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[本・音楽] GPSの商品検索結果

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Girl In The Water A completely gripping, page-turning psychological thriller from J.A. Baker【電子書籍】[ J A Baker ]
    The Girl In The Water A completely gripping, page-turning psychological thriller from J.A. Baker【電子書籍】[ J A Baker ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>An unmissable psychological thriller from bestselling author J.A. Baker.</strong></p> <p>When Phoebe and her disabled husband, Martyn, move into a new house in a quiet village, they plan to lead a quiet existence, to keep themselves to themselves. It’s safer that way.</p> <p>But their new neighbour Anna is bored of spending her days alone. She seeks friendship with Phoebe ? even though she knows there is something strange about the new couple. What is Phoebe hiding and why are she and her husband so reclusive?</p> <p>Phoebe makes it clear to Anna that she doesn’t want her friendship, that it’s safer for Anna to stay away. Haunted by her past, Phoebe fears that Anna’s arrival in her life may prove to be the catalyst for her undoing.</p> <p>Then Anna gets caught in a storm and is thrown into the river. As the waters rise, she is rescued by Phoebe…and that’s when the truth about her new friend surfaces with deadly results.</p> <p><strong>J.A. Baker is the best-selling author of Local Girl Missing, The Last wife and The Woman in the Woods.</strong></p> <p><strong>What people are saying about J.A. Baker...</strong></p> <p>'Superbly written with a cast of crazy characters who will make you look differently at your co-workers from now on.’ Bestselling author <strong>Valerie Keogh</strong></p> <p>'Fast-paced, riveting thriller. Gripped until the last page!' Bestselling author <strong>Diana Wilkinson</strong></p> <p>'A twisty, creepy story expertly told. Perfect for reading on dark winter evenings…with the doors double-locked and bolted. Highly recommended!' Bestselling author <strong>Amanda James</strong></p> <p><em>Please Note, this book was previously published as Undercurrent</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>An unmissable psychological thriller from bestselling author J.A. Baker.</strong></p> <p>When Phoebe and her disabled husband, Martyn, move into a new house in a quiet village, they plan to lead a quiet existence, to keep themselves to themselves. It’s safer that way.</p> <p>But their new neighbour Anna is bored of spending her days alone. She seeks friendship with Phoebe ? even though she knows there is something strange about the new couple. What is Phoebe hiding and why are she and her husband so reclusive?</p> <p>Phoebe makes it clear to Anna that she doesn’t want her friendship, that it’s safer for Anna to stay away. Haunted by her past, Phoebe fears that Anna’s arrival in her life may prove to be the catalyst for her undoing.</p> <p>Then Anna gets caught in a storm and is thrown into the river. As the waters rise, she is rescued by Phoebe…and that’s when the truth about her new friend surfaces with deadly results.</p> <p><strong>J.A. Baker is the best-selling author of Local Girl Missing, The Last wife and The Woman in the Woods.</strong></p> <p><strong>What people are saying about J.A. Baker...</strong></p> <p>'Superbly written with a cast of crazy characters who will make you look differently at your co-workers from now on.’ Bestselling author <strong>Valerie Keogh</strong></p> <p>'Fast-paced, riveting thriller. Gripped until the last page!' Bestselling author <strong>Diana Wilkinson</strong></p> <p>'A twisty, creepy story expertly told. Perfect for reading on dark winter evenings…with the doors double-locked and bolted. Highly recommended!' Bestselling author <strong>Amanda James</strong></p> <p><em>Please Note, this book was previously published as Undercurrent</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアMissing A totally unputdownable, gripping psychological thriller from Ruby Speechley【電子書籍】[ Ruby Speechley ]
    Missing A totally unputdownable, gripping psychological thriller from Ruby Speechley【電子書籍】[ Ruby Speechley ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Single mum Ellie is shown a missing person post on Facebook.<br /> It’s of her three-year-old son, Tyler…<br /> But he’s right there, holding her hand.</strong></p> <p>Surely this is some kind of prank ? she knows her friend Louise can go too far with her jokes sometimes. And Ellie is used to the other mums gossiping at the school gates…</p> <p>But now the other parents are questioning whether Tyler is really her child.</p> <p>Ellie does everything she can to prove the post is fake, but the longer it goes on she knows it is malicious. Who would do this to her? And why?</p> <p>It could be her ex, Darren, but deep down she knows it must be linked to what happened all those years ago ? the night she’s been doing her best to forget…</p> <p><strong>All she knows is that she has to keep her son safe ? no matter what.</strong></p> <p>-</p> <p>'I loved it, <strong>couldn't put it down</strong> and read it in two sittings...' Rebecca De Winter, author of <em>Best Friends</em></p> <p>‘Ruby Speechley takes the essential elements of a thriller - suspense, action and a touch of darkness - and deftly mixes them into an immensely readable story... <strong>Fast-paced and engrossing</strong>, <em>Missing</em> is a great page-turner.’ Sarah Edghill, author of <em>The Bad Wife</em></p> <p>‘I thoroughly enjoyed this <strong>gripping and twisty page-turner</strong>’ Caroline England, author of <em>The Stranger Beside Me</em></p> <p>‘The very epitome of <strong>page-turner with a chilling storyline</strong> that grips from the first and kept me guessing right up to the <strong>heart-racing denouement</strong>.’ A. A. Chaudhuri, author of <em>The Final Party</em></p> <p>'A <strong>dark and disturbing thriller</strong> that had me desperate to read just one more chapter. A cast of shady characters, a secret Ellie doesn't want to expose, and an unseen threat to her son all make for a <strong>twisted thriller</strong> that I thoroughly enjoyed.' M A Hunter, author of <em>Adrift</em></p> <p>'I <strong>raced through this pacy thriller</strong> in two days and it was a <strong>wild ride</strong>. I had no idea where the author was taking me, but I knew I wanted to follow her there.' Laura Pearson, author of <em>The Last List of Mabel Beaumont</em></p> <p>'The reader will keep the pages turning until the very end for the answers to this <strong>addictive</strong> psychological suspense where absolutely no one can be trusted. <strong>Each reveal is more shocking than the last</strong>...' Louise Mangos, author of <em>Strangers on a Bridge</em></p> <p>'Such a <strong>tense, assured & compelling</strong> thriller. Gripped from the first page, I was <strong>holding my breath</strong> and rooting for poor Ellie as I raced to the end... highly recommended!' Jane Isaac, author of <em>In the Shadows</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Single mum Ellie is shown a missing person post on Facebook.<br /> It’s of her three-year-old son, Tyler…<br /> But he’s right there, holding her hand.</strong></p> <p>Surely this is some kind of prank ? she knows her friend Louise can go too far with her jokes sometimes. And Ellie is used to the other mums gossiping at the school gates…</p> <p>But now the other parents are questioning whether Tyler is really her child.</p> <p>Ellie does everything she can to prove the post is fake, but the longer it goes on she knows it is malicious. Who would do this to her? And why?</p> <p>It could be her ex, Darren, but deep down she knows it must be linked to what happened all those years ago ? the night she’s been doing her best to forget…</p> <p><strong>All she knows is that she has to keep her son safe ? no matter what.</strong></p> <p>-</p> <p>'I loved it, <strong>couldn't put it down</strong> and read it in two sittings...' Rebecca De Winter, author of <em>Best Friends</em></p> <p>‘Ruby Speechley takes the essential elements of a thriller - suspense, action and a touch of darkness - and deftly mixes them into an immensely readable story... <strong>Fast-paced and engrossing</strong>, <em>Missing</em> is a great page-turner.’ Sarah Edghill, author of <em>The Bad Wife</em></p> <p>‘I thoroughly enjoyed this <strong>gripping and twisty page-turner</strong>’ Caroline England, author of <em>The Stranger Beside Me</em></p> <p>‘The very epitome of <strong>page-turner with a chilling storyline</strong> that grips from the first and kept me guessing right up to the <strong>heart-racing denouement</strong>.’ A. A. Chaudhuri, author of <em>The Final Party</em></p> <p>'A <strong>dark and disturbing thriller</strong> that had me desperate to read just one more chapter. A cast of shady characters, a secret Ellie doesn't want to expose, and an unseen threat to her son all make for a <strong>twisted thriller</strong> that I thoroughly enjoyed.' M A Hunter, author of <em>Adrift</em></p> <p>'I <strong>raced through this pacy thriller</strong> in two days and it was a <strong>wild ride</strong>. I had no idea where the author was taking me, but I knew I wanted to follow her there.' Laura Pearson, author of <em>The Last List of Mabel Beaumont</em></p> <p>'The reader will keep the pages turning until the very end for the answers to this <strong>addictive</strong> psychological suspense where absolutely no one can be trusted. <strong>Each reveal is more shocking than the last</strong>...' Louise Mangos, author of <em>Strangers on a Bridge</em></p> <p>'Such a <strong>tense, assured & compelling</strong> thriller. Gripped from the first page, I was <strong>holding my breath</strong> and rooting for poor Ellie as I raced to the end... highly recommended!' Jane Isaac, author of <em>In the Shadows</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Quiet One A completely addictive, page-turning psychological thriller from J.A. Baker【電子書籍】[ J A Baker ]
    The Quiet One A completely addictive, page-turning psychological thriller from J.A. Baker【電子書籍】[ J A Baker ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<h2>Looking for a psychological drama which will have you gripped? Then you will love the unmissable The Quiet One from best-selling author J.A. Baker!</h2> <p><strong>Can you ever escape the past?</strong></p> <p>Stella and her partner Wade appear to have the perfect life. They have a lovely home and Stella loves her job as a teacher in a local secondary school. But when Stella starts to receive a series of threatening letters, her life takes a sinister turn.</p> <p>Determined to find out who is behind the threats, Stella is forced to examine her own dark past. And all evidence points to a man with whom she had a one-night stand. A man Wade knows nothing about…</p> <p>Deciding to confront him, Stella discovers the man knows nothing about the letters, forcing her to look even closer to home and a secret she had hoped would stay hidden.</p> <p>Meanwhile, the threats escalate and Stella fears her perfect life is about to come crashing down.</p> <p>But who is behind the campaign of hate and why?</p> <p><strong>Stella is about to find out…</strong></p> <p><strong>J.A. Baker is the best-selling author of Local Girl Missing, The Last wife and The Woman in the Woods.</strong></p> <p><strong>What people are saying about J.A. Baker...</strong></p> <p>'Superbly written with a cast of crazy characters who will make you look differently at your co-workers from now on.’ Bestselling author <strong>Valerie Keogh</strong></p> <p>'Fast-paced, riveting thriller. Gripped until the last page!' Bestselling author <strong>Diana Wilkinson</strong></p> <p>'A twisty, creepy story expertly told. Perfect for reading on dark winter evenings…with the doors double-locked and bolted. Highly recommended!' Bestselling author <strong>Amanda James</strong></p> <p><em>Please Note, this book was previously published as The Girl I Used To Be</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <h2>Looking for a psychological drama which will have you gripped? Then you will love the unmissable The Quiet One from best-selling author J.A. Baker!</h2> <p><strong>Can you ever escape the past?</strong></p> <p>Stella and her partner Wade appear to have the perfect life. They have a lovely home and Stella loves her job as a teacher in a local secondary school. But when Stella starts to receive a series of threatening letters, her life takes a sinister turn.</p> <p>Determined to find out who is behind the threats, Stella is forced to examine her own dark past. And all evidence points to a man with whom she had a one-night stand. A man Wade knows nothing about…</p> <p>Deciding to confront him, Stella discovers the man knows nothing about the letters, forcing her to look even closer to home and a secret she had hoped would stay hidden.</p> <p>Meanwhile, the threats escalate and Stella fears her perfect life is about to come crashing down.</p> <p>But who is behind the campaign of hate and why?</p> <p><strong>Stella is about to find out…</strong></p> <p><strong>J.A. Baker is the best-selling author of Local Girl Missing, The Last wife and The Woman in the Woods.</strong></p> <p><strong>What people are saying about J.A. Baker...</strong></p> <p>'Superbly written with a cast of crazy characters who will make you look differently at your co-workers from now on.’ Bestselling author <strong>Valerie Keogh</strong></p> <p>'Fast-paced, riveting thriller. Gripped until the last page!' Bestselling author <strong>Diana Wilkinson</strong></p> <p>'A twisty, creepy story expertly told. Perfect for reading on dark winter evenings…with the doors double-locked and bolted. Highly recommended!' Bestselling author <strong>Amanda James</strong></p> <p><em>Please Note, this book was previously published as The Girl I Used To Be</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアWe Were Sisters An absolutely gripping psychological thriller【電子書籍】[ Wendy Clarke ]
