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[本・音楽] セールの商品検索結果

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアDe aqu? se sale【電子書籍】[ Mario Conde ]
    De aqu? se sale【電子書籍】[ Mario Conde ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Tomar postura y actuar, primeros pasos a dar para salir de la crisis</strong></p> <p>≪Todo lo que sucede en el presente es derivado del pasado, y por ello el conocimiento de ese pasado es imprescindible si queremos edificar el futuro sobre bases s?lidas. Con estas dos ideas nace este libro. Conozcamos el porqu? de nuestra situaci?n, asumamos nuestra responsabilidad, y tengamos el valor de aportar todos algo de esfuerzo, ilusi?n y hasta de valent?a para reconducir la situaci?n. Porque es evidente que de aqu? se sale, como reza el t?tulo del libro. Pero debemos saber d?nde entramos. Y asumir que si nada hacemos, que si dejamos que las cosas sigan funcionando por el sendero de siempre, caminaremos hacia peores datos y mayores sufrimientos. No podemos esperar que la clase pol?tica por s? sola afronte el cambio que reclaman los hechos. Es necesario que la sociedad, como digo, recupere el protagonismo y quiera ser verdadera due?a de su destino. Ese es el reto. Y por eso este libro: para contribuir a que trabajemos para lograrlo.≫<br /> MARIO CONDE</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Tomar postura y actuar, primeros pasos a dar para salir de la crisis</strong></p> <p>≪Todo lo que sucede en el presente es derivado del pasado, y por ello el conocimiento de ese pasado es imprescindible si queremos edificar el futuro sobre bases s?lidas. Con estas dos ideas nace este libro. Conozcamos el porqu? de nuestra situaci?n, asumamos nuestra responsabilidad, y tengamos el valor de aportar todos algo de esfuerzo, ilusi?n y hasta de valent?a para reconducir la situaci?n. Porque es evidente que de aqu? se sale, como reza el t?tulo del libro. Pero debemos saber d?nde entramos. Y asumir que si nada hacemos, que si dejamos que las cosas sigan funcionando por el sendero de siempre, caminaremos hacia peores datos y mayores sufrimientos. No podemos esperar que la clase pol?tica por s? sola afronte el cambio que reclaman los hechos. Es necesario que la sociedad, como digo, recupere el protagonismo y quiera ser verdadera due?a de su destino. Ese es el reto. Y por eso este libro: para contribuir a que trabajemos para lograrlo.≫<br /> MARIO CONDE</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天DVDZAKUZAKU【SALE】全巻セット【中古】DVD▼iゾンビ ファースト シーズン1(7枚セット)第1話〜第13話 最終 レンタル落ち
    【SALE】全巻セット【中古】DVD▼iゾンビ ファースト シーズン1(7枚セット)第1話〜第13話 最終 レンタル落ち

    洋画 ・ローズ・マクアイヴァー・マルコム・グッドウィン・ラフル・コーリ・ロバート・バックリー・デヴィッド・アンダース・アリー・ミシャルカ JAN 4548967380309 品 番 1000716455SET 出 演 ローズ・マクアイヴァー(オリヴィア・“リヴ”・ムーア)/マルコム・グッドウィン(クライヴ・バビノー)/ラフル・コーリ(ラヴィ・チャクラバーティ)/ロバート・バックリー(メイジャー・リリーホワイト)/デヴィッド・アンダース(ブレイン・“デビアス”・マクドノー)/アリー・ミシャルカ(ペイトン・チャールズ) 原 作 クリス・ロバーソン/マイケル・オールレッド 制作年、時間 2015年 547分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ ジャンル 洋画/海外TV/ドラマ/ゾンビ  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVDセット【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2023-05-02】【あらすじ】死体安置所で働く元女子医大生は、実はゾンビ。

