【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Dieu que la guerre est belle !... Un vieux baroudeur de l’information et une jeune journaliste, Lucile, tentent d’?voquer l’amour de Selim pour Marie. Un amour impossible : Selim est trop jeune. Elle est presque une femme, chr?tienne et lui musulman… Qu’importe, Selim cherche un cadeau pour s?duire Marie. Mais comment trouver l’argent dans cette ville en ruines, ravag?e par la guerre ? Les journalistes s?lectionnent les s?quences de leur reportage. Y a-t-il des v?rit?s bonnes ? montrer et d’autres ? sc?nariser ? Lucile voudrait dire la po?sie de ces enfants qui jouent ? l’amour, ? la guerre, parmi les ruines, qui se racontent des histoires dont ils sont tour ? tour conteurs et acteurs. Le reportage transforme les t?moins en personnages de fiction. Marie rencontrera-t-elle l’amour dans cette ville dangereuse ?...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Dieu que la guerre est belle !... Un vieux baroudeur de l’information et une jeune journaliste, Lucile, tentent d’?voquer l’amour de Selim pour Marie. Un amour impossible : Selim est trop jeune. Elle est presque une femme, chr?tienne et lui musulman… Qu’importe, Selim cherche un cadeau pour s?duire Marie. Mais comment trouver l’argent dans cette ville en ruines, ravag?e par la guerre ? Les journalistes s?lectionnent les s?quences de leur reportage. Y a-t-il des v?rit?s bonnes ? montrer et d’autres ? sc?nariser ? Lucile voudrait dire la po?sie de ces enfants qui jouent ? l’amour, ? la guerre, parmi les ruines, qui se racontent des histoires dont ils sont tour ? tour conteurs et acteurs. Le reportage transforme les t?moins en personnages de fiction. Marie rencontrera-t-elle l’amour dans cette ville dangereuse ?...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Open the extraordinary force of psychological wellness mindfulness wristbands in "Mending Strings: Your Manual for Emotional wellness Mindfulness Arm bands." In this present reality where mental prosperity is a higher priority than any time in recent memory, these arm bands are something beyond design extras; they are devices for taking care of oneself, care, and self-articulation.</p> <p>In this connecting with digital book, you'll set out on an excursion into the universe of psychological wellness mindfulness wristbands, investigating their imagery, mending properties, and the significant effect they can have on your close to home and mental state.</p> <p>Find the well established meaning of the images enhancing these wristbands, each conveying an extraordinary message of trust and flexibility. Plunge into the domain of gemstones and their mending energies, as you figure out how to bridle their ability to advance profound equilibrium.</p> <p>Investigate the craft of careful beadwork and figure out how to make your own psychological wellness mindfulness wristband, mixing it with your aims and individual insistences. Find how these arm bands can turn into a passage to care contemplation, assisting you with developing inward harmony and serenity.</p> <p>"Recuperating Strings" isn't just about hypothesis; about genuine accounts of people have tracked down strength, comfort, and mending through these remarkable adornments. Their own processes will motivate and impact anybody looking for profound prosperity and self-revelation.</p> <p>Whether you're new to emotional wellness mindfulness wristbands or a carefully prepared devotee, this digital book offers direction on picking the ideal arm band that lines up with your requirements and style. You'll likewise track down innovative ways of integrating your arm band into your regular routine, making it a steady sign of your obligation to mental wellbeing.</p> <p>Go along with us on this illuminating and enabling excursion towards better psychological well-being, mindfulness, and self-awareness. "Recuperating Strings" is your guide to a daily existence enhanced with expectation</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Open the extraordinary force of psychological wellness mindfulness wristbands in "Mending Strings: Your Manual for Emotional wellness Mindfulness Arm bands." In this present reality where mental prosperity is a higher priority than any time in recent memory, these arm bands are something beyond design extras; they are devices for taking care of oneself, care, and self-articulation.</p> <p>In this connecting with digital book, you'll set out on an excursion into the universe of psychological wellness mindfulness wristbands, investigating their imagery, mending properties, and the significant effect they can have on your close to home and mental state.</p> <p>Find the well established meaning of the images enhancing these wristbands, each conveying an extraordinary message of trust and flexibility. Plunge into the domain of gemstones and their mending energies, as you figure out how to bridle their ability to advance profound equilibrium.</p> <p>Investigate the craft of careful beadwork and figure out how to make your own psychological wellness mindfulness wristband, mixing it with your aims and individual insistences. Find how these arm bands can turn into a passage to care contemplation, assisting you with developing inward harmony and serenity.