    We Were Sisters An absolutely gripping psychological thriller【電子書籍】[ Wendy Clarke ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><b>I turn to where I left my baby in his pushchair and pull up short. With a racing heart, I look around wildly, fear gripping my stomach. I only looked away for a moment. The pushchair and my baby are gone. </b></p> <p><b>Kelly</b> is taking her twin daughters to their first day of school, ushering them into the classroom, her heart breaking to think they might not need her any more, when she turns around and sees that her newborn baby is gone.</p> <p>As a desperate search ensues, baby Noah is quickly found ? parked in front of a different classroom. But when Kelly reaches forward to comfort him, she finds something tucked in the side of his blanket. A locket that belonged to her sister Freya. A locket Kelly hasn’t seen since the day Freya died.</p> <p><b>And then Kelly’s perfectly-ordered life begins to unravel…</b></p> <p></p> <p><b><i>We Were Sisters</i></b><b> is a heart-pounding suspense thriller that will grip you until the very last page. Fans of <i>Behind Closed Doors</i>, <i>Gone Girl </i>and <i>The Girl on the Train</i> won’t be able to stop reading this incredible book.</b></p> <h2><b>What readers are saying about <i>We Were Sisters</i>:</b></h2> <p>‘<b>I started reading it and</b> <b>didn't stop reading until 2 am. It was impossible to put down</b>… thrilling and mysterious the entire way and by the end, <b>my jaw dropped. </b>The ending wasn't something I expected at all.’ <i>Living My Best Book Life, </i>5 stars</p> <p>‘I couldn’t wait to get to the next chapter to find out what happened next. <b>I just couldn’t get enough of this book and stayed up all night reading.</b> I absolutely loved this book.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Had me on the edge of my seat and my heart pounding throughout!!</b> From suspected murder to manipulation to kidnapping <b>you definitely won't be disappointed!!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘I loved this book from start to finish… <b>I was kept on my toes</b> trying to work out how the pieces fitted together, at one point I was so convinced I’d cracked it that <b>I actually gasped out loud! And yet I still didn't see the ending coming</b>… Once I started I couldn’t put it down until I had finished.’ <i>Four More Chapters, </i>5 stars</p> <p>‘Another page-turner from an author whose books <b>I will jump at any opportunity to read</b>… This one did not disappoint and kept me fully engaged until the final page… <b>compelling</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘Definitely a thriller that I didn't want to put down… <b>You won't want to stop reading this book once you start!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘What an amazing breath of fresh air!! <b>I've been waiting so long for a book like this.</b>’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Incredibly suspenseful</b> and kept me guessing until almost the very last page.’ <i>Cay Costa</i></p> <p>‘<b>Drew me right in from the first pages</b>… <b>full of twists and turns</b>… A book that kept me up late guessing to the end.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Very twisty and very emotional</b>… this book keeps you wanting to read till the last page, I so loved this story. Highly recommend.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Loved this book…</b> Gripping and well written. Another great <b>author to add to my list of must reads</b>. <b>A brilliant book</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘I really enjoyed this, it was <b>fast-paced</b> with a compelling narrative. I found myself getting dragged into the narrator’s own doubts about her sanity, and <b>the ending was not what I expected. Couldn’t put it down!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘A <b>fantastic and engrossing</b> thriller. <b>I could not put it down</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><b>I turn to where I left my baby in his pushchair and pull up short. With a racing heart, I look around wildly, fear gripping my stomach. I only looked away for a moment. The pushchair and my baby are gone. </b></p> <p><b>Kelly</b> is taking her twin daughters to their first day of school, ushering them into the classroom, her heart breaking to think they might not need her any more, when she turns around and sees that her newborn baby is gone.</p> <p>As a desperate search ensues, baby Noah is quickly found ? parked in front of a different classroom. But when Kelly reaches forward to comfort him, she finds something tucked in the side of his blanket. A locket that belonged to her sister Freya. A locket Kelly hasn’t seen since the day Freya died.</p> <p><b>And then Kelly’s perfectly-ordered life begins to unravel…</b></p> <p></p> <p><b><i>We Were Sisters</i></b><b> is a heart-pounding suspense thriller that will grip you until the very last page. Fans of <i>Behind Closed Doors</i>, <i>Gone Girl </i>and <i>The Girl on the Train</i> won’t be able to stop reading this incredible book.</b></p> <h2><b>What readers are saying about <i>We Were Sisters</i>:</b></h2> <p>‘<b>I started reading it and</b> <b>didn't stop reading until 2 am. It was impossible to put down</b>… thrilling and mysterious the entire way and by the end, <b>my jaw dropped. </b>The ending wasn't something I expected at all.’ <i>Living My Best Book Life, </i>5 stars</p> <p>‘I couldn’t wait to get to the next chapter to find out what happened next. <b>I just couldn’t get enough of this book and stayed up all night reading.</b> I absolutely loved this book.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Had me on the edge of my seat and my heart pounding throughout!!</b> From suspected murder to manipulation to kidnapping <b>you definitely won't be disappointed!!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘I loved this book from start to finish… <b>I was kept on my toes</b> trying to work out how the pieces fitted together, at one point I was so convinced I’d cracked it that <b>I actually gasped out loud! And yet I still didn't see the ending coming</b>… Once I started I couldn’t put it down until I had finished.’ <i>Four More Chapters, </i>5 stars</p> <p>‘Another page-turner from an author whose books <b>I will jump at any opportunity to read</b>… This one did not disappoint and kept me fully engaged until the final page… <b>compelling</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘Definitely a thriller that I didn't want to put down… <b>You won't want to stop reading this book once you start!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘What an amazing breath of fresh air!! <b>I've been waiting so long for a book like this.</b>’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Incredibly suspenseful</b> and kept me guessing until almost the very last page.’ <i>Cay Costa</i></p> <p>‘<b>Drew me right in from the first pages</b>… <b>full of twists and turns</b>… A book that kept me up late guessing to the end.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Very twisty and very emotional</b>… this book keeps you wanting to read till the last page, I so loved this story. Highly recommend.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p> <p>‘<b>Loved this book…</b> Gripping and well written. Another great <b>author to add to my list of must reads</b>. <b>A brilliant book</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘I really enjoyed this, it was <b>fast-paced</b> with a compelling narrative. I found myself getting dragged into the narrator’s own doubts about her sanity, and <b>the ending was not what I expected. Couldn’t put it down!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘A <b>fantastic and engrossing</b> thriller. <b>I could not put it down</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアNeuro Sproglig Programmering - Overtalelsesteknikker Komplet Guide til at L?re at Overtale, P?virke og Manipulere Mennesker ved Hj?lp af Sprogmodeller og Psykologiske Teknikker【電子書籍】[ James M. Blackford ]
    Neuro Sproglig Programmering - Overtalelsesteknikker Komplet Guide til at L?re at Overtale, P?virke og Manipulere Mennesker ved Hj?lp af Sprogmodeller og Psykologiske Teknikker【電子書籍】[ James M. Blackford ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Vil du vide m?rk psykologi og dens grundl?ggende?</strong></p> <p><strong>Vil du mestre manipulationsteknikker for at p?virke mennesker?</strong></p> <p><strong>F?ler du, at nogen manipulerer dig, og du vil forsvare dig selv?</strong></p> <p>Hvis du vil kende den menneskelige psyke i dybden, l?re at mestre, genkende og forsvare dig mod mental manipulation, skal du l?se videre for at se vigtigheden af de ting, du vil l?re med denne bog.</p> <p>Med Psicologia Om?rk mener vi de teknikker, der bruges til at manipulere og overtale mennesker. Disse teknikker kan bruges b?de negativt mod os, men ogs? positivt i vores daglige liv for at f? accept og v?re mere indflydelsesrige socialt eller p? arbejdspladsen.</p> <p>Derfor er det n?dvendigt at forst? disse teknikker b?de for at undg? at blive ofre for dem, der anvender dem, og for at forbedre vores tilstand af menneskelige relationer.</p> <p><em>I DENNE BOG L?RER DU</em>:</p> <p><strong>GRUNDLAGET FOR M?RK PSYKOLOGI OG DETS HISTORISKE OG VIDENSKABELIGE GRUNDLAG.<br /> MENTAL MANIPULATION TEKNIKKER<br /> ANERKEND OG FORSVAR DIG MOD MANIPULATORER, DER P?VIRKER DIT LIV NEGATIVT</strong></p> <p><strong>AKTIVT BRUGE MENTAL MANIPULATION TIL AT FORBEDRE ENS SOCIALE OG ARBEJDSLIV</strong></p> <p><strong>AKTIVE OG PASSIVE H?NDTERINGSTEKNIKKER</strong></p> <p>Psykologi og manipulation, sammen med de enkle og praktiske teknikker, som du finder i bogen, vil hj?lpe dig med at forbedre din levevilk?r og forholde dig bedre til alle.</p> <p><strong>HVIS DU VIL VIDE MERE OG ?NSKER AT GENVINDE KONTROLLEN OVER DIG SELV OG DIT LIV, SKAL DU IKKE VENTE ... G? TILBAGE TIL TOPPEN AF SIDEN OG KLIK P? "K?B NU!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Vil du vide m?rk psykologi og dens grundl?ggende?</strong></p> <p><strong>Vil du mestre manipulationsteknikker for at p?virke mennesker?</strong></p> <p><strong>F?ler du, at nogen manipulerer dig, og du vil forsvare dig selv?</strong></p> <p>Hvis du vil kende den menneskelige psyke i dybden, l?re at mestre, genkende og forsvare dig mod mental manipulation, skal du l?se videre for at se vigtigheden af de ting, du vil l?re med denne bog.</p> <p>Med Psicologia Om?rk mener vi de teknikker, der bruges til at manipulere og overtale mennesker. Disse teknikker kan bruges b?de negativt mod os, men ogs? positivt i vores daglige liv for at f? accept og v?re mere indflydelsesrige socialt eller p? arbejdspladsen.</p> <p>Derfor er det n?dvendigt at forst? disse teknikker b?de for at undg? at blive ofre for dem, der anvender dem, og for at forbedre vores tilstand af menneskelige relationer.</p> <p><em>I DENNE BOG L?RER DU</em>:</p> <p><strong>GRUNDLAGET FOR M?RK PSYKOLOGI OG DETS HISTORISKE OG VIDENSKABELIGE GRUNDLAG.<br /> MENTAL MANIPULATION TEKNIKKER<br /> ANERKEND OG FORSVAR DIG MOD MANIPULATORER, DER P?VIRKER DIT LIV NEGATIVT</strong></p> <p><strong>AKTIVT BRUGE MENTAL MANIPULATION TIL AT FORBEDRE ENS SOCIALE OG ARBEJDSLIV</strong></p> <p><strong>AKTIVE OG PASSIVE H?NDTERINGSTEKNIKKER</strong></p> <p>Psykologi og manipulation, sammen med de enkle og praktiske teknikker, som du finder i bogen, vil hj?lpe dig med at forbedre din levevilk?r og forholde dig bedre til alle.</p> <p><strong>HVIS DU VIL VIDE MERE OG ?NSKER AT GENVINDE KONTROLLEN OVER DIG SELV OG DIT LIV, SKAL DU IKKE VENTE ... G? TILBAGE TIL TOPPEN AF SIDEN OG KLIK P? "K?B NU!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアNevro Lingvistisk Programmering - Overtalelse Teknikker Komplett Veiledning for ? L?re Hvordan du Kan Overtale, P?virke og Manipulere Mennesker Ved ? Bruke Spr?kmodeller og Psykologiske Teknikker【電子書籍】[ James M. Blackford ]
