【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Une ?dition num?rique d'un formidable roman de Paul-Jacques Bonzon.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Une ?dition num?rique d'un formidable roman de Paul-Jacques Bonzon.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>While browsing through items at the estate sale of an eccentric anthropologist, a young man happens upon a pair of goggles that allows him to see a race of otherwise invisible tiny humanoids. His roommate steals the goggles, uses them to capture some of the little people, and after they die fashions a bracelet out of their skulls. Neither is prepared for the angry miniature searchers who come looking for their kin.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>While browsing through items at the estate sale of an eccentric anthropologist, a young man happens upon a pair of goggles that allows him to see a race of otherwise invisible tiny humanoids. His roommate steals the goggles, uses them to capture some of the little people, and after they die fashions a bracelet out of their skulls. Neither is prepared for the angry miniature searchers who come looking for their kin.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Piper Donovan adores her brother. Her sister-in-law is another matter. Self-centered, greedy, and completely annoying, Zara is, inexplicably, the love of Robert’s life. Piper puts up with her to maintain peace within the family.</p> <p>When an exquisite gold bracelet goes missing, all the evidence points to Zara as the thief. Piper knows she should go to the police, but she’s torn. Is finding justice worth risking the happiness of her entire family?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Piper Donovan adores her brother. Her sister-in-law is another matter. Self-centered, greedy, and completely annoying, Zara is, inexplicably, the love of Robert’s life. Piper puts up with her to maintain peace within the family.</p> <p>When an exquisite gold bracelet goes missing, all the evidence points to Zara as the thief. Piper knows she should go to the police, but she’s torn. Is finding justice worth risking the happiness of her entire family?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>L'homme au bracelet d'or, ?crit par Maxime Du Camp, est un roman qui se d?ploie sur le fond complexe des relations humaines et des dilemmes moraux. ? travers un style descriptif riche et une narration incisive, Du Camp explore les th?mes de l'amour, de la passion et de la d?sillusion pendant la seconde moiti? du XIXe si?cle, une p?riode marqu?e par des ?lections politiques et des bouleversements sociaux en France. Le protagoniste, pris dans un tourbillon d'?motions contradictoires, d?couvre peu ? peu la fragilit? de ses aspirations romantiques face ? la r?alit? crue de l'existence. Maxime Du Camp, ?crivain et journaliste fran?ais, ?tait un contemporain de Gustave Flaubert et un fervent d?fenseur du r?alisme. Sa carri?re litt?raire a ?t? fa?onn?e par ses voyages et ses rencontres, notamment son amiti? avec Flaubert. Dans L'homme au bracelet d'or, il transpose ses exp?riences et ses r?flexions sur la soci?t? de son ?poque, en particulier les in?galit?s et les moyens de vivre une vie authentique, aspirations qui transparaissent ? travers ses personnages. Recommand? tant pour sa profondeur psychologique que pour sa lecture agr?able, L'homme au bracelet d'or s'adresse aux amateurs de la litt?rature r?aliste. Cette ?uvre, qui allie style raffin? et th?matiques universelles, propose une r?flexion poignante sur les relations humaines et le sens de la vie, et m?rite une place dans la biblioth?que de quiconque s'int?resse ? la condition humaine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>L'homme au bracelet d'or, ?crit par Maxime Du Camp, est un roman qui se d?ploie sur le fond complexe des relations humaines et des dilemmes moraux. ? travers un style descriptif riche et une narration incisive, Du Camp explore les th?mes de l'amour, de la passion et de la d?sillusion pendant la seconde moiti? du XIXe si?cle, une p?riode marqu?e par des ?lections politiques et des bouleversements sociaux en France. Le protagoniste, pris dans un tourbillon d'?motions contradictoires, d?couvre peu ? peu la fragilit? de ses aspirations romantiques face ? la r?alit? crue de l'existence. Maxime Du Camp, ?crivain et journaliste fran?ais, ?tait un contemporain de Gustave Flaubert et un fervent d?fenseur du r?alisme. Sa carri?re litt?raire a ?t? fa?onn?e par ses voyages et ses rencontres, notamment son amiti? avec Flaubert. Dans L'homme