (the gentleman) worked separately to eliminate the dreaded affliction.</p> <p><em>Scurvy</em> is an evocative journey back to the era of wooden ships and sails, when the disease infiltrated every aspect of seafaring life: press gangs "recruit" mariners on the way home from a late night at the pub; a terrible voyage in search of riches ends with a hobbled fleet and half the crew heaved overboard; Cook majestically travels the South Seas but suffers an unimaginable fate. Brimming with tales of ships, sailors, and baffling bureaucracy, <em>Scurvy</em> is a rare mix of compelling history and classic adventure story.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアLearn to Sail Today: From Novice to Sailor in One Week【電子書籍】[ Barry Lewis ]
    Learn to Sail Today: From Novice to Sailor in One Week【電子書籍】[ Barry Lewis ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em><strong>Sail your very first day on the water</strong></em></p> <p><em>Learn to Sail Today</em> offers a uniquely fun and quick method for beginners to learn exactly what they need to enter the fun and rewarding world of sailing. Written specifically to engage and reassure the uninitiated, this sailing primer covers the essentials step by step without overwhelming you with intimidating diagrams and long lists of sailboat parts.</p> <p>This simple, intuitive guide uses dozens of informative illustrations along with clear explanations, free from unnecessary jargon, to put you confidently at the helm your very first day on the water. It walks you through everything you need to know to be a responsible sailor, from sail-trim theory and practice, safety, sailing etiquette, inspecting a boat, steering, and docking to sailing to another harbor and buying your first sailboat.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><em><strong>Sail your very first day on the water</strong></em></p> <p><em>Learn to Sail Today</em> offers a uniquely fun and quick method for beginners to learn exactly what they need to enter the fun and rewarding world of sailing. Written specifically to engage and reassure the uninitiated, this sailing primer covers the essentials step by step without overwhelming you with intimidating diagrams and long lists of sailboat parts.</p> <p>This simple, intuitive guide uses dozens of informative illustrations along with clear explanations, free from unnecessary jargon, to put you confidently at the helm your very first day on the water. It walks you through everything you need to know to be a responsible sailor, from sail-trim theory and practice, safety, sailing etiquette, inspecting a boat, steering, and docking to sailing to another harbor and buying your first sailboat.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアSail Me Away Home (Show Me a Sign Trilogy, Book 3)【電子書籍】[ Ann Clare LeZotte ]
    Sail Me Away Home (Show Me a Sign Trilogy, Book 3)【電子書籍】[ Ann Clare LeZotte ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>This gripping story, set in the world of the award-winning <em>Show Me a Sign</em> and <em>Set Me Free</em>, completes an unforgettable trilogy centering the d/Deaf experience.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Thrilling, important, and profoundly moving. A true gift." -- Brian Selznick, creator of the <em>New York Times</em> bestsellers <em>Big Tree</em> and <em>The Invention of Hugo Cabret</em>, winner of the Caldecott Medal</strong></p> <p>As a young teacher on Martha's Vineyard, Mary Lambert feels restless and adrift. So when a league of missionaries invite her to travel abroad, she knows it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Paris is home to a pioneering deaf school where she could meet its visionary instructors Jean Massieu and Laurent Clerc--and bring back their methods to America!