    Nevro Lingvistisk Programmering - Overtalelse Teknikker Komplett Veiledning for ? L?re Hvordan du Kan Overtale, P?virke og Manipulere Mennesker Ved ? Bruke Spr?kmodeller og Psykologiske Teknikker【電子書籍】[ James M. Blackford ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Vil du vite m?rk psykologi og dens grunnleggende?</strong></p> <p><strong>Vil du mestre manipulasjonsteknikker for ? p?virke mennesker?</strong></p> <p><strong>F?ler du at noen manipulerer deg og du vil forsvare deg selv?</strong></p> <p>Hvis du vil kjenne den menneskelige psyke i dybden, l?r ? mestre, gjenkjenne og forsvare deg mot mental manipulasjon, les videre for ? se viktigheten av de tingene du vil l?re med denne boken.</p> <p>Med M?rk Psykologi mener vi teknikkene som brukes til ? manipulere og overtale folk. Disse teknikkene kan brukes b?de negativt mot oss, men ogs? positivt i v?rt daglige liv for ? f? aksept og v?re mer innflytelsesrike sosialt eller p? jobb.</p> <p>Derfor er det n?dvendig ? forst? disse teknikkene b?de for ? unng? ? bli ofre for de som bruker dem, og for ? forbedre v?r tilstand av menneskelige relasjoner.</p> <p><em>I DENNE BOKEN L?RER DU</em>:</p> <p><strong>GRUNNLAGET FOR M?RK PSYKOLOGI OG DENS HISTORISKE OG VITENSKAPELIGE GRUNNLAG.<br /> MENTAL MANIPULASJON TEKNIKKER<br /> ANERKJENN OG FORSVAR DEG MOT MANIPULATORER SOM NEGATIVT P?VIRKER LIVET DITT<br /> AKTIVT BRUKE MENTAL MANIPULASJON FOR ? FORBEDRE ENS SOSIALE OG ARBEIDSLIV<br /> AKTIVE OG PASSIVE H?NDTERINGSTEKNIKKER</strong></p> <p>Psykologi og manipulasjon, sammen med de enkle og praktiske teknikkene du finner i boken, vil hjelpe deg med ? forbedre levek?rene dine og forholde deg bedre til alle.</p> <p><strong>HVIS DU VIL VITE MER OG VIL GJENVINNE KONTROLLEN OVER DEG SELV OG LIVET DITT, IKKE VENT ... G? TILBAKE TIL TOPPEN AV SIDEN OG KLIKK P? "KJ?P N?!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Vil du vite m?rk psykologi og dens grunnleggende?</strong></p> <p><strong>Vil du mestre manipulasjonsteknikker for ? p?virke mennesker?</strong></p> <p><strong>F?ler du at noen manipulerer deg og du vil forsvare deg selv?</strong></p> <p>Hvis du vil kjenne den menneskelige psyke i dybden, l?r ? mestre, gjenkjenne og forsvare deg mot mental manipulasjon, les videre for ? se viktigheten av de tingene du vil l?re med denne boken.</p> <p>Med M?rk Psykologi mener vi teknikkene som brukes til ? manipulere og overtale folk. Disse teknikkene kan brukes b?de negativt mot oss, men ogs? positivt i v?rt daglige liv for ? f? aksept og v?re mer innflytelsesrike sosialt eller p? jobb.</p> <p>Derfor er det n?dvendig ? forst? disse teknikkene b?de for ? unng? ? bli ofre for de som bruker dem, og for ? forbedre v?r tilstand av menneskelige relasjoner.</p> <p><em>I DENNE BOKEN L?RER DU</em>:</p> <p><strong>GRUNNLAGET FOR M?RK PSYKOLOGI OG DENS HISTORISKE OG VITENSKAPELIGE GRUNNLAG.<br /> MENTAL MANIPULASJON TEKNIKKER<br /> ANERKJENN OG FORSVAR DEG MOT MANIPULATORER SOM NEGATIVT P?VIRKER LIVET DITT<br /> AKTIVT BRUKE MENTAL MANIPULASJON FOR ? FORBEDRE ENS SOSIALE OG ARBEIDSLIV<br /> AKTIVE OG PASSIVE H?NDTERINGSTEKNIKKER</strong></p> <p>Psykologi og manipulasjon, sammen med de enkle og praktiske teknikkene du finner i boken, vil hjelpe deg med ? forbedre levek?rene dine og forholde deg bedre til alle.</p> <p><strong>HVIS DU VIL VITE MER OG VIL GJENVINNE KONTROLLEN OVER DEG SELV OG LIVET DITT, IKKE VENT ... G? TILBAKE TIL TOPPEN AV SIDEN OG KLIKK P? "KJ?P N?!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアPrequel & Discussions Of The Perfect Son A gripping psychological thriller with a breathtaking twist By Freida McFadden【電子書籍】[ 30-Minutes Read ]
    Prequel & Discussions Of The Perfect Son A gripping psychological thriller with a breathtaking twist By Freida McFadden【電子書籍】[ 30-Minutes Read ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>"Mrs. Cass, we were hoping your son could answer a few questions about the girl who disappeared last night..."</strong></p> <p>Erika Cass has a perfect family and a perfect life. Until the evening when two detectives show up at her front door.</p> <p>A high school girl has vanished from Erika's quiet suburban neighborhood. The police suspect the worst--murder. And Erika's teenage son, Liam, was the last person to see the girl alive.</p> <p>Erika has always sensed something dark and disturbed in her seemingly perfect older child. She wants to believe he's innocent, but as the evidence mounts, she can't deny the truth--Liam may have done the unthinkable.</p> <p>**Now she must ask herself:</p> <p>How far will she go to protect her son?**</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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    <p><strong>"Mrs. Cass, we were hoping your son could answer a few questions about the girl who disappeared last night..."</strong></p> <p>Erika Cass has a perfect family and a perfect life. Until the evening when two detectives show up at her front door.</p> <p>A high school girl has vanished from Erika's quiet suburban neighborhood. The police suspect the worst--murder. And Erika's teenage son, Liam, was the last person to see the girl alive.</p> <p>Erika has always sensed something dark and disturbed in her seemingly perfect older child. She wants to believe he's innocent, but as the evidence mounts, she can't deny the truth--Liam may have done the unthinkable.</p> <p>**Now she must ask herself:</p> <p>How far will she go to protect her son?**</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアPsilocybin Mushrooms A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn the Effective Process of Growing Psilocybin Mushrooms Indoors and Outdoors【電子書籍】[ Edward Lewis ]
    Psilocybin Mushrooms A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn the Effective Process of Growing Psilocybin Mushrooms Indoors and Outdoors【電子書籍】[ Edward Lewis ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Psilocybin mushrooms are also fondly called shrooms or magic shrooms, and there's a reason they're gaining a lot of popularity these days. They can serve several great uses for mental health and spiritual awakening. In this book, you will learn about the wonderful world of shrooms and how you can grow them yourself.</p> <p>If you take your time to go through all the available information on the internet about how to grow your shrooms, you will find there's so much information that it will leave you stuck in analysis paralysis. What's the best way to go about growing your shrooms? What are the pros and cons? Will a certain method work for growing them indoors as well as outdoors?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Psilocybin mushrooms are also fondly called shrooms or magic shrooms, and there's a reason they're gaining a lot of popularity these days. They can serve several great uses for mental health and spiritual awakening. In this book, you will learn about the wonderful world of shrooms and how you can grow them yourself.</p> <p>If you take your time to go through all the available information on the internet about how to grow your shrooms, you will find there's so much information that it will leave you stuck in analysis paralysis. What's the best way to go about growing your shrooms? What are the pros and cons? Will a certain method work for growing them indoors as well as outdoors?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアTrading Psychology 2. 0【電子書籍】[ Steenbarger Brett N ]
    Trading Psychology 2. 0【電子書籍】[ Steenbarger Brett N ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Practical trading psychology insight that can be put to work today Trading Psychology 2.0 is a comprehensive guide to applying the science of psychology to the art of trading. Veteran trading psychologist and bestselling author Brett Steenbarger offers critical advice and proven techniques to help interested traders better understand the markets, with practical takeaways that can be implemented immediately. Academic research is presented in an accessible, understandable, engaging way that makes it relevant for practical traders, and examples, illustrations, and case studies bring the ideas and techniques to life. Interactive features keep readers engaged and involved, including a blog offering ever-expanding content, and a Twitter feed for quick tips. Contributions from market bloggers, authors, and experts bring fresh perspectives to the topic, and Steenbarger draws upon his own experience in psychology and statistical modeling as an active trader to offer insight into the practical aspect of trading psychology. Trading psychology is one of the few topics that are equally relevant to day traders and active investors, market makers and portfolio managers, and traders in different markets around the globe. Many firms hire trading coaches, but this book provides a coach in print, accessible 24 7 no matter what the market is doing. Understand the research at the core of trading psychology Examine the ways in which psychology is applied in real-world trading Implement practical tips immediately to see first-hand results Gain the perspective and insight of veteran traders who apply these techniques daily While markets may differ in scale, scope, and activity, humans remain human, with all the inherent behavioral tendencies. Studying the market from the human perspective gives traders insight into how human behavior drives market behavior. Trading Psychology 2.0 gives traders an edge, with expert guidance and practical advice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Practical trading psychology insight that can be put to work today Trading Psychology 2.0 is a comprehensive guide to applying the science of psychology to the art of trading. Veteran trading psychologist and bestselling author Brett Steenbarger offers critical advice and proven techniques to help interested traders better understand the markets, with practical takeaways that can be implemented immediately. Academic research is presented in an accessible, understandable, engaging way that makes it relevant for practical traders, and examples, illustrations, and case studies bring the ideas and techniques to life. Interactive features keep readers engaged and involved, including a blog offering ever-expanding content, and a Twitter feed for quick tips. Contributions from market bloggers, authors, and experts bring fresh perspectives to the topic, and Steenbarger draws upon his own experience in psychology and statistical modeling as an active trader to offer insight into the practical aspect of trading psychology. Trading psychology is one of the few topics that are equally relevant to day traders and active investors, market makers and portfolio managers, and traders in different markets around the globe. Many firms hire trading coaches, but this book provides a coach in print, accessible 24 7 no matter what the market is doing. Understand the research at the core of trading psychology Examine the ways in which psychology is applied in real-world trading Implement practical tips immediately to see first-hand results Gain the perspective and insight of veteran traders who apply these techniques daily While markets may differ in scale, scope, and activity, humans remain human, with all the inherent behavioral tendencies. Studying the market from the human perspective gives traders insight into how human behavior drives market behavior. Trading Psychology 2.0 gives traders an edge, with expert guidance and practical advice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天デイシン プライム絵画風 AIアート ポスター 「Vivi」
    絵画風 AIアート ポスター 「Vivi」
    楽天デイシン プライム