au bracelet d'or, il transpose ses exp?riences et ses r?flexions sur la soci?t? de son ?poque, en particulier les in?galit?s et les moyens de vivre une vie authentique, aspirations qui transparaissent ? travers ses personnages. Recommand? tant pour sa profondeur psychologique que pour sa lecture agr?able, L'homme au bracelet d'or s'adresse aux amateurs de la litt?rature r?aliste. Cette ?uvre, qui allie style raffin? et th?matiques universelles, propose une r?flexion poignante sur les relations humaines et le sens de la vie, et m?rite une place dans la biblioth?que de quiconque s'int?resse ? la condition humaine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>L’Homme au Bracelet d’Or - Maxime Du Camp</p> <p>Ce livre comporte une table des mati?res dynamique.<br /> Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse ?lectronique.</p> <p>Maxime Du Camp (1822 ? 1894) est un auteur et photographe fran?ais, membre de l’Acad?mie fran?aise.</p> <p>Il rencontre Flaubert en mars 1843, alors qu'il se destine ? une carri?re d'homme de lettres.<br /> Il effectue son premier voyage en Italie et en Alg?rie en 1844, et parcourt la Bretagne ? pied avec Flaubert en 1847 d'o? ils rapporteront "Par les<br /> champs et par les gr?ves".</p> <p>L’Homme au Bracelet d’Or est une ?uvre de Maxime Du Camp (1862).</p> <p>Extrait :</p> <p>En 1848, M. George d’Alfarey avait vingt-sept ans. C’?tait ce qu’on appelle dans le monde un jeune homme accompli. Une fortune convenable suffisait ? ses go?ts, et lui permettait de donner ? sa vie une ?l?gance s?rieuse et sans futilit?. D’une nature ind?pendante et l?g?rement sauvage, il n’avait choisi aucune carri?re ; mais, pour satisfaire aux exigences de son esprit curieux, il avait cherch? et trouv? dans l’?tude des langues un apaisement aux besoins de travail qui le tourmentaient : il avait ?t? l’un des auditeurs les plus assidus de Burnouf, et il ?tait en correspondance famili?re avec le docteur L… de Berlin.</p> <p>Ses amis se moquaient un peu de lui et l’avaient surnomm? George Pentec?te ; il les laissait rire et ne s’en penchait qu’avec plus d’ardeur sur les ?tranges alphabets que dessinent de leur calam les peuples de l’Asie.</p> <p>Fils unique, rejeton plus r?v? qu’esp?r? d’un mariage tardif, il ?tait n? d’un p?re ? cheveux blancs pour lequel il professait une tendresse respectueuse qui touchait de pr?s ? l’admiration. Le vieillard ?tait demeur? dans le souvenir de son fils comme le type id?al de l’indulgence et de la fermet?.</p> <p>Il y avait en effet dans ses allures quelque chose de froid et de doux que pouvaient expliquer un grand m?pris des hommes et l’habitude de la souffrance.</p> <p>C’?tait un ancien conventionnel ralli? au r?gime imp?rial ; mais quoique le titre de comte et une dotation assez importante fussent venus solliciter son absolu d?vouement, il avait su, chose rare ? cette ?poque de servilit? folle, conserver une certaine ind?pendance d’opinions sous ce gouvernement qui rempla?a les libert?s du pays par cette gloire despotique dont la fm s’?crivit si tristement dans les trait?s de 1815. La restauration rejeta violemment M. d’Alfarey dans la vie priv?e, o? le repos qu’il avait esp?r? lui devint un insupportable ennui ; seul et sans famille, il voulut s’en cr?er une...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>L’Homme au Bracelet d’Or - Maxime Du Camp</p> <p>Ce livre comporte une table des mati?res dynamique.<br /> Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse ?lectronique.</p> <p>Maxime Du Camp (1822 ? 1894) est un auteur et photographe fran?ais, membre de l’Acad?mie fran?aise.</p> <p>Il rencontre Flaubert en mars 1843, alors qu'il se destine ? une carri?re d'homme de lettres.<br /> Il effectue son premier voyage en Italie et en Alg?rie en 1844, et parcourt la Bretagne ? pied avec Flaubert en 1847 d'o? ils rapporteront "Par les<br /> champs et par les gr?ves".</p> <p>L’Homme au Bracelet d’Or est une ?uvre de Maxime Du Camp (1862).</p> <p>Extrait :</p> <p>En 1848, M. George d’Alfarey avait vingt-sept ans. C’?tait ce qu’on appelle dans le monde un jeune homme accompli. Une fortune convenable suffisait ? ses go?ts, et lui permettait de donner ? sa vie une ?l?gance s?rieuse et sans futilit?. D’une nature ind?pendante et l?g?rement sauvage, il n’avait choisi aucune carri?re ; mais, pour satisfaire aux exigences de son esprit curieux, il avait cherch? et trouv? dans l’?tude des langues un apaisement aux besoins de travail qui le tourmentaient : il avait ?t? l’un des auditeurs les plus assidus de Burnouf, et il ?tait en correspondance famili?re avec le docteur L… de Berlin.