    洋画 ・ローズ・マクアイヴァー・マルコム・グッドウィン・ラフル・コーリ・ロバート・バックリー・デヴィッド・アンダース・アリー・ミシャルカ

     JAN 4548967380309 品 番 1000716455SET 出 演 ローズ・マクアイヴァー(オリヴィア・“リヴ”・ムーア)/マルコム・グッドウィン(クライヴ・バビノー)/ラフル・コーリ(ラヴィ・チャクラバーティ)/ロバート・バックリー(メイジャー・リリーホワイト)/デヴィッド・アンダース(ブレイン・“デビアス”・マクドノー)/アリー・ミシャルカ(ペイトン・チャールズ) 原 作 クリス・ロバーソン/マイケル・オールレッド 制作年、時間 2015年 547分 製作国 アメリカ メーカー等 ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ ジャンル 洋画/海外TV/ドラマ/ゾンビ  【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 カテゴリー DVDセット【怖い 恐怖 呪い 心霊 サスペンス】 入荷日 【2023-05-02】【あらすじ】死体安置所で働く元女子医大生は、実はゾンビ。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアWhat Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation? Great Auction Sale of Slaves, at Savannah, Georgia, March 2d & 3d, 1859【電子書籍】[ Q. K. Philander Doesticks ]
    What Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation? Great Auction Sale of Slaves, at Savannah, Georgia, March 2d & 3d, 1859【電子書籍】[ Q. K. Philander Doesticks ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The largest sale of human chattels that has been made in Star-Spangled America for several years, took place on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, at the Race-course near the City of Savannah, Georgia. The lot consisted of four hundred and thirty-six men, women, children and infants, being that half of the negro stock remaining on the old Major Butler plantations which fell to one of the two heirs to that estate. Major Butler, dying, left a property valued at more than a million of dollars, the major part of which was invested in rice and cotton plantations, and the slaves thereon, all of which immense fortune descended to two heirs, his sons, Mr. John A. Butler, sometime deceased, and Mr. Pierce M. Butler, still living, and resident in the City of Philadelphia, in the free State of Pennsylvania. Losses in the great crash of 1857-8, and other exigencies of business, have compelled the latter gentleman to realize on his Southern investments, that he may satisfy his pressing creditors. This necessity led to a partition of the negro stock on the Georgia plantations, between himself and the representative of the other heir, the widow of the late John A. Butler, and the negroes that were brought to the hammer last week were the property of Mr. Pierce M. Butler, of Philadelphia, and were in fact sold to pay Mr. Pierce M. Butler's debts. The creditors were represented by Gen. Cadwalader, while Mr. Butler was present in person, attended by his business agent, to attend to his own interests. The sale had been advertised largely for many weeks, though the name of Mr. Butler was not mentioned; and as the negroes were known to be a choice lot and very desirable property, the attendance of buyers was large. The breaking up of an old family estate is so uncommon an occurrence that the affair was regarded with unusual interest throughout the South. For several days before the sale every hotel in Savannah was crowded with negro speculators from North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, who had been attracted hither by the prospects of making good bargains. Nothing was heard for days, in the barrooms and public rooms, but talk of the great sale; criticisms of the business affairs of Mr. Butler, and speculations as to the probable prices the stock would bring. The office of Joseph Bryan, the Negro Broker, who had the management of the sale, was thronged every day by eager inquirers in search of information, and by some who were anxious to buy, but were uncertain as to whether their securities would prove acceptable. Little parties were made up from the various hotels every day to visit the Race-course, distant some three miles from the city, to look over the chattels, discuss their points, and make memoranda for guidance on the day of sale. The buyers were generally of a rough breed, slangy, profane and bearish, being for the most part from the back river and swamp plantations, where the elegancies of polite life are not, perhaps, developed to their fullest extent. In fact, the humanities are sadly neglected by the petty tyrants of the rice-fields that border the great Dismal Swamp, their knowledge of the luxuries of our best society comprehending only revolvers and kindred delicacies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>The largest sale of human chattels that has been made in Star-Spangled America for several years, took place on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, at the Race-course near the City of Savannah, Georgia. The lot consisted of four hundred and thirty-six men, women, children and infants, being that half of the negro stock remaining on the old Major Butler plantations which fell to one of the two heirs to that estate. Major Butler, dying, left a property valued at more than a million of dollars, the major part of which was invested in rice and cotton plantations, and the slaves thereon, all of which immense fortune descended to two heirs, his sons, Mr. John A. Butler, sometime deceased, and Mr. Pierce M. Butler, still