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[本・音楽] フェイスの商品検索結果

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアA Life of Faith【電子書籍】[ Barbara Vinson ]
    A Life of Faith【電子書籍】[ Barbara Vinson ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>It was something she had in the back of her mind for a long time: writing a book about her life story. A lot had happened in Barbara Vinson's life, so simple putting pen to paper would take time. However, her story was one she knew would inspire people facing trials like her; thus. her new memoir was written.</p> <p>A Life of Faith shares with readers Barbara's experiences and journey in faith, spanning several generations of her family and how they weathered life's storms. She shares about her parents first meeting to the birth of herself and her two siblings. She tells of her grief at the death of her parents, sister, great-grand mother and especially her daughter. She loves, learning with pursuits in education beginning with a bachelor's and master's degree in special education to a Ph.D. in Guidance and Psychological Services with specialties in School Psychology and working with parents of special needs children, and a master's degree in divinity. After her first marriage she had two children: a boy and a girl. It was known on day one that the children had physical disabilities. It took a while for the doctors to finally come up with a diagnosis of Congenital Myopathy. Barbara explains what this is and what it meant for her family. She explains how her faith helped her through the physical challenges and also the challenges of schooling. When the children were nine and ten years old, her husband walked out on her. But God brought her another man who loved her and her children and helped her deal with everything especially her own health issues. She was diagnosed with lupus at age thirty-nine. Her health has deteriorated since then with many other diagnoses including heart problems. What stands out most is the raising of her children, as Barbara raises faith filled children while continuing to deal with unrelenting health trials, something friends from church say inspire their faith and encourage them to keep going.</p> <p>Barbara discusses occupations she has held with each degree that she earns. She taught children with special needs including physical and mental needs. After earning her M.S., she began teaching children with learning disabilities. Her Ph.D. allowed her to teach at the university level and School psychology in the schools. When her health became better, she was able to go into ministry. These days she spends time with her great grandchildren.</p> <p>To coincide with the stories shared are the photos and drawings that capture facing the trials of life, with some of the photos and all of the drawings done by Barbara herself. Barbara can attest that life is tough, as readers will while reading through, A Life of Faith, but God hasn't given us a spirit of fear and no matter what the trials ahead, God hasn't left your side, God hasn't for Barbara and God won't for you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>It was something she had in the back of her mind for a long time: writing a book about her life story. A lot had happened in Barbara Vinson's life, so simple putting pen to paper would take time. However, her story was one she knew would inspire people facing trials like her; thus. her new memoir was written.</p> <p>A Life of Faith shares with readers Barbara's experiences and journey in faith, spanning several generations of her family and how they weathered life's storms. She shares about her parents first meeting to the birth of herself and her two siblings. She tells of her grief at the death of her parents, sister, great-grand mother and especially her daughter. She loves, learning with pursuits in education beginning with a bachelor's and master's degree in special education to a Ph.D. in Guidance and Psychological Services with specialties in School Psychology and working with parents of special needs children, and a master's degree in divinity. After her