</p> <p>Ses amis se moquaient un peu de lui et l’avaient surnomm? George Pentec?te ; il les laissait rire et ne s’en penchait qu’avec plus d’ardeur sur les ?tranges alphabets que dessinent de leur calam les peuples de l’Asie.</p> <p>Fils unique, rejeton plus r?v? qu’esp?r? d’un mariage tardif, il ?tait n? d’un p?re ? cheveux blancs pour lequel il professait une tendresse respectueuse qui touchait de pr?s ? l’admiration. Le vieillard ?tait demeur? dans le souvenir de son fils comme le type id?al de l’indulgence et de la fermet?.</p> <p>Il y avait en effet dans ses allures quelque chose de froid et de doux que pouvaient expliquer un grand m?pris des hommes et l’habitude de la souffrance.</p> <p>C’?tait un ancien conventionnel ralli? au r?gime imp?rial ; mais quoique le titre de comte et une dotation assez importante fussent venus solliciter son absolu d?vouement, il avait su, chose rare ? cette ?poque de servilit? folle, conserver une certaine ind?pendance d’opinions sous ce gouvernement qui rempla?a les libert?s du pays par cette gloire despotique dont la fm s’?crivit si tristement dans les trait?s de 1815. La restauration rejeta violemment M. d’Alfarey dans la vie priv?e, o? le repos qu’il avait esp?r? lui devint un insupportable ennui ; seul et sans famille, il voulut s’en cr?er une...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>For centuries the Golem Bracelet had remained a mystery behind the castles walls of the South in TembleDon. Many continuous speculations were greeted with doubts and criticism. No man has ever touched the Golem Bracelet except for a virtuous king who had a bitter end. Recently the Golem Bracelet has been stolen by the shadows of mystery. Mr. Red Bubble and his acquaintance Ms. Ferrel will embark on an in-depth mystery as they try to uncover the truth about the Golem Bracelet and the mysterious hands at play. Every narrative plays an important part in the investigation of many plots. Join the masterpiece of mystery as you uncover what really happened to the Golem Bracelet. Read now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>For centuries the Golem Bracelet had remained a mystery behind the castles walls of the South in TembleDon. Many continuous speculations were greeted with doubts and criticism. No man has ever touched the Golem Bracelet except for a virtuous king who had a bitter end. Recently the Golem Bracelet has been stolen by the shadows of mystery. Mr. Red Bubble and his acquaintance Ms. Ferrel will embark on an in-depth mystery as they try to uncover the truth about the Golem Bracelet and the mysterious hands at play. Every narrative plays an important part in the investigation of many plots. Join the masterpiece of mystery as you uncover what really happened to the Golem Bracelet. Read now.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The story that will end child sex slavery in the world! The lines between fiction and nonfiction are blurring and giving rise to a new form that might best be called "true fiction".</p> <p>Brought to light are the established mafias that dominate the trade. The big players in Europe today are Russians, Albanians, and Ukrainians (and recently, in Italy, Nigerians). In southeastern Europe, Turkish, Kurdish, Serbian, Greek, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Romanian networks move Eastern European women into Western Europe and the Middle East. Many of these groups simply added human trafficking to existing crime portfolios, often running women alongside traditional contraband, like drugs and arms.</p> <p>Even those in the group at highest risk-poor young women-tend to see trafficking as something that may happen to someone else, but not to them. In surveys, most victims say that they don't know anyone who's been trafficked. That may be partly because women often conceal this experience, even from their own families. Add desperate poverty and an unhappy household-the standard "push factors"-and the pipeline of likely trafficking victims never runs dry.</p> <p>By gracefully weaving in interviews with madams and other sexual gatekeepers - and sometimes even the pimps or johns themselves -Bonner constructs an insightful, resonant, and nuanced narrative that details just how complex and massive this problem.</p> <p>Why do we treat children as victims in cases of sexual abuse, but as soon as money is exchanged, we deem these sexually abused children as "criminals?" Why is there such an overwhelming demand for sex with a child? Are we adequately teaching our children sexual respect? Why are men obsessed with power, property, and the world domination of women? The problem is monumental.