    24〜59 cm 角 オリジナル コンピュータ アート画像AI アート作成用のプログラム がデザインした画家風のアートポスターです.そのプログラムに「by vivi」ということば (prompt) をあたえてデザインさせました. AI アートでは通常 A6 サイズ相当くらい (縦横 500〜1000 ピクセルくらい) の荒い画像しかつくれないので,超解像という技術をつかって原画より解像度を 4〜8 倍に (こまかく) しています. ただし,上の商品画像の解像度は原画と同程度なのでご注意ください. 2 番めの商品画像として中央部分の拡大図をのせています. サイズはつぎのうちのいずれかを上記の商品リストで選択してください (一部のポスターを除いては正方形です).・594 mm × 594 mm. ・480 mm × 480 mm. ・340 mm × 340 mm. ・240 mm × 240 mm. オンデマンドで印刷します (受注生産です) が,基本的に 1 週間以内に発送します. なお,販売するのはポスターだけであり,写真のようなフレームは付属していません. また,フレームは販売していません. 原画は Dasyn.com のサイトと AI アート・サイト OpenArt で著作権フリー (ただしクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスつき) で公開しています: dasyn.com/aiart/openart/image_random_R15ZnSit_1677569211326_raw.jpg 上の画像や PDF ファイルなどは原画を編集したものであり,著作権によって保護されています. 【どうやって作っているの?】 これらのポスターは通常の AI アートとはちがう独自の方法を使って作っています. AI アートは AI にプロンプト (または呪文) とよばれる英語の記述をあたえて作画した画像ですが, Stable Diffusion,DALL・E 2,Midjourney などの AI プログラムによって 2022 年に爆発的に普及しました. AI アートで望む画像を作るために通常は比較的細かい指示を与えます. しかしデイシンではおもに 1〜3 語程度の短いことばや造語を を使用している OpenArt,NightCafe などのウェブサイトで使用して,そのプログラムがもつ知識をいかして自由に (ジェネラティブに,創発的に) 画像をつくらせています. コントラストの調整等はしていますが,描きなおさせたり加筆したりするようなことはしていません. こうやって作られる「意図しない」画像も「AI アート」とは呼ばれるものの,かならずしもアートとはいえないと考えています. しかし,思いもよらない画像や特定の画家風の部分がありながらその作品とはちがうスタイルの画像,模様やステンドグラスに埋め込まれた猫など,様々な興味ぶかい画像がつくれます. 【キーワード】 AIアート, AI画家, 画像生成AI, 人工知能アート, コンピュータアート, コンピュータ・アート, デジタルアート, メディアアート, Stable Diffusion, ジェネラティブアート, ジェネレーティブアート, 創発的, 生成的, アート・ジェネレータ, インテリア, ウォールアート, アートポスター, アートプリント, オリジナルポスターAI アートポスター AI が描いた様々な絵でお部屋をかざってみませんか? AI は人間の画家とちがってほとんどタダではたらいてくれるので,たくさんの安価なオリジナルの絵のなかから気軽に買えます.壁に何枚も貼っても負担になりません.いろいろ貼り替えてみることもできます.

