通常24時間以内出荷】著者:やしろ 学出版社:講談社サイズ:コミックISBN-10:4065308852ISBN-13:9784065308851■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。
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著者:やしろ 学出版社:講談社サイズ:コミックISBN-10:4065308852ISBN-13:9784065308851■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Family sticks together, no matter what!</strong></p> <p>Wyatt Hawkins takes care of his family. So when he discovers he has a nephew, he vows to be there for Tyler until his father returns from overseas. Too bad the smartーand beautifulーjudge in their custody case is interfering with Wyatt’s intention. He has to convince Judge Emily Ivers he’s good for Tyler!</p> <p>But she seems to have strong feelings about a single rancher raising a child and Wyatt can’t help wonder why. Is it the attraction between them? Or maybe it has something to do with the sadness he sees in her eyes. Maybe his nephew’s heart isn’t the only that needs healing…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Family sticks together, no matter what!</strong></p> <p>Wyatt Hawkins takes care of his family. So when he discovers he has a nephew, he vows to be there for Tyler until his father returns from overseas. Too bad the smartーand beautifulーjudge in their custody case is interfering with Wyatt’s intention. He has to convince Judge Emily Ivers he’s good for Tyler!</p> <p>But she seems to have strong feelings about a single rancher raising a child and Wyatt can’t help wonder why. Is it the attraction between them? Or maybe it has something to do with the sadness he sees in her eyes. Maybe his nephew’s heart isn’t the only that needs healing…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Plong?e dans la folie.</strong></p> <p>Suite ? une rupture sentimentale Sylvain peine ? se remettre en selle. Sa rencontre avec Laetitia, une ?tudiante, ne l’aide pas vraiment : il persiste ? tout passer au crible de l’analyse, surtout lorsqu’il partage son lit, alors que ces moments devraient lui redonner go?t ? la vie. L’amour physique lui appara?t d?sormais comme un tour de magie ? l’astuce ?vent?e. S’ajoutent ? cela des hallucinations et des col?res violentes contre le syst?me d’ali?nation m?diatique qui le d?cident peu ? peu ? passer ? l’action. N’aspirant plus ? mener une vie rang?e dans les cases standards de l’accession ? la propri?t? et de la conjugalit?, il se rend ? Paris pour y ?liminer Merlin, animateur autoproclam? ≪ le plus d?bile de la t?l? ≫. Un des pires responsables selon Sylvain de la tyrannie ?conomique que nous subissons. Mais tel le Feu follet de Drieu La Rochelle, il perdra toutes ses illusions au cours de cet ultime tour de piste.</p> <p><strong>D?couvrez le destin de Sylvan qui, au terme de son p?riple, d?couvrira la nature du principe qui nous conduit tous, de la chair, au n?ant.</strong></p> <p>EXTRAIT</p> <p>? ma gauche, un taureau aux yeux noirs et au front court crache sa fum?e par les naseaux en murmurant des bisous et autres sucreries ? son portable. Curieusement il ne cesse de froncer ses sourcils broussailleux en prodiguant ses douceurs. Impossible de para?tre content avec des sourcils pareils. Devant moi un couple. Lui porte un toast ? elle, ≪ ? tes vingt ans ≫, au jug?, elle a d?j? du plomb oxydatif dans l’aile et doit plut?t en avoir trente-cinq ou quarante.<br /> Je me dis qu’il y a aussi ≪ une femme qui aime le bordeaux ne peut pas ?tre compl?tement mauvaise ≫, peut-?tre m?me lui souffle-t-il dans l’intimit? ≪ de quoi remplir la main d’un honn?te homme ≫, toutes ces expressions qui tra?nent dans les familles, les s?ries, les lieux de travail, qu’on ramasse ≪ histoire de dire ≫ et dont on va se servir parce qu’on n’a plus rien ? dire ou plus le courage de se dire.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>Sylvain Lapo</strong> est professeur de philosophie ? Amiens. Il collabore au journal <em>Fakir</em> depuis sa cr?ation. <em>La chair et le n?ant</em> est son premier roman.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Plong?e dans la folie.