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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Battle of New Orleans Including the Previous Engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians, and the Spanish Which Led to the Final Conflict on the 8th of January, 1815【電子書籍】[ Zachary F. Smith ]
    The Battle of New Orleans Including the Previous Engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians, and the Spanish Which Led to the Final Conflict on the 8th of January, 1815【電子書籍】[ Zachary F. Smith ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The Battle of New Orleans<br /> Including the Previous Engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians, and the Spanish Which Led to the Final Conflict on the 8th of January, 1815</p> <p>This edition features illustrations.</p> <p>Excerpt from Introduction<br /> ...The ink was scarcely dry upon the parchment which bore evidence of the ratified treaty of 1783 when the mother country began acts of hostility and meanness against her children who had separated from her and begun a political life for themselves...it was soon followed by the retention of the lake forts which fell into British hands during the Revolutionary War, and which, by the terms of the treaty, were to be surrendered. Instead of surrendering them according to the stipulations of the treaty, they held them, and not only occupied them for thirteen years, but used them as storehouses and magazines from which the Indians were fed and clothed and armed and encouraged to tomahawk and scalp Americans without regard to age or sex. And then followed a series of orders in council, by which the commerce of the United States was almost swept from the seas, and their sailors forcibly taken from American ships to serve on British. These orders in council were so frequent that it seemed as if the French on one side of the British Channel and the English on the other were hurling decrees and orders at one another for their own amusement while inflicting dire injuries on other nations, and especially the Americans.</p> <p>Had it not been for these hostile acts of the British there would have been no War of 1812...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>The Battle of New Orleans<br /> Including the Previous Engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians, and the Spanish Which Led to the Final Conflict on the 8th of January, 1815</p> <p>This edition features illustrations.</p> <p>Excerpt from Introduction<br /> ...The ink was scarcely dry upon the parchment which bore evidence of the ratified treaty of 1783 when the mother country began acts of hostility and meanness against her children who had separated from her and begun a political life for themselves...it was soon followed by the retention of the lake forts which fell into British hands during the Revolutionary War, and which, by the terms of the treaty, were to be surrendered. Instead of surrendering them according to the stipulations of the treaty, they held them, and not only occupied them for thirteen years, but used them as storehouses and magazines from which the Indians were fed and clothed and armed and encouraged to tomahawk and scalp Americans without regard to age or sex. And then followed a series of orders in council, by which the commerce of the United States was almost swept from the seas, and their sailors forcibly taken from American ships to serve on British. These orders in council were so frequent that it seemed as if the French on one side of the British Channel and the English on the other were hurling decrees and orders at one another for their own amusement while inflicting dire injuries on other nations, and especially the Americans.</p> <p>Had it not been for these hostile acts of the British there would have been no War of 1812...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアOne Thing Led to Another Singular Sensation, #6【電子書籍】[ Sandra Sookoo ]
    One Thing Led to Another Singular Sensation, #6【電子書籍】[ Sandra Sookoo ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><em>Digging for the truth requires a person to dirty their hands, but it might also set them free.</em></p> <p>Graham IslingtonーViscount Aldrenーis no stranger to life's foibles. After being given his title from the Regent for heroic services to the Crown during the war, he's used his retirement from the military as an excuse to find scandal and sin in the <em>beau monde</em>. But when a rare bejeweled parasol handle once belonging to Louis XVI is discovered in his bedーalong with the dead body of a courtesanーhe regrets his careless lifestyle.</p> <p>Lady Caroline Marloweーsister to the duke of Lockwoodーjust turned nine and twenty. She suffers from boredom and is sick to death of London, as well as her brother's rules, and needs excitement to relieve ennui. Everything changes when the man she's harbored a secret tendre for shows up at her house in the middle of an autumn night trailing gossip, bloodied hands, and quite possibly murder. He demands her brother's assistance, but with the duke busy with his new life, the responsibility lies with her.</p> <p>As the two are thrown into a sticky web of revenge, forced proximity leads to forbidden desire between the viscount and Caroline. With reputations at stake, society matrons cutting them to ribbons with gossip, and trouble nipping at their heels, they will need to prove their mettle, especially when the madman grows desperate enough to put Graham's life into jeopardy. If she wants a romance for the ages, Caroline will have to ignore familial expectations as well as her own doubts and risk everything for that chance… providing they both survive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><em>Digging for the truth requires a person to dirty their hands, but it might also set them free.</em></p> <p>Graham IslingtonーViscount Aldrenーis no stranger to life's foibles. After being given his title from the Regent for heroic services to the Crown during the war, he's used his retirement from the military as an excuse to find scandal and sin in the <em>beau monde</em>. But when a rare bejeweled parasol handle once belonging to Louis XVI is discovered in his bedーalong with the dead body of a courtesanーhe regrets his careless lifestyle.</p> <p>Lady Caroline Marloweーsister to the duke of Lockwoodーjust turned nine and twenty. She suffers from boredom and is sick to death of London, as well as her brother's rules, and needs excitement to relieve ennui. Everything changes when the man she's harbored a secret tendre for shows up at her house in the middle of an autumn night trailing gossip, bloodied hands, and quite possibly murder. He demands her brother's assistance, but with the duke busy with his new life, the responsibility lies with her.</p> <p>As the two are thrown into a sticky web of revenge, forced proximity leads to forbidden desire between the viscount and Caroline. With reputations at stake, society matrons cutting them to ribbons with gossip, and trouble nipping at their heels, they will need to prove their mettle, especially when the madman grows desperate enough to put Graham's life into jeopardy. If she wants a romance for the ages, Caroline will have to ignore familial expectations as well as her own doubts and risk everything for that chance… providing they both survive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店【中古】 地下で/未完の肖像/OLEDICKFOGGY
    【中古】 地下で/未完の肖像/OLEDICKFOGGY
    楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店