    24〜59 cm 角 オリジナル コンピュータ アート画像

    AI アート作成用のプログラム がデザインした画家風のアートポスターです.そのプログラムに「by vivi」ということば (prompt) をあたえてデザインさせました. AI アートでは通常 A6 サイズ相当くらい (縦横 500〜1000 ピクセルくらい) の荒い画像しかつくれないので,超解像という技術をつかって原画より解像度を 4〜8 倍に (こまかく) しています. ただし,上の商品画像の解像度は原画と同程度なのでご注意ください. 2 番めの商品画像として中央部分の拡大図をのせています. サイズはつぎのうちのいずれかを上記の商品リストで選択してください (一部のポスターを除いては正方形です).・594 mm × 594 mm. ・480 mm × 480 mm. ・340 mm × 340 mm. ・240 mm × 240 mm. オンデマンドで印刷します (受注生産です) が,基本的に 1 週間以内に発送します. なお,販売するのはポスターだけであり,写真のようなフレームは付属していません. また,フレームは販売していません. 原画は Dasyn.com のサイトと AI アート・サイト OpenArt で著作権フリー (ただしクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスつき) で公開しています: dasyn.com/aiart/openart/image_random_R15ZnSit_1677569211326_raw.jpg 上の画像や PDF ファイルなどは原画を編集したものであり,著作権によって保護されています. 【どうやって作っているの?】 これらのポスターは通常の AI アートとはちがう独自の方法を使って作っています. AI アートは AI にプロンプト (または呪文) とよばれる英語の記述をあたえて作画した画像ですが, Stable Diffusion,DALL・E 2,Midjourney などの AI プログラムによって 2022 年に爆発的に普及しました. AI アートで望む画像を作るために通常は比較的細かい指示を与えます. しかしデイシンではおもに 1〜3 語程度の短いことばや造語を を使用している OpenArt,NightCafe などのウェブサイトで使用して,そのプログラムがもつ知識をいかして自由に (ジェネラティブに,創発的に) 画像をつくらせています. コントラストの調整等はしていますが,描きなおさせたり加筆したりするようなことはしていません. こうやって作られる「意図しない」画像も「AI アート」とは呼ばれるものの,かならずしもアートとはいえないと考えています. しかし,思いもよらない画像や特定の画家風の部分がありながらその作品とはちがうスタイルの画像,模様やステンドグラスに埋め込まれた猫など,様々な興味ぶかい画像がつくれます. 【キーワード】 AIアート, AI画家, 画像生成AI, 人工知能アート, コンピュータアート, コンピュータ・アート, デジタルアート, メディアアート, Stable Diffusion, ジェネラティブアート, ジェネレーティブアート, 創発的, 生成的, アート・ジェネレータ, インテリア, ウォールアート, アートポスター, アートプリント, オリジナルポスターAI アートポスター AI が描いた様々な絵でお部屋をかざってみませんか? AI は人間の画家とちがってほとんどタダではたらいてくれるので,たくさんの安価なオリジナルの絵のなかから気軽に買えます.壁に何枚も貼っても負担になりません.いろいろ貼り替えてみることもできます.

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアKvanteunivers og psykisk synkronicitet. De utrolige egenskaber ved sammenfiltring. Den antropiske teori. Den kollektive underbevidsthed og ekstraordin?re tilf?ldigheder. Pr?misserne for en metafysisk fortolkning af universet.【電子書籍】
    Kvanteunivers og psykisk synkronicitet. De utrolige egenskaber ved sammenfiltring. Den antropiske teori. Den kollektive underbevidsthed og ekstraordin?re tilf?ldigheder. Pr?misserne for en metafysisk fortolkning af universet.【電子書籍】

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Kvantefysik foresl?r, p? et videnskabeligt grundlag, konceptet om et univers, hvor hver partikel er forbundet med alle de andre gennem en binding, der g?r ud over enhver lov i klassisk fysik. I denne sammenh?ng konvergerer alle ting i et stort projekt af kosmisk evolution, nogle gange kaldet "Unus mundus". I dag abonnerer mange kendte videnskabsm?nd p? den "antropiske teori", if?lge hvilken universet ikke blev f?dt tilf?ldigt, men blev skabt med pr?cis de egenskaber, det besidder til at v?re v?rt for intelligent liv. De seneste videnskabelige opdagelser ben?gter materialisme og p?tvinger en mere spirituel vision af det univers, vi lever i. Teorien om synkronicitet blev udviklet med strenge metoder af den ber?mte psykolog Carl Jung. Under et langt samarbejde opn?ede Jung st?tte og opmuntring fra en dyrebar medstuderende, fysikeren Wolfgang Pauli, som fik Nobelprisen i 1945.</p> <p>Synkronicitet repr?senterer et meget gyldigt udgangspunkt for at unders?ge de dybe ?rsager til nogle h?ndelser, der normalt forekommer tilf?ldige. Synkroniciteter manifesterer sig faktisk i hver enkelt af os gennem m?rkelige tilf?ldigheder, dr?mme, intuitioner og forudanelser for at bekr?fte, at intet er f?dt tilf?ldigt.</p> <p>Synkroniciteterne beskrevet af Jung er k?der af tilsyneladende tilf?ldige episoder, som ikke desto mindre indeholder et "numin?st" budskab.</p> <p>Selvom teorien om synkronicitet tilskrives metafysikkens omr?de, har de seneste opdagelser inden for kvantefysik vist, at det er videnskabeligt plausibelt.</p> <p>Hver begivenhed, tilsyneladende meningsl?s, forlader sammenh?ngen af tilf?ldigheder og f?r en veldefineret betydning i den menneskelige arts historie. Synkronicitetsteorien er nok den mest velegnede til at besvare et meget aktuelt sp?rgsm?l: repr?senterer coronavirus en begivenhed p? grund af tilf?ldigheder, eller indeholder den en betydning, der skal afsl?res? Der er mange epidemier, der har udviklet sig i de senere ?r: Sars, Mers, Hiv, Ebola, Covid-19 og dusinvis flere. Alle disse epidemier kan tolkes som en del af en global synkronicitet, der driver menneskeheden mod det h?jeste niveau af kompleksitet og bevidsthed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Kvantefysik foresl?r, p? et videnskabeligt grundlag, konceptet om et univers, hvor hver partikel er forbundet med alle de andre gennem en binding, der g?r ud over enhver lov i klassisk fysik. I denne sammenh?ng konvergerer alle ting i et stort projekt af kosmisk evolution, nogle gange kaldet "Unus mundus". I dag abonnerer mange kendte videnskabsm?nd p? den "antropiske teori", if?lge hvilken universet ikke blev f?dt tilf?ldigt, men blev skabt med pr?cis de egenskaber, det besidder til at v?re v?rt for intelligent liv. De seneste videnskabelige opdagelser ben?gter materialisme og p?tvinger en mere spirituel vision af det univers, vi lever i. Teorien om synkronicitet blev udviklet med strenge metoder af den ber?mte psykolog Carl Jung. Under et langt samarbejde opn?ede Jung st?tte og opmuntring fra en dyrebar medstuderende, fysikeren Wolfgang Pauli, som fik Nobelprisen i 1945.</p> <p>Synkronicitet repr?senterer et meget gyldigt udgangspunkt for at unders?ge de dybe ?rsager til nogle h?ndelser, der normalt forekommer tilf?ldige. Synkroniciteter manifesterer sig faktisk i hver enkelt af os gennem m?rkelige tilf?ldigheder, dr?mme, intuitioner og forudanelser for at bekr?fte, at intet er f?dt tilf?ldigt.</p> <p>Synkroniciteterne beskrevet af Jung er k?der af tilsyneladende tilf?ldige episoder, som ikke desto mindre indeholder et "numin?st" budskab.</p> <p>Selvom teorien om synkronicitet tilskrives metafysikkens omr?de, har de seneste opdagelser inden for kvantefysik vist, at det er videnskabeligt plausibelt.</p> <p>Hver begivenhed, tilsyneladende meningsl?s, forlader sammenh?ngen af tilf?ldigheder og f?r en veldefineret betydning i den menneskelige arts historie. Synkronicitetsteorien er nok den mest velegnede til at besvare et meget aktuelt sp?rgsm?l: repr?senterer coronavirus en begivenhed p? grund af tilf?ldigheder, eller indeholder den en betydning, der skal afsl?res? Der er mange epidemier, der har udviklet sig i de senere ?r: Sars, Mers, Hiv, Ebola, Covid-19 og dusinvis flere. Alle disse epidemier kan tolkes som en del af en global synkronicitet, der driver menneskeheden mod det h?jeste niveau af kompleksitet og bevidsthed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアKvanteunivers og psykisk synkronisitet. De utrolige egenskapene til sammenfiltring. Den antropiske teorien. Den kollektive underbevisstheten og ekstraordin?re tilfeldigheter. Premissene for en metafysisk tolkning av universet.【電子書籍】
    Kvanteunivers og psykisk synkronisitet. De utrolige egenskapene til sammenfiltring. Den antropiske teorien. Den kollektive underbevisstheten og ekstraordin?re tilfeldigheter. Premissene for en metafysisk tolkning av universet.【電子書籍】