living, and resident in the City of Philadelphia, in the free State of Pennsylvania. Losses in the great crash of 1857-8, and other exigencies of business, have compelled the latter gentleman to realize on his Southern investments, that he may satisfy his pressing creditors. This necessity led to a partition of the negro stock on the Georgia plantations, between himself and the representative of the other heir, the widow of the late John A. Butler, and the negroes that were brought to the hammer last week were the property of Mr. Pierce M. Butler, of Philadelphia, and were in fact sold to pay Mr. Pierce M. Butler's debts. The creditors were represented by Gen. Cadwalader, while Mr. Butler was present in person, attended by his business agent, to attend to his own interests. The sale had been advertised largely for many weeks, though the name of Mr. Butler was not mentioned; and as the negroes were known to be a choice lot and very desirable property, the attendance of buyers was large. The breaking up of an old family estate is so uncommon an occurrence that the affair was regarded with unusual interest throughout the South. For several days before the sale every hotel in Savannah was crowded with negro speculators from North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, who had been attracted hither by the prospects of making good bargains. Nothing was heard for days, in the barrooms and public rooms, but talk of the great sale; criticisms of the business affairs of Mr. Butler, and speculations as to the probable prices the stock would bring. The office of Joseph Bryan, the Negro Broker, who had the management of the sale, was thronged every day by eager inquirers in search of information, and by some who were anxious to buy, but were uncertain as to whether their securities would prove acceptable. Little parties were made up from the various hotels every day to visit the Race-course, distant some three miles from the city, to look over the chattels, discuss their points, and make memoranda for guidance on the day of sale. The buyers were generally of a rough breed, slangy, profane and bearish, being for the most part from the back river and swamp plantations, where the elegancies of polite life are not, perhaps, developed to their fullest extent. In fact, the humanities are sadly neglected by the petty tyrants of the rice-fields that border the great Dismal Swamp, their knowledge of the luxuries of our best society comprehending only revolvers and kindred delicacies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアMurder In Focus A John Sanders/Harriet Jeffries Mystery【電子書籍】[ Medora Sale ]
    Murder In Focus A John Sanders/Harriet Jeffries Mystery【電子書籍】[ Medora Sale ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Sent to Ottawa to attend a seminar on anti-terrorism in advance of a trade summit, Toronto Police Inspector John Sanders has nothing more on his mind than getting through the tiresome sessions. But from his first encounter with Harriet Jeffries, an architectural photographer, Sanders finds himself attracted to the headstrong woman.</p> <p>Intent on completing an important photo shoot, Harriet doesn’t notice until it’s too late that her work contains evidence of a meeting that those in the photograph would do anythingーincluding murderーto conceal. And when Sanders and Harriet’s investigation crosses paths with an active terrorism investigation at the very highest levels of law enforcement, the unlikely pair find they are the only ones who can stop an assassination.</p> <p><em>Murder in Focus</em> is the second novel in the John Sanders/Harriet Jeffries mystery series.</p> <p>Praise for Medora Sale</p> <p>“<em>Murder in Focus</em> introduces one of the most appealing pair of sleuths to come along in years. . . . Fine police detail and extraordinarily compelling characters make this an unusual and impressive mystery.”ー<em>Mystery News</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Sent to Ottawa to attend a seminar on anti-terrorism in advance of a trade summit, Toronto Police Inspector John Sanders has nothing more on his mind than getting through the tiresome sessions. But from his first encounter with Harriet Jeffries, an architectural photographer, Sanders finds himself attracted to the headstrong woman.</p> <p>Intent on completing an important photo shoot, Harriet doesn’t notice until it’s too late that her work contains evidence of a meeting that those in the photograph would do anythingーincluding murderーto conceal. And when Sanders and Harriet’s investigation crosses paths with an active terrorism investigation at the very highest levels of law enforcement, the unlikely pair find they are the only ones who can stop an assassination.</p> <p><em>Murder in Focus</em> is the second novel in the John Sanders/Harriet Jeffries mystery series.</p> <p>Praise for Medora Sale</p> <p>“<em>Murder in Focus</em> introduces one of the most appealing pair of sleuths to come along in years. . . . Fine police detail and extraordinarily compelling characters make this an unusual and impressive mystery.”ー<em>Mystery News</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアsale mercurio zolfo (una favola alchemica)【電子書籍】[ Baltasar ]
