発売日 2023/05/09 メーカー 講談社 レーベル シリウスKC JAN 9784065315019 関連商品はこちらから 講談社
発売日 2023/05/09 メーカー 講談社 レーベル シリウスKC JAN 9784065315019 関連商品はこちらから 講談社
【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Family sticks together, no matter what!</strong></p> <p>Wyatt Hawkins takes care of his family. So when he discovers he has a nephew, he vows to be there for Tyler until his father returns from overseas. Too bad the smartーand beautifulーjudge in their custody case is interfering with Wyatt’s intention. He has to convince Judge Emily Ivers he’s good for Tyler!</p> <p>But she seems to have strong feelings about a single rancher raising a child and Wyatt can’t help wonder why. Is it the attraction between them? Or maybe it has something to do with the sadness he sees in her eyes. Maybe his nephew’s heart isn’t the only that needs healing…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Family sticks together, no matter what!</strong></p> <p>Wyatt Hawkins takes care of his family. So when he discovers he has a nephew, he vows to be there for Tyler until his father returns from overseas. Too bad the smartーand beautifulーjudge in their custody case is interfering with Wyatt’s intention. He has to convince Judge Emily Ivers he’s good for Tyler!</p> <p>But she seems to have strong feelings about a single rancher raising a child and Wyatt can’t help wonder why. Is it the attraction between them? Or maybe it has something to do with the sadness he sees in her eyes. Maybe his nephew’s heart isn’t the only that needs healing…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Plong?e dans la folie.</strong></p> <p>Suite ? une rupture sentimentale Sylvain peine ? se remettre en selle. Sa rencontre avec Laetitia, une ?tudiante, ne l’aide pas vraiment : il persiste ? tout passer au crible de l’analyse, surtout lorsqu’il partage son lit, alors que ces moments devraient lui redonner go?t ? la vie. L’amour physique lui appara?t d?sormais comme un tour de magie ? l’astuce ?vent?e. S’ajoutent ? cela des hallucinations et des col?res violentes contre le syst?me d’ali?nation m?diatique qui le d?cident peu ? peu ? passer ? l’action. N’aspirant plus ? mener une vie rang?e dans les cases standards de l’accession ? la propri?t? et de la conjugalit?, il se rend ? Paris pour y ?liminer Merlin, animateur autoproclam? ≪ le plus d?bile de la t?l? ≫. Un des pires responsables selon Sylvain de la tyrannie ?conomique que nous subissons. Mais tel le Feu follet de Drieu La Rochelle, il perdra toutes ses illusions au cours de cet ultime tour de piste.</p> <p><strong>D?couvrez le destin de Sylvan qui, au terme de son p?riple, d?couvrira la nature du principe qui nous conduit tous, de la chair, au n?ant.</strong></p> <p>EXTRAIT</p> <p>? ma gauche, un taureau aux yeux noirs et au front court crache sa fum?e par les naseaux en murmurant des bisous et autres sucreries ? son portable. Curieusement il ne cesse de froncer ses sourcils broussailleux en prodiguant ses douceurs. Impossible de para?tre content avec des sourcils pareils. Devant moi un couple. Lui porte un toast ? elle, ≪ ? tes vingt ans ≫, au jug?, elle a d?j? du plomb oxydatif dans l’aile et doit plut?t en avoir trente-cinq ou quarante.<br /> Je me dis qu’il y a aussi ≪ une femme qui aime le bordeaux ne peut pas ?tre compl?tement mauvaise ≫, peut-?tre m?me lui souffle-t-il dans l’intimit? ≪ de quoi remplir la main d’un honn?te homme ≫, toutes ces expressions qui tra?nent dans les familles, les s?ries, les lieux de travail, qu’on ramasse ≪ histoire de dire ≫ et dont on va se servir parce qu’on n’a plus rien ? dire ou plus le courage de se dire.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>Sylvain Lapo</strong> est professeur de philosophie ? Amiens. Il collabore au journal <em>Fakir</em> depuis sa cr?ation. <em>La chair et le n?ant</em> est son premier roman.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p><strong>Plong?e dans la folie.