</p> <p>But the endeavor comes at a cost: The missionaries' plan to "save" deaf children is questionable at best--and requires Mary's support. What's more, the missionaries' work threatens the Wampanoag and other Native peoples' freedom and safety. Is pursuing Mary's own goals worth the price of betraying her friends and her own values?</p> <p>So begins a feverish and fraught adventure. Brimming with vivid detail and startling insight, <em>Sail Me Away Home</em> will enrich your understanding of the d/Deaf experience as it celebrates d/Deaf history, culture, and community.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>This gripping story, set in the world of the award-winning <em>Show Me a Sign</em> and <em>Set Me Free</em>, completes an unforgettable trilogy centering the d/Deaf experience.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Thrilling, important, and profoundly moving. A true gift." -- Brian Selznick, creator of the <em>New York Times</em> bestsellers <em>Big Tree</em> and <em>The Invention of Hugo Cabret</em>, winner of the Caldecott Medal</strong></p> <p>As a young teacher on Martha's Vineyard, Mary Lambert feels restless and adrift. So when a league of missionaries invite her to travel abroad, she knows it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Paris is home to a pioneering deaf school where she could meet its visionary instructors Jean Massieu and Laurent Clerc--and bring back their methods to America!</p> <p>But the endeavor comes at a cost: The missionaries' plan to "save" deaf children is questionable at best--and requires Mary's support. What's more, the missionaries' work threatens the Wampanoag and other Native peoples' freedom and safety. Is pursuing Mary's own goals worth the price of betraying her friends and her own values?</p> <p>So begins a feverish and fraught adventure. Brimming with vivid detail and startling insight, <em>Sail Me Away Home</em> will enrich your understanding of the d/Deaf experience as it celebrates d/Deaf history, culture, and community.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFighting Sail Fleet Actions 1775?1815【電子書籍】[ Ryan Miller ]
    Fighting Sail Fleet Actions 1775?1815【電子書籍】[ Ryan Miller ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In the years between 1776 and 1815, grand square-rigged sailing ships dominated warfare on the high seas. Fighting Sail is a tabletop wargame of fleet battles in this age of canvas, cannon, and timbers. Players take on the roles of fleet admirals in battles ranging from the American War of Independence to the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. Each fleet has access to different ships, tactics, and command personalities ? each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Offering a unique blend of detail and simplicity, the scenarios included enable the recreation of historic actions or 'what-if' scenarios. Join the battle and experience the adventurous age of the fighting sail!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>In the years between 1776 and 1815, grand square-rigged sailing ships dominated warfare on the high seas. Fighting Sail is a tabletop wargame of fleet battles in this age of canvas, cannon, and timbers. Players take on the roles of fleet admirals in battles ranging from the American War of Independence to the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. Each fleet has access to different ships, tactics, and command personalities ? each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Offering a unique blend of detail and simplicity, the scenarios included enable the recreation of historic actions or 'what-if' scenarios. Join the battle and experience the adventurous age of the fighting sail!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ekorea\SALE/<即日発送>【 EXO-CBX カードポケット HEY MAMA ver. 】SMTOWN SUM 公式グッズ EXO チェンベクシ 公式グッズ【代引不可】(ネコポス便)
    \SALE/<即日発送>【 EXO-CBX カードポケット HEY MAMA ver. 】SMTOWN SUM 公式グッズ EXO チェンベクシ 公式グッズ【代引不可】(ネコポス便)