    sale mercurio zolfo (una favola alchemica)【電子書籍】[ Baltasar ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>“Escludendo le cose semplici, …qui tutto ? possibile.”<br /> “L’alchimia ? l’arte di trasmutare i metalli per ottenere l’oro. Ovviamente essa non ? un’azione chimica ma una operazione simbolica. Il simbolismo alchemico si situa su un piano cosmologico: le due fasi di coagulazione e soluzione corrispondono a quelle del ritmo universale. Rappresenta, l’alchimia, l’evoluzione umana da uno stato dove predomina la materia ad uno stato spirituale”</p> <p>…tre personaggi pi? uno misterioso attraversano uno spazio a-temporale …il riappropriarsi del tempo e della propria capacit? di riflessione equivale, probabilmente, al riappropriarsi del proprio equilibrio, dove il giusto pensare e il giusto agire diventano possibili, opportuni, doverosi…</p> <p>Si dice, o quantomeno si crede, che noi umani adoperiamo circa il 10% della capacit? intellettiva. Soltanto il 10 ... e forse meno. Ebbene, se cos? fosse, mi chiedo: a quale percentuale dobbiamo arrivare, noi, per avere la capacita di trovare una buona soluzione per noi? E se invece cos? non fosse, cio? se ci trovassimo gi? ad adoperare il 100% della nostra capacit? intellettiva, vorrebbe significare che ci dobbiamo affidare a dei cervelli elettronici per progredire oltre? Allora cos’? l’uomo, un embrione di una macchina?</p> <p>…l’eccessiva protezione di tutto quello che ci appartiene e che rappresenta la propriet? individuale ci rende ciechi, ci limita e ci conduce in oscure camere mentali dove ognuno di noi si guarda bene dal rendere, queste camere, accessibili agli altri.<br /> E dopo un po’, queste camere, divengono inaccessibili persino a noi stessi e restano luoghi sterili, tetri e definitivamente vuote.</p> <p>"Mi accorger? di essermi perso<br /> ogni qualvolta una nuova porta mi appare….<br /> …. Non sopportando l’idea di lasciarti al buio<br /> sempre ti condurr? e aprir? nuove porte"</p> <p>…l’ombra assente sembra rivelarle un chiarissimo messaggio proveniente da un mondo onirico a lei sconosciuto e lontano:<br /> "Se riuscirai ad accorgerti del mio ardore,<br /> a sentire la mia passione anche quando non esisto ancora,<br /> allora sarai definitivamente,<br /> ed io ci sar? definitivamente"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>“Escludendo le cose semplici, …qui tutto ? possibile.”<br /> “L’alchimia ? l’arte di trasmutare i metalli per ottenere l’oro. Ovviamente essa non ? un’azione chimica ma una operazione simbolica. Il simbolismo alchemico si situa su un piano cosmologico: le due fasi di coagulazione e soluzione corrispondono a quelle del ritmo universale. Rappresenta, l’alchimia, l’evoluzione umana da uno stato dove predomina la materia ad uno stato spirituale”</p> <p>…tre personaggi pi? uno misterioso attraversano uno spazio a-temporale …il riappropriarsi del tempo e della propria capacit? di riflessione equivale, probabilmente, al riappropriarsi del proprio equilibrio, dove il giusto pensare e il giusto agire diventano possibili, opportuni, doverosi…</p> <p>Si dice, o quantomeno si crede, che noi umani adoperiamo circa il 10% della capacit? intellettiva. Soltanto il 10 ... e forse meno. Ebbene, se cos? fosse, mi chiedo: a quale percentuale dobbiamo arrivare, noi, per avere la capacita di trovare una buona soluzione per noi? E se invece cos? non fosse, cio? se ci trovassimo gi? ad adoperare il 100% della nostra capacit? intellettiva, vorrebbe significare che ci dobbiamo affidare a dei cervelli elettronici per progredire oltre? Allora cos’? l’uomo, un embrione di una macchina?</p> <p>…l’eccessiva protezione di tutto quello che ci appartiene e che rappresenta la propriet? individuale ci rende ciechi, ci limita e ci conduce in oscure camere mentali dove ognuno di noi si guarda bene dal rendere, queste camere, accessibili agli altri.<br /> E dopo un po’, queste camere, divengono inaccessibili persino a noi stessi e restano luoghi sterili, tetri e definitivamente vuote.</p> <p>"Mi accorger? di essermi perso<br /> ogni qualvolta una nuova porta mi appare….<br /> …. Non sopportando l’idea di lasciarti al buio<br /> sempre ti condurr? e aprir? nuove porte"</p> <p>…l’ombra assente sembra rivelarle un chiarissimo messaggio proveniente da un mondo onirico a lei sconosciuto e lontano:<br /> "Se riuscirai ad accorgerti del mio ardore,<br /> a sentire la mia passione anche quando non esisto ancora,<br /> allora sarai definitivamente,<br /> ed io ci sar? definitivamente"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ekorea★ネコポス便送料無料/SALE★【即日発送/代引不可】【 JYJ ジュンス 10P ソガンジュン 特集 / 韓国雑誌 GQ KOREA 2019年1月号 】 XIA シア キムジュンス 韓国 韓流 ドラマ 俳優 掲載 KOREA MAGAZINE 【キャンセル不可】
    ★ネコポス便送料無料/SALE★【即日発送/代引不可】【 JYJ ジュンス 10P ソガンジュン 特集 / 韓国雑誌 GQ KOREA 2019年1月号 】 XIA シア キムジュンス 韓国 韓流 ドラマ 俳優 掲載 KOREA MAGAZINE 【キャンセル不可】