first marriage she had two children: a boy and a girl. It was known on day one that the children had physical disabilities. It took a while for the doctors to finally come up with a diagnosis of Congenital Myopathy. Barbara explains what this is and what it meant for her family. She explains how her faith helped her through the physical challenges and also the challenges of schooling. When the children were nine and ten years old, her husband walked out on her. But God brought her another man who loved her and her children and helped her deal with everything especially her own health issues. She was diagnosed with lupus at age thirty-nine. Her health has deteriorated since then with many other diagnoses including heart problems. What stands out most is the raising of her children, as Barbara raises faith filled children while continuing to deal with unrelenting health trials, something friends from church say inspire their faith and encourage them to keep going.</p> <p>Barbara discusses occupations she has held with each degree that she earns. She taught children with special needs including physical and mental needs. After earning her M.S., she began teaching children with learning disabilities. Her Ph.D. allowed her to teach at the university level and School psychology in the schools. When her health became better, she was able to go into ministry. These days she spends time with her great grandchildren.</p> <p>To coincide with the stories shared are the photos and drawings that capture facing the trials of life, with some of the photos and all of the drawings done by Barbara herself. Barbara can attest that life is tough, as readers will while reading through, A Life of Faith, but God hasn't given us a spirit of fear and no matter what the trials ahead, God hasn't left your side, God hasn't for Barbara and God won't for you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天もったいない本舗 おまとめ店【中古】 キープ・ザ・フェイス・メガ・エディション/CD/PHCR-16003 / ボン・ジョヴィ / マーキュリー・ミュージックエンタテインメント [CD]【宅配便出荷】
    【中古】 キープ・ザ・フェイス・メガ・エディション/CD/PHCR-16003 / ボン・ジョヴィ / マーキュリー・ミュージックエンタテインメント [CD]【宅配便出荷】
    楽天もったいない本舗 おまとめ店

    【通常24時間以内出荷】EANコード:4988011336720■こちらの商品もオススメです ● 鍵のかかった部屋 / 貴志 祐介 / KADOKAWA [文庫] ● ザ・ベスト・オブ・ボン・ジョヴィ クロスロード/CD/PHCR-1300 / Bon Jovi ボン ジョヴィ / ユニバーサル ミュージック [CD] ● クリムゾンの迷宮 / 貴志 祐介 / 角川書店(角川グループパブリッシング) [文庫] ● 小説・秒速5センチメートル / 新海 誠 / メディアファクトリー [ハードカバー] ● ロスト・ハイウェイ~リミテッド・エディション/CD/UICL-9041 / ボン・ジョヴィ, ビッグ&リッチ, リアン・ライムス, ジョン・ボン・ジョヴィ, ビリー・ファルコン / ユニバーサル インターナショナル [CD] ● Biohazard Metal / State Of The World Address / BIOHAZARD / WARNE [CD] ● バニスタ!(初回生産限定盤B)/CDシングル(12cm)/TOCT-40492 / T-ARA / ユニバーサルミュージック [CD] ● スレイブズ・アンド・マスターズ/CD/BVCP-25 / ディープ・パープル / BMGビクター [CD] ● 人生はロックンロール/CD/32・8P-195 / REOスピードワゴン / エピックレコードジャパン [CD] ● ロイヤル・ハント ザ・マキシ・シングル ロイヤル・ハント / ロイヤル・ハント / テイチクエンタテインメント [CD] ● イン・ザ・ミッドスト・オブ・ビューティー/CD/GNCP-1026 / マイケル・シェンカー・グループ / Geneon =music= [CD] ● 幻想水滸伝2パーフェクトガイド プレイステーション / 新紀元社 / 新紀元社 [単行本] ● リトゥン・イン・ザ・サンド/CD/XRCN-1283 / マイケル・シェンカー・グループ / ゼロ・コーポレーション [CD] ● Namorada/CD/BVCR-1001 / 小野リサ / BMGビクター [CD] ● スティル・ウォント・モア/CD/WMC5-446 / サージャント・フューリー / ダブリューイーエー・ジャパン [CD] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。
    ※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで72時間かかる場合があります。
    ■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。
    ■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  非常に良い状態です。
    ・良い:  使用されてはいますが、再生に問題はありません。
    ・可:  再生には問題ありませんが、ケース、ジャケット、  歌詞カードなどに痛みがあります。


    EANコード:4988011336720■こちらの商品もオススメです ● 鍵のかかった部屋 / 貴志 祐介 / KADOKAWA [文庫] ● ザ・ベスト・オブ・ボン・ジョヴィ クロスロード/CD/PHCR-1300 / Bon Jovi ボン ジョヴィ / ユニバーサル ミュージック [CD] ● クリムゾンの迷宮 / 貴志 祐介 / 角川書店(角川グループパブリッシング) [文庫] ● 小説・秒速5センチメートル / 新海 誠 / メディアファクトリー [ハードカバー] ● ロスト・ハイウェイ~リミテッド・エディション/CD/UICL-9041 / ボン・ジョヴィ, ビッグ&リッチ, リアン・ライムス, ジョン・ボン・ジョヴィ, ビリー・ファルコン / ユニバーサル インターナショナル [CD] ● Biohazard Metal / State Of The World Address / BIOHAZARD / WARNE [CD] ● バニスタ!(初回生産限定盤B)/CDシングル(12cm)/TOCT-40492 / T-ARA / ユニバーサルミュージック [CD] ● スレイブズ・アンド・マスターズ/CD/BVCP-25 / ディープ・パープル / BMGビクター [CD] ● 人生はロックンロール/CD/32・8P-195 / REOスピードワゴン / エピックレコードジャパン [CD] ● ロイヤル・ハント ザ・マキシ・シングル ロイヤル・ハント / ロイヤル・ハント / テイチクエンタテインメント [CD] ● イン・ザ・ミッドスト・オブ・ビューティー/CD/GNCP-1026 / マイケル・シェンカー・グループ / Geneon =music= [CD] ● 幻想水滸伝2パーフェクトガイド プレイステーション / 新紀元社 / 新紀元社 [単行本] ● リトゥン・イン・ザ・サンド/CD/XRCN-1283 / マイケル・シェンカー・グループ / ゼロ・コーポレーション [CD] ● Namorada/CD/BVCR-1001 / 小野リサ / BMGビクター [CD] ● スティル・ウォント・モア/CD/WMC5-446 / サージャント・フューリー / ダブリューイーエー・ジャパン [CD] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。