  • 楽天RGB DVD STORE/SPORTS&CULTURESALE OFF!新品北米版DVD!Jane Fonda's Complete Workout !<ジェーン・フォンダ/エアロビクス>
    SALE OFF!新品北米版DVD!Jane Fonda's Complete Workout !<ジェーン・フォンダ/エアロビクス>

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    ジェーン・ホンダの名作エアロビクスDVD!! 【仕様】 ■音声:英語 ■ディスク枚数:1枚 ■収録時間:本編70分 


    入荷の目安:1〜3週間】 ※万が一、メーカーに在庫が無い場合はキャンセルとさせて頂く場合がございます。
    Jane Fonda's Complete Workout [ US / LIGHTYEAR VIDEO / DVD ] 新品! ※リージョンコードはALLになります。
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  • 楽天楽天ブックスSail of Stone SAIL OF STONE (Chief Inspector Erik Winter Novels) [ ke Edwardson ]
    Sail of Stone SAIL OF STONE (Chief Inspector Erik Winter Novels) [ ke Edwardson ]

    【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】SAIL OF STONE Chief Inspector Erik Winter Novels ke Edwardson SIMON & SCHUSTER2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781451608502 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction


    SAIL OF STONE Chief Inspector Erik Winter Novels ke Edwardson SIMON & SCHUSTER2012 Paperback English ISBN:9781451608502 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction

  • 楽天Glomarket洋書 Disney-Hyperion The Doll People Book 4 The Doll People Set Sail
    洋書 Disney-Hyperion The Doll People Book 4 The Doll People Set Sail

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    *** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。
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    \SALE/<即日発送>【 選択可 / TVXQ! 2019 クッションカバー 】東方神起 U-KNOW MAX ユノ チャンミン SUM SMTOWN 公式グッズ

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    こちらは商品の性質によるものであり、この件での返品・交換はお受け出来かねますので 予めご理解ご了承を頂けますようお願いいたします。

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    こちらは商品の性質によるものであり、この件での返品・交換はお受け出来かねますので 予めご理解ご了承を頂けますようお願いいたします。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアCayman's 1794 Wreck of the Ten Sail Peace, War, and Peril in the Caribbean【電子書籍】[ Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton ]
    Cayman's 1794 Wreck of the Ten Sail Peace, War, and Peril in the Caribbean【電子書籍】[ Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>The greatest shipwreck disaster in the history of the Cayman Islands</strong></p> <p>The story has been passed through generations for more than two centuries. Details vary depending on who is doing the telling, but all refer to this momentous maritime event as the Wreck of the Ten Sail. Sometimes misunderstood as the loss of a single ship, it was in fact the wreck of ten vessels at once, comprising one of the most dramatic maritime disasters in all of Caribbean naval history. Surviving historical documents and the remains of the wrecked ships in the sea confirm that the narrative is more than folklore. It is a legend based on a historical event in which HMS <em>Convert</em>, formerly <em>L’Inconstante</em>, a recent prize from the French, and 9 of her 58-ship merchant convoy sailing from Jamaica to Britain, wrecked on the jagged eastern reefs of Grand Cayman in 1794.</p> <p>The incident has historical significance far beyond the boundaries of the Cayman Islands. It is tied to British and French history during the French Revolution, when these and other European nations were competing for military and commercial dominance around the globe. The Wreck of the Ten Sail attests to the worldwide distribution of European war and trade at the close of the eighteenth century.</p> <p>In <em>Cayman’s 1794 Wreck of the Ten Sail: Peace, War, and Peril in the Caribbean</em>, Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton focuses on the ships, the people, and the wreck itself to define their place in Caymanian, Caribbean, and European history. This well-researched volume weaves together rich oral folklore accounts, invaluable supporting documents found in archives in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and France, and tangible evidence of the disaster from archaeological sites on the reefs of the East End.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>The greatest shipwreck disaster in the history of the Cayman Islands</strong></p> <p>The story has been passed through generations for more than two centuries. Details vary depending on who is doing the telling, but all refer to this momentous maritime event as the Wreck of the Ten Sail. Sometimes misunderstood as the loss of a single ship, it was in fact the wreck of ten vessels at once, comprising one of the most dramatic maritime disasters in all of Caribbean naval history. Surviving historical documents and the remains of the wrecked ships in the sea confirm that the narrative is more than folklore. It is a legend based on a historical event in which HMS <em>Convert</em>, formerly <em>L’Inconstante</em>, a recent prize from the French, and 9 of her 58-ship merchant convoy sailing from Jamaica to Britain, wrecked on the jagged eastern reefs of Grand Cayman in 1794.</p> <p>The incident has historical significance far beyond the boundaries of the Cayman Islands. It is tied to British and French history during the French Revolution, when these and other European nations were competing for military and commercial dominance around the globe. The Wreck of the Ten Sail attests to the worldwide distribution of European war and trade at the close of the eighteenth century.</p> <p>In <em>Cayman’s 1794 Wreck of the Ten Sail: Peace, War, and Peril in the Caribbean</em>, Margaret E. Leshikar-Denton focuses on the ships, the people, and the wreck itself to define their place in Caymanian, Caribbean, and European history. This well-researched volume weaves together rich oral folklore accounts, invaluable supporting documents found in archives in the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and France, and tangible evidence of the disaster from archaeological sites on the reefs of the East End.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ekorea\SALE/<即日発送>【 ネックレス 】【 Beyond LIVE - SUPER JUNIOR WORLD TOUR SUPER SHOW 9 : ROAD 】SJ スジュ スーパーショースパショ SS9 スーパージュニア コンサート 公式グッズ NECKLACE【キャンセル不可】
    \SALE/<即日発送>【 ネックレス 】【 Beyond LIVE - SUPER JUNIOR WORLD TOUR SUPER SHOW 9 : ROAD 】SJ スジュ スーパーショースパショ SS9 スーパージュニア コンサート 公式グッズ NECKLACE【キャンセル不可】