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>The story that will end child sex slavery in the world! The lines between fiction and nonfiction are blurring and giving rise to a new form that might best be called "true fiction".</p> <p>Brought to light are the established mafias that dominate the trade. The big players in Europe today are Russians, Albanians, and Ukrainians (and recently, in Italy, Nigerians). In southeastern Europe, Turkish, Kurdish, Serbian, Greek, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Romanian networks move Eastern European women into Western Europe and the Middle East. Many of these groups simply added human trafficking to existing crime portfolios, often running women alongside traditional contraband, like drugs and arms.</p> <p>Even those in the group at highest risk-poor young women-tend to see trafficking as something that may happen to someone else, but not to them. In surveys, most victims say that they don't know anyone who's been trafficked. That may be partly because women often conceal this experience, even from their own families. Add desperate poverty and an unhappy household-the standard "push factors"-and the pipeline of likely trafficking victims never runs dry.</p> <p>By gracefully weaving in interviews with madams and other sexual gatekeepers - and sometimes even the pimps or johns themselves -Bonner constructs an insightful, resonant, and nuanced narrative that details just how complex and massive this problem.</p> <p>Why do we treat children as victims in cases of sexual abuse, but as soon as money is exchanged, we deem these sexually abused children as "criminals?" Why is there such an overwhelming demand for sex with a child? Are we adequately teaching our children sexual respect? Why are men obsessed with power, property, and the world domination of women? The problem is monumental.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The bond between them was instant: Laura a flower?power antiwar protestor, Brady a duty?bound soldier heading off to Vietnam. He'd returned a changed man, and she'd saved his sanity.</p> <p>They'd always been there for each other. They'd raised two wonderful children and weathered the ups and downs that are inevitably part of a life together, a life that stretched over three decades. And they'd stuck to the deal they made on their wedding day: never talk about the past.</p> <p>But the past has a way of catching up .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>The bond between them was instant: Laura a flower?power antiwar protestor, Brady a duty?bound soldier heading off to Vietnam. He'd returned a changed man, and she'd saved his sanity.</p> <p>They'd always been there for each other. They'd raised two wonderful children and weathered the ups and downs that are inevitably part of a life together, a life that stretched over three decades. And they'd stuck to the deal they made on their wedding day: never talk about the past.</p> <p>But the past has a way of catching up .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>What happens to a girl as she becomes a woman? Excitement for new dreams, anticipation of what's next, longings for secret hopes, loneliness about being missed, sadness at unfulfilled dreams, confusion in relating to the expectations of others, and all around joy in discovering passions. Sometimes we flourish with dazzling brilliance....and sometimes we lose who we are over the years. Ultimately, we can even forget who we are meant to be. But it’s never too late to remember. Remember your story... remember what you’ve always loved... remember who you are. Celebrate your ‘being’ and participate fully in the life you are meant to live. She woke up when she remembered, she was the author of her own story. . .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>What happens to a girl as she becomes a woman? Excitement for new dreams, anticipation of what's next, longings for secret hopes, loneliness about being missed, sadness at unfulfilled dreams, confusion in relating to the expectations of others, and all around joy in discovering passions. Sometimes we flourish with dazzling brilliance....and sometimes we lose who we are over the years. Ultimately, we can even forget who we are meant to be. But it’s never too late to remember. Remember your story... remember what you’ve always loved... remember who you are. Celebrate your ‘being’ and participate fully in the life you are meant to live. She woke up when she remembered, she was the author of her own story. . .