</strong></p> <p>Suite ? une rupture sentimentale Sylvain peine ? se remettre en selle. Sa rencontre avec Laetitia, une ?tudiante, ne l’aide pas vraiment : il persiste ? tout passer au crible de l’analyse, surtout lorsqu’il partage son lit, alors que ces moments devraient lui redonner go?t ? la vie. L’amour physique lui appara?t d?sormais comme un tour de magie ? l’astuce ?vent?e. S’ajoutent ? cela des hallucinations et des col?res violentes contre le syst?me d’ali?nation m?diatique qui le d?cident peu ? peu ? passer ? l’action. N’aspirant plus ? mener une vie rang?e dans les cases standards de l’accession ? la propri?t? et de la conjugalit?, il se rend ? Paris pour y ?liminer Merlin, animateur autoproclam? ≪ le plus d?bile de la t?l? ≫. Un des pires responsables selon Sylvain de la tyrannie ?conomique que nous subissons. Mais tel le Feu follet de Drieu La Rochelle, il perdra toutes ses illusions au cours de cet ultime tour de piste.</p> <p><strong>D?couvrez le destin de Sylvan qui, au terme de son p?riple, d?couvrira la nature du principe qui nous conduit tous, de la chair, au n?ant.</strong></p> <p>EXTRAIT</p> <p>? ma gauche, un taureau aux yeux noirs et au front court crache sa fum?e par les naseaux en murmurant des bisous et autres sucreries ? son portable. Curieusement il ne cesse de froncer ses sourcils broussailleux en prodiguant ses douceurs. Impossible de para?tre content avec des sourcils pareils. Devant moi un couple. Lui porte un toast ? elle, ≪ ? tes vingt ans ≫, au jug?, elle a d?j? du plomb oxydatif dans l’aile et doit plut?t en avoir trente-cinq ou quarante.<br /> Je me dis qu’il y a aussi ≪ une femme qui aime le bordeaux ne peut pas ?tre compl?tement mauvaise ≫, peut-?tre m?me lui souffle-t-il dans l’intimit? ≪ de quoi remplir la main d’un honn?te homme ≫, toutes ces expressions qui tra?nent dans les familles, les s?ries, les lieux de travail, qu’on ramasse ≪ histoire de dire ≫ et dont on va se servir parce qu’on n’a plus rien ? dire ou plus le courage de se dire.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>Sylvain Lapo</strong> est professeur de philosophie ? Amiens. Il collabore au journal <em>Fakir</em> depuis sa cr?ation. <em>La chair et le n?ant</em> est son premier roman.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This book started out with the most innocent of intentions until it acquired a life of it's own which left me with the impression that it had become something out of the movie, National Treasure.<br /> My 98 year old father of whom I love dearly is my oldest friend on the earth has requested I be his courier for this book.<br /> Throughout the years my father has told me many stories in detail of yesteryear and one story in particular stood out since about 1990.<br /> That story of which this book is about was an event my father witnessed around 1932 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br /> My father witnessed certain pieces of fabric upholstery being torn and taken from the original Abraham Lincoln's chair in which he was assassinated in on April 14, 1865.<br /> My father further read at that time certain original Abraham Lincoln papers that were also there that were taken, of which the contents that were described to me I found to be disturbing.<br /> The problem is, the original Abraham Lincoln's assassination chair is believed for the last 85 years since 1929 to be at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan.<br /> It is stated that Henry Ford, the automobile magnate, bought the original chair in 1929 and brought it up to Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan to be put on display and kept there ever since.<br /> Yet my 98-year-old father told me over and over again that he and his friends had seen and made contact with the original Abraham Lincoln chair in 1932 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br /> Upon my investigation, I was told from someone in the know, that the records at Independence Hall at that time, "of those that survived" were "spotty at best".<br /> So on one side of the equation stands Henry Ford's empire with all its resources and influential expert historians making claim that their chair is original while on the other side stand just my 98 year old father and myself who disagree.<br /> To begin with, I am not an historian and I say upfront that I can't compete with them nor is it my intentions to discredit them or anyone.<br /> What I am is a state licensed private investigator/private eye and a state licensed polygraph interrogator/examiner along with being a retired 25-year lawman.<br /> This is what I am and all that I make claim too.