    代引き不可/送料無料★【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。
    ● 商品構成 - GQ KOREA 2019年1月号 1冊 ※雑誌のみで、付録(別冊含む)は付きません。


    【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。
    ● 商品構成 - GQ KOREA 2019年1月号 1冊 ※雑誌のみで、付録(別冊含む)は付きません。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアAmour propre et argent sale【電子書籍】[ Jean-Pierre Martinez ]
    Amour propre et argent sale【電子書籍】[ Jean-Pierre Martinez ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Fr?d?ric, peintre d?sargent?, refuse par amour propre l’argent sale que lui laisse son p?re apr?s sa disparition. Mais en refusant par fiert? cet h?ritage que lui l?gue un p?re qui l’a abandonn? lorsqu’il avait cinq ans, il entre en conflit avec sa compagne et avec sa s?ur, moins regardantes sur l’origine de cette fortune inesp?r?e, qu’elles ont toutes deux de bonnes raisons de ne pas vouloir laisser filer. Qui est vraiment cet homme venu leur proposer dix millions en l’?change d’une simple signature, et quelle est l’origine exacte de ces fonds ? ? chacun sa v?rit?…</p> <p>Une com?die de Jean-Pierre Martinez pour 2 hommes et 2 femmes.</p> <p>Jean-Pierre Martinez monte d’abord sur les planches comme batteur dans divers groupes de rock. Longtemps sc?nariste pour la t?l?vision, il revient ? la sc?ne en tant que dramaturge. Il a ?crit plus de cent pi?ces de th??tre dont principalement des com?dies. Il est aujourd’hui l’un des auteurs contemporains les plus jou?s en France ainsi que dans les pays francophones et hispanophones.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Fr?d?ric, peintre d?sargent?, refuse par amour propre l’argent sale que lui laisse son p?re apr?s sa disparition. Mais en refusant par fiert? cet h?ritage que lui l?gue un p?re qui l’a abandonn? lorsqu’il avait cinq ans, il entre en conflit avec sa compagne et avec sa s?ur, moins regardantes sur l’origine de cette fortune inesp?r?e, qu’elles ont toutes deux de bonnes raisons de ne pas vouloir laisser filer. Qui est vraiment cet homme venu leur proposer dix millions en l’?change d’une simple signature, et quelle est l’origine exacte de ces fonds ? ? chacun sa v?rit?…</p> <p>Une com?die de Jean-Pierre Martinez pour 2 hommes et 2 femmes.</p> <p>Jean-Pierre Martinez monte d’abord sur les planches comme batteur dans divers groupes de rock. Longtemps sc?nariste pour la t?l?vision, il revient ? la sc?ne en tant que dramaturge. Il a ?crit plus de cent pi?ces de th??tre dont principalement des com?dies. Il est aujourd’hui l’un des auteurs contemporains les plus jou?s en France ainsi que dans les pays francophones et hispanophones.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ekorea★SALE/送料無料★【即日発送/代引不可】【 THE BOYZ 表紙&特集 / 韓国雑誌 @star1 2022年2月号 】 ドボイズ アットスタイル マガジン KOREA MAGAZINE 【キャンセル不可】
    ★SALE/送料無料★【即日発送/代引不可】【 THE BOYZ 表紙&特集 / 韓国雑誌 @star1 2022年2月号 】 ドボイズ アットスタイル マガジン KOREA MAGAZINE 【キャンセル不可】