    ※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで72時間かかる場合があります。
    ■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。
    ■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  非常に良い状態です。
    ・良い:  使用されてはいますが、再生に問題はありません。
    ・可:  再生には問題ありませんが、ケース、ジャケット、  歌詞カードなどに痛みがあります。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFaith, Hope and Gravity【電子書籍】[ Shirley Bahlmann ]
    Faith, Hope and Gravity【電子書籍】[ Shirley Bahlmann ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>“Faith, Hope and Gravity” is the spiritual, magical adventure of teenage Liam Kane as he discovers some of the same lessons Merrill Osmond learned as the world-traveling lead singer of the Osmond Brothers. Like Merrill, Liam is often misunderstood as he helps those seeking for purpose in their extraordinary talents. Liam’s visionary abilities gain him international notoriety as “The Prophecy Boy” who swims with dolphins, dreams of a mysterious red door, and champions those who are often misjudged for their uncommon gifts. Surviving kidnapping, near-drowning, and imprisonment leads to the discovery that despite differences, when people respect each other and their wide variety of abilities, the thread of commonality that runs through mankind grows ever stronger. Turn the pages to join in this unforgettable journey.</p> <p>Endorsements:<br /> “Fiction rarely resonates with more truth that ‘Faith Hope and Gravity.’ Merrill Osmond's music has made him part of our lives. His delightful debut novel is a journey into his heart. It is a journey you don't want to miss."<br /> Kieth Merrill, Academy Award Winning Filmmaker</p> <p>“Merrill Osmond's autobiographical fiction ‘Faith, Hope & Gravity’ gives insights to the man that people have never seen before. If you want to know more about Merrill than you've ever discovered in any interview or article, then you need this book.”<br /> Gino Tutera MD. F.A.C.O.G. Medical Director SottoPelle?</p> <p>"Not everyone who has a great gift leads a charmed life. In his novel ‘Faith, Hope & Gravity,’ Merrill Osmond gives readers an insightful look at a young boy, Liam Kane, whose life and challenges, in part, mirror his own. The lesson imparted in the book is the importance of rising above adversity, taking miracles as they come and keeping faith with what you know to be true. "<br /> Senator Orrin Hatch<br /> “Having Merrill Osmond as one of my closest friends has always meant so much to me. I have been with him through the ups and the downs, but no matter what the circumstances, Merrill has proved to be one of God's chosen people, as he lives his life spreading goodness to all those around him.<br /> Merrill’s new book, ‘Faith, Hope and Gravity,’ is a fascinating story, well conceived and beautifully written. It tells the story of a fictional character, a young boy by the name of Liam Kane. It shows how having a gift does not always mean everything will be laid out for you. The book leaves you wondering whether the main character is Liam Kane, or is it indeed Merrill Osmond.<br /> A wonderful read, and hailed by critics as a great piece of fiction.<br /> To my true friend Merrill Osmond. You are one of life's heroes, and spread the light wherever you go. Long may you continue to do so.”<br /> David King, Executive Producer, Spirit Productions Worldwide</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>“Faith, Hope and Gravity” is the spiritual, magical adventure of teenage Liam Kane as he discovers some of the same lessons Merrill Osmond learned as the world-traveling lead singer of the Osmond Brothers. Like Merrill, Liam is often misunderstood as he helps those seeking for purpose in their extraordinary talents. Liam’s visionary abilities gain him international notoriety as “The Prophecy Boy” who swims with dolphins, dreams of a mysterious red door, and champions those who are often misjudged for their uncommon gifts. Surviving kidnapping, near-drowning, and imprisonment leads to the discovery that despite differences, when people respect each other and their wide variety of abilities, the thread of commonality that runs through mankind grows ever stronger. Turn the pages to join in this unforgettable journey.