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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアTrading Psykologi (B?rspsykologi og Aksjepsykologi)【電子書籍】[ Fynn Hansen ]
    Trading Psykologi (B?rspsykologi og Aksjepsykologi)【電子書籍】[ Fynn Hansen ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Med trading psykologi og strategier til mer suksess i investering!</p> <p>Hva trenger du for ? lykkes p? aksjemarkedet? Svaret er riktig tankegang. Handel p? aksjemarkedet er 80% enkel psykologi, og alle kan l?re det! Ta en titt bak kulissene i b?rsverdenen og ta ?konomien din i egne hender. Med riktig innstilling til suksess! ?nsker du ogs? ? investere kapitalen din p? b?rsen? Endelig v?re ?konomisk uavhengig. Det er dr?mmen til mange n?ringsdrivende. Veien dit er ofte vanskelig, men med riktig veiledning har du tatt det f?rste skrittet.</p> <p>Denne veiledningen gir deg grunnleggende kunnskap som skal gj?re det lettere for deg ? komme i gang med handelsvirksomheten. Ta en titt bak kulissene i b?rsverdenen og grip sjansen. Fra de grunnleggende begrepene til diagramanalyse forklarer denne guiden p? en forst?elig m?te hvordan handel fungerer, hva som skjuler seg bak kurvene og tallene og hvordan du holder hodet kaldt p? b?rsen.</p> <p>I tillegg til de viktigste verkt?yene og teknikkene vil du l?re det som virkelig betyr noe: din mentale styrke! F?lelser p?virker markedet mer enn mange mistenker. Psykologien bak b?rshandel er like spennende som den er nyttig. Mange investorer analyserer selskapet ned til minste detalj og kjenner alle forretningstall utenat. N?r de gj?r det, glemmer de hvem som tar den faktiske beslutningen: mennesket, som er gjenstand for visse feilvurderinger. I denne boken l?rer du hvordan du skal h?ndtere all informasjonen p? finansmarkedet og hvilke fallgruver som venter deg i investeringsbeslutningen din.</p> <p>Innholdet i boken i oversikt:</p> <ul> <li>Om 10 tankefeil i handel</li> <li>De viktigste vilk?rene</li> <li>Teknisk og fundamental diagramanalyse</li> <li>Atferdsbasert finansiering</li> <li>Mental trening</li> </ul> <p>Bruk potensialet ditt og forretningspsykologi og l?r ? tenke som proffene. Start med den optimale tankegangen for lukrativ handel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Med trading psykologi og strategier til mer suksess i investering!</p> <p>Hva trenger du for ? lykkes p? aksjemarkedet? Svaret er riktig tankegang. Handel p? aksjemarkedet er 80% enkel psykologi, og alle kan l?re det! Ta en titt bak kulissene i b?rsverdenen og ta ?konomien din i egne hender. Med riktig innstilling til suksess! ?nsker du ogs? ? investere kapitalen din p? b?rsen? Endelig v?re ?konomisk uavhengig. Det er dr?mmen til mange n?ringsdrivende. Veien dit er ofte vanskelig, men med riktig veiledning har du tatt det f?rste skrittet.</p> <p>Denne veiledningen gir deg grunnleggende kunnskap som skal gj?re det lettere for deg ? komme i gang med handelsvirksomheten. Ta en titt bak kulissene i b?rsverdenen og grip sjansen. Fra de grunnleggende begrepene til diagramanalyse forklarer denne guiden p? en forst?elig m?te hvordan handel fungerer, hva som skjuler seg bak kurvene og tallene og hvordan du holder hodet kaldt p? b?rsen.</p> <p>I tillegg til de viktigste verkt?yene og teknikkene vil du l?re det som virkelig betyr noe: din mentale styrke! F?lelser p?virker markedet mer enn mange mistenker. Psykologien bak b?rshandel er like spennende som den er nyttig. Mange investorer analyserer selskapet ned til minste detalj og kjenner alle forretningstall utenat. N?r de gj?r det, glemmer de hvem som tar den faktiske beslutningen: mennesket, som er gjenstand for visse feilvurderinger. I denne boken l?rer du hvordan du skal h?ndtere all informasjonen p? finansmarkedet og hvilke fallgruver som venter deg i investeringsbeslutningen din.</p> <p>Innholdet i boken i oversikt:</p> <ul> <li>Om 10 tankefeil i handel</li> <li>De viktigste vilk?rene</li> <li>Teknisk og fundamental diagramanalyse</li> <li>Atferdsbasert finansiering</li> <li>Mental trening</li> </ul> <p>Bruk potensialet ditt og forretningspsykologi og l?r ? tenke som proffene. Start med den optimale tankegangen for lukrativ handel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアTHE BLUEPRINT FOR LETTING GO OF YOUR EX A Journey to Self-Discovery and Freedom From Pain And Love Obsession Using Psychotherapy【電子書籍】[ Geralyn J. Merriman ]