<br /> With this in mind I could not help but wonder that on one hand an automotive giant, Henry Ford, has claimed with 100% certainty since 1929, that the chair, which Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in, is in his possession and is the original assassination chair.<br /> By claiming such has allowed Henry Ford to draw millions of people to his museum to pay $20 to $45 dollars a head, at present prices, to look upon and gaze at this perceived original antique with star struck eyes.<br /> Yet my father on the other hand I know as an honest man both sane and with clear mind has never lied to me and has nothing to gain by stating, "The original chair cannot be at two places at the same time, Richard. It cannot be at Independence Hall around 1932 and at the Henry Ford Museum-Greenfield Village since 1929!"<br /> With this statement, my investigative journey began.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>This book started out with the most innocent of intentions until it acquired a life of it's own which left me with the impression that it had become something out of the movie, National Treasure.<br /> My 98 year old father of whom I love dearly is my oldest friend on the earth has requested I be his courier for this book.<br /> Throughout the years my father has told me many stories in detail of yesteryear and one story in particular stood out since about 1990.<br /> That story of which this book is about was an event my father witnessed around 1932 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br /> My father witnessed certain pieces of fabric upholstery being torn and taken from the original Abraham Lincoln's chair in which he was assassinated in on April 14, 1865.<br /> My father further read at that time certain original Abraham Lincoln papers that were also there that were taken, of which the contents that were described to me I found to be disturbing.<br /> The problem is, the original Abraham Lincoln's assassination chair is believed for the last 85 years since 1929 to be at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan.<br /> It is stated that Henry Ford, the automobile magnate, bought the original chair in 1929 and brought it up to Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan to be put on display and kept there ever since.<br /> Yet my 98-year-old father told me over and over again that he and his friends had seen and made contact with the original Abraham Lincoln chair in 1932 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br /> Upon my investigation, I was told from someone in the know, that the records at Independence Hall at that time, "of those that survived" were "spotty at best".<br /> So on one side of the equation stands Henry Ford's empire with all its resources and influential expert historians making claim that their chair is original while on the other side stand just my 98 year old father and myself who disagree.<br /> To begin with, I am not an historian and I say upfront that I can't compete with them nor is it my intentions to discredit them or anyone.<br /> What I am is a state licensed private investigator/private eye and a state licensed polygraph interrogator/examiner along with being a retired 25-year lawman.<br /> This is what I am and all that I make claim too.<br /> With this in mind I could not help but wonder that on one hand an automotive giant, Henry Ford, has claimed with 100% certainty since 1929, that the chair, which Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in, is in his possession and is the original assassination chair.<br /> By claiming such has allowed Henry Ford to draw millions of people to his museum to pay $20 to $45 dollars a head, at present prices, to look upon and gaze at this perceived original antique with star struck eyes.<br /> Yet my father on the other hand I know as an honest man both sane and with clear mind has never lied to me and has nothing to gain by stating, "The original chair cannot be at two places at the same time, Richard. It cannot be at Independence Hall around 1932 and at the Henry Ford Museum-Greenfield Village since 1929!"<br /> With this statement, my investigative journey began.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Gwen is known as someone who listens well and solves problems. Clients pay for her counsel as they sit in the purple chair and untangle their emotions and stories. Word of mouth keeps people coming to her door.