</p> <p>Endorsements:<br /> “Fiction rarely resonates with more truth that ‘Faith Hope and Gravity.’ Merrill Osmond's music has made him part of our lives. His delightful debut novel is a journey into his heart. It is a journey you don't want to miss."<br /> Kieth Merrill, Academy Award Winning Filmmaker</p> <p>“Merrill Osmond's autobiographical fiction ‘Faith, Hope & Gravity’ gives insights to the man that people have never seen before. If you want to know more about Merrill than you've ever discovered in any interview or article, then you need this book.”<br /> Gino Tutera MD. F.A.C.O.G. Medical Director SottoPelle?</p> <p>"Not everyone who has a great gift leads a charmed life. In his novel ‘Faith, Hope & Gravity,’ Merrill Osmond gives readers an insightful look at a young boy, Liam Kane, whose life and challenges, in part, mirror his own. The lesson imparted in the book is the importance of rising above adversity, taking miracles as they come and keeping faith with what you know to be true. "<br /> Senator Orrin Hatch<br /> “Having Merrill Osmond as one of my closest friends has always meant so much to me. I have been with him through the ups and the downs, but no matter what the circumstances, Merrill has proved to be one of God's chosen people, as he lives his life spreading goodness to all those around him.<br /> Merrill’s new book, ‘Faith, Hope and Gravity,’ is a fascinating story, well conceived and beautifully written. It tells the story of a fictional character, a young boy by the name of Liam Kane. It shows how having a gift does not always mean everything will be laid out for you. The book leaves you wondering whether the main character is Liam Kane, or is it indeed Merrill Osmond.<br /> A wonderful read, and hailed by critics as a great piece of fiction.<br /> To my true friend Merrill Osmond. You are one of life's heroes, and spread the light wherever you go. Long may you continue to do so.”<br /> David King, Executive Producer, Spirit Productions Worldwide</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店【中古】 THE BEST MAN/(オリジナル・サウンドトラック),ザ・ルーツ,マックスウェル,ビヨンセ,エリック・ベネイ,ラターシャ・スコット,フェイス・エヴァンス,ケニー・ラティモア
    【中古】 THE BEST MAN/(オリジナル・サウンドトラック),ザ・ルーツ,マックスウェル,ビヨンセ,エリック・ベネイ,ラターシャ・スコット,フェイス・エヴァンス,ケニー・ラティモア
    楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店

    【CDアルバム】(オリジナル・サウンドトラック),ザ・ルーツ,マックスウェル,ビヨンセ,エリック・ベネイ,ラターシャ・スコット,フェイス・エヴァンス,ケニー・ラティモア販売会社/発売会社:(株)ソニー・ミュージックレコーズ((株)ソニー・ミュージックディストリビューション)発売年月日:1999/10/22JAN:4988009213316映画「The Best Man」のサントラ盤。


    (オリジナル・サウンドトラック),ザ・ルーツ,マックスウェル,ビヨンセ,エリック・ベネイ,ラターシャ・スコット,フェイス・エヴァンス,ケニー・ラティモア販売会社/発売会社:(株)ソニー・ミュージックレコーズ((株)ソニー・ミュージックディストリビューション)発売年月日:1999/10/22JAN:4988009213316映画「The Best Man」のサントラ盤。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Living Gospel: Embracing the Heart of Christianity Today Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #2【電子書籍】[ Faithful G. Writer ]
    The Living Gospel: Embracing the Heart of Christianity Today Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #2【電子書籍】[ Faithful G. Writer ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Dive into "The Living Gospel: Embracing the Heart of Christianity Today" and embark on a transformative journey through the essence of Christian faith. This eBook is not just a read; it's an experience that will stir your soul and challenge your spirit.</p> <p>Discover the Roots: Uncover the historical backdrop of Christianity's emergence and meet the pivotal figures who shaped its early days.</p> <p>Core Beliefs Unpacked: Grasp the foundational doctrines of Christianity explained in a way that resonates with modern seekers.</p> <p>Scriptures Alive: Engage with the Bible's timeless wisdom as it speaks into today's world.