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Kvantefysikk foresl?r, p? et vitenskapelig grunnlag, konseptet om et univers der hver partikkel er koblet til alle de andre gjennom en binding som g?r utover enhver lov i klassisk fysikk. I denne sammenhengen konvergerer alle ting i et stort prosjekt for kosmisk evolusjon, noen ganger kalt "Unus mundus". I dag abonnerer mange kjente forskere p? den "antropiske teorien", if?lge hvilken universet ikke ble f?dt ved en tilfeldighet, men ble skapt med n?yaktig de egenskapene det har for ? v?re vertskap for intelligent liv. De siste vitenskapelige oppdagelsene benekter materialisme og p?tvinger en mer ?ndelig visjon av universet vi lever i. Teorien om synkronitet ble utviklet med strenge metoder av den ber?mte psykologen Carl Jung. Under et langt samarbeid fikk Jung st?tte og oppmuntring fra en dyrebar medstudent, fysikeren Wolfgang Pauli som fikk Nobelprisen i 1945.</p> <p>Synkronisitet representerer et sv?rt gyldig utgangspunkt for ? unders?ke de dyptgripende ?rsakene til noen hendelser som normalt fremst?r som tilfeldige. Synkronisiteter manifesterer seg faktisk i livet til hver enkelt av oss gjennom merkelige tilfeldigheter, dr?mmer, intuisjoner og forutanelser, for ? bekrefte at ingenting er f?dt ved en tilfeldighet.</p> <p>Synkronisitetene beskrevet av Jung er kjeder av tilsynelatende tilfeldige episoder, som likevel inneholder en "numin?s" melding.</p> <p>Selv om teorien om synkronitet tilskrives metafysikkfeltet, har de siste oppdagelsene innen kvantefysikk vist at den er vitenskapelig plausibel.</p> <p>Hver hendelse, tilsynelatende meningsl?s, forlater tilfeldighetenes kontekst og f?r en veldefinert betydning i menneskeartens historie. Synkronisitetsteorien er sannsynligvis den mest egnede for ? svare p? et veldig aktuelt sp?rsm?l: representerer koronaviruset en hendelse p? grunn av tilfeldigheter, eller inneholder det en betydning som m? avsl?res? Det er mange epidemier som har utviklet seg de siste ?rene: Sars, Mers, Hiv, Ebola, Covid-19 og flere titalls flere. Alle disse epidemiene kan tolkes som en del av en global synkronisitet som driver menneskeheten mot det h?yeste niv?et av kompleksitet og bevissthet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Kvantefysikk foresl?r, p? et vitenskapelig grunnlag, konseptet om et univers der hver partikkel er koblet til alle de andre gjennom en binding som g?r utover enhver lov i klassisk fysikk. I denne sammenhengen konvergerer alle ting i et stort prosjekt for kosmisk evolusjon, noen ganger kalt "Unus mundus". I dag abonnerer mange kjente forskere p? den "antropiske teorien", if?lge hvilken universet ikke ble f?dt ved en tilfeldighet, men ble skapt med n?yaktig de egenskapene det har for ? v?re vertskap for intelligent liv. De siste vitenskapelige oppdagelsene benekter materialisme og p?tvinger en mer ?ndelig visjon av universet vi lever i. Teorien om synkronitet ble utviklet med strenge metoder av den ber?mte psykologen Carl Jung. Under et langt samarbeid fikk Jung st?tte og oppmuntring fra en dyrebar medstudent, fysikeren Wolfgang Pauli som fikk Nobelprisen i 1945.</p> <p>Synkronisitet representerer et sv?rt gyldig utgangspunkt for ? unders?ke de dyptgripende ?rsakene til noen hendelser som normalt fremst?r som tilfeldige. Synkronisiteter manifesterer seg faktisk i livet til hver enkelt av oss gjennom merkelige tilfeldigheter, dr?mmer, intuisjoner og forutanelser, for ? bekrefte at ingenting er f?dt ved en tilfeldighet.</p> <p>Synkronisitetene beskrevet av Jung er kjeder av tilsynelatende tilfeldige episoder, som likevel inneholder en "numin?s" melding.</p> <p>Selv om teorien om synkronitet tilskrives metafysikkfeltet, har de siste oppdagelsene innen kvantefysikk vist at den er vitenskapelig plausibel.</p> <p>Hver hendelse, tilsynelatende meningsl?s, forlater tilfeldighetenes kontekst og f?r en veldefinert betydning i menneskeartens historie. Synkronisitetsteorien er sannsynligvis den mest egnede for ? svare p? et veldig aktuelt sp?rsm?l: representerer koronaviruset en hendelse p? grunn av tilfeldigheter, eller inneholder det en betydning som m? avsl?res? Det er mange epidemier som har utviklet seg de siste ?rene: Sars, Mers, Hiv, Ebola, Covid-19 og flere titalls flere. Alle disse epidemiene kan tolkes som en del av en global synkronisitet som driver menneskeheten mot det h?yeste niv?et av kompleksitet og bevissthet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアStrong Psalm 1【電子書籍】[ Sally Lloyd-Jones ]
    Strong Psalm 1【電子書籍】[ Sally Lloyd-Jones ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Inspired by Psalm 1, <em>Strong</em></strong>’<strong>s lyrical text reminds little ones that God loves them and gives them strength. From Sally Lloyd-Jones, the author of the bestselling <em>The Jesus Storybook Bible</em>, and award-winning illustrator Jago, this uplifting board book encourages little ones to find strength in God’s great love for them.</strong></p> <p>Like a little tree planted by a fresh stream, children can grow strong and joyful when they draw close to God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.</p> <p><em>Strong</em> is perfect for babies and infants ages 0-4 and features:</p> <ul> <li>Lyrical text inspired by Psalm 1</li> <li>An inspiring message that reminds kids they can find strength, joy, and love in God</li> <li>A padded cover that is a perfect fit for little hands</li> <li>Beautiful illustrations by Jago</li> <li>A great gift for a new baby, Baptism, First Communion, or birthday</li> </ul> <p>Look for additional inspirational stories for little ones in this board book series inspired by <em>The Jesus Storybook Bible</em>:</p> <ul> <li><em>Happy</em>: Psalm 92</li> <li><em>Known</em>: Psalm 139</li> <li><em>Near</em>: Psalm 139</li> <li><em>Loved</em>: The Lord’s Prayer</li> <li><em>Found</em>: Psalm 23</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Inspired by Psalm 1, <em>Strong</em></strong>’<strong>s lyrical text reminds little ones that God loves them and gives them strength. From Sally Lloyd-Jones, the author of the bestselling <em>The Jesus Storybook Bible</em>, and award-winning illustrator Jago, this uplifting board book encourages little ones to find strength in God’s great love for them.</strong></p> <p>Like a little tree planted by a fresh stream, children can grow strong and joyful when they draw close to God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.</p> <p><em>Strong</em> is perfect for babies and infants ages 0-4 and features:</p> <ul> <li>Lyrical text inspired by Psalm 1</li> <li>An inspiring message that reminds kids they can find strength, joy, and love in God</li> <li>A padded cover that is a perfect fit for little hands</li> <li>Beautiful illustrations by Jago</li> <li>A great gift for a new baby, Baptism, First Communion, or birthday</li> </ul> <p>Look for additional inspirational stories for little ones in this board book series inspired by <em>The Jesus Storybook Bible</em>:</p> <ul> <li><em>Happy</em>: Psalm 92</li> <li><em>Known</em>: Psalm 139</li> <li><em>Near</em>: Psalm 139</li> <li><em>Loved</em>: The Lord’s Prayer</li> <li><em>Found</em>: Psalm 23</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアHEROic Leadership The Secret to Developing Stronger High Performing Teams Using Psychological Capital【電子書籍】[ Ph.D. Melonie Boone ]
    HEROic Leadership The Secret to Developing Stronger High Performing Teams Using Psychological Capital【電子書籍】[ Ph.D. Melonie Boone ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Today's leaders must guide a workforce that is more diverse and challenging than ever before. Psychological Capital, or HERO--Hope, Efficacy, Resiliency, and Optimism-comes to the rescue as a powerhouse secret to success in the workplace!</p> <p>?Filled with evidenced-based theories and real world examples (including her own research and extensive professional experience), Dr. Melonie Boone uncovers how HERO is the factor that enables today's good teams to become great.</p> <p>Inside <em>HEROic Leadership</em> you'll learn:</p> <ul> <li>How building HERO in yourself and your team supercharges performance</li> <li>Telltale signs you have HERO or need more of it on your team</li> <li>Strategies to become more HEROic and increase your team's HERO</li> <li>Ways to introduce the concepts of HERO to your team</li> <li>・An assessment and analysis for you and your team to determine HERO levels</li> </ul> <p><em>HEROic Leadership</em> will help you harness the power of HERO to build and retain a best-in-class team while enabling you to become the best leader you can be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Today's leaders must guide a workforce that is more diverse and challenging than ever before. Psychological Capital, or HERO--Hope, Efficacy, Resiliency, and Optimism-comes to the rescue as a powerhouse secret to success in the workplace!</p> <p>?Filled with evidenced-based theories and real world examples (including her own research and extensive professional experience), Dr. Melonie Boone uncovers how HERO is the factor that enables today's good teams to become great.</p> <p>Inside <em>HEROic Leadership</em> you'll learn:</p> <ul> <li>How building HERO in yourself and your team supercharges performance</li> <li>Telltale signs you have HERO or need more of it on your team</li> <li>Strategies to become more HEROic and increase your team's HERO</li> <li>Ways to introduce the concepts of HERO to your team</li> <li>・An assessment and analysis for you and your team to determine HERO levels</li> </ul> <p><em>HEROic Leadership</em> will help you harness the power of HERO to build and retain a best-in-class team while enabling you to become the best leader you can be.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天GARDINERa good view ポスター ビルヂング 30×30cm QUARTER REPORT アートポスター デザイン ウォールデコレーション おしゃれ
    a good view ポスター ビルヂング 30×30cm QUARTER REPORT アートポスター デザイン ウォールデコレーション おしゃれ