</p> <p>"Recuperating Strings" isn't just about hypothesis; about genuine accounts of people have tracked down strength, comfort, and mending through these remarkable adornments. Their own processes will motivate and impact anybody looking for profound prosperity and self-revelation.</p> <p>Whether you're new to emotional wellness mindfulness wristbands or a carefully prepared devotee, this digital book offers direction on picking the ideal arm band that lines up with your requirements and style. You'll likewise track down innovative ways of integrating your arm band into your regular routine, making it a steady sign of your obligation to mental wellbeing.</p> <p>Go along with us on this illuminating and enabling excursion towards better psychological well-being, mindfulness, and self-awareness. "Recuperating Strings" is your guide to a daily existence enhanced with expectation</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Unlock the art of paracord crafting with " PARACORD: A Complete Guide to Knots, Bracelets, and various projects." This comprehensive book is designed for enthusiasts of all skill levels, from beginners eager to learn the basics to advanced crafters looking to take their skills to new heights.</p> <p>Inside, you'll find:</p> <p>In-Depth Techniques: Master essential knots and weaving techniques with step-by-step instructions that demystify the crafting process. Learn three basic techniques, two intermediate techniques, and two advanced techniques to elevate your projects.<br /> Creative Projects: Explore a variety of exciting projects, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced designs. From practical survival bracelets and stylish dog collars to intricate hammocks and tactical backpacks, you'll find projects that inspire creativity and functionality.<br /> Troubleshooting and Solutions: Overcome common challenges with practical troubleshooting tips. Learn how to secure your knots, avoid fraying, and fix sizing issues, ensuring your projects are both beautiful and durable.<br /> Expert Tips for Success: Gain valuable insights into materials, workspace setup, and techniques to enhance your crafting experience. Whether you're crafting for fun or functionality, these tips will guide you on your journey.<br /> Inspiration and Personalization: Discover how to mix colors, incorporate personal touches e.t.c.</p> <p>Whether you're crafting for yourself, making gifts, or preparing for outdoor adventures, this book "Paracord" will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create stunning, durable items. Dive into the world of paracord and let your creativity flourish!</p> <p><b> click the buy now button to get your copy today </b></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Unlock the art of paracord crafting with " PARACORD: A Complete Guide to Knots, Bracelets, and various projects." This comprehensive book is designed for enthusiasts of all skill levels, from beginners eager to learn the basics to advanced crafters looking to take their skills to new heights.</p> <p>Inside, you'll find:</p> <p>In-Depth Techniques: Master essential knots and weaving techniques with step-by-step instructions that demystify the crafting process. Learn three basic techniques, two intermediate techniques, and two advanced techniques to elevate your projects.<br /> Creative Projects: Explore a variety of exciting projects, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced designs. From practical survival bracelets and stylish dog collars to intricate hammocks and tactical backpacks, you'll find projects that inspire creativity and functionality.<br /> Troubleshooting and Solutions: Overcome common challenges with practical troubleshooting tips. Learn how to secure your knots, avoid fraying, and fix sizing issues, ensuring your projects are both beautiful and durable.<br /> Expert Tips for Success: Gain valuable insights into materials, workspace setup, and techniques to enhance your crafting experience. Whether you're crafting for fun or functionality, these tips will guide you on your journey.<br /> Inspiration and Personalization: Discover how to mix colors, incorporate personal touches e.t.c.</p> <p>Whether you're crafting for yourself, making gifts, or preparing for outdoor adventures, this book "Paracord" will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create stunning, durable items. Dive into the world of paracord and let your creativity flourish!</p> <p><b> click the buy now button to get your copy today </b></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Persons are always seeking new ways to be creative and "Paracord Bracelets and Projects: A Beginners Guide" explains just how individuals can get involved in a new and exciting hobby. This text explains how the resilient parachute cord can be used to make bracelets and other items that can not only serve as a piece of fashion but also serves as a survival tool of needed. The text goes through the basics, explaining what exactly the Paracord is and then going into exactly how it can be used to make pieces of jewelry. The text is ideal for the consummate hobbyist that is always seeking new and fun things that they can do in their spare time. The author herself has tried all of the methods of using the paracord that she has outlined in the text and that can be seen from the way she is able to break everything down and explain it to the reader.