</p> <p>Prayer's Power: Explore the various expressions of prayer and their life-changing impact.</p> <p>Community and Fellowship: Celebrate the vibrant tapestry of the global Christian community and its call to unity.</p> <p>Faith in Action: Witness Christianity's principles in motion through acts of love and service.</p> <p>Overcoming Adversity: Find solace and strength in stories of faith that overcame doubt and hardship.</p> <p>Summary: "Explore the depths of Christian faith with 'The Living Gospel.' From historical roots to modern practice, this eBook offers a fresh perspective on core beliefs, the power of prayer, and the global impact of Christianity. It's a guide for believers to deepen their understanding and live out their faith."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Dive into "The Living Gospel: Embracing the Heart of Christianity Today" and embark on a transformative journey through the essence of Christian faith. This eBook is not just a read; it's an experience that will stir your soul and challenge your spirit.</p> <p>Discover the Roots: Uncover the historical backdrop of Christianity's emergence and meet the pivotal figures who shaped its early days.</p> <p>Core Beliefs Unpacked: Grasp the foundational doctrines of Christianity explained in a way that resonates with modern seekers.</p> <p>Scriptures Alive: Engage with the Bible's timeless wisdom as it speaks into today's world.</p> <p>Prayer's Power: Explore the various expressions of prayer and their life-changing impact.</p> <p>Community and Fellowship: Celebrate the vibrant tapestry of the global Christian community and its call to unity.</p> <p>Faith in Action: Witness Christianity's principles in motion through acts of love and service.</p> <p>Overcoming Adversity: Find solace and strength in stories of faith that overcame doubt and hardship.</p> <p>Summary: "Explore the depths of Christian faith with 'The Living Gospel.' From historical roots to modern practice, this eBook offers a fresh perspective on core beliefs, the power of prayer, and the global impact of Christianity. It's a guide for believers to deepen their understanding and live out their faith."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天もったいない本舗 楽天市場店【中古】 「フェイス」オリジナル・サウンドトラック/CD/PHCR-1879 / サントラ, A.P.E., ロングピッグス, ジーン, ピュアエッセンス, ポール・ウェラ / [CD]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】
    【中古】 「フェイス」オリジナル・サウンドトラック/CD/PHCR-1879 / サントラ, A.P.E., ロングピッグス, ジーン, ピュアエッセンス, ポール・ウェラ / [CD]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】
    楽天もったいない本舗 楽天市場店

    【メール便送料無料、通常24時間以内出荷】EANコード:4988011360442■こちらの商品もオススメです ● PORNO GRAFFITTI BEST BLUE’S/CD/SECL-88 / ポルノグラフィティ / ソニーミュージックエンタテインメント [CD] ● ドラゴン桜 1 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● PORNO GRAFFITTI BEST RED’S/CD/SECL-87 / ポルノグラフィティ / ソニーミュージックエンタテインメント [CD] ● ドラゴン桜 2 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● PORNO GRAFFITTI BEST JOKER/CD/SECL-711 / ポルノグラフィティ / SME [CD] ● PORNO GRAFFITTI BEST ACE/CD/SECL-710 / ポルノグラフィティ / SME [CD] ● ドラゴン桜 9 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● ドラゴン桜 6 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● ドラゴン桜 3 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● ドラゴン桜 8 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● 愛と夢/CD/PCCA-01261 / エレファントカシマシ / ポニーキャニオン [CD] ● Lady Coast/CD/VICL-329 / 高橋真梨子 / ビクターエンタテインメント [CD] ● ドラゴン桜 7 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● ドラゴン桜 5 / 三田 紀房 / 講談社 [コミック] ● 賢者の学び舎 防衛医科大学校物語 1 / 小学館 [コミック] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。
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    ■商品状態の表記につきまして・非常に良い:  非常に良い状態です。