    THE BLUEPRINT FOR LETTING GO OF YOUR EX A Journey to Self-Discovery and Freedom From Pain And Love Obsession Using Psychotherapy【電子書籍】[ Geralyn J. Merriman ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Do you find it difficult to move on and are sick of thinking about your ex all the time? Do you have trouble letting go of your ex? Because you are unable to stop thinking about an ex who has ceased caring about you, have overthinking, worry, and despair taken over your life?</p> <p>Are you aware?<br /> It may be very painful and tough to let go of someone you still love but who has ceased caring. It often entails emotions of rejection, melancholy, and loss. You've made several attempts to move on but have utterly failed. Despite wanting to accomplish it, you are unable to. The recollection simply won't stop. You probably think about your ex with someone else every day or every week. It may be very distressing and challenging to see an ex with someone else, particularly if the relationship ended badly or if you still have romantic emotions for them. It could make you feel envious, rejected, or insecure. It's natural to feel this way after ending a relationship with someone you genuinely cared about, but it's crucial to keep in mind that you deserve to be happy and find love once again.</p> <p>You can go on and recover from the suffering by concentrating on your development and pleasure. You can finally liberate yourself from the suffering and heartache of a prior relationship with the aid of The Blueprint for Letting Go of Your Ex. This thorough manual offers a step-by-step process to assist you in utilizing psychotherapy to recover, comprehend who you are and what you are worth, and discover a way to a better present and future.</p> <p>This book will teach you:</p> <p>How to start the healing process after grief and the psychological effects of sadness<br /> Techniques and approaches to let go of attachment and move on<br /> Practices of mindfulness and meditation to assist you on your trip<br /> Self-awareness and self-significance care in the healing process<br /> Advice on fostering optimism and resiliency<br /> Pschotherapy exercises</p> <p>and a lot more!</p> <p>The Blueprint for Letting Go of Your Ex is a must-read for anybody having trouble moving on from a previous relationship because of its insightful, useful suggestions and inspiring viewpoint. This book gives you the skills you need to recover and proceed with confidence. It is written by a relationship counselor who has firsthand experience with heartbreak.</p> <p>Stop allowing the constant thought about your ex to continue to dictate your ideas and feelings. With The Blueprint for Letting Go of Your Ex, start along the path to a better future. Scroll up and click add to cart now to get started on the path to real happiness!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Do you find it difficult to move on and are sick of thinking about your ex all the time? Do you have trouble letting go of your ex? Because you are unable to stop thinking about an ex who has ceased caring about you, have overthinking, worry, and despair taken over your life?</p> <p>Are you aware?<br /> It may be very painful and tough to let go of someone you still love but who has ceased caring. It often entails emotions of rejection, melancholy, and loss. You've made several attempts to move on but have utterly failed. Despite wanting to accomplish it, you are unable to. The recollection simply won't stop. You probably think about your ex with someone else every day or every week. It may be very distressing and challenging to see an ex with someone else, particularly if the relationship ended badly or if you still have romantic emotions for them. It could make you feel envious, rejected, or insecure. It's natural to feel this way after ending a relationship with someone you genuinely cared about, but it's crucial to keep in mind that you deserve to be happy and find love once again.</p> <p>You can go on and recover from the suffering by concentrating on your development and pleasure. You can finally liberate yourself from the suffering and heartache of a prior relationship with the aid of The Blueprint for Letting Go of Your Ex. This thorough manual offers a step-by-step process to assist you in utilizing psychotherapy to recover, comprehend who you are and what you are worth, and discover a way to a better present and future.</p> <p>This book will teach you:</p> <p>How to start the healing process after grief and the psychological effects of sadness<br /> Techniques and approaches to let go of attachment and move on<br /> Practices of mindfulness and meditation to assist you on your trip<br /> Self-awareness and self-significance care in the healing process<br /> Advice on fostering optimism and resiliency<br /> Pschotherapy exercises</p> <p>and a lot more!</p> <p>The Blueprint for Letting Go of Your Ex is a must-read for anybody having trouble moving on from a previous relationship because of its insightful, useful suggestions and inspiring viewpoint. This book gives you the skills you need to recover and proceed with confidence. It is written by a relationship counselor who has firsthand experience with heartbreak.</p> <p>Stop allowing the constant thought about your ex to continue to dictate your ideas and feelings. With The Blueprint for Letting Go of Your Ex, start along the path to a better future. Scroll up and click add to cart now to get started on the path to real happiness!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