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Persons are always seeking new ways to be creative and "Paracord Bracelets and Projects: A Beginners Guide" explains just how individuals can get involved in a new and exciting hobby. This text explains how the resilient parachute cord can be used to make bracelets and other items that can not only serve as a piece of fashion but also serves as a survival tool of needed. The text goes through the basics, explaining what exactly the Paracord is and then going into exactly how it can be used to make pieces of jewelry. The text is ideal for the consummate hobbyist that is always seeking new and fun things that they can do in their spare time. The author herself has tried all of the methods of using the paracord that she has outlined in the text and that can be seen from the way she is able to break everything down and explain it to the reader.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Are you interested in making your very own, homemade, unique jewelry? Is this something that interested you but you're just not quite sure where to start or how to learn? Or, is there a chance you've tried making your own jewelry before but it either didn't work out the way you wanted it to or you simply didn't have the proper knowledge? Maybe you've made your own jewelry several times or even many times but you're looking to learn more and broaden your education on the topic. If any of these apply to you, then this is the book for you!</p> <p>Learning something new, like how to make your own jewelry can seem overwhelming, confusing and frustrating. Of course, there is always a lot to take in and learn but that's where this book will come in handy! Not only will this book teach you how to make your very own, custom, handmade necklaces, earrings and bracelets but it will also instruct you through carefully laid out information and step-by-step processes. There will never be a time where you need to feel overwhelmed, confused or frustrated! This book will always provide helpful, straight forward and easy to understand information on the jewelry making topic. This book includes:</p> <p>-An introduction to jewelry making and things to consider before you begin</p> <p>- Five step-by-step necklace projects</p> <p>- Five procedural earring projects</p> <p>- Five informational bracelet projects</p> <p>- Five ring projects</p> <p>- Tips and tricks to make your jewelry even more unique and fun!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Are you interested in making your very own, homemade, unique jewelry? Is this something that interested you but you're just not quite sure where to start or how to learn? Or, is there a chance you've tried making your own jewelry before but it either didn't work out the way you wanted it to or you simply didn't have the proper knowledge? Maybe you've made your own jewelry several times or even many times but you're looking to learn more and broaden your education on the topic. If any of these apply to you, then this is the book for you!</p> <p>Learning something new, like how to make your own jewelry can seem overwhelming, confusing and frustrating. Of course, there is always a lot to take in and learn but that's where this book will come in handy! Not only will this book teach you how to make your very own, custom, handmade necklaces, earrings and bracelets but it will also instruct you through carefully laid out information and step-by-step processes. There will never be a time where you need to feel overwhelmed, confused or frustrated! This book will always provide helpful, straight forward and easy to understand information on the jewelry making topic. This book includes:</p> <p>-An introduction to jewelry making and things to consider before you begin</p> <p>- Five step-by-step necklace projects</p> <p>- Five procedural earring projects</p> <p>- Five informational bracelet projects</p> <p>- Five ring projects</p> <p>- Tips and tricks to make your jewelry even more unique and fun!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>12 mod?les de bracelets : 6 mod?les de bracelets de l’amiti?, ? r?aliser avec du ruban ou du cordon cir?. 6 mod?les de bracelets br?siliens Des pas ? pas illustr?s, faciles ? suivre ! Des cr?ations fashion et originales, ? offrir ou ? garder !</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