    代引き不可/送料無料★【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。
    ● 商品構成 - @star1 2月号 1冊 ※雑誌のみで、日本語訳・付録は付きません。
    <ご注文前の注意> ※ 送料・配送・キャンセル・返品等について、必ず【会社概要】をご確認ください。
    <ご到着後の注意> ・ご到着商品の商品の不備につきましてはスマートフォン等で撮影いただいた【 開封映像(荷物開封時の動画撮影) 】が必要となります。
    <返品・交換について> ・商品到着より3日以内に弊社宛にお送りいただいたご連絡のみご対応可能となります。


    【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。
    ● 商品構成 - @star1 2月号 1冊 ※雑誌のみで、日本語訳・付録は付きません。
    <ご注文前の注意> ※ 送料・配送・キャンセル・返品等について、必ず【会社概要】をご確認ください。
    <ご到着後の注意> ・ご到着商品の商品の不備につきましてはスマートフォン等で撮影いただいた【 開封映像(荷物開封時の動画撮影) 】が必要となります。
    <返品・交換について> ・商品到着より3日以内に弊社宛にお送りいただいたご連絡のみご対応可能となります。

  • 楽天ekorea★SALE/送料無料★【即日発送/代引不可】【 限定版 (ポスターなしで格安) / SUPER JUNIOR スペシャルミニアルバム ONE MORE TIME 】 スーパージュニア SJ スジュ CD ALBUM 【キャンセル不可】
    ★SALE/送料無料★【即日発送/代引不可】【 限定版 (ポスターなしで格安) / SUPER JUNIOR スペシャルミニアルバム ONE MORE TIME 】 スーパージュニア SJ スジュ CD ALBUM 【キャンセル不可】

    代引き不可/送料無料★【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。
    ○ 韓国発売日:2018年10月10日 ●商品構成 - バッチ1種(2種よりランダム) - フォトカード8枚


    【代金引換にてご注文を頂いた場合】 こちらの商品は「代引き不可商品」の為、自動キャンセルとなります。
    ○ 韓国発売日:2018年10月10日 ●商品構成 - バッチ1種(2種よりランダム) - フォトカード8枚
