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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアFullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation Becoming a Holy Spirit-Led, Manifest Child of God, Who Ignites Unstoppable, Joyful, Revival Fires of Supernatural Power【電子書籍】[ John W. Nichols ]
    Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation Becoming a Holy Spirit-Led, Manifest Child of God, Who Ignites Unstoppable, Joyful, Revival Fires of Supernatural Power【電子書籍】[ John W. Nichols ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The salvation found in Jesus Christ of Nazareth was not only meant to be Hell-fire Insurance. God planned for us to carry on what Jesus started with this race we are running. When Jesus ascended after conquering sin and the grave, He was passing the baton to His many brethren (Romans 8:29).</p> <p><em>Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation</em>, is the first in a series meant to help the Church carry that baton and run the race Jesus and His apostles did. It's about what it really means to be saved, and how there is great joy found in living as a child of God! With a focus on this joy, the book dives deep into these topics:</p> <ul> <li>The state of our broken world: what God intended, what the enemy did, and what is our part</li> <li>What it really means to be saved</li> <li>The temple and the sacrifice</li> <li>Are you a child of God and joint-heir with Christ?</li> <li>We are supposed to be more like Christ than fallen Adam</li> <li>Experiencing the fullness of joy</li> <li>Being a person of faith, hope, and love</li> <li>Understanding water baptism</li> <li>The freedom that comes from laying down your life</li> <li>The wonder of being a new creation and ambassador of God</li> <li>The joy of abiding in Christ</li> <li>What it looks like to bear God's fruit</li> </ul> <p>Don't forget to get the accompanying workbook (either as a free download in the book, or for purchase). The thought-provoking questions and action steps will help you apply the truths from the main book.</p> <p><strong>Revival Fire-Starters Series Information:</strong></p> <p>Surely you have read, recorded from the very mouth of our Savior, that we are destined for even greater works than He (John 14:12). This series of books is meant to equip our generation for those greater works. Each book is a lesson in discipleship with many keys, hidden gems, and revelations from Scripture you may have never heard emphasized in this way.</p> <p>The idea is that you would become a Holy Spirit-led manifest child of God, who ignites unstoppable, joyful, revival fires of supernatural power! Yes, that's a mouthful, but it barely describes the goal of this series. Let's break it down. These books will help you:</p> <ul> <li>listen to and obey the Holy Spirit</li> <li>represent God and His glory as His child</li> <li>carry the fire of God into your family, community, workplace, school, and wherever you go.</li> </ul> <p>These Holy Ghost fires will spread, and no one can put them out. They are fires which are full of joy, fires that draw people to desire God (where they experience Him, and they don't want to leave His presence), and fires of supernatural power to bring deliverance, healing, restoration, and transformation!</p> <p><strong>Endorsements:</strong></p> <p><em>Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation</em> is fantastic from beginning to end. It incorporates sound doctrine and scripture in a time when we have so many "false salvations." This book is engaging, full of depth and practicality, includes prayers to join in with God, and calls us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. As stated in Chapter 6, "He wants your cup to overflow, and He doesn't mind making a mess," we need to understand our salvation and that living out the Bible is our joy. - Justin Coggins, Executive Director of God's Garage, and Founder of Pure Fire Ministries, GodsGarage.org</p> <p><em>The Fullness of Joy That Only Comes With Salvation</em> is such a motivating read! John's zeal is contagious for activating others into a radical lifestyle pursuing revival. His passion will be imparted through his Revival Fire-Starters series. I love that this first book focuses on joy as that is an incredibly important fruit of our salvation. This spiritual fire manual will transform people from dutiful church-goers to excited believers set ablaze with the love and joy of God. - Andrea Joy Moede, Author, Speaker, & Coach, Host of Higher Look Podcast, AndreaJoy.org</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>The salvation found in Jesus Christ of Nazareth was not only meant to be Hell-fire Insurance. God planned for us to carry on what Jesus started with this race we are running. When Jesus ascended after conquering sin and the grave, He was passing the baton to His many brethren (Romans 8:29).