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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFireship The Terror Weapon of the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Peter Kirsch ]
    Fireship The Terror Weapon of the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Peter Kirsch ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The fireship was the guided missile of the sailing era. Packed with incendiary (and sometimes explosive) material, it was aimed at its highly inflammable wooden target by volunteers who bailed out into a boat at the last moment. It often missed, but the panic it invariably caused among crews who generally could not swim and had no method of safely abandoning ship did the job for itーthe most famous example being the attack off Gravelines in 1588 which led to the rout of the Spanish Armada.Although it was a tactic used in antiquity, its successful revival in the Armada campaign led to the adoption of the fireship as an integral part of the fleet. During the seventeenth century increasingly sophisticated 'fireworks' were designed into purpose-built ships, and an advance doctrine was worked out for their employment. Fireship reveals the full impact of the weapon on naval history, looks at the technology and analyses the reasons for its decline.This is the first history of a potent, much used but little understood weapon.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>The fireship was the guided missile of the sailing era. Packed with incendiary (and sometimes explosive) material, it was aimed at its highly inflammable wooden target by volunteers who bailed out into a boat at the last moment. It often missed, but the panic it invariably caused among crews who generally could not swim and had no method of safely abandoning ship did the job for itーthe most famous example being the attack off Gravelines in 1588 which led to the rout of the Spanish Armada.Although it was a tactic used in antiquity, its successful revival in the Armada campaign led to the adoption of the fireship as an integral part of the fleet. During the seventeenth century increasingly sophisticated 'fireworks' were designed into purpose-built ships, and an advance doctrine was worked out for their employment. Fireship reveals the full impact of the weapon on naval history, looks at the technology and analyses the reasons for its decline.This is the first history of a potent, much used but little understood weapon.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFirst Rate The Greatest Warships in the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Rif Winfield ]
    First Rate The Greatest Warships in the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Rif Winfield ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>In the sailing era First Rates were the largest, most powerful and most costly ships to construct, maintain and operate. Built to the highest standards, they were lavishly decorated and given carefully considered names that reflected the pride and prestige of their country. They were the very embodiment of national power, and as such drew the attention of artists, engravers and printmakers. This means that virtually every British First Rate from the Prince Royal of 1610 to the end of sail is represented by an array of paintings, drawings, models or plans.This book is a celebration of these magnificent ships, combining an authoritative history of their development with reproductions of many of the best (and least familiar) images of the ships, chosen for their accuracy, detail and sheer visual power in an extra-large format that does full justice to the images themselves. It also includes comparative data on similar vessels in other navies, so it is a book that everyone with an interest in wooden warships will find both enlightening and a pleasure to peruse.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>In the sailing era First Rates were the largest, most powerful and most costly ships to construct, maintain and operate. Built to the highest standards, they were lavishly decorated and given carefully considered names that reflected the pride and prestige of their country. They were the very embodiment of national power, and as such drew the attention of artists, engravers and printmakers. This means that virtually every British First Rate from the Prince Royal of 1610 to the end of sail is represented by an array of paintings, drawings, models or plans.This book is a celebration of these magnificent ships, combining an authoritative history of their development with reproductions of many of the best (and least familiar) images of the ships, chosen for their accuracy, detail and sheer visual power in an extra-large format that does full justice to the images themselves. It also includes comparative data on similar vessels in other navies, so it is a book that everyone with an interest in wooden warships will find both enlightening and a pleasure to peruse.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアBoatWorks【電子書籍】[ SAIL Magazine ]