</strong></p> <p>Suite ? une rupture sentimentale Sylvain peine ? se remettre en selle. Sa rencontre avec Laetitia, une ?tudiante, ne l’aide pas vraiment : il persiste ? tout passer au crible de l’analyse, surtout lorsqu’il partage son lit, alors que ces moments devraient lui redonner go?t ? la vie. L’amour physique lui appara?t d?sormais comme un tour de magie ? l’astuce ?vent?e. S’ajoutent ? cela des hallucinations et des col?res violentes contre le syst?me d’ali?nation m?diatique qui le d?cident peu ? peu ? passer ? l’action. N’aspirant plus ? mener une vie rang?e dans les cases standards de l’accession ? la propri?t? et de la conjugalit?, il se rend ? Paris pour y ?liminer Merlin, animateur autoproclam? ≪ le plus d?bile de la t?l? ≫. Un des pires responsables selon Sylvain de la tyrannie ?conomique que nous subissons. Mais tel le Feu follet de Drieu La Rochelle, il perdra toutes ses illusions au cours de cet ultime tour de piste.</p> <p><strong>D?couvrez le destin de Sylvan qui, au terme de son p?riple, d?couvrira la nature du principe qui nous conduit tous, de la chair, au n?ant.</strong></p> <p>EXTRAIT</p> <p>? ma gauche, un taureau aux yeux noirs et au front court crache sa fum?e par les naseaux en murmurant des bisous et autres sucreries ? son portable. Curieusement il ne cesse de froncer ses sourcils broussailleux en prodiguant ses douceurs. Impossible de para?tre content avec des sourcils pareils. Devant moi un couple. Lui porte un toast ? elle, ≪ ? tes vingt ans ≫, au jug?, elle a d?j? du plomb oxydatif dans l’aile et doit plut?t en avoir trente-cinq ou quarante.<br /> Je me dis qu’il y a aussi ≪ une femme qui aime le bordeaux ne peut pas ?tre compl?tement mauvaise ≫, peut-?tre m?me lui souffle-t-il dans l’intimit? ≪ de quoi remplir la main d’un honn?te homme ≫, toutes ces expressions qui tra?nent dans les familles, les s?ries, les lieux de travail, qu’on ramasse ≪ histoire de dire ≫ et dont on va se servir parce qu’on n’a plus rien ? dire ou plus le courage de se dire.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>Sylvain Lapo</strong> est professeur de philosophie ? Amiens. Il collabore au journal <em>Fakir</em> depuis sa cr?ation. <em>La chair et le n?ant</em> est son premier roman.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Call him Babyface at your peril!</p> <p>Ehud may be short, snub-nosed and fresh-faced but don't underestimate him. Under those black curls there's a sharp fighter and a shrewd survivor.</p> <p>Jericho has fallen to Joshua and his Israelite army. Amid the looting and the slaughter of the survivors, the hunt is on for the great golden helmet of Baal. The helmet must be found - and destroyed - or the invasion of the rich Promised Land will fail.</p> <p>In this second book of the series, Ehud is, as usual, in the thick of it.</p> <p>The challenges come at him fast and furious. Whether it's confronting a charging chariot single-handedly, sweet- talking a drug-crazed mountain king, or escaping the claws of a determined devil woman, Ehud is up to it. With his deft skills, smooth talking, and sheer brass he turns near disaster into triumph.</p> <p>But is finding the golden helmet of Baal a challenge too far? When the best laid plans go astray no one has the answers, and those who survive are left standing numb and shivering in fear. All except Ehud.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Call him Babyface at your peril!</p> <p>Ehud may be short, snub-nosed and fresh-faced but don't underestimate him. Under those black curls there's a sharp fighter and a shrewd survivor.</p> <p>Jericho has fallen to Joshua and his Israelite army. Amid the looting and the slaughter of the survivors, the hunt is on for the great golden helmet of Baal. The helmet must be found - and destroyed - or the invasion of the rich Promised Land will fail.</p> <p>In this second book of the series, Ehud is, as usual, in the thick of it.</p> <p>The challenges come at him fast and furious. Whether it's confronting a charging chariot single-handedly, sweet- talking a drug-crazed mountain king, or escaping the claws of a determined devil woman, Ehud is up to it. With his deft skills, smooth talking, and sheer brass he turns near disaster into triumph.</p> <p>But is finding the golden helmet of Baal a challenge too far? When the best laid plans go astray no one has the answers, and those who survive are left standing numb and shivering in fear. All except Ehud.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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やしろ学/著シリウスKC本[コミック]詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください出版社名講談社出版年月2023年01月サイズ167P 19cmISBNコード9784065299234コミック マニア 講談社 シリウスKC商品説明戦車椅子-TANK CHAIR- 1タンク チエア 1 1 センシヤ イス 1 1 TANK/CHAIR 1 1 シリウス ケ-シ- シリウス/KC※ページ内の情報は告知なく変更になることがあります。