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>'What a wonderful, beautiful, heartwarming story!! I absolutely love it!!! . . . The plot was sooo sweet and heartwarmimg. The plot-twist had me shocked and the last scene was sooo unexpected!! This was just an absolute bliss!!!'</strong> Reader review ?????</p> <p><strong>Every charm bracelet tells a story . . .</strong></p> <p>. . . and <strong>Holly O'Neill</strong> knows this better than most. Many years ago she was sent a bracelet with just a single charm attached. The charms have been appearing ever since, often at challenging times, as if her mysterious benefactor knows exactly when she needs a little magic in her life.</p> <p>As a result, Holly's bracelet is her most prized possession. So when she finds someone else's charm bracelet, she feels she has to try to reunite it with its owner. <strong>Even if the only clues she has to follow are the charms themselves.</strong></p> <p><strong>On a search that will take her all over New York City at Christmas, Holly becomes ever more determined to piece together the details of this other charmed life. But what she doesn't know is that her quest may also lead her somewhere she never expected . . .</strong></p> <p><strong>From <em>USA Today</em> bestseller Melissa Hill comes a wonderfully romantic and heartwarming festive read that will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. Perfect for fans of Sarah Morgan, Phillipa Ashley and Jenny Colgan. Now adapted to the film <em>A Little Christmas Charm</em></strong>**.**</p> <p><strong>Everyone is falling in love with <em>The Charm Bracelet</em>:</strong></p> <p>'<strong>Best Book Ever</strong>. <strong>I love this book so much</strong> . . . If you love the Golden Era of Hollywood, fashion, New York, Christmas, romance, and stories about people's lives and memories intertwining, you will love this story' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'What an incredible story . . . <strong>heartwarming characters and the holidays</strong>. Completely engrossing story that <strong>I literally stayed up late to finish</strong>' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'5 Stars, I highly recommend this book if you are looking for <strong>a warm Christmas story with a happy ending</strong>' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'<strong>Wonderful, heart-warming story!</strong> . . . I didn't want to put it down!' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'A beautiful story about family, love, loss and a bit of mystery. <strong>I loved it. Loved, loved, loved this book!</strong>' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'Absolutely loved this . . . <strong>Such a gorgeous read!</strong>' Reader review ?????</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>'What a wonderful, beautiful, heartwarming story!! I absolutely love it!!! . . . The plot was sooo sweet and heartwarmimg. The plot-twist had me shocked and the last scene was sooo unexpected!! This was just an absolute bliss!!!'</strong> Reader review ?????</p> <p><strong>Every charm bracelet tells a story . . .</strong></p> <p>. . . and <strong>Holly O'Neill</strong> knows this better than most. Many years ago she was sent a bracelet with just a single charm attached. The charms have been appearing ever since, often at challenging times, as if her mysterious benefactor knows exactly when she needs a little magic in her life.</p> <p>As a result, Holly's bracelet is her most prized possession. So when she finds someone else's charm bracelet, she feels she has to try to reunite it with its owner. <strong>Even if the only clues she has to follow are the charms themselves.</strong></p> <p><strong>On a search that will take her all over New York City at Christmas, Holly becomes ever more determined to piece together the details of this other charmed life. But what she doesn't know is that her quest may also lead her somewhere she never expected . . .</strong></p> <p><strong>From <em>USA Today</em> bestseller Melissa Hill comes a wonderfully romantic and heartwarming festive read that will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. Perfect for fans of Sarah Morgan, Phillipa Ashley and Jenny Colgan. Now adapted to the film <em>A Little Christmas Charm</em></strong>**.