    QUARTER REPORTデザイン a good viewのアートポスターa good view アートポスター ビルヂング 2023年に誕生したアートポスター専門ブランド「a good view」。
    ”わたしたちがご提供するアートが、あなたにとっての「いい眺め」でありますように” a good view は景色やグリーンのようにアートでリラックスできる日常を提供しています。
    designer:クォーターリポート (quarter report) 「布を 嗜み 愉しみ 味わい 操る」をコンセプトに、インテリアファブリックを製造販売するテキスタイルメーカー。
    About the Paper: 発色の良さと紙の風合いという相反する性質を高いレベルで両立させた高級印刷用紙で、FSC認証※も取得しているヴァンヌーボV-FSの最厚紙を使用。
    ※フレームは別売 ポスターのみの販売となります。
    ※角に多少の折れが生じている場合がございます ■商品情報 ・サイズ:30×30cm ・付属品:OPP袋・台紙 製造国:日本 ■納期 ・通常1〜2営業日以内に発送いたします。
    ■注意事項 ・発注後のキャンセルならびに返品等はお受け致しかねます。
    ■ビルヂング 2023年に誕生したアートポスター専門ブランド「a good view」。
    ”わたしたちがご提供するアートが、あなたにとっての「いい眺め」でありますように” a good view は景色やグリーンのようにアートでリラックスできる日常を提供しています。
    designer:クォーターリポート (quarter report) 「布を 嗜み 愉しみ 味わい 操る」をコンセプトに、インテリアファブリックを製造販売するテキスタイルメーカー。
    About the Paper: 発色の良さと紙の風合いという相反する性質を高いレベルで両立させた高級印刷用紙で、FSC認証※も取得しているヴァンヌーボV-FSの最厚紙を使用。
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    ※角に多少の折れが生じている場合がございます ■商品情報 サイズ: 30×30cm ご注意: フレームは別売/角に多少の折れが生じている場合がございます ■a good view 製品一覧はこちら

    QUARTER REPORTデザイン a good viewのアートポスター

    a good view アートポスター ビルヂング 2023年に誕生したアートポスター専門ブランド「a good view」。
    ”わたしたちがご提供するアートが、あなたにとっての「いい眺め」でありますように” a good view は景色やグリーンのようにアートでリラックスできる日常を提供しています。
    designer:クォーターリポート (quarter report) 「布を 嗜み 愉しみ 味わい 操る」をコンセプトに、インテリアファブリックを製造販売するテキスタイルメーカー。
    About the Paper: 発色の良さと紙の風合いという相反する性質を高いレベルで両立させた高級印刷用紙で、FSC認証※も取得しているヴァンヌーボV-FSの最厚紙を使用。
    ※フレームは別売 ポスターのみの販売となります。
    ※角に多少の折れが生じている場合がございます ■商品情報 ・サイズ:30×30cm ・付属品:OPP袋・台紙 製造国:日本 ■納期 ・通常1〜2営業日以内に発送いたします。
    ■注意事項 ・発注後のキャンセルならびに返品等はお受け致しかねます。
    ■ビルヂング 2023年に誕生したアートポスター専門ブランド「a good view」。
    ”わたしたちがご提供するアートが、あなたにとっての「いい眺め」でありますように” a good view は景色やグリーンのようにアートでリラックスできる日常を提供しています。
    designer:クォーターリポート (quarter report) 「布を 嗜み 愉しみ 味わい 操る」をコンセプトに、インテリアファブリックを製造販売するテキスタイルメーカー。
    About the Paper: 発色の良さと紙の風合いという相反する性質を高いレベルで両立させた高級印刷用紙で、FSC認証※も取得しているヴァンヌーボV-FSの最厚紙を使用。
    ※フレームは別売 ポスターのみの販売となります。
    ※角に多少の折れが生じている場合がございます ■商品情報 サイズ: 30×30cm ご注意: フレームは別売/角に多少の折れが生じている場合がございます ■a good view 製品一覧はこちら

  • 楽天ネオウィング 楽天市場店科学としての心理学 科学的・統計的推測入門 / 原タイトル:UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE[本/雑誌] / ゾルタン・ディエネス/著 石井敬子/訳 清河幸子/訳
    科学としての心理学 科学的・統計的推測入門 / 原タイトル:UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE[本/雑誌] / ゾルタン・ディエネス/著 石井敬子/訳 清河幸子/訳
    楽天ネオウィング 楽天市場店

    <収録内容>1 カール・ポパーと境界設定2 クーンとラカトシュ—パラダイムとプログラム3 ネイマン、ピアソンと仮説検定4 ベイズと仮説の確率5 フィッシャーと尤度—科学的知見への王道日本語版への補遺—開かれた社会と科学<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2888852Zorutan De Ienesu / Cho Ishi Keiko / Yaku Kiyokawa Sachiko / Yaku / Kagaku Toshite No Shinri Gaku Kagaku Teki Tokei Teki Suisoku Nyumon / Original Title: UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY as a SCIENCEメディア:本/雑誌重量:364g発売日:2023/08JAN:9784788518070科学としての心理学 科学的・統計的推測入門 / 原タイトル:UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE[本/雑誌] / ゾルタン・ディエネス/著 石井敬子/訳 清河幸子/訳2023/08発売


    <収録内容>1 カール・ポパーと境界設定2 クーンとラカトシュ—パラダイムとプログラム3 ネイマン、ピアソンと仮説検定4 ベイズと仮説の確率5 フィッシャーと尤度—科学的知見への王道日本語版への補遺—開かれた社会と科学<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2888852Zorutan De Ienesu / Cho Ishi Keiko / Yaku Kiyokawa Sachiko / Yaku / Kagaku Toshite No Shinri Gaku Kagaku Teki Tokei Teki Suisoku Nyumon / Original Title: UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY as a SCIENCEメディア:本/雑誌重量:364g発売日:2023/08JAN:9784788518070科学としての心理学 科学的・統計的推測入門 / 原タイトル:UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE[本/雑誌] / ゾルタン・ディエネス/著 石井敬子/訳 清河幸子/訳2023/08発売

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアDialogues for Discovery Improving Psychotherapy's Effectiveness【電子書籍】
    Dialogues for Discovery Improving Psychotherapy's Effectiveness【電子書籍】