  • 楽天ネットオフ 送料がお得店【中古】NANA2 Special Edition / 大谷健太郎【監督】
    【中古】NANA2 Special Edition / 大谷健太郎【監督】
    楽天ネットオフ 送料がお得店

    【送料無料】    NANA2 Special Edition の詳細 発売元: セディックインターナショナル カナ: ナナ2スペシャルエディション NANA2 SPECIAL EDITION / オオタニケンタロウ ディスク枚数: 2枚 品番: TDV17164D リージョンコード: 2 発売日: 2007/06/22 映像特典: [1]オーディオ・コメンタリー(大谷監督,中島美嘉,市川由衣)/劇場予告編集・特報集・TVスポット集/大谷監督監修チャプター/[2]The other side of NANA2(メイキング日誌)/ドキュメント 10.25 新宿ライブの裏側(Black Stones 伝説の新宿ライブの全貌)/Making of Truth(Trapnest スコットランドPV メイキング)/会見・舞台挨拶映像集/Live Scene(未公開映像を含むライブ映像):#1“一色”NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA,#2“EYES FOR THE MOON”NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA 内容Disc-1NANA2 関連商品リンク : 大谷健太郎 セディックインターナショナル


        NANA2 Special Edition の詳細 発売元: セディックインターナショナル カナ: ナナ2スペシャルエディション NANA2 SPECIAL EDITION / オオタニケンタロウ ディスク枚数: 2枚 品番: TDV17164D リージョンコード: 2 発売日: 2007/06/22 映像特典: [1]オーディオ・コメンタリー(大谷監督,中島美嘉,市川由衣)/劇場予告編集・特報集・TVスポット集/大谷監督監修チャプター/[2]The other side of NANA2(メイキング日誌)/ドキュメント 10.25 新宿ライブの裏側(Black Stones 伝説の新宿ライブの全貌)/Making of Truth(Trapnest スコットランドPV メイキング)/会見・舞台挨拶映像集/Live Scene(未公開映像を含むライブ映像):#1“一色”NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA,#2“EYES FOR THE MOON”NANA starring MIKA NAKASHIMA 内容Disc-1NANA2 関連商品リンク : 大谷健太郎 セディックインターナショナル