</p> <p><em>Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation</em>, is the first in a series meant to help the Church carry that baton and run the race Jesus and His apostles did. It's about what it really means to be saved, and how there is great joy found in living as a child of God! With a focus on this joy, the book dives deep into these topics:</p> <ul> <li>The state of our broken world: what God intended, what the enemy did, and what is our part</li> <li>What it really means to be saved</li> <li>The temple and the sacrifice</li> <li>Are you a child of God and joint-heir with Christ?</li> <li>We are supposed to be more like Christ than fallen Adam</li> <li>Experiencing the fullness of joy</li> <li>Being a person of faith, hope, and love</li> <li>Understanding water baptism</li> <li>The freedom that comes from laying down your life</li> <li>The wonder of being a new creation and ambassador of God</li> <li>The joy of abiding in Christ</li> <li>What it looks like to bear God's fruit</li> </ul> <p>Don't forget to get the accompanying workbook (either as a free download in the book, or for purchase). The thought-provoking questions and action steps will help you apply the truths from the main book.</p> <p><strong>Revival Fire-Starters Series Information:</strong></p> <p>Surely you have read, recorded from the very mouth of our Savior, that we are destined for even greater works than He (John 14:12). This series of books is meant to equip our generation for those greater works. Each book is a lesson in discipleship with many keys, hidden gems, and revelations from Scripture you may have never heard emphasized in this way.</p> <p>The idea is that you would become a Holy Spirit-led manifest child of God, who ignites unstoppable, joyful, revival fires of supernatural power! Yes, that's a mouthful, but it barely describes the goal of this series. Let's break it down. These books will help you:</p> <ul> <li>listen to and obey the Holy Spirit</li> <li>represent God and His glory as His child</li> <li>carry the fire of God into your family, community, workplace, school, and wherever you go.</li> </ul> <p>These Holy Ghost fires will spread, and no one can put them out. They are fires which are full of joy, fires that draw people to desire God (where they experience Him, and they don't want to leave His presence), and fires of supernatural power to bring deliverance, healing, restoration, and transformation!</p> <p><strong>Endorsements:</strong></p> <p><em>Fullness of Joy that Only Comes with Salvation</em> is fantastic from beginning to end. It incorporates sound doctrine and scripture in a time when we have so many "false salvations." This book is engaging, full of depth and practicality, includes prayers to join in with God, and calls us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. As stated in Chapter 6, "He wants your cup to overflow, and He doesn't mind making a mess," we need to understand our salvation and that living out the Bible is our joy. - Justin Coggins, Executive Director of God's Garage, and Founder of Pure Fire Ministries, GodsGarage.org</p> <p><em>The Fullness of Joy That Only Comes With Salvation</em> is such a motivating read! John's zeal is contagious for activating others into a radical lifestyle pursuing revival. His passion will be imparted through his Revival Fire-Starters series. I love that this first book focuses on joy as that is an incredibly important fruit of our salvation. This spiritual fire manual will transform people from dutiful church-goers to excited believers set ablaze with the love and joy of God. - Andrea Joy Moede, Author, Speaker, & Coach, Host of Higher Look Podcast, AndreaJoy.org</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店【中古】 ARASHI LIVE TOUR 2017-2018 「untitled」(通常版)(Blu-ray Disc)/嵐
    【中古】 ARASHI LIVE TOUR 2017-2018 「untitled」(通常版)(Blu-ray Disc)/嵐
    楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店

    【ブルーレイ】嵐販売会社/発売会社:(株)ジェイ・ストーム発売年月日:2018/06/13JAN:4580117627018“未完”をテーマに、進化し続ける彼らの“今と未来”を表現した圧巻のパフォーマンスの模様が遂にリリース!嵐のこれまでの軌跡を振り返り、グループとしての未完成な部分も含めて昇華させることで完成したアルバム『「untitled」』を引っ提げ、開催された五大ドームツアー『ARASHI LIVE TOUR 2017−2018 「untitled」』から、12月の東京ドーム公演の模様をパッケージ化!アルバムのテーマでもあった“未完成”、“実験的”というコンセプトの下、メインステージに設置された、一面2083インチの可動式・超特大LEDビジョンを始め、久々の挑戦となるユニット曲や、10分以上に及ぶ壮大な組曲「Song for you」のパフォーマンスなど、観客の度肝を抜く試みを、ドームの巨大空間を活かした大規模な演出に融合させたステージングはまさに圧巻。


