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[本・音楽] フェイスの商品検索結果

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアRedemption of Faith My Monologue Series Two【電子書籍】[ Sailendra Nath Datta ]
    Redemption of Faith My Monologue Series Two【電子書籍】[ Sailendra Nath Datta ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Here is a book of 88 poems, written in about last eight months by the poet on various themes. These include his varied feelings, ideas, moods, realization and so on. Again, some of the poems read like a series of soliloquy of his mind. The topics are spread over arenas like economic, social, cultural, and emotional spheres. Issues from the national and international fields sometimes haunt him though, he rather consciously avoid speaking on political agenda. His political belief is rather unpronounced in his poems, although he has definitely some areas of conviction. His religious feelings denote that he has a pantheistic turn of mind and his humanistic faith is sometimes forcefully expressed. Certain poems show a similarity with Tagores belief in the God of Life. The form as well as language of the poems is quite simple; their contents are expressed in a matter-of-fact way, with little scope of ambiguity. It seems the poet does not believe much in experimentation. Like his first book from the Partridge, it is expected that this present volume will also be critically appreciated by the readers of poetry in the international literary arena.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Here is a book of 88 poems, written in about last eight months by the poet on various themes. These include his varied feelings, ideas, moods, realization and so on. Again, some of the poems read like a series of soliloquy of his mind. The topics are spread over arenas like economic, social, cultural, and emotional spheres. Issues from the national and international fields sometimes haunt him though, he rather consciously avoid speaking on political agenda. His political belief is rather unpronounced in his poems, although he has definitely some areas of conviction. His religious feelings denote that he has a pantheistic turn of mind and his humanistic faith is sometimes forcefully expressed. Certain poems show a similarity with Tagores belief in the God of Life. The form as well as language of the poems is quite simple; their contents are expressed in a matter-of-fact way, with little scope of ambiguity. It seems the poet does not believe much in experimentation. Like his first book from the Partridge, it is expected that this present volume will also be critically appreciated by the readers of poetry in the international literary arena.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア52 Reasons to Hope (And Hold on to Your Faith)【電子書籍】[ Charmaine Miller ]
    52 Reasons to Hope (And Hold on to Your Faith)【電子書籍】[ Charmaine Miller ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>52 Reasons to Hope (and Hold on to Your Faith) shares fifty-two golden nuggets of inspiration that encourage you to turn all of your problems over to God. They will infuse you with hope, and inspire you to believe that there is Light in any darkness.</p> <p>You dont need to worry about the challenges and valleys in your life, because God is in total control of it . . . and He will always be there for you! The selections in this book will remind you of what it means to walk in faith and trust God in every area of your life.</p> <p>If you dont already know God, these offerings can ignite something in you that will spur you to seek Him: He makes every burden we have lighter!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>52 Reasons to Hope (and Hold on to Your Faith) shares fifty-two golden nuggets of inspiration that encourage you to turn all of your problems over to God. They will infuse you with hope, and inspire you to believe that there is Light in any darkness.</p> <p>You dont need to worry about the challenges and valleys in your life, because God is in total control of it . . . and He will always be there for you! The selections in this book will remind you of what it means to walk in faith and trust God in every area of your life.</p> <p>If you dont already know God, these offerings can ignite something in you that will spur you to seek Him: He makes every burden we have lighter!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Growing Growth Moving Location Is a Frequent Human Experience. to Keep One’S Faith in a New Environment Can Be Stressful. This Book Is About How Christians Can Keep Their Faith Growing in Any New Situation.【電子書籍】[ Jemimah Obaro ]
    The Growing Growth Moving Location Is a Frequent Human Experience. to Keep One’S Faith in a New Environment Can Be Stressful. This Book Is About How Christians Can Keep Their Faith Growing in Any New Situation.【電子書籍】[ Jemimah Obaro ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This book is written for every Christians who have moved or about to move locally or internationally from his or her local habitat and desires to grow and be nurtured in the word of God. The idea about the book started when I find myself outside my country, exposed to a new and different culture, away from the watching eyes of my church, pastor and Christian friends. Moving to a different country or location is a frequent human experience. There are countless reasons people change location. These could be due to economic reasons: as a result of jobs or careers or for educational purposes; or as a result of marriage just to mention a few. Whatever the reason, it is easy for people to get slip away and get lost in the crowd as one joins the music of the new world: the people and culture you come to live with. What I want to achieve here is to try to suggest ways to keep ones faith in Christ and continue to grow despite being in a strange and unfamiliar environment. The book covers such topics as: Growing in our Christian faith, how do we grow? Growing in prayers, environment for growth, challenges to growth, growing in grace and God the Master Plante</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>This book is written for every Christians who have moved or about to move locally or internationally from his or her local habitat and desires to grow and be nurtured in the word of God. The idea about the book started when I find myself outside my country, exposed to a new and different culture, away from the watching eyes of my church, pastor and Christian friends. Moving to a different country or location is a frequent human experience. There are countless reasons people change location. These could be due to economic reasons: as a result of jobs or careers or for educational purposes; or as a result of marriage just to mention a few. Whatever the reason, it is easy for people to get slip away and get lost in the crowd as one joins the music of the new world: the people and culture you come to live with. What I want to achieve here is to try to suggest ways to keep ones faith in Christ and continue to grow despite being in a strange and unfamiliar environment. The book covers such topics as: Growing in our Christian faith, how do we grow? Growing in prayers, environment for growth, challenges to growth, growing in grace and God the Master Plante</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