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    Sources of Strength Meditations on Scripture for a Living Faith【電子書籍】[ Jimmy Carter ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? An insightful and moving collection of fifty-two Biblical meditations from former President Jimmy Carter</strong></p> <p><strong>“For me, the ancient texts always come alive when I explore them with a searching heart. I hope they will be for you, as they have been for me, sources of strength.”ーJimmy Carter, from the Preface</strong></p> <p>Former President Jimmy Carter has won the respect and affection of millions for his long career as a humanitarian, a peacemaker, and a model of faith in action. The Sunday school classes he led at his hometown church in Plains, Georgia, were legendary. “These weekly sessions . . . are remarkable for the ability of regular folks to walk in, grab a seat, and exchange views with the thirty-ninth president of the United States,” says <em>The New York Times</em>. “But they are also remarkable for what Mr. Carter has to say.”</p> <p>For <em>Sources of Strength,</em> President Carter has curated fifty-two of his favorite Bible lessonsーone for each week of the yearーfrom the fifteen hundred or so he taught over the decades. A thoughtful and inspiring book, <em>Sources of Strength</em> captured the heart of the country and can be enjoyed on its own or as a companion to Carter’s bestselling spiritual autobiography, <em>Living Faith</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    <p><strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? An insightful and moving collection of fifty-two Biblical meditations from former President Jimmy Carter</strong></p> <p><strong>“For me, the ancient texts always come alive when I explore them with a searching heart. I hope they will be for you, as they have been for me, sources of strength.”ーJimmy Carter, from the Preface</strong></p> <p>Former President Jimmy Carter has won the respect and affection of millions for his long career as a humanitarian, a peacemaker, and a model of faith in action. The Sunday school classes he led at his hometown church in Plains, Georgia, were legendary. “These weekly sessions . . . are remarkable for the ability of regular folks to walk in, grab a seat, and exchange views with the thirty-ninth president of the United States,” says <em>The New York Times</em>. “But they are also remarkable for what Mr. Carter has to say.”</p> <p>For <em>Sources of Strength,</em> President Carter has curated fifty-two of his favorite Bible lessonsーone for each week of the yearーfrom the fifteen hundred or so he taught over the decades. A thoughtful and inspiring book, <em>Sources of Strength</em> captured the heart of the country and can be enjoyed on its own or as a companion to Carter’s bestselling spiritual autobiography, <em>Living Faith</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    Top 7 Rules and Exercises of the Christian Faith: Didache, Rule of St Augustine, Rule of St Benedict, Book of Pastoral Rule, Rule of St Francis, Exercises of St Ignatius, Way of Perfection【電子書籍】[ Francis of Assisi ]

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    <p><strong>SEVEN RULES AND EXERCISES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH</strong> brings together some of the greatest writings on discipline and the monastic life ever penned. These writings have inspired countless believers to holiness, humility and self-discipline and have helped shape the life and witness of the Church.</p> <p>Besides the more well-known rules such as the Rule of St. Benedict, the Rule of St. Francis and the Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, this collection also includes the earliest known Christian writing outside the New Testament (the Didache), and two rules originally written for women (The Rule of St. Augustine and The Way of Perfection).</p> <p>This collection has been formatted for your eReader, is fully searchable and has an optimized Table of Contents.</p> <p>Included in this fantastic volume are:<br /> ? The Didache (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles)<br /> ? The Rule of St. Augustine<br /> ? The Rule of St. Benedict<br /> ? The Book of Pastoral Rule by Gregory the Great<br /> ? The Rule of St. Francis (Rule of the Friars Minor)<br /> ? The Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola<br /> ? The Way of Perfection by Teresa of Avila</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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