やしろ学/著シリウスKC本[コミック]詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください出版社名講談社出版年月2023年01月サイズ167P 19cmISBNコード9784065299234コミック マニア 講談社 シリウスKC商品説明戦車椅子-TANK CHAIR- 1タンク チエア 1 1 センシヤ イス 1 1 TANK/CHAIR 1 1 シリウス ケ-シ- シリウス/KC※ページ内の情報は告知なく変更になることがあります。
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Mary et Patrick d?crochent les r?les principaux dans la pi?ce de th??tre de fin d'ann?e. Mais pendant les r?p?titions, d'?tranges ?v?nements surviennent, mena?ant de transformer le spectacle en carnage. Quelqu'un cherche-t-il ? saboter le spectacle, ou le th??tre est-il v?ritablement hant? par un esprit vengeur ? Le myst?re grandit, plongeant les jeunes acteurs dans une aventure effrayante.</p> <p>Une s?rie ? succ?s</p> <p>La s?rie Chair de poule, v?ritable ph?nom?ne litt?raire, a conquis le coeur des lecteurs, avec plus de 12 millions d'exemplaires vendus ? travers le monde. Le fant?me de l'auditorium, douzi?me tome de la collection, s'est d?j? ?coul? ? plus de 122 000 exemplaires en France. Le talent de R.L. Stine r?side dans son habilet? ? m?ler frissons et myst?re, entra?nant les lecteurs dans une histoire o? chaque sc?ne r?serve son lot de surprises.</p> <p>Un livre qui vous accroche</p> <p>Ce tome est salu? pour sa capacit? ? garder le lecteur en tension du d?but ? la fin. Plusieurs lecteurs affirment avoir "d?vor? le livre en une seule journ?e", soulignant ? quel point l'histoire est "palpitante et bien ficel?e".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Mary et Patrick d?crochent les r?les principaux dans la pi?ce de th??tre de fin d'ann?e. Mais pendant les r?p?titions, d'?tranges ?v?nements surviennent, mena?ant de transformer le spectacle en carnage. Quelqu'un cherche-t-il ? saboter le spectacle, ou le th??tre est-il v?ritablement hant? par un esprit vengeur ? Le myst?re grandit, plongeant les jeunes acteurs dans une aventure effrayante.</p> <p>Une s?rie ? succ?s</p> <p>La s?rie Chair de poule, v?ritable ph?nom?ne litt?raire, a conquis le coeur des lecteurs, avec plus de 12 millions d'exemplaires vendus ? travers le monde. Le fant?me de l'auditorium, douzi?me tome de la collection, s'est d?j? ?coul? ? plus de 122 000 exemplaires en France. Le talent de R.L. Stine r?side dans son habilet? ? m?ler frissons et myst?re, entra?nant les lecteurs dans une histoire o? chaque sc?ne r?serve son lot de surprises.</p> <p>Un livre qui vous accroche</p> <p>Ce tome est salu? pour sa capacit? ? garder le lecteur en tension du d?but ? la fin. Plusieurs lecteurs affirment avoir "d?vor? le livre en une seule journ?e", soulignant ? quel point l'histoire est "palpitante et bien ficel?e".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Safe and Simple Exercises for Seniors that Really Work!</p> <p>Believe it or not, there is a way for the aging, disabled, obese, and injured to stay active, healthy, and independent. There are safe exercises that boost balance, alleviate pain, and improve strength ? without the dangers of falls and injury. And they all can be done easily in the comfort and privacy of your own home!</p> <p>This new visual guide - with illustrations and videos - gives you the tools you need in 11-minute daily seated exercises to reap the many rewards of resistance training, stretching, yoga, Pilates, and moving your body in simple and effective ways.</p> <p>“11-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors” gives you:</p> <p>8 simple workout routines with fun exercises that when done consistently will improve how you feel in a month or less.<br /> A daily action plan to help you get the most out of your exercises<br /> Simple moves for all abilities<br /> Visual illustrations and videos to go with detailed written instructions to make sure you are doing the moves properly.<br /> Tips for picking the right chair for maximum benefits<br /> Guidance to prevent injury and stay healthy<br /> Plus a free supplemental nutrition guide!</p> <p>Seated chair exercises provide special benefits for seniors, the injured, the disabled, the obese, and those who struggle with mobility. This book trains the entire body through simple stretching, Pilates, balance, cardio, core exercises, and more!