**</p> <p><strong>Everyone is falling in love with <em>The Charm Bracelet</em>:</strong></p> <p>'<strong>Best Book Ever</strong>. <strong>I love this book so much</strong> . . . If you love the Golden Era of Hollywood, fashion, New York, Christmas, romance, and stories about people's lives and memories intertwining, you will love this story' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'What an incredible story . . . <strong>heartwarming characters and the holidays</strong>. Completely engrossing story that <strong>I literally stayed up late to finish</strong>' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'5 Stars, I highly recommend this book if you are looking for <strong>a warm Christmas story with a happy ending</strong>' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'<strong>Wonderful, heart-warming story!</strong> . . . I didn't want to put it down!' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'A beautiful story about family, love, loss and a bit of mystery. <strong>I loved it. Loved, loved, loved this book!</strong>' Reader review ?????</p> <p>'Absolutely loved this . . . <strong>Such a gorgeous read!</strong>' Reader review ?????</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>This is it--your perfect guide to making beautiful, eye-catching beaded bracelets!</strong></p> <p>With <em>The Beaded Bracelet</em>, you can't go wrong. Because bracelets are the perfect projects for both learning new techniques and for advancing your jewelry-making skills. Because bracelets make wonderful gifts; they're always just the right size. And because author <strong>Carole Rodgers</strong> has decades of creative and teaching experience; with Carole leading the way, you'll be creating unique, handmade jewelry in no time--whether you're new to beadweaving or an experienced beader!</p> <p>Inside <em>The Beaded Bracelet</em> you'll find:</p> <p>? 9 beadweaving stitches--follow easy step-by-step illustrations to create each stitch and combine them into the Sampler Bracelet--the most beautiful teaching tool you'll ever work with.<br /> ? 20 bracelet patterns--showcasing peyote, triangle, netting and other stitches and everyday beads and materials in ways you've never considered.<br /> ? 27 variations--it's amazing what a difference a change in color, size or type of bead can make; you'll be inspired to try your own combinations.</p> <p>So gather some beads and a few basic tools. Settle in and get started--you'll be making your own beautiful, eye-catching beaded bracelets in no time!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
<p><strong>This is it--your perfect guide to making beautiful, eye-catching beaded bracelets!</strong></p> <p>With <em>The Beaded Bracelet</em>, you can't go wrong. Because bracelets are the perfect projects for both learning new techniques and for advancing your jewelry-making skills. Because bracelets make wonderful gifts; they're always just the right size. And because author <strong>Carole Rodgers</strong> has decades of creative and teaching experience; with Carole leading the way, you'll be creating unique, handmade jewelry in no time--whether you're new to beadweaving or an experienced beader!</p> <p>Inside <em>The Beaded Bracelet</em> you'll find:</p> <p>? 9 beadweaving stitches--follow easy step-by-step illustrations to create each stitch and combine them into the Sampler Bracelet--the most beautiful teaching tool you'll ever work with.<br /> ? 20 bracelet patterns--showcasing peyote, triangle, netting and other stitches and everyday beads and materials in ways you've never considered.<br /> ? 27 variations--it's amazing what a difference a change in color, size or type of bead can make; you'll be inspired to try your own combinations.</p> <p>So gather some beads and a few basic tools. Settle in and get started--you'll be making your own beautiful, eye-catching beaded bracelets in no time!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Was it a dream? Isn't it a dream? Zhang Mengfei tossed and turned. This scenario has happened many times! When I first saw the figure in the white robe, she was still in the corner of the room; when I saw it again, she was already moving, and each time I saw it, she moved a little farther</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Was it a dream? Isn't it a dream? Zhang Mengfei tossed and turned. This scenario has happened many times! When I first saw the figure in the white robe, she was still in the corner of the room; when I saw it again, she was already moving, and each time I saw it, she moved a little farther</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
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改訂版 幸せを呼ぶパワーストーンブレスレット (ブティック・ムックno.1032)
改訂版 幸せを呼ぶパワーストーンブレスレット (ブティック・ムックno.1032)
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