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Dialogues for Discovery: Improving Psychotherapy's Effectiveness teaches psychotherapists of all modalities how to help their clients make more frequent and higher quality discoveries in every therapy session. Detailed therapist-client dialogues in each chapter illustrate the client-centered and collaborative 4-Stage Model of Socratic Dialogue, as well as other guided discovery approaches such as behavioural experiments, imagery exercises, and role plays. Guidelines for expert use of Socratic dialogue are highlighted to help therapists avoid common therapy traps that frequently derail therapy progress, as well as effective strategies for navigating and overcoming them. Chapters are written by international experts on each topic and each includes guiding principles to help therapy stay on track, summarized in ?Keep in Mind? boxes. Reader Learning Activities at the end of each chapter suggest a variety of ways to tailor the skills taught to one's own therapy / supervision practice or classroom settings, as well as Reflective Practice Worksheets which further personalize and help consolidate therapist application and development of Dialogue for Discovery skills. Although Socratic questioning is most commonly associated with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), this book offers a vision for how these processes can infuse all types of psychotherapy and lead to discoveries that transform client lives for the better.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Dialogues for Discovery: Improving Psychotherapy's Effectiveness teaches psychotherapists of all modalities how to help their clients make more frequent and higher quality discoveries in every therapy session. Detailed therapist-client dialogues in each chapter illustrate the client-centered and collaborative 4-Stage Model of Socratic Dialogue, as well as other guided discovery approaches such as behavioural experiments, imagery exercises, and role plays. Guidelines for expert use of Socratic dialogue are highlighted to help therapists avoid common therapy traps that frequently derail therapy progress, as well as effective strategies for navigating and overcoming them. Chapters are written by international experts on each topic and each includes guiding principles to help therapy stay on track, summarized in ?Keep in Mind? boxes. Reader Learning Activities at the end of each chapter suggest a variety of ways to tailor the skills taught to one's own therapy / supervision practice or classroom settings, as well as Reflective Practice Worksheets which further personalize and help consolidate therapist application and development of Dialogue for Discovery skills. Although Socratic questioning is most commonly associated with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), this book offers a vision for how these processes can infuse all types of psychotherapy and lead to discoveries that transform client lives for the better.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアSomatic Maternal Healing Psychodynamic and Somatic Trauma Treatment for Perinatal Mental Health【電子書籍】[ Helena Vissing ]
    Somatic Maternal Healing Psychodynamic and Somatic Trauma Treatment for Perinatal Mental Health【電子書籍】[ Helena Vissing ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em>Somatic Maternal Healing</em> introduces a cutting-edge understanding of the body into the growing field of perinatal mental health. Chapters lay out a complete trauma treatment model for maternal mental health, integrating psychodynamic and somatic clinical techniques within a systemic perspective. The book applies a biopsychosocial conceptualization of mental health in the perinatal period with a special emphasis on trauma and somatic trauma treatment.</p> <p><em>Somatic Maternal Healing</em> is for anyone working clinically with mothers and new families, specifically therapists, clinical social workers, psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, researchers, academics, clinical educators, and graduate students and trainees within these fields.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><em>Somatic Maternal Healing</em> introduces a cutting-edge understanding of the body into the growing field of perinatal mental health. Chapters lay out a complete trauma treatment model for maternal mental health, integrating psychodynamic and somatic clinical techniques within a systemic perspective. The book applies a biopsychosocial conceptualization of mental health in the perinatal period with a special emphasis on trauma and somatic trauma treatment.</p> <p><em>Somatic Maternal Healing</em> is for anyone working clinically with mothers and new families, specifically therapists, clinical social workers, psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, researchers, academics, clinical educators, and graduate students and trainees within these fields.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe D?laiss?es Rescue P?re No?l The Adventures of Midnight, Moonlight, and Twilight【電子書籍】[ GP Shannon, LtCol USAF ]
    The D?laiss?es Rescue P?re No?l The Adventures of Midnight, Moonlight, and Twilight【電子書籍】[ GP Shannon, LtCol USAF ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>About the Book<br /> My book focuses on a Christmas/holiday theme involving French heritage and the American Santa Clause predecessor P?re No?l and his acolyte Petit ?ne ? a little donkey who accompanies him. It also alludes to Michigan's connection with the early arrival of French explorers and their introduction of Christianity to make friends with the native American tribes already established here for centuries. Michigan has many towns and places named for these early explorers and the pathways in, on and around the Great Lakes where they traveled and left their historical imprints. These places offer an opportunity for many people from the United States and the world to come, visit and enjoy; for it is a breath-taking region of enchantment and great natural beauty.<br /> The story is also a piece of holiday fiction dedicated to Christmas that I was able to fashion from my study of the French language, its history and culture, then mold into a delightful tale based on my experiences developing a sheep farm in Northern Michigan not far from the shores of Lakes Michigan and Huron, adjacent the quaint city of Mackinaw and across the straits from one of the oldest towns in the US, St Ignace - not forgetting Mackinac Island and its step back in time with the Grand Hotel and horse drawn wagons and bicycles.<br /> I've tried to keep the story simple but logical enough for adults and children together to enjoy. The main animal characters are three sheep I rescued a few years ago as abandoned lambs, hence the term d?laiss?es. I spent much time with them, feeding and protecting them from the harsh temperatures and snowy conditions which exist in Northern Michigan from December through March. They are still in my flock and have since delivered baby lambs of their own. Midnight, Moonlight and Twilight will entertain you throughout your reading pleasures.</p> <p>About the Author<br /> GP Shannon, LtCol USAF serves on the Board of Review in Carp Lake Township in Northern Michigan. He owns a farm and concentrates on raising Icelandic and Katahdin sheep. He is also an artist, specializing in oil and acrylic paintings - both portraits and landscapes. While assisting an elderly parent who had moved to live in Sarasota, Florida, he was invited to manage the Sarasota Alliance Fran?aise Website. He did this from 2010 to approximately 2012 when he left to purchase a farm in Northern Michigan not far from his cottage in Petoskey. He has three children, the youngest of which lives in Austin, Texas, is employed there as a high school art teacher and has blessed him with fraternal twin grandchildren. He is a retired USAF Lt Colonel with pilot licenses who was also a guidance counselor and athletic director for the Alanson Community school district from which he is also retired. In addition, while there, he also taught French and middle school math. Lt Colonel Shannon is also a published author, having produced the first story - The Adventures of Midnight, Moonlight and Twilight, Les D?laiss?es. He believes that one is never too old to try something new or take on a challeging project.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>About the Book<br /> My book focuses on a Christmas/holiday theme involving French heritage and the American Santa Clause predecessor P?re No?l and his acolyte Petit ?ne ? a little donkey who accompanies him. It also alludes to Michigan's connection with the early arrival of French explorers and their introduction of Christianity to make friends with the native American tribes already established here for centuries. Michigan has many towns and places named for these early explorers and the pathways in, on and around the Great Lakes where they traveled and left their historical imprints. These places offer an opportunity for many people from the United States and the world to come, visit and enjoy; for it is a breath-taking region of enchantment and great natural beauty.<br /> The story is also a piece of holiday fiction dedicated to Christmas that I was able to fashion from my study of the French language, its history and culture, then mold into a delightful tale based on my experiences developing a sheep farm in Northern Michigan not far from the shores of Lakes Michigan and Huron, adjacent the quaint city of Mackinaw and across the straits from one of the oldest towns in the US, St Ignace - not forgetting Mackinac Island and its step back in time with the Grand Hotel and horse drawn wagons and bicycles.<br /> I've tried to keep the story simple but logical enough for adults and children together to enjoy. The main animal characters are three sheep I rescued a few years ago as abandoned lambs, hence the term d?laiss?es. I spent much time with them, feeding and protecting them from the harsh temperatures and snowy conditions which exist in Northern Michigan from December through March. They are still in my flock and have since delivered baby lambs of their own. Midnight, Moonlight and Twilight will entertain you throughout your reading pleasures.</p> <p>About the Author<br /> GP Shannon, LtCol USAF serves on the Board of Review in Carp Lake Township in Northern Michigan. He owns a farm and concentrates on raising Icelandic and Katahdin sheep. He is also an artist, specializing in oil and acrylic paintings - both portraits and landscapes. While assisting an elderly parent who had moved to live in Sarasota, Florida, he was invited to manage the Sarasota Alliance Fran?aise Website. He did this from 2010 to approximately 2012 when he left to purchase a farm in Northern Michigan not far from his cottage in Petoskey. He has three children, the youngest of which lives in Austin, Texas, is employed there as a high school art teacher and has blessed him with fraternal twin grandchildren. He is a retired USAF Lt Colonel with pilot licenses who was also a guidance counselor and athletic director for the Alanson Community school district from which he is also retired. In addition, while there, he also taught French and middle school math. Lt Colonel Shannon is also a published author, having produced the first story - The Adventures of Midnight, Moonlight and Twilight, Les D?laiss?es. He believes that one is never too old to try something new or take on a challeging project.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ムジカ&フェリーチェ楽天市場店【未使用】【中古】 きのう何食べた? コミック 1-18巻セット
    【未使用】【中古】 きのう何食べた? コミック 1-18巻セット

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