    BoatWorks【電子書籍】[ SAIL Magazine ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Expert guidance for the hands-on sailor--whether you’re varnishing a handrail or replacing bulkheads</strong></p> <p>With contributions from leading how-to experts, this wide-ranging collection of projects from <em>BoatWorks</em> magazine ranges from structural, mechanical, and electrical projects to plumbing and cosmetic repairs and improvements. Much of this full-color guide’s information cannot be found in any other book. Nigel Calder, Don Casey, Mark Corke, Peter Nielsen, Charles Doane, Paul Esterle, Charles Mason, Aussie Bray, and other sailboat experts show you with step-by-step photography how to:</p> <ul> <li>Buy and survey an older sailboat</li> <li>Replace bulkheads</li> <li>Fix below-the-waterline holes</li> <li>Repair gelcoat, portlights, or rotten cores</li> <li>Paint, varnish, spray polyurethane, mark a waterline, or rebed deck hardware</li> <li>Choose a mainsail system, install a headsail furler or an inner forestay, assemble rigging terminals, or build a spinnaker or even a new aluminum mast</li> <li>Pamper an Atomic 4 gas engine, replace a Cutless bearing, maintain your diesel, and know when it’s time to repower</li> <li>Install a new fuel or water tank, upgrade to wheel steering, replace a propeller or deck hardware, or install seacocks</li> <li>Troubleshoot electrical problems, install cockpit speakers, or rewire your boat</li> <li>Replace lifelines, install a forehatch, secure your cabin sole, and much, much more</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Expert guidance for the hands-on sailor--whether you’re varnishing a handrail or replacing bulkheads</strong></p> <p>With contributions from leading how-to experts, this wide-ranging collection of projects from <em>BoatWorks</em> magazine ranges from structural, mechanical, and electrical projects to plumbing and cosmetic repairs and improvements. Much of this full-color guide’s information cannot be found in any other book. Nigel Calder, Don Casey, Mark Corke, Peter Nielsen, Charles Doane, Paul Esterle, Charles Mason, Aussie Bray, and other sailboat experts show you with step-by-step photography how to:</p> <ul> <li>Buy and survey an older sailboat</li> <li>Replace bulkheads</li> <li>Fix below-the-waterline holes</li> <li>Repair gelcoat, portlights, or rotten cores</li> <li>Paint, varnish, spray polyurethane, mark a waterline, or rebed deck hardware</li> <li>Choose a mainsail system, install a headsail furler or an inner forestay, assemble rigging terminals, or build a spinnaker or even a new aluminum mast</li> <li>Pamper an Atomic 4 gas engine, replace a Cutless bearing, maintain your diesel, and know when it’s time to repower</li> <li>Install a new fuel or water tank, upgrade to wheel steering, replace a propeller or deck hardware, or install seacocks</li> <li>Troubleshoot electrical problems, install cockpit speakers, or rewire your boat</li> <li>Replace lifelines, install a forehatch, secure your cabin sole, and much, much more</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアRough Medicine Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Joan Druett ]
    Rough Medicine Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail【電子書籍】[ Joan Druett ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Using diaries, journals, and correspondences, Druett recounts the daily grind surgeons on nineteenth-century whaling ships faced: the rudimentary tools they used, the treatments they had at their disposal, the sorts of people they encountered in their travels, and the dangers they faced under the harsh conditions of life at sea.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Using diaries, journals, and correspondences, Druett recounts the daily grind surgeons on nineteenth-century whaling ships faced: the rudimentary tools they used, the treatments they had at their disposal, the sorts of people they encountered in their travels, and the dangers they faced under the harsh conditions of life at sea.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