</p> <p>With our guide, you get exercises and moves that:</p> <p>Ease pain in your hips, back, knees, and joints<br /> Boost energy levels<br /> Reduce stress<br /> Keep you active and independent in the comfort of your home<br /> Strengthen balance, bones, and core muscles<br /> Get rid of belly fat<br /> Tone arms and legs<br /> Keep your heart healthy<br /> Enhance your overall quality of life<br /> And prevent high blood pressure, falling episodes, heart problems, stroke, and chronic diseases</p> <p>You’ll love “11-Minutre Chair Exercise For Seniors.” Scroll and click the BUY NOW button to get a headstart on a new, healthy you!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Safe and Simple Exercises for Seniors that Really Work!</p> <p>Believe it or not, there is a way for the aging, disabled, obese, and injured to stay active, healthy, and independent. There are safe exercises that boost balance, alleviate pain, and improve strength ? without the dangers of falls and injury. And they all can be done easily in the comfort and privacy of your own home!</p> <p>This new visual guide - with illustrations and videos - gives you the tools you need in 11-minute daily seated exercises to reap the many rewards of resistance training, stretching, yoga, Pilates, and moving your body in simple and effective ways.</p> <p>“11-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors” gives you:</p> <p>8 simple workout routines with fun exercises that when done consistently will improve how you feel in a month or less.<br /> A daily action plan to help you get the most out of your exercises<br /> Simple moves for all abilities<br /> Visual illustrations and videos to go with detailed written instructions to make sure you are doing the moves properly.<br /> Tips for picking the right chair for maximum benefits<br /> Guidance to prevent injury and stay healthy<br /> Plus a free supplemental nutrition guide!</p> <p>Seated chair exercises provide special benefits for seniors, the injured, the disabled, the obese, and those who struggle with mobility. This book trains the entire body through simple stretching, Pilates, balance, cardio, core exercises, and more!</p> <p>With our guide, you get exercises and moves that:</p> <p>Ease pain in your hips, back, knees, and joints<br /> Boost energy levels<br /> Reduce stress<br /> Keep you active and independent in the comfort of your home<br /> Strengthen balance, bones, and core muscles<br /> Get rid of belly fat<br /> Tone arms and legs<br /> Keep your heart healthy<br /> Enhance your overall quality of life<br /> And prevent high blood pressure, falling episodes, heart problems, stroke, and chronic diseases</p> <p>You’ll love “11-Minutre Chair Exercise For Seniors.” Scroll and click the BUY NOW button to get a headstart on a new, healthy you!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em><strong>The Ultimate Chair Yoga for Weight Loss</strong></em> offers a unique and accessible approach to fitness for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Combining gentle yet effective seated yoga exercises, this guide helps boost metabolism, burn fat, and improve flexibility. Whether you're a beginner looking for a low-impact workout or someone seeking a sustainable way to enhance your health, this book provides a variety of workouts tailored to support weight loss and overall well-being. With easy-to-follow instructions and modifications for different abilities, it's the perfect solution for achieving fitness goals without the need for strenuous activity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><em><strong>The Ultimate Chair Yoga for Weight Loss</strong></em> offers a unique and accessible approach to fitness for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Combining gentle yet effective seated yoga exercises, this guide helps boost metabolism, burn fat, and improve flexibility. Whether you're a beginner looking for a low-impact workout or someone seeking a sustainable way to enhance your health, this book provides a variety of workouts tailored to support weight loss and overall well-being. With easy-to-follow instructions and modifications for different abilities, it's the perfect solution for achieving fitness goals without the need for strenuous activity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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