</p> <p>But who listens to Gwen? Who helps solve her own problems?</p> <p>As she supports clients to heal, her own life swirls in pain. She is sliding further down. Will she ever learn to take her own advice and who will catch her if she doesn't?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Gwen is known as someone who listens well and solves problems. Clients pay for her counsel as they sit in the purple chair and untangle their emotions and stories. Word of mouth keeps people coming to her door.</p> <p>But who listens to Gwen? Who helps solve her own problems?</p> <p>As she supports clients to heal, her own life swirls in pain. She is sliding further down. Will she ever learn to take her own advice and who will catch her if she doesn't?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Hydraulic-chair Assembler画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Discover the Gentle Power of Chair Yoga: Tailored for Seniors Over 60, this soothing practice offers a perfect blend of relaxation, flexibility, and rejuvenation. Experience the joy of movement and the tranquility of breath, all from the comfort of your chair. Embrace a journey towards holistic well-being that nurtures both body and spirit, empowering you to thrive at any age.<br /> Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, Chair Yoga for Seniors provides a safe and accessible way to reap the numerous benefits of yoga practice. With modified poses and gentle stretches, you'll enhance flexibility, improve balance, and reduce stress, all while honoring your body's unique needs and limitations. Join us on this enriching journey towards greater vitality, serenity, and joy in life</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Discover the Gentle Power of Chair Yoga: Tailored for Seniors Over 60, this soothing practice offers a perfect blend of relaxation, flexibility, and rejuvenation. Experience the joy of movement and the tranquility of breath, all from the comfort of your chair. Embrace a journey towards holistic well-being that nurtures both body and spirit, empowering you to thrive at any age.<br /> Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, Chair Yoga for Seniors provides a safe and accessible way to reap the numerous benefits of yoga practice. With modified poses and gentle stretches, you'll enhance flexibility, improve balance, and reduce stress, all while honoring your body's unique needs and limitations. Join us on this enriching journey towards greater vitality, serenity, and joy in life</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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やしろ学/著シリウスKC本[コミック]詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください出版社名講談社出版年月2024年05月サイズ191P 19cmISBNコード9784065354476コミック マニア 講談社 シリウスKC戦車椅子-TANK CHAIR- 6タンク チエア 6 6 センシヤ イス 6 6 TANK/CHAIR 6 6 シリウス ケ-シ- シリウス/KC※ページ内の情報は告知なく変更になることがあります。
やしろ学/著シリウスKC本[コミック]詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください出版社名講談社出版年月2024年05月サイズ191P 19cmISBNコード9784065354476コミック マニア 講談社 シリウスKC戦車椅子-TANK CHAIR- 6タンク チエア 6 6 センシヤ イス 6 6 TANK/CHAIR 6 6 シリウス ケ-シ- シリウス/KC※ページ内の情報は告知なく変更になることがあります。
ヨアン・グリフィズ ウィリアム・ウィルバーフォース ロモーラ・ガライ バーバラ・スプーナー ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ ウィリアム・ピット アルバート・フィニー ジョン・ニュート JAN 4907953046016 品 番 10DRJ20571 出 演 ヨアン・グリフィズ(ウィリアム・ウィルバーフォース)/ロモーラ・ガライ(バーバラ・スプーナー)/ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ(ウィリアム・ピット)/アルバート・フィニー(ジョン・ニュートン)/ルーファス・シーウェル(トーマス・クラークソン)/ユッスー・ンドゥール(オラウダ・エキアノ)/マイケル・ガンボン(チャールズ・ジェームズ・フォックス卿)/キアラン・ハインズ/トビー・ジョーンズ 監 督 マイケル・アプテッド 制作年、時間 2006年 118分 製作国 イギリス メーカー等 ハピネット・ピクチャーズ ジャンル 洋画/ドラマ/実話/感動 【泣ける 号泣】 カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-12-27】【あらすじ】18世紀のイギリス。
ヨアン・グリフィズ ウィリアム・ウィルバーフォース ロモーラ・ガライ バーバラ・スプーナー ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ ウィリアム・ピット アルバート・フィニー ジョン・ニュート
JAN 4907953046016 品 番 10DRJ20571 出 演 ヨアン・グリフィズ(ウィリアム・ウィルバーフォース)/ロモーラ・ガライ(バーバラ・スプーナー)/ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ(ウィリアム・ピット)/アルバート・フィニー(ジョン・ニュートン)/ルーファス・シーウェル(トーマス・クラークソン)/ユッスー・ンドゥール(オラウダ・エキアノ)/マイケル・ガンボン(チャールズ・ジェームズ・フォックス卿)/キアラン・ハインズ/トビー・ジョーンズ 監 督 マイケル・アプテッド 制作年、時間 2006年 118分 製作国 イギリス メーカー等 ハピネット・ピクチャーズ ジャンル 洋画/ドラマ/実話/感動 【泣ける 号泣】 カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-12-27】【あらすじ】18世紀のイギリス。