<p>12 mod?les de bracelets : 6 mod?les de bracelets de l’amiti?, ? r?aliser avec du ruban ou du cordon cir?. 6 mod?les de bracelets br?siliens Des pas ? pas illustr?s, faciles ? suivre ! Des cr?ations fashion et originales, ? offrir ou ? garder !</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Gr?ce ? ce nouveau Simplissime, voici comment cr?er 19 bijoux uniques et originaux !<br /> Notamment de tr?s jolis bracelets...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Gr?ce ? ce nouveau Simplissime, voici comment cr?er 19 bijoux uniques et originaux !<br /> Notamment de tr?s jolis bracelets...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The author of the best-selling book <em>Totally Awesome Rubber Band Jewelry</em> is back with 15 more super-sweet projects for sensational rubber band jewelry! Packed with original ideas for both girls and boys, <em>Epic Rubber Band Crafts</em> shows how to use a Rainbow Loom?, Cra-Z-Loom?, or FunLoom? to make stylish bracelets, necklaces, headbands, accessories, and action figures that will have everyone in school saying WOW!<br /> Whether you have made rubber band loom accessories before, or are brand new to the craze, this book will be your ultimate guide to creating the coolest and most colorful gear around. Discover how to put two or more looms together for fabulous results on bigger projects. Kid-friendly step-by-step instructions, hundreds of color photos, and easy-to-follow numbered diagrams make it a snap to get great-looking results. Plenty of fun sidebars, tips, and tricks are provided to keep any loom enthusiast occupied for hours.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>The author of the best-selling book <em>Totally Awesome Rubber Band Jewelry</em> is back with 15 more super-sweet projects for sensational rubber band jewelry! Packed with original ideas for both girls and boys, <em>Epic Rubber Band Crafts</em> shows how to use a Rainbow Loom?, Cra-Z-Loom?, or FunLoom? to make stylish bracelets, necklaces, headbands, accessories, and action figures that will have everyone in school saying WOW!<br /> Whether you have made rubber band loom accessories before, or are brand new to the craze, this book will be your ultimate guide to creating the coolest and most colorful gear around. Discover how to put two or more looms together for fabulous results on bigger projects. Kid-friendly step-by-step instructions, hundreds of color photos, and easy-to-follow numbered diagrams make it a snap to get great-looking results. Plenty of fun sidebars, tips, and tricks are provided to keep any loom enthusiast occupied for hours.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Easy-to-follow instructions for knotted bracelets with embroidery floss. Colorful bracelets are fun for kids and teens!</strong></p> <p>Friendship knows no boundariesーit covers the world. It comes in all languages. The idea of making a bracelet to celebrate and share friendship began in Central and South America. The legend of the wish began with the bracelets: One person makes a bracelet and ties it around the arm of a friend, who makes a wish. When the bracelet falls off by itself, the wish will come true!</p> <p><em>Friendship Bracelets 101</em> is filled with all the basics you need to get started making friendship bracelets. Color photos and step-by-step instructions make it easy for the beginner, and a variety of fun designs and knots will keep you learning and creating.</p> <ul> <li>Step-by-step instructions</li> <li>Clear knotting diagrams</li> <li>Inspirational color photos of finished bracelets</li> <li>Learn to make bracelets, headbands, barrettes, coin purses, and keychains</li> <li>Patterns for braiding chevrons, stripes, waves, zigzags, diamonds, and more</li> <li>Inexpensive, easy-to-find embroidery floss and cotton thread are all the materials you need</li> </ul> <p>Make a unique gift to share with friends at school or church, or with your club or team mates, with <em>Friendship Bracelets 101</em>!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Easy-to-follow instructions for knotted bracelets with embroidery floss. Colorful bracelets are fun for kids and teens!</strong></p> <p>Friendship knows no boundariesーit covers the world. It comes in all languages. The idea of making a bracelet to celebrate and share friendship began in Central and South America. The legend of the wish began with the bracelets: One person makes a bracelet and ties it around the arm of a friend, who makes a wish. When the bracelet falls off by itself, the wish will come true!</p> <p><em>Friendship Bracelets 101</em> is filled with all the basics you need to get started making friendship bracelets. Color photos and step-by-step instructions make it easy for the beginner, and a variety of fun designs and knots will keep you learning and creating.</p> <ul> <li>Step-by-step instructions</li> <li>Clear knotting diagrams</li> <li>Inspirational color photos of finished bracelets</li> <li>Learn to make bracelets, headbands, barrettes, coin purses, and keychains</li> <li>Patterns for braiding chevrons, stripes, waves, zigzags, diamonds, and more</li> <li>Inexpensive, easy-to-find embroidery floss and cotton thread are all the materials you need</li> </ul> <p>Make a unique gift to share with friends at school or church, or with your club or team mates, with <em>Friendship Bracelets 101</em>!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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