    嵐販売会社/発売会社:(株)ジェイ・ストーム発売年月日:2018/06/13JAN:4580117627018“未完”をテーマに、進化し続ける彼らの“今と未来”を表現した圧巻のパフォーマンスの模様が遂にリリース!嵐のこれまでの軌跡を振り返り、グループとしての未完成な部分も含めて昇華させることで完成したアルバム『「untitled」』を引っ提げ、開催された五大ドームツアー『ARASHI LIVE TOUR 2017−2018 「untitled」』から、12月の東京ドーム公演の模様をパッケージ化!アルバムのテーマでもあった“未完成”、“実験的”というコンセプトの下、メインステージに設置された、一面2083インチの可動式・超特大LEDビジョンを始め、久々の挑戦となるユニット曲や、10分以上に及ぶ壮大な組曲「Song for you」のパフォーマンスなど、観客の度肝を抜く試みを、ドームの巨大空間を活かした大規模な演出に融合させたステージングはまさに圧巻。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアLed by Faith Rising from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide【電子書籍】[ Immaculee Ilibagiza ]
    Led by Faith Rising from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide【電子書籍】[ Immaculee Ilibagiza ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>For three months in the spring of 1994, the African nation of Rwanda descended into one of the most vicious and bloody genocides the world has ever seen.<br /> Immacul?e Ilibagiza, a young university student, miraculously survived the savage killing spree that left most of her family, friends, and a million of her fellow citizens dead.</strong></p> <p>Her remarkable story of survival was documented in her first book, <em>Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust</em>. In <em>Led By Faith</em>, Immacul?e takes us with her as her remarkable journey continues. Through her simple and eloquent voice, we experience her hardships and heartache as she struggles to survive and to find meaning and purpose in the aftermath of the holocaust.</p> <p>It is the story of a na?ve and vulnerable young woman, orphaned and alone, navigating through a bleak and dangerously hostile world with only an abiding faith in God to guide and protect her. Immacul?e fends off sinister new predators, seeks out and comforts scores of children orphaned by the genocide, and searches for love and companionship in a land where hatred still flourishes. Then, fearing again for her safety as Rwanda’s war-crime trials begin, Immacul?e flees to America to begin a new chapter of her life as a refugee and immigrantーa stranger in a strange land.</p> <p>With the same courage and faith in God that led her through the darkness of genocide, Immacul?e discovers a new life that was beyond her wildest dreams as a small girl in a tiny village in one of Africa’s poorest countries. It is in the United States, her adopted country, where Immacul?e can finally look back at all that has happened to her and truly understand why God spared her life . . . so that she would be left to tell her story to the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>For three months in the spring of 1994, the African nation of Rwanda descended into one of the most vicious and bloody genocides the world has ever seen.<br /> Immacul?e Ilibagiza, a young university student, miraculously survived the savage killing spree that left most of her family, friends, and a million of her fellow citizens dead.</strong></p> <p>Her remarkable story of survival was documented in her first book, <em>Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust</em>. In <em>Led By Faith</em>, Immacul?e takes us with her as her remarkable journey continues. Through her simple and eloquent voice, we experience her hardships and heartache as she struggles to survive and to find meaning and purpose in the aftermath of the holocaust.</p> <p>It is the story of a na?ve and vulnerable young woman, orphaned and alone, navigating through a bleak and dangerously hostile world with only an abiding faith in God to guide and protect her. Immacul?e fends off sinister new predators, seeks out and comforts scores of children orphaned by the genocide, and searches for love and companionship in a land where hatred still flourishes. Then, fearing again for her safety as Rwanda’s war-crime trials begin, Immacul?e flees to America to begin a new chapter of her life as a refugee and immigrantーa stranger in a strange land.</p> <p>With the same courage and faith in God that led her through the darkness of genocide, Immacul?e discovers a new life that was beyond her wildest dreams as a small girl in a tiny village in one of Africa’s poorest countries. It is in the United States, her adopted country, where Immacul?e can finally look back at all that has happened to her and truly understand why God spared her life . . . so that she would be left to tell her story to the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天ブックスBrand New Sky [ Untitled ]
    Brand New Sky [ Untitled ]

    【楽天ブックスならいつでも送料無料】Untitledブラン ニュー スカイ アンタイトル 発売日:2024年03月27日 予約締切日:2024年03月23日 BRAND NEW SKY JAN:4948722578611 UNTDー1 Rーvillage RECORD ダイキサウンド(株) [Disc1] 『Brand New Sky』/CD アーティスト:Untitled 曲目タイトル: 1.Brand New Sky[ー] 2.Tokyo City Lights[ー] 3.ヒロインフラグ[ー] 4.ありがとうの気持ち[ー] CD JーPOP ポップス


    Untitledブラン ニュー スカイ アンタイトル 発売日:2024年03月27日 予約締切日:2024年03月23日 BRAND NEW SKY JAN:4948722578611 UNTDー1 Rーvillage RECORD ダイキサウンド(株) [Disc1] 『Brand New Sky』/CD アーティスト:Untitled 曲目タイトル: 1.Brand New Sky[ー] 2.Tokyo City Lights[ー] 3.ヒロインフラグ[ー] 4.ありがとうの気持ち[ー] CD JーPOP ポップス
